Flynn: "I was aware lying to the FBI is a crime."

The trump supporters will lie, conflate, become prostrate, whine, fabricate, and even faint into oblivion to protect their orange king. Too late....Mueller has his number now....
So its great to live in a Bannana republic isn't it? If the Federal government wants to go after you they can break you because you cant afford the legal fees to fight them. But as long as its someone else and not you, then thats ok.

View attachment 235392

Personally I am surprised Mueller was never indicted / sent to prison for intentionally hiding evidence that proved the guy he sent to jail was innocent. By doing so he 'stole' years from this guy's life, illegally, knowingly.

If it is proven that a prosecutor does this, as it was in Mueller's case, that should be an automatic jail sentence for a duration no less than the time done by the person you wrongly put in jail, and you should lose your license / right to ever practice law again.

Even after it was revealed that Mueller hid evidence that could have proven the guy was innocent, even after it was proven undeniably that the guy was innocent and Mueller knew it, when asked about it Mueller defensibly declared it was possible that the guy he sent to prison could have taken part in the crime...which was immediately debunked using the information Mueller had hidden!
Lies, all lies!
Weren't your ilk saying that the judge was going to throw the plea deal out and release Flynn?
'My ilk'? Generalize much, snowflake? :p

Sullivan appropriately hammered Mueller's team and demanded they release the information. After they did, the fact that the FBI and Mueller had no video evidence, no audio evidence, no notes, no transcripts, and a bunch of almost completely blacked out documents and a 302 written 7 months after Flynn's interview was enough to catch Sullivan's eye. I think he, like any objective, moral, ethical judge out there would have been prepared to toss the case out.

The fact that Flynn refused to change his plea and the almost certainty that there has to be more to what we have seen / has been reported changed that.

As I said, the fact that Flynn refused to change his plea does not take away from the FACTS that during this investigation it has been exposed that:

- The FBI went 'rogue', deviating from proper protocol and procedure in the handling of both sides of the investigation

- With both Hillary (to find her innocent) and Flynn (to indict him) the FBI did not video or audio tape the interviews, did not take good notes, & did not provide transcripts.

- In Flynn's case they did not write up a 302 for 7 months.

- In Hillary's case they failed to put her under oath

- In Flynn's case, they told him no lawyer was needed and his Miranda rights were violated (they did not tell him answering questions could be used against him legally...which is enough legal grounds to toss his entire interview).

- Comey testified his FBI agents reported Flynn never lied.

- The US IG reported the FBI was caught altering witness testimony after it was given AND that the FBI biasedly refused to indict Abedin and Mills for the same crime

If we EVER get another US AG that's worth a damn, before all of this gest swept underneath the proverbial rug the DOJ, FBI, and Mueller and his team should be held accountable, things change.
Lies, all lies!
Why does Trump hate Cohen but not Flynn?

They both flipped.

Because Flynn doesn't affect Trump.

But Cohen knows where the money went, who paid it, and what they got for it.
'Voluntarily and of my own free will' and 'no threats have been made against me' ......says Michael Flynn.
What did you expect him to do, refuse to cooperate, then watch his son be prosecuted? You're kinda stupid, aren't you?
Why does Trump hate Cohen but not Flynn?

They both flipped.

Because Flynn doesn't affect Trump.

But Cohen knows where the money went, who paid it, and what they got for it.
Good question.
But the Great Douche tell his DOPers "If you Flip, you're a RAT"

These three have Flipped and are Spewing what they know to Mueller.
Can you tell me if any are RATS?

Just wondering if the OP ever watched Game of Thrones when Ned Stark falsely confessed to being a traitor in order to save his daughters.
Flynn: "I was aware lying to the FBI is a crime."

Flynn cleared it all up in court.

Another dopey RW narrative comes to an unceremonious conclusion.

Will they ever learn? poor, confused little soul.

“All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

Nothing says 'cleared it all up in court' like the judge actually saying that he's not hiding his disgust for the defendant's crimes.

Well the judge said this

"I made a statement about Mr. Flynn acting as a foreign agent in the White House," he said. Sullivan added that he realized that was incorrect.

maybe before a judge slanders someone he needs to think first... or do facts matter? Obviously the judge was wrong by his own account so what else is he wrong about?

So what are Flynn's crimes? does anyone know? he misspoke maybe when he didn't realize the FBI were not there just to ask him questions but but going to look for anything that was off from his recorded conversation which they already had. Sure they got him on a process crime so that would enable them to expand the investigation on Trump. Flynn was a necessary egg that needed to be broken for the omlette nothing else. He did nothing wrong that warrants his entire life being ruined after a life of military service. Its bullshit
judge fucked up all over today.

Judge Apologizes For Suggesting Flynn Is A Traitor, Delays Sentencing

while i was at lunch, the tv was on cnn. if the guy running the cafe wasn't so cool i'd find elsewhere to eat for this reason alone, but hey - i'll put a vizio remote in my phone and change it next year. :) problem solved.

today however, the ticker on CNN was saying the judge in flynns case was telling him he sold out his country, was a traitor and he was thoroughly disgusted with flynns actions.

i guess when he went to lunch he was told how bad this made a "Judge" look. in reading this story he came back saying "well i don't think you committed treason" but isn't that what a traitor does?

i would ask for another judge to pass on the sentencing. apparently this guy won't be able to seperate emo from the case.

The judge that was supposed to be letting Flynn go? That judge?

Seems the right wing narrative on Judge Sullivan just flipped.

Let the batshit conspiracy creation commence!

Just more rightwing lies.
Flynn and some obtuse phone call with some obtuse Russian. What a crybaby loser crock of shit
“Sullivan dialed back his remarks after a short break at mid-day, explaining to the court that he may have misspoken when he went as far as to ask prosecutors if they ever considered Flynn’s conduct to be “treasonous.” (Prosecutors said they hadn’t.)

Sullivan also appeared to have mistakenly believed that Flynn had worked as an unregistered agent of the Turkish government into his White House tenure. Flynn had ceased operating in that role in mid-November 2016, prior to entering the White House. The undeclared foreign work by Flynn while he was an advisor on the Trump campaign clearly bothered the judge, but he walked back his initial statements about that topic.

"There are a lot of conspiracy theorists out there," he said. "I am not taking the elements of any of the uncharged offenses under consideration at the time of sentencing."
Flynn drew judge’s ire with 'guilty-but-not-really' filing: Experts
For the hell this man has been thru, it wouldn't be surprising if Flynn admitted to being Dr. Mengele AND kidnapping the Lindbergh baby.
“Sullivan dialed back his remarks after a short break at mid-day, explaining to the court that he may have misspoken when he went as far as to ask prosecutors if they ever considered Flynn’s conduct to be “treasonous.” (Prosecutors said they hadn’t.)

Sullivan also appeared to have mistakenly believed that Flynn had worked as an unregistered agent of the Turkish government into his White House tenure. Flynn had ceased operating in that role in mid-November 2016, prior to entering the White House. The undeclared foreign work by Flynn while he was an advisor on the Trump campaign clearly bothered the judge, but he walked back his initial statements about that topic.

"There are a lot of conspiracy theorists out there," he said. "I am not taking the elements of any of the uncharged offenses under consideration at the time of sentencing."
Flynn drew judge’s ire with 'guilty-but-not-really' filing: Experts
By the way, that is from ABC news

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