Flynn: "I was aware lying to the FBI is a crime."

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

All you whiners that say the judge is going to slap Mueller around can sit down now. Mueller is a professional that knows what he is doing....unlike your orange king who is spontaneous and wrong, most of the time.
/----/ When all else fails - attack a decorated war hero. Libs mantra.

Mueller is decorated...yes. Thanks for pointing that out. Now, you can attack him...

Ahhh yes, seems like only yesterday that leftards were gnashing their teeth over Herr Mueller and his intervening on behalf of Bushpuppet as the 2004 election approached and the joke of a 9/11/01 Commission was whitewashing another deep state crime and Herr Mueller was once again "the fixer". Leftards would have gladly had him drawn and quartered. Fourteen years later? Leftards have softer and more gentler view of the swamp rat sack of shit. Mueller, Comey, Comey, Mueller both worked for banks like HSBC and BCCI that is a CIA friendly bank that allows them to launder their money. A Johnny Lunchpail deposits more cash like owning a restaurant and deposits the day's business every night? They could be accused of attempting to bypass the 10,000 dollar deposit limit thus trying to bypass filling out the proper paper work to justify and explain why YOUR money isn't ill-gotten. CIA and their deep state cohorts drop off cash by the hundreds of thousands per month and what do you hear???? That's right, friends and neighbors....crickets.

FBI to General Flynn : "SOOOOOO, MISTER Flynn..... (said with such disdain as the interrogator gets nose to nose and points his gnarled finger in General Flynn's face) "DID YOU DISCUSS LIFTING SANCTIONS ON THE ROOSKIES DID YOU DID YOU DID YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? TELL ME!!! TELL ME NOW AND OMIT NOTHING!!!!! wE HAVE VAYS OF MAKING YOU TALK!!

General Flynn : Nope!


Yeah, Flynn, as a private citizen was asked if lifting sanctions on Russia was discussed to which Flynn said that wasn't his call to the ambassador. How can you discuss something if you have no power or authority to do such a thing?

Well, Flynn didn't say verbatim as to what the tapped and recorded phone call revealed. So? Leftards scream "GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!!!" GUILTY!!!"Drain his bank account dry! Make him sell his home! He deserves it because he is aligned with Trump and we KNOW that the ROOSKIES cheated when they revealed our beloved DNC and Hilllllary was cheatin' and that's cheatin'!...that's our story as lame as it is and we are stickin' with it!"

Hmmm, seems that if the ROOSKIES and Trump "colluded" to expose the cheating of the Hildebeast in exchange for the lifting of sanctions? Would it not be a forgone conclusion that would be the pay off for "stealing" the election thus no need for the ambassador to even ask? Of course leftards and logic have never been "buddy buddy" with each other....emotions rule because that is all that brittle,tender emotional cripples have to fall back on.

And serving yet another hearty helping on the batshit buffet!
And war hero GHW Bush?
Are you attempting to disrespect the heroism and service to his country GHWB gave by tying it to his later political career, just to satisfy your need to politically attack him / the Bush family?

You can say anything you want about his political career, but have the respect and decency not to sh!t on someone who so bravely served his country in war time.
Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

All you whiners that say the judge is going to slap Mueller around can sit down now. Mueller is a professional that knows what he is doing....unlike your orange king who is spontaneous and wrong, most of the time.
/----/ When all else fails - attack a decorated war hero. Libs mantra.

Mueller is decorated...yes. Thanks for pointing that out. Now, you can attack him...

Ahhh yes, seems like only yesterday that leftards were gnashing their teeth over Herr Mueller and his intervening on behalf of Bushpuppet as the 2004 election approached and the joke of a 9/11/01 Commission was whitewashing another deep state crime and Herr Mueller was once again "the fixer". Leftards would have gladly had him drawn and quartered. Fourteen years later? Leftards have softer and more gentler view of the swamp rat sack of shit. Mueller, Comey, Comey, Mueller both worked for banks like HSBC and BCCI that is a CIA friendly bank that allows them to launder their money. A Johnny Lunchpail deposits more cash like owning a restaurant and deposits the day's business every night? They could be accused of attempting to bypass the 10,000 dollar deposit limit thus trying to bypass filling out the proper paper work to justify and explain why YOUR money isn't ill-gotten. CIA and their deep state cohorts drop off cash by the hundreds of thousands per month and what do you hear???? That's right, friends and neighbors....crickets.

FBI to General Flynn : "SOOOOOO, MISTER Flynn..... (said with such disdain as the interrogator gets nose to nose and points his gnarled finger in General Flynn's face) "DID YOU DISCUSS LIFTING SANCTIONS ON THE ROOSKIES DID YOU DID YOU DID YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? TELL ME!!! TELL ME NOW AND OMIT NOTHING!!!!! wE HAVE VAYS OF MAKING YOU TALK!!

General Flynn : Nope!


Yeah, Flynn, as a private citizen was asked if lifting sanctions on Russia was discussed to which Flynn said that wasn't his call to the ambassador. How can you discuss something if you have no power or authority to do such a thing?

Well, Flynn didn't say verbatim as to what the tapped and recorded phone call revealed. So? Leftards scream "GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!!!" GUILTY!!!"Drain his bank account dry! Make him sell his home! He deserves it because he is aligned with Trump and we KNOW that the ROOSKIES cheated when they revealed our beloved DNC and Hilllllary was cheatin' and that's cheatin'!...that's our story as lame as it is and we are stickin' with it!"

Hmmm, seems that if the ROOSKIES and Trump "colluded" to expose the cheating of the Hildebeast in exchange for the lifting of sanctions? Would it not be a forgone conclusion that would be the pay off for "stealing" the election thus no need for the ambassador to even ask? Of course leftards and logic have never been "buddy buddy" with each other....emotions rule because that is all that brittle,tender emotional cripples have to fall back on.

And serving yet another hearty helping on the batshit buffet!

Another one of his go-to narratives has been debunked. The grief and frustration has caused him to lash out. Poor Dale.
Clearly you never read what you posted.
STFU already. Not only are you lying, not only are you falsely accusing me of things, not only are you embarrassing yourself, but you are wasting good oxygen that could be used by more intelligent people.

From the link I posted earlier:

"Up to the March 2004 night in Attorney General John Ashcroft’s hospital room, both Comey and Mueller were complicit with implementing a form of martial law, perpetrated via secret Office of Legal Counsel memos mainly written by John Yoo and predicated upon Yoo’s singular theories of absolute “imperial” or “war presidency” powers, and requiring Ashcroft every 90 days to renew certification of a “state of emergency.” What’s not well understood is that Comey and Mueller’s joint intervention to stop Bush’s men from forcing the sick AG to sign that night was a short-lived moment. A few days later, they all simply went back to the drawing board to draft new legal loopholes to continue the same (unconstitutional) surveillance of Americans. The mythology of this episode, repeated endlessly throughout the press, is that Comey and Mueller did something significant and lasting in that hospital room. They didn’t. Only the legal rationale for their unconstitutional actions was tweaked."

As I pointed out much earlier in an earlier post and how you have again so thoroughly demonstrated -



‘Brothers in arms’: The long friendship between Mueller and Comey

Mueller and Comey have a history - CNNPolitics

Mueller, Comey have had long, close relationship
And war hero GHW Bush?
Are you attempting to disrespect the heroism and service to his country GHWB gave by tying it to his later political career, just to satisfy your need to politically attack him / the Bush family?

You can say anything you want about his political career, but have the respect and decency not to sh!t on someone who so bravely served his country in war time.
Just like McCain Kerry Mueller
And war hero GHW Bush?
Are you attempting to disrespect the heroism and service to his country GHWB gave by tying it to his later political career, just to satisfy your need to politically attack him / the Bush family?

You can say anything you want about his political career, but have the respect and decency not to sh!t on someone who so bravely served his country in war time.

Again, it’s conservatives who have trashed Bush, have trashed McCain, are trashing Mueller while arguing liberals are attacking Flynn and not respecting his service to the nation.
Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

All you whiners that say the judge is going to slap Mueller around can sit down now. Mueller is a professional that knows what he is doing....unlike your orange king who is spontaneous and wrong, most of the time.
/----/ When all else fails - attack a decorated war hero. Libs mantra.

Mueller is decorated...yes. Thanks for pointing that out. Now, you can attack him...

Ahhh yes, seems like only yesterday that leftards were gnashing their teeth over Herr Mueller and his intervening on behalf of Bushpuppet as the 2004 election approached and the joke of a 9/11/01 Commission was whitewashing another deep state crime and Herr Mueller was once again "the fixer". Leftards would have gladly had him drawn and quartered. Fourteen years later? Leftards have softer and more gentler view of the swamp rat sack of shit. Mueller, Comey, Comey, Mueller both worked for banks like HSBC and BCCI that is a CIA friendly bank that allows them to launder their money. A Johnny Lunchpail deposits more cash like owning a restaurant and deposits the day's business every night? They could be accused of attempting to bypass the 10,000 dollar deposit limit thus trying to bypass filling out the proper paper work to justify and explain why YOUR money isn't ill-gotten. CIA and their deep state cohorts drop off cash by the hundreds of thousands per month and what do you hear???? That's right, friends and neighbors....crickets.

FBI to General Flynn : "SOOOOOO, MISTER Flynn..... (said with such disdain as the interrogator gets nose to nose and points his gnarled finger in General Flynn's face) "DID YOU DISCUSS LIFTING SANCTIONS ON THE ROOSKIES DID YOU DID YOU DID YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? TELL ME!!! TELL ME NOW AND OMIT NOTHING!!!!! wE HAVE VAYS OF MAKING YOU TALK!!

General Flynn : Nope!


Yeah, Flynn, as a private citizen was asked if lifting sanctions on Russia was discussed to which Flynn said that wasn't his call to the ambassador. How can you discuss something if you have no power or authority to do such a thing?

Well, Flynn didn't say verbatim as to what the tapped and recorded phone call revealed. So? Leftards scream "GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!!!" GUILTY!!!"Drain his bank account dry! Make him sell his home! He deserves it because he is aligned with Trump and we KNOW that the ROOSKIES cheated when they revealed our beloved DNC and Hilllllary was cheatin' and that's cheatin'!...that's our story as lame as it is and we are stickin' with it!"

Hmmm, seems that if the ROOSKIES and Trump "colluded" to expose the cheating of the Hildebeast in exchange for the lifting of sanctions? Would it not be a forgone conclusion that would be the pay off for "stealing" the election thus no need for the ambassador to even ask? Of course leftards and logic have never been "buddy buddy" with each other....emotions rule because that is all that brittle,tender emotional cripples have to fall back on.

And serving yet another hearty helping on the batshit buffet!

Another one of his go-to narratives has been debunked. The grief and frustration has caused him to lash out. Poor Dale.

Nah, I don't participate in the election process of this banana republic. I got out from under the UCC and corrected my status. What is blatantly obvious is that the deep state swamp rats led by Herr Mueller totally went after anyone associated with Trump...while giving amnesty to swamp rats like the Podesta pedos and exonerated then Hildebeast before she ever had her "oath free" private interview with zero notes taken. If you don't see the double standard, then you just might be a leftard.
Just like McCain Kerry Mueller
McCain & Mueller? I have the utmost respect for them and their military service. I have never attacked either one for their military service.

Kerry was just a POS in the end. He came back from Viet Nam and took a huge steaming dump on his fellow soldiers by LYING HIS ASS OFF in front of Congress, telling lies about things he never saw for his own personal benefit - in order to jump start his own political career. He also did so in the middle of the war, which is aiding and abetting the enemy by giving false testimony and spreading propaganda.
Just like McCain Kerry Mueller
McCain & Mueller? I have the utmost respect for them and their military service. I have never attacked either one for their military service.

Kerry was just a POS in the end. He came back from Viet Nam and took a huge steaming dump on his fellow soldiers by LYING HIS ASS OFF in front of Congress, telling lies about things he never saw for his own personal benefit - in order to jump start his own political career. He also did so in the middle of the war, which is aiding and abetting the enemy by giving false testimony and spreading propaganda.
he came back from nam your pos in the wh bought his way out
Again, it’s conservatives who have trashed Bush, have trashed McCain, are trashing Mueller while arguing liberals are attacking Flynn and not respecting his service to the nation.
Again, keep telling that lie if it makes you feel better. Liberals have trashed Bush Jr and continue to do so more than a decade after he left office. And if I am not mistaken, didn't you just take a shot at his recently deceased father or was it some other POS snowflake who just disrespected his military service?
he came back from nam your pos in the wh bought his way out

If you want to have that discussion, let's do it......

Bill Clinton dodged the draft and protested the war / his country from overseas.

Both Bush's served - a hell of a lot more than Slick Willy and Barry did

Barry never served - he preferred doing drugs with the Chumba Gang
* Jr flew PLANES in the military - Barry was 'flying' with the help of DOOBIES, COKE, etc....

Kerry, again came home from Viet Nam to slander the military / his country, lie his ass off, and aid and abet the enemy by spreading false propaganda

...and you want to try to take the 'MORAL HIGH GROUND' by using KERRY as your standard barrier?

Last edited:
Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics
All you whiners that say the judge is going to slap Mueller around can sit down now.
Actually, that's not the case.

The FACT is that Mueller still Obstructed Justice by refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena.

The FACT is that Mueller still uses / used 'Perjury Traps' - Unethical? Yes. Illegal? No.

The FACT is that the FBI still f*ed up several times, as the US IG pointed out:
- No video/audio recording
- No Transcripts
- The 302 being written 7 months after the interview
- McCabe conducting an interview but making it seem like casual conversation, telling Flynn he doesn't need a lawyer when Flynn expresses concern about their 'chat'
- The FBI was found to have altered witness testimony after the testimony was given
- The FBI refusing to indict Abedin and Mills for the same offense
- Comey and FBI Agents saying Flynn never lied in the interview they took part in (McCabe's portion was a phone call to Flynn - just him)

So, there are still a lot of issues of concern / areas where the FBI needs to get their fecal matter co-located, which even Democrats should agree on.


It is obvious that Flynn was involved in a lot more than even CNN and other left-leaning media sources have reported, things the judge were privy to. The fact that he mentioned 'Treason' sets off alarm bells.

For me, the fact that 2 acquaintances / associates of Flynn have been indicted very recently regarding their dealings with Turkey suggests to me that the 'treason' Sullivan was talking about has more / everything to do about Turkey rather than Russia.

In their time serving their country, especially spending extensive time in the Middle East, Generals spend a lot of time with foreign leaders, their staffs, govts...they build close relationships. Sometimes when a General is about to retire / step down these foreign entities seek to take further advantage of those relationships in the form of wanting to pay these Generals generously to lobby on their behalf.

If Flynn and his buddies took the money he would not be the 1st to do so, but I find it completely unacceptable, to personally profit by, in some cases 'selling out'. If this is the case, if Mueller found evidence that Flynn is just as guilty of his 2 buddies who were recently charged then Congrats to Mueller. Those who work against the success / good of this country - in ANY capacity - should be taken down.

I am going to do some more digging - hopefully we will learn more about all of this soon. Based on the Judge's reaction I would say that Flynn is about to be proverbially, figuratively, & judicially 'kicked in the b@lls' by Sullivan in regards to Sentencing.

The FBI didn't read Flynn his Maranda Rights, so really all of the evidence should be inadmissable.
The thread title is like saying “I am aware that burning a house down is illegal” No info conveyed here, another editorial thread title
Again, it’s conservatives who have trashed Bush, have trashed McCain, are trashing Mueller while arguing liberals are attacking Flynn and not respecting his service to the nation.
Again, keep telling that lie if it makes you feel better. Liberals have trashed Bush Jr and continue to do so more than a decade after he left office. And if I am not mistaken, didn't you just take a shot at his recently deceased father or was it some other POS snowflake who just disrespected his military service?

Well, you should review the thread to understand what type of idiot you’re being.

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