Flynn: "I was aware lying to the FBI is a crime."

Well, in the first place, none of that happened despite your wild fantasies.
Sorry, puddin' you already know, I have posted the links, reports, testimony, etc... multiple times, but you snowflakes just keep repeating the same ol' lies. Flynn's Defendant's Acceptance, where Michael Flynn stipulates, under penalty of perjury, that the Statement of Offenses is accurate?

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Including Flynn admitting to 'willfully and knowingly making materially false, fictitious, and fraudulent statements' to federal investigators?

That kind of documentation?

I didn't think so. Thank you for proving my point.
You didn't think so? If you thought so then why did you bother to ask me if I had used the crap you referenced as evidence earlier? That was dumb as ... well, dumb as a snowflake.

Why? To have you demonstrate for you how little evidence matters to your argument, of course.

We have Michael Flynn in a signed document and under penalty of perjury admitting that he 'willfully and knowingly made materially false, fictitious and fraudulent statements' to federal investigators and stipulated all the charges against him are accurate.....

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

..and you refuse to even look at it, dismissing his plea agreement and voluntary confession as 'crap'. And once again demonstrating my point about how conservatives don't use evidence. They use *feelings*. And they ignore the mountains of evidence that contradicts them.

As I said....thank you for proving my point.
Mueller was a decorated marine...

SO WHAT? Is that supposed to excuse him for knowingly sending innocent people to jail in the past, for hiding Russian crimes in 2014 associated with their trying to acquire Uranium One, etc....?

Well, in the first place, none of that happened despite your wild fantasies.

In the 2nd place, the argument (the latest in many, many crazy arguments) was "When all else fails - attack a decorated war hero.”.

Essentially, the same thing you try, and fail, to do to Captain Mueller
They're good at that Remember the war hero McCain?
Mueller was a decorated marine...

SO WHAT? Is that supposed to excuse him for knowingly sending innocent people to jail in the past, for hiding Russian crimes in 2014 associated with their trying to acquire Uranium One, etc....?

Well, in the first place, none of that happened despite your wild fantasies.

In the 2nd place, the argument (the latest in many, many crazy arguments) was "When all else fails - attack a decorated war hero.”.

Essentially, the same thing you try, and fail, to do to Captain Mueller
They're good at that Remember the war hero McCain?
And then we had the slime lie about and bad mouth Kerry
Mueller was a decorated marine...

SO WHAT? Is that supposed to excuse him for knowingly sending innocent people to jail in the past, for hiding Russian crimes in 2014 associated with their trying to acquire Uranium One, etc....?

Well, in the first place, none of that happened despite your wild fantasies.

In the 2nd place, the argument (the latest in many, many crazy arguments) was "When all else fails - attack a decorated war hero.”.

Essentially, the same thing you try, and fail, to do to Captain Mueller
They're good at that Remember the war hero McCain?
And then we had the slime lie about and bad mouth Kerry
when no one else will talk to you, talk to yourself...
i'm only talking bout the harsh commentary a judge passed down to someone they were going to sentence.

he backed off it quick. you tell me why?

on second thought, don't bother.

Rather than you speculating, just read what the judge said about it.

""I was just trying to determine the benefit and the generosity of the government," he said. "Don't read too much into the questions I ask."

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

to have a judge call you a traitor to your country and turn around and say "don't read too much into what i say..."

you'll defend anything that you deem to help your emotional mindset.

Laughing....another conservative who ignores the evidence and instead makes up whatever they'd like. Again, rather than screaming shrilly in all caps babbling about 'emotions', you can just read what the judge actually said:

"I was just trying to determine the benefit and the generosity of the government," he said. "Don't read too much into the questions I ask."

Now who is a better source on why they judge asked the prosecution questions about treason. The judge......or you?

The judge also asked the prosecution, if speaking to the Russian Ambassador was a crime. The Prosecutor paused and then said...
"Speaking to him could violate the Logan Act." The judge replied...
"Oh, isn't that the Act that nobody has ever been convicted of?"

The Prosecutor did not reply.

This is a two-way street and the Judge wants to know what
Flynn has agreed to, for the Government not to request
jail; time. Mueller is going to have to give him answers in

The Judge threw just as much at the prosecution as he did at
Flynn. That's why the Defense asked for the delay. They believed
the Judge would have given Flynn 6 months. They want to return
to the bargaining table with Mueller.

Can you tell us where the judge said that he was wasn't hiding his disgust at the crimes commited by Mueller's team? Asked if Mueller's team could have been charged with treason? Told Mueller's team that they sold out their country?

Of course you can't.

The judge asked Mueller's team a few questions. He destroyed Michael Flynn.

All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

Sullivan says he could impose a sentence of incarceration.

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Even going so far as to ask if Flynn could have been charged with treason.

Show us *anything* that remotely approaches that in his statements to the prosecution.

And he showed disdain for the prosecution, also.
Rather than you speculating, just read what the judge said about it.

to have a judge call you a traitor to your country and turn around and say "don't read too much into what i say..."

you'll defend anything that you deem to help your emotional mindset.

Laughing....another conservative who ignores the evidence and instead makes up whatever they'd like. Again, rather than screaming shrilly in all caps babbling about 'emotions', you can just read what the judge actually said:

"I was just trying to determine the benefit and the generosity of the government," he said. "Don't read too much into the questions I ask."

Now who is a better source on why they judge asked the prosecution questions about treason. The judge......or you?

The judge also asked the prosecution, if speaking to the Russian Ambassador was a crime. The Prosecutor paused and then said...
"Speaking to him could violate the Logan Act." The judge replied...
"Oh, isn't that the Act that nobody has ever been convicted of?"

The Prosecutor did not reply.

This is a two-way street and the Judge wants to know what
Flynn has agreed to, for the Government not to request
jail; time. Mueller is going to have to give him answers in

The Judge threw just as much at the prosecution as he did at
Flynn. That's why the Defense asked for the delay. They believed
the Judge would have given Flynn 6 months. They want to return
to the bargaining table with Mueller.

Can you tell us where the judge said that he was wasn't hiding his disgust at the crimes commited by Mueller's team? Asked if Mueller's team could have been charged with treason? Told Mueller's team that they sold out their country?

Of course you can't.

The judge asked Mueller's team a few questions. He destroyed Michael Flynn.

All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

Sullivan says he could impose a sentence of incarceration.

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Even going so far as to ask if Flynn could have been charged with treason.

Show us *anything* that remotely approaches that in his statements to the prosecution.

And he showed disdain for the prosecution, also.

Show us. As nothing you've posted demonstrates 'disdain' for the prosecution.

While the judge utterly unloads on Flynn, even going so far as to ask the prosecution if they could have charged Flynn with treason. With the judge literally saying "I'm not hiding my disgust" in regard to Flynn's crimes.
So much for he was entrapped

That was pure fucking spin by the latest wave of Russian trolling on social media sites.

Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says ...
19 hours ago - Months after President Trump took office, Russia's disinformation teams trained their sights on a new target: special counsel Robert S. Mueller ...
Even after the election, Russia helped Trump, targeted Mueller | MSNBC
7 hours ago - We've known about Russian efforts to help elect Trump. What we didn't know is whatRussians did to help Trump after the election.
Russian disinformation campaign targeted Mueller | TheHill
19 hours ago - Russia's online disinformation campaign targeted special counsel Robert Mueller on multiple social media platforms, posting messages that ...
You visited this page on 12/17/18.
Russian trolls targeted Mueller with disinformation campaign
16 hours ago - Russia's disinformation campaign continued after the 2016 election and targetedSpecial Counsel Robert Mueller, spreading false narratives ...
Robert Mueller was target of Russia disinformation campaign, report ...
14 hours ago - A pair of reports prepared for the US Senate detail how "Russian influence ... used social media to target figures including Robert Mueller.
The judge also asked the prosecution, if speaking to the Russian Ambassador was a crime. The Prosecutor paused and then said...
"Speaking to him could violate the Logan Act." The judge replied...
"Oh, isn't that the Act that nobody has ever been convicted of?"

The Prosecutor did not reply.

This is a two-way street and the Judge wants to know what
Flynn has agreed to, for the Government not to request
jail; time. Mueller is going to have to give him answers in

The Judge threw just as much at the prosecution as he did at
Flynn. That's why the Defense asked for the delay. They believed
the Judge would have given Flynn 6 months. They want to return
to the bargaining table with Mueller.

Can you tell us where the judge said that he was wasn't hiding his disgust at the crimes commited?

The judge asked Mueller's team a few questions. He destroyed Michael Flynn.

All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

Sullivan says he could impose a sentence of incarceration.

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Even going so far as to ask if Flynn could have been charged with treason.

Show us *anything* that remotely approaches that in his statements to the prosecution.

"destroyed" - a word millenials love to use to pretend that there is an emotional finality to things they view as unjust but really just show they're based in emotions, not facts or logic.

Or....a word that accurately describes what the judge did when discussing Flynn's crimes:

All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

Sullivan says he could impose a sentence of incarceration.

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Wasn't this the same judge that our little Trumpies were insisting until this morning.....was going to let Michael Flynn go?
no. i was right the first time.

You were just as delusional the first time.

Your ilk have been spinning this as the judge about to release Flynn for days. Instead, the judge unloaded on Flynn, even asking the prosecution if they could have brought treason charges against Flynn.

The judge wants to know why they didn't bring stronger charges against

He wants to know if they coerced Flynn using his son as a wedge.

He can throw the case out because of Flynn not being given his Miranda
rites. The Judge wants to know everything.
"Countless people, including a former federal prosecutor, seem oblivious to one of the greatest abuses, outrages, and tragedies of our criminal justice system: innocent people are forced to plead guilty every day.

Indeed, the
Innocence Project alone has exonerated 31 people who spent a combined 150 years in prison on guilty pleas. That is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

This horrific injustice is solely attributable to the unchecked power of prosecutors who now function as prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner. They have unfettered discretion, no supervision, no limits, and most federal judges defer to them at every turn.

General Flynn is the quintessential example of why the innocent plead guilty.

General Flynn knew the FBI had a complete recording of the conversation about which they came to question him. Comey deliberately and oh-so-cleverly dispatched the agents in an ambush interview against all protocols to set him up in their efforts to destroy Donald Trump. In addition, it appears Mueller has suppressed significant evidence exonerating Flynn and
destroyed other evidence.

Yes, Flynn entered a guilty plea. But like many others, including a disproportionate number of young minority men who have no resources whatsoever, that does not mean that he did anything wrong. All it means is that he — like so many others — saw no other way out.

When the full might and weight of the federal government — especially the immeasurable hubris and endless funding of the “special prosecutor” and his relentless armored team are brought to bear against an individual — there is no choice."

** FORMER PROSECUTOR: My Colleagues Coerce Innocent People — Like Flynn — To Plead Guilty Every Day

"Before all the snowflakes pick up their pitch forks and light their torches to come after me, lying / denying / justifying and claiming Robert Mueller is NOT 'that kind of a man / prosecutor' and would NEVER do anything like that maybe they should STFU and do a little research / reading 1st:

"Long before he became FBI Director, serious questions existed about Mueller’s role as Acting U.S. Attorney in Boston in effectively enabling decades of corruption and covering up of the FBI’s illicit deals with mobster Whitey Bulger and other “top echelon” informants who committed numerous murders and crimes. When the truth was finally uncovered through intrepid investigative reporting and persistent, honest judges, U.S. taxpayers footed a $100 million court award to the four men framed for murders committed by (the FBI / Mueller operated) Bulger gang.

Current media applause omits the fact that former FBI Director Mueller was the top official in charge of the Anthrax terror fiasco investigation into the 2001 murders, which targeted an innocent man (Steven Hatfill) whose lawsuit eventually forced the FBI to pay $5 million in compensation. Mueller’s FBI was also severely criticized by Department of Justice Inspector Generals finding the FBI overstepped the law (that means Mueller BROKE THE LAW) improperly serving hundreds of thousands of “national security letters” to obtain private (and irrelevant) metadata on citizens, and for infiltrating nonviolent anti-war groups under the guise of investigating “terrorism.”

And snowflakes just love Comey since he is going after President Trump right now, forgetting that he is still the same dirty, corrupt POS that he was under Bush's administration:

"Deputy Attorney General James Comey, too, went along with Bush and Cheney after 9/11 and signed off on a number of highly illegal programs including warrantless surveillance of Americans and torture of captives."

OUCH....another inconvenient truth for snowflakes....

"Up to the March 2004 night in Attorney General John Ashcroft’s hospital room, both Comey and Mueller were complicit with implementing a form of martial law, perpetrated via secret Office of Legal Counsel memos mainly written by John Yoo and predicated upon Yoo’s singular theories of absolute “imperial” or “war presidency” powers, and requiring Ashcroft every 90 days to renew certification of a “state of emergency.”

Mueller was even OK with the CIA conducting torture programs after his own agents warned against participation. (HIS) Agents were simply instructed not to document such torture, and any “war crimes files” were made to disappear. Not only did “collect it all” surveillance and torture programs continue, but Mueller’s (and then Comey’s) FBI later worked to prosecute NSA and CIA whistleblowers who revealed these illegalities."

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

This documented relationship between Mueller and Comey is undeniably a MASSIVE Conflict of Interest that should have prevented Mueller from EVER being appointed Special Counsel tasked with, among other things, investigating Trump firing his 'partner in crime'!!

All the continued BS from the Left about how upstanding Comey and Mueller are, how their integrity / honor / BS is beyond questioning, and that they would never stoop to committing crimes, hide / manufacture evidence to destroy innocent people and send them to prison is the biggest pile of BS ever shoveled by the left .... in the face of undeniable evidence!
flynn was questioned the first time, then days later asked the same questions again and given a chance to change his answers.

the Russians on this board dont want you to know that.

He's the fucking former intelligence chief for CentCom.
Guys like him don't get flim-flammed into lying.
They do it on purpose, just as Flynn has admitted.
Can you tell us where the judge said that he was wasn't hiding his disgust at the crimes commited?

The judge asked Mueller's team a few questions. He destroyed Michael Flynn.

Even going so far as to ask if Flynn could have been charged with treason.

Show us *anything* that remotely approaches that in his statements to the prosecution.

"destroyed" - a word millenials love to use to pretend that there is an emotional finality to things they view as unjust but really just show they're based in emotions, not facts or logic.

Or....a word that accurately describes what the judge did when discussing Flynn's crimes:

All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

Sullivan says he could impose a sentence of incarceration.

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Wasn't this the same judge that our little Trumpies were insisting until this morning.....was going to let Michael Flynn go?
no. i was right the first time.

You were just as delusional the first time.

Your ilk have been spinning this as the judge about to release Flynn for days. Instead, the judge unloaded on Flynn, even asking the prosecution if they could have brought treason charges against Flynn.

The judge wants to know why they didn't bring stronger charges against

He wants to know if they coerced Flynn using his son as a wedge.

Says who? Show us the judge saying this. As so far your version of what the judge has said hasn't been terribly accurate.

He can throw the case out because of Flynn not being given his Miranda
rites. The Judge wants to know everything.

Miranda warnings must only be issued when someone is in custody. Says who? Says the Miranda ruling. (bold added for emphasis)

"...the prosecution may not use statements, whether exculpatory or inculpatory, stemming from custodial interrogation of the defendant unless it demonstrates the use of procedural safeguards effective to secure the privilege against self-incrimination."

Miranda v. Arizona

Flynn was never in custody when questioned by federal investigators. It was a voluntary interview in Flynn's office.

And the judge will be following the actual ruling. Not your imaginary version.
"Countless people, including a former federal prosecutor, seem oblivious to one of the greatest abuses, outrages, and tragedies of our criminal justice system: innocent people are forced to plead guilty every day.

Indeed, the
Innocence Project alone has exonerated 31 people who spent a combined 150 years in prison on guilty pleas. That is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

This horrific injustice is solely attributable to the unchecked power of prosecutors who now function as prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner. They have unfettered discretion, no supervision, no limits, and most federal judges defer to them at every turn.

General Flynn is the quintessential example of why the innocent plead guilty.

General Flynn knew the FBI had a complete recording of the conversation about which they came to question him. Comey deliberately and oh-so-cleverly dispatched the agents in an ambush interview against all protocols to set him up in their efforts to destroy Donald Trump. In addition, it appears Mueller has suppressed significant evidence exonerating Flynn and
destroyed other evidence.

Yes, Flynn entered a guilty plea. But like many others, including a disproportionate number of young minority men who have no resources whatsoever, that does not mean that he did anything wrong. All it means is that he — like so many others — saw no other way out.

When the full might and weight of the federal government — especially the immeasurable hubris and endless funding of the “special prosecutor” and his relentless armored team are brought to bear against an individual — there is no choice."

** FORMER PROSECUTOR: My Colleagues Coerce Innocent People — Like Flynn — To Plead Guilty Every Day

"Before all the snowflakes pick up their pitch forks and light their torches to come after me, lying / denying / justifying and claiming Robert Mueller is NOT 'that kind of a man / prosecutor' and would NEVER do anything like that maybe they should STFU and do a little research / reading 1st:

"Long before he became FBI Director, serious questions existed about Mueller’s role as Acting U.S. Attorney in Boston in effectively enabling decades of corruption and covering up of the FBI’s illicit deals with mobster Whitey Bulger and other “top echelon” informants who committed numerous murders and crimes. When the truth was finally uncovered through intrepid investigative reporting and persistent, honest judges, U.S. taxpayers footed a $100 million court award to the four men framed for murders committed by (the FBI / Mueller operated) Bulger gang.

Current media applause omits the fact that former FBI Director Mueller was the top official in charge of the Anthrax terror fiasco investigation into the 2001 murders, which targeted an innocent man (Steven Hatfill) whose lawsuit eventually forced the FBI to pay $5 million in compensation. Mueller’s FBI was also severely criticized by Department of Justice Inspector Generals finding the FBI overstepped the law (that means Mueller BROKE THE LAW) improperly serving hundreds of thousands of “national security letters” to obtain private (and irrelevant) metadata on citizens, and for infiltrating nonviolent anti-war groups under the guise of investigating “terrorism.”

And snowflakes just love Comey since he is going after President Trump right now, forgetting that he is still the same dirty, corrupt POS that he was under Bush's administration:

"Deputy Attorney General James Comey, too, went along with Bush and Cheney after 9/11 and signed off on a number of highly illegal programs including warrantless surveillance of Americans and torture of captives."

OUCH....another inconvenient truth for snowflakes....

"Up to the March 2004 night in Attorney General John Ashcroft’s hospital room, both Comey and Mueller were complicit with implementing a form of martial law, perpetrated via secret Office of Legal Counsel memos mainly written by John Yoo and predicated upon Yoo’s singular theories of absolute “imperial” or “war presidency” powers, and requiring Ashcroft every 90 days to renew certification of a “state of emergency.”

Mueller was even OK with the CIA conducting torture programs after his own agents warned against participation. (HIS) Agents were simply instructed not to document such torture, and any “war crimes files” were made to disappear. Not only did “collect it all” surveillance and torture programs continue, but Mueller’s (and then Comey’s) FBI later worked to prosecute NSA and CIA whistleblowers who revealed these illegalities."

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

This documented relationship between Mueller and Comey is undeniably a MASSIVE Conflict of Interest that should have prevented Mueller from EVER being appointed Special Counsel tasked with, among other things, investigating Trump firing his 'partner in crime'!!

All the continued BS from the Left about how upstanding Comey and Mueller are, how their integrity / honor / BS is beyond questioning, and that they would never stoop to committing crimes, hide / manufacture evidence to destroy innocent people and send them to prison is the biggest pile of BS ever shoveled by the left .... in the face of undeniable evidence!

And by 'documented relationship', you mean they had dinner once?
And by 'documented relationship', you mean they had dinner once?
Were you born this stupid, did your parents drop you on your head when you were little, or did you just become this way when you became a Liberal?

You obviously did NOT read a damn thing I posted or the link I provided, which explains in great detail how they had a long, close working relationship, not to mention it is known by just about everyone except to snowflakes who have their heads up Obama's/Hillary's asses, that Mueller, Comey, and Rosenstein are long-time 'BFF's.

Everyone knows - Comey has mentioned it numerous times - Mueller was Comey's MENTOR, dumbass! Comey took over the FBI when Mueller stepped down!


Look - your spot at the kids' table is still open. Perhaps you should go back to...
And by 'documented relationship', you mean they had dinner once?
Were you born this stupid, did your parents drop you on your head when you were little, or did you just become this way when you became a Liberal?

You obviously did NOT read a damn thing I posted or the link I provided, which explains in great detail how they had a long, close working relationship, not to mention it is known by just about everyone except to snowflakes who have their heads up Obama's/Hillary's asses, that Mueller, Comey, and Rosenstein are long-time 'BFF's.

Clearly you never read what you posted. As it makes no mention of Comey and Mueller's 'long, close working relationship'. You did, at the very end.

And if you're not even reading what you're posting.....then who is compiling these posts for you? As its clearly not you.
Can you tell us where the judge said that he was wasn't hiding his disgust at the crimes commited?

The judge asked Mueller's team a few questions. He destroyed Michael Flynn.

Even going so far as to ask if Flynn could have been charged with treason.

Show us *anything* that remotely approaches that in his statements to the prosecution.

"destroyed" - a word millenials love to use to pretend that there is an emotional finality to things they view as unjust but really just show they're based in emotions, not facts or logic.

Or....a word that accurately describes what the judge did when discussing Flynn's crimes:

All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

Sullivan says he could impose a sentence of incarceration.

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Wasn't this the same judge that our little Trumpies were insisting until this morning.....was going to let Michael Flynn go?
no. i was right the first time.

You were just as delusional the first time.

Your ilk have been spinning this as the judge about to release Flynn for days. Instead, the judge unloaded on Flynn, even asking the prosecution if they could have brought treason charges against Flynn.

The judge wants to know why they didn't bring stronger charges against

He wants to know if they coerced Flynn using his son as a wedge.

He can throw the case out because of Flynn not being given his Miranda
rites. The Judge wants to know everything.

The judge said nothing about any of that.
"destroyed" - a word millenials love to use to pretend that there is an emotional finality to things they view as unjust but really just show they're based in emotions, not facts or logic.

Or....a word that accurately describes what the judge did when discussing Flynn's crimes:

All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

Sullivan says he could impose a sentence of incarceration.

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Wasn't this the same judge that our little Trumpies were insisting until this morning.....was going to let Michael Flynn go?
no. i was right the first time.

You were just as delusional the first time.

Your ilk have been spinning this as the judge about to release Flynn for days. Instead, the judge unloaded on Flynn, even asking the prosecution if they could have brought treason charges against Flynn.

The judge wants to know why they didn't bring stronger charges against

He wants to know if they coerced Flynn using his son as a wedge.

He can throw the case out because of Flynn not being given his Miranda
rites. The Judge wants to know everything.

The judge said nothing about any of that.

Nope. Push our conservative friends even a little on the pseudo-legal gibberish they are backing.......and they dive right into imagination land.
Mueller was a decorated marine...

SO WHAT? Is that supposed to excuse him for knowingly sending innocent people to jail in the past, for hiding Russian crimes in 2014 associated with their trying to acquire Uranium One, etc....?

Well, in the first place, none of that happened despite your wild fantasies.

In the 2nd place, the argument (the latest in many, many crazy arguments) was "When all else fails - attack a decorated war hero.”.

Essentially, the same thing you try, and fail, to do to Captain Mueller
They're good at that Remember the war hero McCain?

And war hero GHW Bush?
Mueller was a decorated marine...

SO WHAT? Is that supposed to excuse him for knowingly sending innocent people to jail in the past, for hiding Russian crimes in 2014 associated with their trying to acquire Uranium One, etc....?

Well, in the first place, none of that happened despite your wild fantasies.

In the 2nd place, the argument (the latest in many, many crazy arguments) was "When all else fails - attack a decorated war hero.”.

Essentially, the same thing you try, and fail, to do to Captain Mueller
They're good at that Remember the war hero McCain?
And then we had the slime lie about and bad mouth Kerry
when no one else will talk to you, talk to yourself...

Between you and he, Ed made the informed choice.
Mueller was a decorated marine...

SO WHAT? Is that supposed to excuse him for knowingly sending innocent people to jail in the past, for hiding Russian crimes in 2014 associated with their trying to acquire Uranium One, etc....?

Well, in the first place, none of that happened despite your wild fantasies.

In the 2nd place, the argument (the latest in many, many crazy arguments) was "When all else fails - attack a decorated war hero.”.

Essentially, the same thing you try, and fail, to do to Captain Mueller
They're good at that Remember the war hero McCain?
And then we had the slime lie about and bad mouth Kerry
when no one else will talk to you, talk to yourself...
Yeah I see everyone lining up to talk to you lol
Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

All you whiners that say the judge is going to slap Mueller around can sit down now. Mueller is a professional that knows what he is doing....unlike your orange king who is spontaneous and wrong, most of the time.
/----/ When all else fails - attack a decorated war hero. Libs mantra.

Mueller is decorated...yes. Thanks for pointing that out. Now, you can attack him...

Ahhh yes, seems like only yesterday that leftards were gnashing their teeth over Herr Mueller and his intervening on behalf of Bushpuppet as the 2004 election approached and the joke of a 9/11/01 Commission was whitewashing another deep state crime and Herr Mueller was once again "the fixer". Leftards would have gladly had him drawn and quartered. Fourteen years later? Leftards have softer and more gentler view of the swamp rat sack of shit. Mueller, Comey, Comey, Mueller both worked for banks like HSBC and BCCI that is a CIA friendly bank that allows them to launder their money. A Johnny Lunchpail deposits more cash like owning a restaurant and deposits the day's business every night? They could be accused of attempting to bypass the 10,000 dollar deposit limit thus trying to bypass filling out the proper paper work to justify and explain why YOUR money isn't ill-gotten. CIA and their deep state cohorts drop off cash by the hundreds of thousands per month and what do you hear???? That's right, friends and neighbors....crickets.

FBI to General Flynn : "SOOOOOO, MISTER Flynn..... (said with such disdain as the interrogator gets nose to nose and points his gnarled finger in General Flynn's face) "DID YOU DISCUSS LIFTING SANCTIONS ON THE ROOSKIES DID YOU DID YOU DID YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? TELL ME!!! TELL ME NOW AND OMIT NOTHING!!!!! wE HAVE VAYS OF MAKING YOU TALK!!

General Flynn : Nope!


Yeah, Flynn, as a private citizen was asked if lifting sanctions on Russia was discussed to which Flynn said that wasn't his call to the ambassador. How can you discuss something if you have no power or authority to do such a thing?

Well, Flynn didn't say verbatim as to what the tapped and recorded phone call revealed. So? Leftards scream "GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!!!" GUILTY!!!"Drain his bank account dry! Make him sell his home! He deserves it because he is aligned with Trump and we KNOW that the ROOSKIES cheated when they revealed our beloved DNC and Hilllllary was cheatin' and that's cheatin'!...that's our story as lame as it is and we are stickin' with it!"

Hmmm, seems that if the ROOSKIES and Trump "colluded" to expose the cheating of the Hildebeast in exchange for the lifting of sanctions? Would it not be a forgone conclusion that would be the pay off for "stealing" the election thus no need for the ambassador to even ask? Of course leftards and logic have never been "buddy buddy" with each other....emotions rule because that is all that brittle,tender emotional cripples have to fall back on.

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