FOIA Docs: Hildebeasty Told 2 Stories on Benghazi Right After Attack

Sums it up for Patriots!

What you conservative monsters used to masturbate to:


No, it was the libs who begged and begged to gain access to the corpses of our soldiers coming home so they could run them on the front pages of the newspapers.
Obama Administration Lifts Blanket Ban on Media Coverage of the Return of Fallen Soldiers
Oh did it make your bitchass sad, while your fatass was sitting on the couch watching the news, to find out our soldiers were dying for your political schemes? I'm sorry maybe Obama should have tried to keep that a secret from you.

I dunno, It seems while you were sitting on the couch I was in Iraq listening to the libs attempt to block our funding saying "the war is unwinnable" which made the Muj and AQI particularly exited to attack us all the more to meet the narrative. Never in our countries history was there a party so happy to praise the "accomplishments" of our enemies as the Democrat party from 2003-2008.
Sums it up for Patriots!

What you conservative monsters used to masturbate to:

And what you leftist scum jerked off to!
Oh I remember that. Now one of your frontrunners is a bastard who insulted the values of the people who were murdered that day.

Did any of your frontrunners donate $100K to the WTC museum, or actually have friends die in it?...Trump did! But you're 2 candidates are commie/socialist bastards that enjoyed watching this as they have fucking idiots, like you, to give them a pass on their muslim terrorist loving escapades! ...And a president that gives WEAPONS to the terrorists!

obama gives weapons to the terrorists - - Yahoo Search Results
What you conservative monsters used to masturbate to:


No, it was the libs who begged and begged to gain access to the corpses of our soldiers coming home so they could run them on the front pages of the newspapers.
Obama Administration Lifts Blanket Ban on Media Coverage of the Return of Fallen Soldiers
Oh did it make your bitchass sad, while your fatass was sitting on the couch watching the news, to find out our soldiers were dying for your political schemes? I'm sorry maybe Obama should have tried to keep that a secret from you.

I dunno, It seems while you were sitting on the couch I was in Iraq listening to the libs attempt to block our funding saying "the war is unwinnable" which made the Muj and AQI particularly exited to attack us all the more to meet the narrative.
Oh yeah? Sorry you were in that insane hellhole (though I doubt you really were). You're lucky Obama was elected or you'd still be there.
No, it was the libs who begged and begged to gain access to the corpses of our soldiers coming home so they could run them on the front pages of the newspapers.
Obama Administration Lifts Blanket Ban on Media Coverage of the Return of Fallen Soldiers
Oh did it make your bitchass sad, while your fatass was sitting on the couch watching the news, to find out our soldiers were dying for your political schemes? I'm sorry maybe Obama should have tried to keep that a secret from you.

I dunno, It seems while you were sitting on the couch I was in Iraq listening to the libs attempt to block our funding saying "the war is unwinnable" which made the Muj and AQI particularly exited to attack us all the more to meet the narrative.
Oh yeah? Sorry you were in that insane hellhole (though I doubt you really were). You're lucky Obama was elected or you'd still be there.

Twice in fact, and I don't care what you think. In fact I suspected such an reply. The military rejected Obama soundly in the election box in 2008. They tried to fire him again in 2012. Lucky perhaps by your standard but the military seems to have disagreed with you. There is no worse disgrace for a Commander in Chief than when his troops vote to fire him.

Military Times’ poll shows strong McCain backing
MILITARY TIMES : R 66% O 26%... -
Oh did it make your bitchass sad, while your fatass was sitting on the couch watching the news, to find out our soldiers were dying for your political schemes? I'm sorry maybe Obama should have tried to keep that a secret from you.

I dunno, It seems while you were sitting on the couch I was in Iraq listening to the libs attempt to block our funding saying "the war is unwinnable" which made the Muj and AQI particularly exited to attack us all the more to meet the narrative.
Oh yeah? Sorry you were in that insane hellhole (though I doubt you really were). You're lucky Obama was elected or you'd still be there.

Twice in fact, and I don't care what you think. In fact I suspected such an reply. The military rejected Obama soundly in the election box in 2008. They tried to fire him again in 2012. Lucky perhaps by your standard but the military seems to have disagreed with you. There is no worse disgrace for a Commander in Chief than when his troops vote to fire him.

Military Times’ poll shows strong McCain backing
MILITARY TIMES : R 66% O 26%... -
Well thank you for your service. But I wish you would represent the military better by stopping your obsession with race and your hatred towards black people. I'm sure you fought with many of them. Please stop embarrassing your fellow servicemen.

Or if you use this forum to vent your hatred so that you can get by as a reasonable person during the day, then I apologize for anything negative I've said about you or will say about you again in the future. Better to do it here than in the real world.
Oh did it make your bitchass sad, while your fatass was sitting on the couch watching the news, to find out our soldiers were dying for your political schemes? I'm sorry maybe Obama should have tried to keep that a secret from you.

I dunno, It seems while you were sitting on the couch I was in Iraq listening to the libs attempt to block our funding saying "the war is unwinnable" which made the Muj and AQI particularly exited to attack us all the more to meet the narrative.
Oh yeah? Sorry you were in that insane hellhole (though I doubt you really were). You're lucky Obama was elected or you'd still be there.

Twice in fact, and I don't care what you think. In fact I suspected such an reply. The military rejected Obama soundly in the election box in 2008. They tried to fire him again in 2012. Lucky perhaps by your standard but the military seems to have disagreed with you. There is no worse disgrace for a Commander in Chief than when his troops vote to fire him.

Military Times’ poll shows strong McCain backing
MILITARY TIMES : R 66% O 26%... -
Well thank you for your service. But I wish you would represent the military better by stopping your obsession with race and your hatred towards black people. I'm sure you fought with many of them. Please stop embarrassing your fellow servicemen.

Or if you use this forum to vent your hatred so that you can get by as a reasonable person during the day, then I apologize for anything negative I've said about you or will say about you again in the future. Better to do it here than in the real world.

Oh that's cute. Where is it said that I hate black people? As a Marine one of the best ways to show your affection for someone is to criticize their behavior. Indeed, in the Marines we used all kinds of racial slurs against each other and we all found it hilarious. No one was void of racial criticism. Even had the EEO office called in on us by civilians who though we were serious.I don't use racial slurs here because people wont get the joke as my fellow Marines did. You will find not closer group of brothers and yo will not find a more honest conversation on race than in a rifle company. On the other hand, I do point out differences in culture and differences in behavior of differing groups. These are hardly controversial observations in the Corps. We were hard on each other and often forced to admit the realities of our differing cultures and backgrounds. However, the end result was not segregation but a culture of our own where we abandoned our cultural background and joined together in the cultural brotherhood of the Marines. There wasn't a racist among us. Of course, you wouldn't understand this concept.
Do you think her supporters care? Think of William Jefferson, Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Kwame Kilpatrick, Marion Berry, Charlie Rangel, and a slew of other Democrats who were re-elected and/or still enjoy popularity despite their criminal past. The left doesn't play by Republican rules of conduct and civility when it comes to withdrawing support for their felon candidates. Hillary, while not yet a felon, has a shady history a mile long. Trust me, Democrats do not care.

Of course, they don't care. All some people hear is what government will do for them and they could care less if it's the devil himself doing the promising.

Hillary indicated that the families of the Benghazi victims were lying about what she said about the video being the cause. Only someone stupid enough to support Hillary to begin with would so easily forget the numerous times she stated that same lie on video, not just to the families. She promised them she'd get the film maker and she said similar during press conferences. Hillary is a lying bitch.

The others you mentioned are just as bad. Kennedy killed a woman, then went back to the party. No concern over the life of that young woman. Piece of shit should have gone to jail but the left was so willing to overlook that and keep him in office. That just appalls me that people are like that.

Rangel got a standing ovation after his troubles. Liberals can forgive anything except going against their policies.

Many have engaged in criminal behavior and got caught. The left shrugs it off and elects them again.

While Hillary is willing to take the word of any woman claiming she's been raped, she treated Bill's victims like dirt. Hillary saw them as an inconvenience and still doesn't give a shit.

Hillary didn't care about the young rape victim when she defended that piece of shit when she worked as an attorney. Sleazy woman from the get go.

Lying is what she has always done best. She has lied so much she can't even keep her lies straight yet the left dismisses it as a witch hunt. She is a witch and she has been exposed. The left would prefer the matter is dropped so she can get on with her leftwing bullshit.
Oh did it make your bitchass sad, while your fatass was sitting on the couch watching the news, to find out our soldiers were dying for your political schemes? I'm sorry maybe Obama should have tried to keep that a secret from you.

I dunno, It seems while you were sitting on the couch I was in Iraq listening to the libs attempt to block our funding saying "the war is unwinnable" which made the Muj and AQI particularly exited to attack us all the more to meet the narrative.
Oh yeah? Sorry you were in that insane hellhole (though I doubt you really were). You're lucky Obama was elected or you'd still be there.

Twice in fact, and I don't care what you think. In fact I suspected such an reply. The military rejected Obama soundly in the election box in 2008. They tried to fire him again in 2012. Lucky perhaps by your standard but the military seems to have disagreed with you. There is no worse disgrace for a Commander in Chief than when his troops vote to fire him.

Military Times’ poll shows strong McCain backing
MILITARY TIMES : R 66% O 26%... -
Well thank you for your service. But I wish you would represent the military better by stopping your obsession with race and your hatred towards black people. I'm sure you fought with many of them. Please stop embarrassing your fellow servicemen.

Or if you use this forum to vent your hatred so that you can get by as a reasonable person during the day, then I apologize for anything negative I've said about you or will say about you again in the future. Better to do it here than in the real world.

Oh that's cute. Where is it said that I hate black people? As a Marine one of the best ways to show your affection for someone is to criticize their behavior. Indeed, in the Marines we used all kinds of racial slurs against each other and we all found it hilarious. No one was void of racial criticism. Even had the EEO office called in on us by civilians who though we were serious.I don't use racial slurs here because people wont get the joke as my fellow Marines did. You will find not closer group of brothers and yo will not find a more honest conversation on race than in a rifle company. On the other hand, I do point out differences in culture and differences in behavior of differing groups. These are hardly controversial observations in the Corps. We were hard on each other and often forced to admit the realities of our differing cultures and backgrounds. However, the end result was not segregation but a culture of our own, where we abandoned where we came from and joined together in the cultural brotherhood of the Marines. There wasn't a racist among us.
Please keep using the internet as your means of venting instead of real life. And please don't mention that you are a Marine as it soils the title when you spew your hatred.
You can't argue with these libstains. They will side with the socialists - come hell or high water - as long as they keep getting their free stuff.
I dunno, It seems while you were sitting on the couch I was in Iraq listening to the libs attempt to block our funding saying "the war is unwinnable" which made the Muj and AQI particularly exited to attack us all the more to meet the narrative.
Oh yeah? Sorry you were in that insane hellhole (though I doubt you really were). You're lucky Obama was elected or you'd still be there.

Twice in fact, and I don't care what you think. In fact I suspected such an reply. The military rejected Obama soundly in the election box in 2008. They tried to fire him again in 2012. Lucky perhaps by your standard but the military seems to have disagreed with you. There is no worse disgrace for a Commander in Chief than when his troops vote to fire him.

Military Times’ poll shows strong McCain backing
MILITARY TIMES : R 66% O 26%... -
Well thank you for your service. But I wish you would represent the military better by stopping your obsession with race and your hatred towards black people. I'm sure you fought with many of them. Please stop embarrassing your fellow servicemen.

Or if you use this forum to vent your hatred so that you can get by as a reasonable person during the day, then I apologize for anything negative I've said about you or will say about you again in the future. Better to do it here than in the real world.

Oh that's cute. Where is it said that I hate black people? As a Marine one of the best ways to show your affection for someone is to criticize their behavior. Indeed, in the Marines we used all kinds of racial slurs against each other and we all found it hilarious. No one was void of racial criticism. Even had the EEO office called in on us by civilians who though we were serious.I don't use racial slurs here because people wont get the joke as my fellow Marines did. You will find not closer group of brothers and yo will not find a more honest conversation on race than in a rifle company. On the other hand, I do point out differences in culture and differences in behavior of differing groups. These are hardly controversial observations in the Corps. We were hard on each other and often forced to admit the realities of our differing cultures and backgrounds. However, the end result was not segregation but a culture of our own, where we abandoned where we came from and joined together in the cultural brotherhood of the Marines. There wasn't a racist among us.
Please keep using the internet as your means of venting instead of real life. And please don't mention that you are a Marine as it soils the title when you spew your hatred.

Ahhh yes, "hatred" is what the left calls it when they don't want to argue the facts. Don't believe men should use women's bathrooms? Your a homophobe. Point out differences in crime statistics of people of different racial/cultural backgrounds? You're a racist. Argue that women aren't prepared to serve in a combat capacity in the infantry? You're a sexist. Yes indeed, the "hatred excuse" title does not address the facts, but deaminizes the intended target. Demonization in the place of refuting arguments is the new norm, but we both know there is only one of the two that holds to the standards of logic, and the other, simply amounts to trolling.

I'm here to argue and to learn from the arguments of others. Namecalling accomplishes none of these goals. You will not find a more honest person in this forum.

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