FOIA requests for all trump's claimed declassified documents.

The agreement would have totally frozen nuclear development for as long as we complied.
It has to be renewed every 10 years, but if we kept our side, then Iran would never have obtained nuclear weapons.
Now they will soon, if not already.
Prove it.
Iran has not been involved in mass terrorism the US is guilty of, like "Shock and Awe", drone assassinations, etc.
Its not a "ransom".
Iran prepaid for 2 expensive naval warships that we never delivered.
We had to return the money or lose in the World Court.
Triggered? So you disagree. Good for you.
CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington> president trump's staggering record up uncharged criminal misconduct May 1st., 2022. This might help put into perspective just who we're dealing with.

Doesn't matter.
I do not trust of like Trump, but clearly the FBI raid on Mar-a-lago was totally, completely, and utterly illegal.
Any president always has the right to keep the personal copies of classified docs sent to the White House.
That is not just legal, but TRADITION!

It is the FBI that constantly is guilty of criminal acts, like the 1993 WTC bombing.
The FBI did it all.
They framed the blind Sheikh.
It was the FBI who came up with the target, obtained the bomb, drove to the site, planted it, etc.
Prove it.
The Iran nuclear agreement, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), is a landmark accord reached between Iran and several world powers, including the United States, in July 2015. Under its terms, Iran agreed to dismantle much of its nuclear program and open its facilities to more extensive international inspections in exchange for billions of dollars’ worth of sanctions relief.

Proponents of the deal said that it would help prevent a revival of Iran’s nuclear weapons program and thereby reduce the prospects for conflict between Iran and its regional rivals, including Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Anyone can enrich ore and made nuclear weapons.
So there is no way to limit the technology.
But this agreement would have caused the Iranian to follow a verifiable moratorium, as well as giving up most of the fissile material they already enriched.
That alone would have set them back a decade.
The Iran nuclear agreement, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), is a landmark accord reached between Iran and several world powers, including the United States, in July 2015. Under its terms, Iran agreed to dismantle much of its nuclear program and open its facilities to more extensive international inspections in exchange for billions of dollars’ worth of sanctions relief.

Proponents of the deal said that it would help prevent a revival of Iran’s nuclear weapons program and thereby reduce the prospects for conflict between Iran and its regional rivals, including Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Anyone can enrich ore and made nuclear weapons.
So there is no way to limit the technology.
But this agreement would have caused the Iranian to follow a verifiable moratorium, as well as giving up most of the fissile material they already enriched.
That alone would have set them back a decade.
Some of the deal’s opponents faulted these so-called sunset provisions, saying they would only delay Iran building a bomb while sanctions relief would allow it to underwrite terrorism in the region.

Your source. If you did not know it, Islam is relentless.
The White House is NOT a classified doc repository, like the Pentagon is.
So there were NEVER originals in the White House.
They were just copies.
So then those copies WERE the personal property of the president.
Typically the historic tradition is the president becomes their curator in his library.
He most certainly had absolute right to keep them.
Even copies of such documents are not the property of the president. The originators ( writers ) of these documents don't even own them. They are government documents they belong to the US government.
Doesn't matter.
I do not trust of like Trump, but clearly the FBI raid on Mar-a-lago was totally, completely, and utterly illegal.
Any president always has the right to keep the personal copies of classified docs sent to the White House.
That is not just legal, but TRADITION!

It is the FBI that constantly is guilty of criminal acts, like the 1993 WTC bombing.
The FBI did it all.
They framed the blind Sheikh.
It was the FBI who came up with the target, obtained the bomb, drove to the site, planted it, etc.
The FBI search amar-lago was warranted because even Trump's lawyers were untruthful about returning all the documents. Deceit usually implies guilt, not innocence. Theft definitely implies guilt.
Some of the deal’s opponents faulted these so-called sunset provisions, saying they would only delay Iran building a bomb while sanctions relief would allow it to underwrite terrorism in the region.

Your source. If you did not know it, Islam is relentless.
So you're on the Islamaphobe too. You're in bad company again, trump is such a person. No wonder you're thinking is so screwed up.
So you're on the Islamaphobe too. You're in bad company again, trump is such a person. No wonder you're thinking is so screwed up.
Why do you say that? All I did was state a fact. Ask a Muslim. I believe there is a couple here.
He could not wait until they swore of from terrorism? That was to make a shitty deal that guaranteed Iran would get the bomb. One Trump stopped. Biden has reversed that.
Iran was complying with the nuclear deal when the country was refunded.
And the terrorism is just Israeli bullshit.

Iran is the envy of US conservatives with regards to their religious control of the country.
Presidents can declassify by giving anyone clearance they want, so classified docs can be declassified only for specific people and not everyone.
What you are forgetting, is that presidents are head honcho, final arbiter, and supreme dictator, when it comes to classified docs, because they are totally regulated by presidential executive orders.
No. Giving clearance, that can be rescended, to certain people is not the same as declassifying. In case you haven't noticed, trump has talked a lot on TV about declassifying doccuments, but he, or his lawyers havent mentioned it one time in court, or in any of the papers they filed with the court. Can you guess why?
Ridiculous OP is ridiculous.

Go ahead. File a FOIA request. When you get to the part that requires you to clearly state which documents in particular you are requesting, how will you fill that part in?

That’s just a template. That one is for the Army. But you still have to give “them” some idea of what it is you’re seeking.

Good luck.
No. Giving clearance, that can be rescended, to certain people is not the same as declassifying. In case you haven't noticed, trump has talked a lot on TV about declassifying doccuments, but he, or his lawyers havent mentioned it one time in court, or in any of the papers they filed with the court. Can you guess why? basic laws and authorities March 25th., 2003. Tells you everything you need to know about government regulations on official documents. Warning : A very long and comprehensive read. As always the government goes overboard with their regulations. In the 1960s when I got my first fishing license I got a one-page leaflet on the regulations. I think there were 25 of them. The license cost $2.00. This year when I got my fishing license it cost me $35.00 and I got a booklet with 36 pages of regulations along with it. The government doesn't do anything without regulations. And they go way overboard on all the regulations.
You don't get how serious this is. He took secret and top secret documents. He could be charged with espionage and treason
He had in his possession some documents which had previously been classified — but he had declassified them. So, this isn’t serious at all.
There is no means to declassify documents just for trump. If they are declassified for him, they are declassified for everybody, and there has to be a list of them somewhere to keep track of which papers he took with him. I'm surprised all the major news outlets haven't already filed FOIA requests for all that information just to see te response. John Bolton seems to think the same thing.
The FBI has refused to obey a legal Presidential Order to declasdify and release documents, continues to violate law by refusing to comply with FOIA Requests after nearly 2 years.

Democrats dont seem to be worried about Biden's FBI breaking the law.

Perhaps we should be a little more concerned with existing FOIA Requests than 'what if' / 'why don't we' ideas from bitter non-government citizens?!
He had in his possession some documents which had previously been classified — but he had declassified them. So, this isn’t serious at all.
Apparently you believe in psychokinesis or something like that. Real life doesn't work like that. That only happens in delusional people's fantasies.

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