Following Janet Yellen, Of An Educated Man Of Imperial Egypt


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Acts 7:22 reminds the planet--anyone noticing--that Moses was in fact an educated man, of Imperial Egypt, thrown into exile, landing near Sinai. Famously, a fire-fetish would ensue, and to this all history became condemned to the concept of a deity, having done whatever Moses wrote. How much of that might have been memory, otherwise dazed, is never made clear. There had been ancient wisdom in Egypt, even known to the New Testament. The famous life for Moses, allegedly started at about the famous age of an NBA basketball team owner(?). That is if anyone noticed the comparison.

If usury had started out benign--four bags of barley as repayment for a loan of three--the Moses of Imperial Egypt would apply it imperially. Deuteronomy 23:19-20, prohibited Israel from usury. The foreign they could. . .gouge(?) at will. Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, called, "O'Christ," would later expose the atrocity in Matthew 25:14-30. Fixed percentage usury was shown to be a horror story, worthy of Imperial Rome. Greece had also conquered Israel. In the modern context, the Home Equity Lines of Credit, (HELOC's) are scheduled to reset, after a decade of diminishing, middle class, real incomes.

The message out of Nazareth would be said to be low-income market engaging. In Matthew 20:1-16, a more ancient concept of an ideal marketplace is created. People commence labor at various times of the day. At worktime's end, they all head out to spend, with equal amount of pay provided. That could be said an inverse usury, but is shown an equal amount. The Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit had provided that in the Obama-Biden stimulus, which the Republicans took away. Famously, FDR had set up CCC--for, what the hell, USA--so that employed youth could be encouraged to send a part of the paycheck home.

Desperate times would be said to have created, desperate initiatives, according to any at the Ivy League--where at least the current Jewish Fed Chief went to school. The other one famous, went to Milton Friedman, instead.

So if education of Imperial Egypt had created a history--the Moses Atrocity, of some deity, not altogether too thrilled with a broad application of arithmetic--then what now happens to the HELOC's? Clearly, no one asks the question. Even Bank of Dubai knows that Mohammed the Prophet, might as well have been an educated man of Imperial Egypt. Usury is sin there, too. Adam Smith had no concept of inverse usury, nor any causal ascription of the impact of usury, Matthew 25 described. Karl Marx may have thought that he was Moses. Nothing is noted in any of that. Gay Lord Keynes would precede the concept of two Holy Fathers, combined(?), at once. Usury-based velocity of money would be created, but not described a problem. Public Works would be offered a remedy, but not noting any type of Inverse Usury. Milton Friedman might as well have been an educated man out of Egypt. . .who likely followed it all along. Easily Fed Chair Yellen can follow along, that maybe she too, should believe(?)!

The Two Holy Fathers are likely doing so. . . .uniquely.

No suggestion of any impending crisis of the HELOC's seems to have been raised on Capitol Hill.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Following along the now famous casting, for Syrian Youtube videos, "Je Suis, Mohammed E. Newman, 'What, Me Worry?'"seems viable concept of the moment. Likely the House Speaker, has in mind something wonderful from the Israeli Prime Minister(?)!"
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Acts 7:22 reminds the planet--anyone noticing--that Moses was in fact an educated man, of Imperial Egypt, thrown into exile, landing near Sinai. Famously, a fire-fetish would ensue, and to this all history become condemned to the concept of a deity, having done whatever Moses wrote. How much of that might have been memory, otherwise dazed, is never made clear. There had been ancient wisdom in Egypt, even known to the New Testament. The famous life for Moses, allegedly started at about the famous age of an NBA basketball team owner(?). That is if anyone noticed the comparison.

If usury had started out benign--four bags of barley as repayment for a loan of three--the Moses of Imperial Egypt would apply it imperially. Deuteronomy 23:19-20, prohibited Israel from usury. The foreign they could. . .gouge(?) at will. Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, called, "O'Christ," would later expose the atrocity in Matthew 25:14-30. Fixed percentage usury was shown to be a horror story, worthy of Imperial Rome. Greece had also conquered Israel. In the modern context, the Home Equity Lines of Credit, (HELOC's) are scheduled to reset, after a decade of diminishing, middle class, real incomes.

The message out of Nazareth would be said to be low-income market engaging. In Matthew 20:1-16, a more ancient concept of an ideal marketplace is created. People commence labor at various times of the day. At worktime's end, they all head out to spend, with equal amount of pay provided. That could be said an inverse usury, but is shown an equal amount. The Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit had provided that in the Obama-Biden stimulus, which the Republicans took away. Famously, FDR had set up CCC--for, what the hell, USA--so that employed youth could be encouraged to send a part of the paycheck home.

Desperate times would be said to have created, desperate initiatives, according to any at the Ivy League--where at least the current Jewish Fed Chief went to school. The other one famous, went to Milton Friedman, instead.

So if education of Imperial Egypt had created a history--the Moses Atrocity, of some deity, not altogether too thrilled with a broad application of arithmetic--then what now happens to the HELOC's? Clearly, no one asks the question. Even Bank of Dubai knows that Mohammed the Prophet, might as well have been an educated man of Imperial Egypt. Usury is sin there, too. Adam Smith had no concept of inverse usury, nor any causal ascription of the impact of usury, Matthew 25 described. Karl Marx may have thought that he was Moses. Nothing is noted in any of that. Gay Lord Keynes would precede the concept of two Holy Fathers, combined(?), at once. Usury-based velocity of money would be created, but not described a problem. Public Works would be offered a remedy, but not noting any type of Inverse Usury. Milton Friedman might as well have been an educated man out of Egypt. . .who likely followed it all along. Easily Fed Chair Yellen can follow along, that maybe she too, should believe(?)!

The Two Holy Fathers are likely doing so. . . .uniquely.

No suggestion of any impending crisis of the HELOC's seems to have been raised on Capitol Hill.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Following along the now famous casting, for Syrian Youtube videos, "Je Suis, Mohammed E. Newman, 'What, Me Worry?'"seems viable concept of the moment. Likely the House Speaker, has in mind something wonderful from the Israeli Prime Minister(?)!"

dear ,can you tell us what your point is or must you admit as a typical liberal you have no idea what you are trying to say.
The basic anti--free-market math, of the anti-capital, Adam Smith contention: Has a source having nothing to do with deity. The source is the arithmetic reported in the ancient texts of the Hebrews, and reiterated in the New Testament, with a remedy for it. The remedy proposed, generally, is to engage the lower income market. The arithmetic of a market-place requires spending money. Laissez-Faire tends to restrict and constrict any and all spending, using a medium of exchange, in any economy. Adam Smith goes further with it. Usury regulation is proposed! That is how insanely stupid the concept is. Then all persons, following along, "economics," are insanely stupid about it.

The Bank of Dubai does not allow usury regulation. Probably is has more money than Adam Smith. It would be said to have more concept, of it. Usury is actually prohibited, for example, among the Moslems. Moslems notoriously, even have a tendency to mostly monarchy, kinds of relationships. The Hebrews finally had to flee Imperial Egypt. The new monarch had no basis of connection to their continued presence. Being a monarch, end of presence. Medieval monarchs are noted to have offered protection to the children of Israel, since their religion was "foreign." They in turn could regard the Christian population, "foreign" to their silly, live pig-loving, only codes(?).

The concept of the deity, with basis in the wisdom of Imperialist, racist, Egypt: goes further to mask the error of the arithmetic, in the Old Testament. The error is exposed in the New Testament, and never again even noted. The sayer of the fables gets famously crucified, fulfilling all the rules and the codes. If the old Testament is actually demonic, then the New Testament shows that even that, does not exist.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Sending USA Back into the crisis now to be noted of the HELOC's. with basis in Deuteronomy 23:19-20, noted in Matthew 25:14-30.)
The basic anti--free-market math, of the anti-capital, Adam Smith contention: Has a source having nothing to do with deity. The source is the arithmetic reported in the ancient texts of the Hebrews, and reiterated in the New Testament, with a remedy for it. The remedy proposed, generally, is to engage the lower income market. The arithmetic of a market-place requires spending money. Laissez-Faire tends to restrict and constrict any and all spending, using a medium of exchange, in any economy. Adam Smith goes further with it. Usury regulation is proposed! That is how insanely stupid the concept is. Then all persons, following along, "economics," are insanely stupid about it.

The Bank of Dubai does not allow usury regulation. Probably is has more money than Adam Smith. It would be said to have more concept, of it. Usury is actually prohibited, for example, among the Moslems. Moslems notoriously, even have a tendency to mostly monarchy, kinds of relationships. The Hebrews finally had to flee Imperial Egypt. The new monarch had no basis of connection to their continued presence. Being a monarch, end of presence. Medieval monarchs are noted to have offered protection to the children of Israel, since their religion was "foreign." They in turn could regard the Christian population, "foreign" to their silly, live pig-loving, only codes(?).

The concept of the deity, with basis in the wisdom of Imperialist, racist, Egypt: goes further to mask the error of the arithmetic, in the Old Testament. The error is exposed in the New Testament, and never again even noted. The sayer of the fables gets famously crucified, fulfilling all the rules and the codes. If the old Testament is actually demonic, then the New Testament shows that even that, does not exist.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Sending USA Back into the crisis now to be noted of the HELOC's. with basis in Deuteronomy 23:19-20, noted in Matthew 25:14-30.)

dear, can you say what your point is or must you admit to being nuts with your silence?
Baby-Genitalia mutilation--Holocausts, wars, famines, plagues, dislocations--all have arithmetic basis, which anyone sees that EdwardBaiamonte poster, also, won't take time to do. Now there has been time, and still EdwardBaiamonte poster fails at doing math, even to save the life of a child. How easily that can be compred to Republicans, famously not even knowing if Homeland Security is worth the funding. Mostly the Obama Administration is showing federal concern for the children of immigrants. I myself am immigrant, Penn Quakers, 1683. Mostly, there are nieces and nephews who can claim indigenous heritage. Then there is the Fidelista, Ted Cruz brand, called Boehner/McConnell, GOP brand.

Civilizations don't do the math. When the rich get richer, the poor unable to pay the mortgages: Then lo and behold, the low-income market gets cast out into outer darkness, and then the rich houses--all come tumbling on down.

Anyone following EdwardBaiamonte poster will say that never in history, has that happened: Since math doesn't happen. That poster will even point to divoirce courts, saying that math never even happens even there.

Then there is the Federal Reserve, going back to an educated man, of origins in Imperial Egypt, noted in various stories. Following Jewish entertainment slogans, "As for them, it goes with saying," and even at the Congressional Hearings. No one discusses how erroneous the math of Western Civilization really is. The Chinese, even: Don't discuss it, claiming a more Western model(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes set wagons into convenient circle, even: Able to focus on their own fire fetishes!)
Baby-Genitalia mutilation--Holocausts, wars, famines, plagues, dislocations--all have arithmetic basis, which anyone sees that EdwardBaiamonte poster, also, won't take time to do. Now there has been time, and still EdwardBaiamonte poster fails at doing math, even to save the life of a child. How easily that can be compred to Republicans, famously not even knowing if Homeland Security is worth the funding. Mostly the Obama Administration is showing federal concern for the children of immigrants. I myself am immigrant, Penn Quakers, 1683. Mostly, there are nieces and nephews who can claim indigenous heritage. Then there is the Fidelista, Ted Cruz brand, called Boehner/McConnell, GOP brand.

Civilizations don't do the math. When the rich get richer, the poor unable to pay the mortgages: Then lo and behold, the low-income market gets cast out into outer darkness, and then the rich houses--all come tumbling on down.

Anyone following EdwardBaiamonte poster will say that never in history, has that happened: Since math doesn't happen. That poster will even point to divoirce courts, saying that math never even happens even there.

Then there is the Federal Reserve, going back to an educated man, of origins in Imperial Egypt, noted in various stories. Following Jewish entertainment slogans, "As for them, it goes with saying," and even at the Congressional Hearings. No one discusses how erroneous the math of Western Civilization really is. The Chinese, even: Don't discuss it, claiming a more Western model(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes set wagons into convenient circle, even: Able to focus on their own fire fetishes!)
dear, can you say what your point is or must you admit to being crazy with your silence?
Like the posters on all the threads, I too seem to have no crackers for parrot, EdwardBaiamonte poster.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Baiamonte poster speak with tongue, in beak(?)!)
Like the posters on all the threads, I too seem to have no crackers for parrot, EdwardBaiamonte poster.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Baiamonte poster speak with tongue, in beak(?)!)

can the liberal say what his point about Janet Yellen is???
So EdwardBaiamonte poster would be said to not know that Janet Yellen knows about interest rates, wrongly applied, like in the arithmetic of all of history. Even Keynes would mainly giggle them around, to create more or less money supply. Industry and market usury tends to a fixed percentage, regardless of size or amount of savings or investment. The outcome is shown in Matt 25:14-30. And so yet again, the Spirit of Lincoln was upon the ravaged land, as even a black one among us would do inverse usury--Matt 20:1-16, like never before in history. Moslems don't do usury punto. Adam Smith only did the fixed percentgage usury--of the educated man out of Imperial Egypt. Karl Marx would at least allude to the drugs that may have been involved. Milton Friedman would try to do Moses-all-over again, Alan Greenspan listening.

Usury is benign arithmetic, which worked even well at the start--in ancient Sumer. That it got applied in an Imperial aggrandizement manner in Deuteronomy, mostly only Obama-Biden-Kerry barely suggest, comparing Israel of the Palestinian problem to the South African apartheid.

Apartheid anyone understands to be imperial, and racist.

And so there is the Federal Reserve.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Likely Saturday Night Live cast members: Will not stand in line for starring roles in Syrian Youtube videos(?)--unless they will(?)!))
So EdwardBaiamonte poster would be said to not know that Janet Yellen knows about interest rates, wrongly applied, like in the arithmetic of all of history.
Dear, this is not adequate english. Why not have your mother translate before you post so we'll know what on earth you are talking about. Ask 10 college graduates if they can understand it if you dare to learn?
It seems to be clear to everyone. The imperial arithmetic of the Demonic, educated man of Imperial Egypt, Moses: Creates the World Hating subjugation of foreign peoples. Modern day Palestine is prime example. Better is the recent foreclosure crisis, using the arithmetic of usury. That is shown in Matthew 25:14-30, New Testament. The arithmetic application is created in Deuteronomy 23:19-20. Many say that became an historical source of Western Civilization, anti-Semitism. Jews became the bankers, foreigners to the Christian princes. Jews would be said to construe the Christian peoples, worthy of usury, subjugation: being foreigners to them. "Foreign" and "Hate" tend to be associated, through all history.

In the United States, even the blacks cried foul about the usury created, recent foreclosure crisis. That was of Republican, and Federal Reserve, intended creation--following the ancient math.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Marriage, a celebration of hate of Jesus Christ, would be said to be of that creation--who actually admonished the followers, to not keep riches. The Christian requirement is to give it to the poor--and so not through the usual divoirce courts, of the United States and elsewhere. "Marge," "Gus," "Steve," and "Tanya," regardless of combination, were not construed to be the roof of all of evil.)
It seems to be clear to everyone. The imperial arithmetic of the Demonic, educated man of Imperial Egypt, Moses: Creates the World Hating subjugation of foreign peoples. Modern day Palestine is prime example. Better is the recent foreclosure crisis, using the arithmetic of usury. That is shown in Matthew 25:14-30, New Testament. The arithmetic application is created in Deuteronomy 23:19-20. Many say that became an historical source of Western Civilization, anti-Semitism. Jews became the bankers, foreigners to the Christian princes. Jews would be said to construe the Christian peoples, worthy of usury, subjugation: being foreigners to them. "Foreign" and "Hate" tend to be associated, through all history.

In the United States, even the blacks cried foul about the usury created, recent foreclosure crisis. That was of Republican, and Federal Reserve, intended creation--following the ancient math.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Marriage, a celebration of hate of Jesus Christ, would be said to be of that creation--who actually admonished the followers, to not keep riches. The Christian requirement is to give it to the poor--and so not through the usual divoirce courts, of the United States and elsewhere. "Marge," "Gus," "Steve," and "Tanya," regardless of combination, were not construed to be the roof of all of evil.)
Dear, this is not adequate english. Why not have your mother translate before you post so we'll know what on earth you are talking about. Ask 10 college graduates if they can understand it if you dare to learn?

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