Following the Money


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
When ever something's in the news that doesn't make sense, as presented, ask yourself who's benefitting.

Pharmacies profit from Ebola scare Business Financial Times Online

"Dealers in pharmaceutical products are struggling to meet growing demand for disinfectants, particularly antibacterial hand-sanitisers, as people take preventive measures to avoid an outbreak of the deadly Ebola viral disease...

“On August 8 we took delivery of some 30,000 cartons of hand-sanitisers. Within 24 hours we had run out of stock. Previously, it would have taken at least three months to distribute such huge stock,” said one pharmacist who works for a renowned pharmaceutical wholesaler in Accra."

Dow Jones Today Driven By EBAY and Ebola Scare

"The Daily Deal: Shares of Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corp. (Nasdaq: TKMR) surged more than 25% in post-market hours yesterday on news that the Centers for Disease Control had confirmed the first U.S.-based case of Ebola in a Dallas, Texas, hospital. The patient is in strict isolation in the hospital. The company has been granted approval by the FDA to treat current Ebola patients with its experimental drug."

A conspiratorial thinker might suspect the ebola scare is just a marketing ploy. Short airlines, buy long pharmaceutical companies. But of course, conspiracies are never true...

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