Football analogy for libs

Republicans don't give a fuck about rules, they care about winning. Right now we can't find any of you Trumpbots who cares that you won dirty.
I never cease to marvel at the projection of progressives. The accuse everyone else of the things that they are guilty of. I can't tell if this is an inadvertent subconscious thing or an intentional propaganda thing.

Progressives engage in voter fraud. Progressives rioted at Donald Trump rallies, causing one (Chicago) to be cancelled because they can't handle free speech or different ideas. Progressives engage in assault of anyone who supports Donald Trump. Progressives raped their own women at Occupy Wall Street and damaged property.

I'm not sure you could find a single thing that the uneducated, sub-human, neanderthal progressives engage in that is not illegal. They break more rules in any given 10 minutes than all Republican's combined have in the past 100 years.
You don't like the results of the last election, so you want to retroactively remove the electoral college

Well, the first game of the season, my team lost by one point. If field goals were worth 5 points instead of 3 my team would have won by one point.

So, I demand that the NFL change the rules retroactively to make field goals worth 5 points so my team can have that win. Its just not fair---------------------------------------

Do the rules have to change for electors to vote their conscience and be upheld in the result?
You don't like the results of the last election, so you want to retroactively remove the electoral college

Well, the first game of the season, my team lost by one point. If field goals were worth 5 points instead of 3 my team would have won by one point.

So, I demand that the NFL change the rules retroactively to make field goals worth 5 points so my team can have that win. Its just not fair---------------------------------------

Do the rules have to change for electors to vote their conscience and be upheld in the result?
It depends on the state. In some states, it requires an act of the state legislature to permit them to go against the vote of the people.

In any case, it wouldn't matter anyway. The electoral college is voting their conscious - and they realize that Donald Trump is exponentially more trustworthy and less dangerous than Hitlery freaking Clinton. Next time, elect a better candidate rather than crying.
Republicans don't give a fuck about rules, they care about winning. Right now we can't find any of you Trumpbots who cares that you won dirty.
First of all nitwit...I hate Donald Trump. Always have (though I will admit that he is growing on me by making some good decisions early on). Second, what was "dirty" about it? The American people spoke - they unilaterally rejected your bat-shit crazy ideology which says that mentally disturbed, sexually deviant men should have unfettered access to women and little girls in public facilities and which creates unemployment and poverty. Please tell us what exactly was "dirty" about this ass-kicking:

View attachment 102609
Practically everything was dirty. The myriad ways republicans engaged in voter suppression, the gleeful use of hacked material, the fucked up letter Comey sent to congress, the fake news you still think is true, the bald faced lies Trump told and never seemed to suffer for it. An honorable man would have stated at some point that he did not want to win due to dirty tricks but he did not and as a result he will never gain any support beyond his base that never gave a damn that he is an amoral political opportunist.
Republicans don't give a fuck about rules, they care about winning. Right now we can't find any of you Trumpbots who cares that you won dirty.
First of all nitwit...I hate Donald Trump. Always have (though I will admit that he is growing on me by making some good decisions early on). Second, what was "dirty" about it? The American people spoke - they unilaterally rejected your bat-shit crazy ideology which says that mentally disturbed, sexually deviant men should have unfettered access to women and little girls in public facilities and which creates unemployment and poverty. Please tell us what exactly was "dirty" about this ass-kicking:

View attachment 102609
You illiterate boob. When the American people spoke, we picked Hillary. The electoral college, the body which elects the president, picked Trump.
You don't like the results of the last election, so you want to retroactively remove the electoral college

Well, the first game of the season, my team lost by one point. If field goals were worth 5 points instead of 3 my team would have won by one point.

So, I demand that the NFL change the rules retroactively to make field goals worth 5 points so my team can have that win. Its just not fair---------------------------------------

It'snot for the last election, we want to scrap it for all future ones. It's why Hillary "lost" , cough cough. Dems pick up seats in the House and Senate and Hillary gets millions of more votes than the Trumpadoodle, and wingnuts think they "won". :rofl:

Go ahead and pass all the conservative polices you can. Re-uninsure millions. Defund schools. Slash SS and Medicare. Turn them over the private companies. Start another war, this time in Iran.

Once the GOP has to actually govern, that's when the liberals will have specifics to attach the right on, and the right will be attacked. No more Trump's detail-free "It's gonna be great" crap.
You don't like the results of the last election, so you want to retroactively remove the electoral college

Well, the first game of the season, my team lost by one point. If field goals were worth 5 points instead of 3 my team would have won by one point.

So, I demand that the NFL change the rules retroactively to make field goals worth 5 points so my team can have that win. Its just not fair---------------------------------------

Republicans won the Super Bowl. 306-232

Dems had more yards. 66 million to 63 million.

Yards don't mean shit. It's the score.
If you had a good grasp of analogy this might be an interesting thread.
His analogy was dead-on. And that's why it irritates you so much. Because it flawlessly illustrates the stupidity of you and your fellow progressives.

I posted something akin to what the brilliant poster named redfish did, a while ago.

The point is. What the democrats don't understand is is that understanding the rules of a game is ultimately important if one wishes to win said game.

No matter how dominant the New York Yankees have been over the past hundred years, they've never won the Super Bowl.

Republicans will understand the above. Democtards won't.
Republicans don't give a fuck about rules, they care about winning. Right now we can't find any of you Trumpbots who cares that you won dirty.

It's a lot easier when your opponent in the game is a loser
You don't like the results of the last election, so you want to retroactively remove the electoral college

Well, the first game of the season, my team lost by one point. If field goals were worth 5 points instead of 3 my team would have won by one point.

So, I demand that the NFL change the rules retroactively to make field goals worth 5 points so my team can have that win. Its just not fair---------------------------------------

It'snot for the last election, we want to scrap it for all future ones. It's why Hillary "lost" , cough cough. Dems pick up seats in the House and Senate and Hillary gets millions of more votes than the Trumpadoodle, and wingnuts think they "won". :rofl:

Go ahead and pass all the conservative polices you can. Re-uninsure millions. Defund schools. Slash SS and Medicare. Turn them over the private companies. Start another war, this time in Iran.

Once the GOP has to actually govern, that's when the liberals will have specifics to attach the right on, and the right will be attacked. No more Trump's detail-free "It's gonna be great" crap.
Is there such a thing as T-ball Football for wee tots? Cuz that's the type of football the Lefties would play.
It'snot for the last election, we want to scrap it for all future ones. It's why Hillary "lost" , cough cough. Dems pick up seats in the House and Senate and Hillary gets millions of more votes than the Trumpadoodle, and wingnuts think they "won". :rofl:
Republicans own the White House, the House, the Senate, and an astounding 33 of the 50 states (giving progressives a laughable 17 states). Keep trying to convince yourself you "won" junior. :lol:

The bottom line - the American people have rejected your bat-shit crazy ideology.
If you had a good grasp of analogy this might be an interesting thread.
His analogy was dead-on. And that's why it irritates you so much. Because it flawlessly illustrates the stupidity of you and your fellow progressives.

I posted something akin to what the brilliant poster named redfish did, a while ago.

The point is. What the democrats don't understand is is that understanding the rules of a game is ultimately important if one wishes to win said game.

No matter how dominant the New York Yankees have been over the past hundred years, they've never won the Super Bowl.

Republicans will understand the above. Democtards won't.
Republicans don't give a fuck about rules, they care about winning. Right now we can't find any of you Trumpbots who cares that you won dirty.

So, when wikileaks exposed the corruption and lying within the DNC, the republicans were winning dirty? Do you understand how stupid that sounds?

Was Brazille playing dirty when she gave the debate questions to Hillary? Was the media playing dirty when they leaked them to Brazille?

you libs are so butthurt that your bitch lost that you have lost what little common sense you ever had.
You don't like the results of the last election, so you want to retroactively remove the electoral college

Well, the first game of the season, my team lost by one point. If field goals were worth 5 points instead of 3 my team would have won by one point.

So, I demand that the NFL change the rules retroactively to make field goals worth 5 points so my team can have that win. Its just not fair---------------------------------------

Do the rules have to change for electors to vote their conscience and be upheld in the result?

the electors job is to vote the conscience of the people of their state. They are not independent "president selectors" , they represent the voters of their states.

If its as you want it to be, why even have an election?, just turn it over to those 538 people to select the president, why let the people vote if the electors are going to pick the president?
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