Football Nazis Losing BIg Time

This news should do wonders to drive the prices back up for the vaccinated folk who didnt want to go to the games.
The NFL is losing serious money. Football does not belong in politics. Wait for the TV ratings. Advertisers will not pay when nobody watches. I and many of people I know have not watched a game in years. This year will be no different.
RACIST MOFOS... blacks only make up 13% of the population, but they are most of the players in the NFL.....where's the ACLU, Sharpton, etc????!!!
Whether I had the vaccine or not isnt the issue to me.

The issue is I wont tolerate someone saying "papers please" just to go to a football game. Its no ones business but mine whether I had it or not, my personal medical situation has nothing to do with anyone but myself and my doctor, and my wife also.

If I go anywhere and someone says I need to show vaccine proof Ill turn around and leave and never go back. This and the whole pro BLM bullshit pro sports starting pushing I quit watching pro sports over a year ago and honestly I dont really care or miss them. There is too much to do in life than worry about not watching a nfl game.

I hope they go bankrupt from this kind of shit and wake up.
Democrats used to whine about a simple thing like showing a drivers license to vote and now they require something they call a "vax passport" to function in society. Hypocrisy doesn't begin to describe it.
Democrats used to whine about a simple thing like showing a drivers license to vote and now they require something they call a "vax passport" to function in society. Hypocrisy doesn't begin to describe it.
Fascism describes it.
Kappernick and now this crap. People have had enough.

The stupidest thing is in thinking that if you have 55,000 fully vaccinated people attending an NFL game that it wouldn't be superspreader event. The most highly vaccinated countries in the world are seeing surges. Stupid is as stupid does.
It should be a choice. Our government is abusing its power and ignoring our rights. They clearly do not have that power. And when they are joined by businesses trying to force anythig on the people, it is fascism.
Our government is pushing the limits right now exploring the potential for the takeover of all choices. They are waiting to see what the tipping point is.
It is in the best interest of the totalitarians to keep the fear mongering going because it gives them continuous opportunity to legislate more control over every little aspect of your life.
As long as they all stay together and ingest their dewormer together and stay away from the sane's cool.
Keeping them away from each other will not be a problem at all. However I think ticket office might feel differently.
As long as they all stay together and ingest their dewormer together and stay away from the sane's cool.
You are a proud member of the "shut up and obey" team. No one wants to play that game.

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