For 20 years Obama listened to this America hater...and now..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
the people Obama looks up to , listened to, learned from.. are doing the following:

"The protest movement has also been bolstered by several high profile endorsements from world leaders and Nobel laureates,
including anti-apartheid activist Desmond Tutu,
radical professors Noam Chomsky and Cornell West, Nobel peace laureate Mairead Maguire, and the
Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who served for nearly 20 years as President Obama’s spiritual leader.

Other prominent backers of the movement are longtime supporters of President Obama.

United Nations official Richard Falk, for instance, donated to Obama’s presidential campaign in 2008.
So did Stanford University Professor Claybrone Carson and
Marcy Winograd, a member of California’s Green Party.

Palestinian Protest Turns Violent | Washington Free Beacon

REMEMBER these Obama supporters believe in protesting WITH the same people that strongly want the following:

Such a peace loving group the PLO,Hamas, taking their charter to heart!!
Hamas Charter of Allah: The Platform of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)
"For our struggle against the Jews is extremely wide-ranging and grave, so much so that it will need all the loyal efforts we can wield..

Hamas in Gaza deliberately attacked civilian population centers Hamas employed mortar bombs, Kassam and Grad rockets, homicide/suicide bombers, and active shooters against Israeli civilians.
Hamas systematically and deliberately used civilian sites as cover for its military operations. Using their own civilian areas for military advantage was central to the terrorists' overall strategy.[7] Hamas based its operations in civilian areas because of the likelihood that doing so would result in substantial harm to civilians. Hamas' apparent intent was to make it impossible for the IDF to avoid harming civilians and damaging civilian structures.
Hamas launched rockets from areas near schools, used hospitals as bases of operation, stored weapons in mosques, and booby trapped entire neighborhoods
The tactics of Hamas

The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him! ..
Say: Lo! the guidance of Allah [himself] is the Guidance.
Palestine Center - The Charter of the Hamas

Article 15: The liberation of Palestine, from an Arab viewpoint, is a national (qawmi) duty and it attempts to repel the Zionist and imperialist aggression against the Arab homeland, and aims at the elimination of Zionism in Palestine. Absolute responsibility for this falls upon the Arab nation - peoples and governments - with the Arab people of Palestine in the vanguard. Accordingly, the Arab nation must mobilize all its military, human, moral, and spiritual capabilities to participate actively with the Palestinian people in the liberation of Palestine. It must, particularly in the phase of the armed Palestinian revolution, offer and furnish the Palestinian people with all possible help, and material and human support, and make available to them the means and opportunities that will enable them to continue to carry out their leading role in the armed revolution, until they liberate their homeland.

The PLO Charter
Hmmmm.....sounds the the radical right is getting nervous if they have to start this bullshit.

They'd be better off pushing the bither issue. :lol:
Having offended all but old white farts, they are trying to find traction somewhere. But trying to find traction in shit is pretty difficult, and smells bad to boot.

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