For Halloween, Post Your Favorite TZ's


Gold Member
Feb 1, 2016
This old coot is the coolest character Rod Serling ever created. I love the way the old man was sarcastically insulting his relatives, disguised as compliments, and the relatives were too far up their own asses to realize it.

Lee Marvin being an absolute badass....without even firing a single shot, no less.

This one was nearly horrifying because of the extremely cold-blooded, extreme mystery of it all.

Yes, I realize I'm posting this several hours early.....I assume that's not TOO horrifying of an Internet crime, yes? Because everyone knows the Internet is SERIOUS BUSINESS, lol.
You know what I really liked about this episode? In the wrong hands this plot could have become incredibly corny and ridiculous. But Mr. Serling handles it with just the right touch that it manages to be serious, professional and effective the whole time.


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