For idiots. Russia has had a police action only until now, not a war


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
The true war gonna start right now, when Putin calls a small amount of reservists ( around 300k ) back to army.
It's just 1% of all Russian capabilities.

Europa has provided more as 50% of all weapons to Ukraine and is disarmed now.
How it will fight against Russia?

But the sad truth is the same puppeteers are behind Russians and Ukrainians.
As long two brothers kill each other they clean up their countries for another peoples who will take their places.
Like in both Americas, Africa or New Zealand.


So, guys. It is time for you to learn the banal truth that all of you - the Khokhlys, the Russians, the Belarusians, the Mordovians, the Chuvash and the Yukaghirs - are nothing more than aborigines of a single hyperborean oikumen, practically not different from each other, and doomed to complete extinction in the future.
Of course, you are different in some ways. Sometimes even noticeably and strongly. But to Westerners, all your differences mean no more than the differences of the Indians, or of the African tribes, from one another.
The Indians, too, were VERY different. Some (like the Sioux, or Mohicans) lived in tepees made of skins and knew no occupation other than hunting, gathering, and mutual scalping. And others (like the Incas, or Aztecs) built cities, roads, tunnels, canals, palaces and fortresses, created great empires, and gave the world chocolate, tomatoes, turkeys, corn, tobacco, potatoes, a number of other useful (and not so useful) things.

And Africans are VERY different from each other, too. Suffice it to say that it is in Africa that the shortest people in the world, the Pygmies, live. And the same continent is home to the tallest people on the planet, the Tutsis. It is difficult to confuse a Bushman with an Ethiopian, and a Malgash with a Yoruba. By the way, Ethiopia was an empire, and a Christian one, at a time when the Russians had no state of their own, to say nothing of the Ukrainians or the Belarusians, who never existed in nature.

Against this background, all the differences between Russians, Ukrainians and Belarussians (and Poles too) seem simply ridiculous and mostly far-fetched to outsiders.
No, of course, it can be understand that someone may not like what I say. This is actually a very important question: where should a real man stick his feathers - in his nose, in his ass, or in his hair. But alas, Europeans don't give a shit about such nuances. That's how amazing they are.

There are more and more people on this planet. Look how many people live in certain states these days! Even Russia in terms of population is a medium-sized country, second only to Nigeria, Pakistan or Bangladesh. And Ukraine is almost a dwarf.
In this case, the size of the planet - not increasing.
It is clear that the resources of the earth cannot be enough for everyone.
Meanwhile, the resources and fertile land - just Russia and Ukraine are the states of the first magnitude.
It means that the Russians and Ukrainians are already faced with a dilemma of choice: either to combine efforts to jointly resist the onslaught of the rest of the world - or disappear from the face of the earth, giving way to other, more reasonable and compliant peoples.

Don't ask how the Germans or the French or the Swedes are better than the Russians or the Ukrainians. They are not better than the Russians or the Ukrainians. But they do not exterminate each other. And that is the most important thing.
Of course, some of you are proud to have found a common language with Europeans, and some of you are proud to have found a common language with the Chinese. Just as the Iroquois were once proud to find common ground with the French, and the Delawares were glad to be allied with the English.
But... How can I put this delicately?
The fact is that none of you really give a shit - neither the Europeans nor the Chinese. You're just being taken advantage of, both of you. Just like the Iroquois, the Delawares, the rest of the Sioux and the Shoshone.

Of course you have a lot of mutual grievances against each other - and most of the time they are justified. You call each other freaks, morons, over-chromosomes, stupid villagers, slaves, shit, victims of propaganda, etc., etc...
And you know - all of you are right to some extent. I would not say that you slander each other without merit. Among your mutual claims, a lot of them are quite fair and quite justified.
So you - both the Khokhuls and the Russians - quite rightly call each other all sorts of bad words. You are like that, as a rule. And representatives of all other peoples inhabiting the globe are no better.

If you take all but the most worthy people and kill them right now, the planet would be deserted.
And what's more, the small handful of decent people who are left will have DIFFERENT children, with different inclinations. So, in a couple of generations it will become clear that it made no sense to exterminate the moral freaks - because the moral freaks will again make up the majority of mankind...

Sharon aka Litwin, just waiting for your comment


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You might have bigger issues to worry about. Actually, you have a lot of issues to worry about. The Chechens and the FSB and the Russian Army are all fighting each other at times.

And then this:

The true war gonna start right now, when Putin calls a small amount of reservists ( around 300k ) back to army.
It's just 1% of all Russian capabilities.
Not really, a lot of the elite Russian units have been killed in Ukraine, and a lot of officers. Maybe Russia could mobilize a couple million, but they would have poor training and most would be cannon fodder. Several million badly trained soldiers might be able to take Ukraine by sheer number and brute force, but they would eventually end up losing a world war if other nations also mobilize.

Plus Russia is running out of weapons, they are now buying shells from North Korea and AK47 copies from China.
The true war gonna start right now, when Putin calls a small amount of reservists ( around 300k ) back to army.
It's just 1% of all Russian capabilities.

Europa has provided more as 50% of all weapons to Ukraine and is disarmed now.
How it will fight against Russia?

But the sad truth is the same puppeteers are behind Russians and Ukrainians.
As long two brothers kill each other they clean up their countries for another peoples who will take their places.
Like in both Americas, Africa or New Zealand.


So, guys. It is time for you to learn the banal truth that all of you - the Khokhlys, the Russians, the Belarusians, the Mordovians, the Chuvash and the Yukaghirs - are nothing more than aborigines of a single hyperborean oikumen, practically not different from each other, and doomed to complete extinction in the future.
Of course, you are different in some ways. Sometimes even noticeably and strongly. But to Westerners, all your differences mean no more than the differences of the Indians, or of the African tribes, from one another.
The Indians, too, were VERY different. Some (like the Sioux, or Mohicans) lived in tepees made of skins and knew no occupation other than hunting, gathering, and mutual scalping. And others (like the Incas, or Aztecs) built cities, roads, tunnels, canals, palaces and fortresses, created great empires, and gave the world chocolate, tomatoes, turkeys, corn, tobacco, potatoes, a number of other useful (and not so useful) things.

And Africans are VERY different from each other, too. Suffice it to say that it is in Africa that the shortest people in the world, the Pygmies, live. And the same continent is home to the tallest people on the planet, the Tutsis. It is difficult to confuse a Bushman with an Ethiopian, and a Malgash with a Yoruba. By the way, Ethiopia was an empire, and a Christian one, at a time when the Russians had no state of their own, to say nothing of the Ukrainians or the Belarusians, who never existed in nature.

Against this background, all the differences between Russians, Ukrainians and Belarussians (and Poles too) seem simply ridiculous and mostly far-fetched to outsiders.
No, of course, it can be understand that someone may not like what I say. This is actually a very important question: where should a real man stick his feathers - in his nose, in his ass, or in his hair. But alas, Europeans don't give a shit about such nuances. That's how amazing they are.

There are more and more people on this planet. Look how many people live in certain states these days! Even Russia in terms of population is a medium-sized country, second only to Nigeria, Pakistan or Bangladesh. And Ukraine is almost a dwarf.
In this case, the size of the planet - not increasing.
It is clear that the resources of the earth cannot be enough for everyone.
Meanwhile, the resources and fertile land - just Russia and Ukraine are the states of the first magnitude.
It means that the Russians and Ukrainians are already faced with a dilemma of choice: either to combine efforts to jointly resist the onslaught of the rest of the world - or disappear from the face of the earth, giving way to other, more reasonable and compliant peoples.

Don't ask how the Germans or the French or the Swedes are better than the Russians or the Ukrainians. They are not better than the Russians or the Ukrainians. But they do not exterminate each other. And that is the most important thing.
Of course, some of you are proud to have found a common language with Europeans, and some of you are proud to have found a common language with the Chinese. Just as the Iroquois were once proud to find common ground with the French, and the Delawares were glad to be allied with the English.
But... How can I put this delicately?
The fact is that none of you really give a shit - neither the Europeans nor the Chinese. You're just being taken advantage of, both of you. Just like the Iroquois, the Delawares, the rest of the Sioux and the Shoshone.

Of course you have a lot of mutual grievances against each other - and most of the time they are justified. You call each other freaks, morons, over-chromosomes, stupid villagers, slaves, shit, victims of propaganda, etc., etc...
And you know - all of you are right to some extent. I would not say that you slander each other without merit. Among your mutual claims, a lot of them are quite fair and quite justified.
So you - both the Khokhuls and the Russians - quite rightly call each other all sorts of bad words. You are like that, as a rule. And representatives of all other peoples inhabiting the globe are no better.

If you take all but the most worthy people and kill them right now, the planet would be deserted.
And what's more, the small handful of decent people who are left will have DIFFERENT children, with different inclinations. So, in a couple of generations it will become clear that it made no sense to exterminate the moral freaks - because the moral freaks will again make up the majority of mankind...

Sharon aka Litwin, just waiting for your comment



You are an idiot. Seriously.

Conscript armies are little more than cannon fodder. They will be untrained. And as untrained troops they will suffer casualties far above what can be sustained. Throwing 300,000 untrained troops into the fray will result in massive defeats and growth of the anti war movement in Russia.

Additionally. Russia can’t equip the troops with the best equipment. Which is already lacking. So they’ll be using equipment judged by the Russians themselves to be obsolete. Picture a civilian equipped to fight in Korea fighting in Afghanistan. That will be the situation.

So you will have troops who don’t want to be there. Poorly equipped. Untrained. And Unprepared for combat.

This is not a sign of Putin being a strong leader. It is a sign of desperation. It is proof of Russia circling the drain.
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