For Once And For All...

Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
For once and for all, I wish someone would explain to me how "All lives matter" is a racist statement.

I said that last night in a Facebook discussion and was immediately attacked for being a racist. When I asked for an explanation, I had some white girl tell me that, since I'm not black, I couldn't possibly understand. When I pointed out that she, too, was white, she shut her hole.

To me "All lives matter" is about as inclusive as you can get. Anything else breeds divisiveness. Anything else says that some lives don't matter.

So, anyone wanna' help me out on this?
For once and for all, I wish someone would explain to me how "All lives matter" is a racist statement.

I said that last night in a Facebook discussion and was immediately attacked for being a racist. When I asked for an explanation, I had some white girl tell me that, since I'm not black, I couldn't possibly understand. When I pointed out that she, too, was white, she shut her hole.

To me "All lives matter" is about as inclusive as you can get. Anything else breeds divisiveness. Anything else says that some lives don't matter.

So, anyone wanna' help me out on this?
For once and for all, I wish someone would explain to me how "All lives matter" is a racist statement.

I said that last night in a Facebook discussion and was immediately attacked for being a racist. When I asked for an explanation, I had some white girl tell me that, since I'm not black, I couldn't possibly understand. When I pointed out that she, too, was white, she shut her hole.

To me "All lives matter" is about as inclusive as you can get. Anything else breeds divisiveness. Anything else says that some lives don't matter.

So, anyone wanna' help me out on this?
The "woke" crowd is beyond ANY help OR hope. They are really and TRULY f*cked in the head, thanks to being brainwashed by our hideously biased mainstream media AND social media. Very, very sad.:(
To be woke is another way of claiming a mental problem. It just means that you want to believe others are responsible for any thing that happens to you that is bad. Did not get the promotion you thought you should. Your woke they are not. Did not want to go to work and got fired. Tour woke they are not. Not making enough on welfare to get that new car. You are woke they are not.
It is a total waste of time to try to reason with some folks.

Their brains think in a way that can often not be understood.

For example, I once read a news article that two men beat up a guy, who had courteously opened the door for the former to enter a store. Apparently, the two men felt that having the door opened for them was meant as an insult or at least condescending.

A short time after reading that news, I happened to open the door for a gentleman. He did not beat me up, but he was annoyed and demanded that I enter first.

Since then, I make sure never to open the door for people of a certain background.

So "All lives matter" is interpreted by some folks as a put-down to "Black lives matter."

The safest thing is clear: Never engage in a "discussion" with certain folks. Sometimes it can be dangerous.
For once and for all, I wish someone would explain to me how "All lives matter" is a racist statement.

I said that last night in a Facebook discussion and was immediately attacked for being a racist. When I asked for an explanation, I had some white girl tell me that, since I'm not black, I couldn't possibly understand. When I pointed out that she, too, was white, she shut her hole.

To me "All lives matter" is about as inclusive as you can get. Anything else breeds divisiveness. Anything else says that some lives don't matter.

So, anyone wanna' help me out on this?
It's like you're house being on fire and fireman turning up and then saying "Wait a minute !! All houses matter. What about that house across the street ?"

You see there are two types of advice that people give.
  1. Advice you give to try and help someone with their problems.
  2. Advice you give to help yourself feel better about not knowing how to help them with their problems.
The difference is all in the context.

If you tell someone to brush and floss their teeth every day, that's good advice, but if you're talking to someone who just lost their teeth, because they were in a car accident, within that context, your advice is terrible, and that's what's wrong with "All Lives Matter"

All lives matter is correct in the abstract, but useless in context.
It is a total waste of time to try to reason with some folks.

Their brains think in a way that can often not be understood.

For example, I once read a news article that two men beat up a guy, who had courteously opened the door for the former to enter a store. Apparently, the two men felt that having the door opened for them was meant as an insult or at least condescending.

A short time after reading that news, I happened to open the door for a gentleman. He did not beat me up, but he was annoyed and demanded that I enter first.

Since then, I make sure never to open the door for people of a certain background.

So "All lives matter" is interpreted by some folks as a put-down to "Black lives matter."

The safest thing is clear: Never engage in a "discussion" with certain folks. Sometimes it can be dangerous.
It's customary for a gentleman to open a door for a lady. So if a man opens a door for another man.......... see where I'm going?
For example, I once read a news article that two men beat up a guy, who had courteously opened the door for the former to enter a store. Apparently, the two men felt that having the door opened for them was meant as an insult or at least condescending.
Really ? Have you got a link for that ?

A short time after reading that news, I happened to open the door for a gentleman. He did not beat me up, but he was annoyed and demanded that I enter first.
What you want a medal ?

Since then, I make sure never to open the door for people of a certain background.
Wow. The world is gonna end
A short time after reading that news, I happened to open the door for a gentleman. He did not beat me up, but he was annoyed and demanded that I enter first.

Listen to you "He did not beat me up" Are you man or a mouse ? And this is no macho sh*t but I expect that talk from a woman, a child or someone elderly or physically unable to fight.

The fact that you are already bowing down and submitting to another man, a man who know nothing about, is the ultimate act in cowardice.

And what you mean "he was annoyed" ? He probably just said "No. You go first" but white people have to be so fking extra when it's a black person

"I mean, dude, this blk guy, he had sagging pants and he was like huge dude, he was the size of house and he had gold teeth. He may have had a gun. The blk guy was like"


Fk out my face
It is a total waste of time to try to reason with some folks.

Their brains think in a way that can often not be understood.

For example, I once read a news article that two men beat up a guy, who had courteously opened the door for the former to enter a store. Apparently, the two men felt that having the door opened for them was meant as an insult or at least condescending.

A short time after reading that news, I happened to open the door for a gentleman. He did not beat me up, but he was annoyed and demanded that I enter first.

Since then, I make sure never to open the door for people of a certain background.

So "All lives matter" is interpreted by some folks as a put-down to "Black lives matter."

The safest thing is clear: Never engage in a "discussion" with certain folks. Sometimes it can be dangerous.
It's customary for a gentleman to open a door for a lady. So if a man opens a door for another man.......... see where I'm going?


I had never thought of that before.

Yes, you are right. If I open a door, certain folks might think that I am implying that ...

Thanks a lot! I am always careful in dealing with certain folks, but now I shall be extra cautious!

Have a nice week!
For once and for all, I wish someone would explain to me how "All lives matter" is a racist statement.

I said that last night in a Facebook discussion and was immediately attacked for being a racist. When I asked for an explanation, I had some white girl tell me that, since I'm not black, I couldn't possibly understand. When I pointed out that she, too, was white, she shut her hole.

To me "All lives matter" is about as inclusive as you can get. Anything else breeds divisiveness. Anything else says that some lives don't matter.

So, anyone wanna' help me out on this?
It's like you're house being on fire and fireman turning up and then saying "Wait a minute !! All houses matter. What about that house across the street ?"

You see there are two types of advice that people give.
  1. Advice you give to try and help someone with their problems.
  2. Advice you give to help yourself feel better about not knowing how to help them with their problems.
The difference is all in the context.

If you tell someone to brush and floss their teeth every day, that's good advice, but if you're talking to someone who just lost their teeth, because they were in a car accident, within that context, your advice is terrible, and that's what's wrong with "All Lives Matter"

All lives matter is correct in the abstract, but useless in context.

Couple things.

First, thanks for being a complete failure at answering the question "How is it racist?"

Second, I don't compare houses; something which can be replaced, to a life, which is something which cannot be replaced. Interesting to see that you hold such an opinion not of people, but of possessions.

I'm also not talking about flossing teeth, gold or otherwise>

All lives matter. No one can point out how that's wrong or racist.

No one...
Couple things.

First, thanks for being a complete failure at answering the question "How is it racist?"

Second, I don't compare houses; something which can be replaced, to a life, which is something which cannot be replaced. Interesting to see that you hold such an opinion not of people, but of possessions.

I'm also not talking about flossing teeth, gold or otherwise>
Look - If whites really want to make the ‘#alllivesmatter’ tag stick, then you people need to be just as vociferous as blacks are in pointing out how unarmed Whites who are killed by the police.

If all ppl are really suffering from police brutality then wouldn’t you think that whites should be complaining about the police, rather than complaining about blks complaining about the police ?

You haven't really thought this through have you ?

End of the day white people will support harsher government policies if they’ll hurt blacks even if they could potentially be used against whites too.

It’s an example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.
All lives matter. No one can point out how that's wrong or racist.

Yeah and in the declaration of independence whites also said ‘All men are created equal’ and they didn’t mean that shit
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Couple things.

First, thanks for being a complete failure at answering the question "How is it racist?"

Second, I don't compare houses; something which can be replaced, to a life, which is something which cannot be replaced. Interesting to see that you hold such an opinion not of people, but of possessions.

I'm also not talking about flossing teeth, gold or otherwise>
Look - If whites really want to make the ‘#alllivesmatter’ tag stick, then you people need to be just as vociferous as blacks are in pointing out how unarmed Whites who are killed by the police.

If all ppl are really suffering from police brutality then wouldn’t you think that whites should be complaining about the police, rather than complaining about blks complaining about the police ?

You haven't really thought this through have you ?

End of the day white people will support harsher government policies if they’ll hurt blacks even if they could potentially be used against whites too.

It’s an example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.
All lives matter. No one can point out how that's wrong or racist.

Yeah and in the declaration of independence whites also said ‘All men are created equal’ and they didn’t mean that shit

I don't hold the myopic view that you do. I could waste the next hour posting links to videos of white guys getting thrashed by the police, but all you'd do is dismiss them, so why bother?

All lives matter, be they white, black, red, green, yellow, blue; what have you. The only people who see it as a racist statement are ignorant negroes like you who feel the need to perpetuate racism as opposed to solving the issues of racism. Your stupid comment about whites supporting policies which will hurt negroes is clear evidence of that.

People like you believe that, if you can't whine about being colored, no one will listen to you...
As usual Canon Shooter does not respond to a word I said.

Just blabs on.

Because what you said was your usual negro "woe is me" bullshit.

When someone says "All lives matter", it places equal importance on all lives, regardless of color. But negroes need to feel special, so they insist that anything except "black lives matter" is racist.

Negroes are the most racist motherfuckers on the planet...
Canon Shooter
Because what you said was your usual negro "woe is me" bullshit.

No "woe is me" white boy. I'm just disagreeing with you and pointing how wrong you are. So stop projecting bcoz it's you who is complaining. It's you who is whining. It's you who started who started this thread.

Canon Shooter
When someone says "All lives matter", it places equal importance on all lives, regardless of color. But negroes need to feel special, so they insist that

We are special. Facts.

Canon Shooter
Negroes are the most racist motherfuckers on the planet...

Show the racist things black ppl have done to white ppl and I'll show the racist things white people have done to blk ppl and lets see who wins.
No "woe is me" white boy. I'm just disagreeing with you and pointing how wrong you are. So stop projecting bcoz it's you who is complaining. It's you who is whining. It's you who started who started this thread.


I don't speak ebonics, dumbfuck. Speak English, or leave, or prepare to be mocked...

All you've got is "woe is me and my negroid ass". Your whining is largely meaningless, aside from the fact that it's the same, old, meaningless droning is all you've got...

]We are special. Facts.

Fuck you. The only way you're "special" is if you're carrying around an extra chromosome. Yeah, you're "special". "Short bus" special...

Show the racist things black ppl have done to white ppl and I'll show the racist things white people have done to blk ppl and lets see who wins.

I've never said white people have never done anything racist to negroes, so there's no need for you to put your stupidity and ignorance on display by suggesting I have. But the way you conduct yourself here, and insist you're "special", is racist as fuck.

All lives matter.

Except yours. I couldn't give a flying fuck about yours...
Canon Shooter
I don't speak ebonics, dumbfuck. .

Yes, you do. Unless you have never said "check it out" "cool" "blow your mind" "laid-back" "dude"

Every body uses slang.

Ebonics has crossed over into standard American English, and actualy has made it healthier.

But as usual, the white man is part atracted to Ebonics and part repelled by it.

Canon Shooter
Speak English, or leave, or prepare to be mocked.

English is not your natural language. America is a bastard nation. You are European American. So why dont you talk Italian ? German ? Russian? Spanish? French? Or were ever part of Europe you're from.

And lets your an English American. You're ancestors who got on the boat were the losers of England who could barely read or write but just let's say they could read n write.

You're statement

Speak English, or leave, or prepare to be mocked.

Would be in old English

Speaketh english, 'r leaveth, 'r prepareth to beest mock'd.

America is one of the most diverse nations in the world, so the expectation that everyone should function in a culturally homogenous education system is absurd

So I'll write to you the way I want to write to you. If you don't like it, don't reply.

You're the type that probably freaks out when AT&T customer service asks you to press one for English. Hearing your language used differently, feels like a threat.

A blk man who says “y’all” hasn’t failed to speak in the second person, he's simply using a different set of rules to do it.

Canon Shooter

"Bcoz" is not ebonics. I know that one brain cell in your head that is fighting for dominance finds that hard to swallow.

"Bcoz" is shorthand text speak that whites use.

Canon Shooter
All you've got is "woe is me and my negroid ass". Your whining is largely meaningless, aside from the fact that it's the same, old, meaningless droning is all you've got...

You're the one who is crying about black lives matter. You the one who started this thread.

Canon Shooter
I've never said white people have never done anything racist to negroes, so there's no need for you to put your stupidity and ignorance on display

You said black ppl are the most racist MFers ever. Reality does not show it. In fact black ppl are too nice to whites, that's been my experience. I know if the shoe was on the other foot, whites would have
For once and for all, I wish someone would explain to me how "All lives matter" is a racist statement.

I said that last night in a Facebook discussion and was immediately attacked for being a racist. When I asked for an explanation, I had some white girl tell me that, since I'm not black, I couldn't possibly understand. When I pointed out that she, too, was white, she shut her hole.

To me "All lives matter" is about as inclusive as you can get. Anything else breeds divisiveness. Anything else says that some lives don't matter.

So, anyone wanna' help me out on this?
For a very large portion of the history of this country Black lives have mattered least of all.

And like it or not that legacy is still alive and well in this country.

So while I don't think it's racist to say all lives matter I do think it is an attempt to marginalize the historic treatment of Blacks in this country.

So until people will at least admit that not all lives matter equally and can say that yes Black lives not only matter but that they matter just as much as any other we can never truly say all lives matter.
Yes, you do. Unless you have never said "check it out" "cool" "blow your mind" "laid-back" "dude"

Every body uses slang.

"Slang" is not ebonics.

I typed "ebonics" into Google and it came back with this example of the completely bastardized language ebonics:

"She BIN had dat han'-made dress"

That translates to "She's had that hand-made dress for a long time, and still does."

Ebonics has crossed over into standard American English, and actualy has made it healthier.

The fuck it has. It's the language of the ignorant monkey...

But as usual, the white man is part atracted to Ebonics and part repelled by it.

There's not a single thing about the monkey language that whites are attracted to...

English is not your natural language. America is a bastard nation. You are European American. So why dont you talk Italian ? German ? Russian? Spanish? French? Or were ever part of Europe you're from.

I'm from Long Island, Sambo. That said, I not only speak English, but some French and Italian, as well as German...

And lets your an English American.

What the fuck is that? That's not even a sentence. See, that's the difference between ignorant little fucks like you and educated white folks like me. We can actually form sentences which are coherent and make sense...

You're ancestors who got on the boat were the losers of England who could barely read or write but just let's say they could read n write.

Actually, negro, one of my ancestors was Henry VIII.

And I still can't get decent parking...

America is one of the most diverse nations in the world, so the expectation that everyone should function in a culturally homogenous education system is absurd

What's absurd is the way colored boys like you butcher the English language and then whine about racism when people make fun of you for it...

So I'll write to you the way I want to write to you. If you don't like it, don't reply.

Oh, I'll reply, simply because I enjoy pointing out the monumental level of idiocy you apparently so enjoy putting on display...

You're the type that probably freaks out when AT&T customer service asks you to press one for English. Hearing your language used differently, feels like a threat.

Not in the slightest...

A blk man who says “y’all” hasn’t failed to speak in the second person, he's simply using a different set of rules to do it.

I live in northeastern Florida. Plenty of rednecks up here say "ya'll"...

"Bcoz" is shorthand text speak that whites use.

The fuck it is. Now you're just belching up bullshit lies to try to make yourself look less stupid.

I'm a 58 year old white guy, and the very first time I ever saw that "word" was when you used it. I literally don't know a single white person who uses it... ever. Why not? Because it's an ignorant negro bullshit made up word, that's why...

But, please, continue to be a complete dipshit...

You're the one who is crying about black lives matter. You the one who started this thread.

ANd you're thye stupid little fuck who has to believe that you're special and that your life is more meaningful than anyone elses. Well, it's not. Not by a long shot...

You said black ppl are the most racist MFers ever. Reality does not show it. In fact black ppl are too nice to whites, that's been my experience. I know if the shoe was on the other foot, whites would have

Yes, I did say that. I just believe that blacks are far more racist, simply because they've allowed themselves to believe that they should be permitted to have what good white people have, without having to expend the energy and hard work to get it.

I had some neighborhood negro come into my store the other day with a "BLM" t-shirt on. When I asked him "Don't you think all lives matter?", he said "No, no they don't." Sorry, but that's a fucking racist. I refused to serve him, and he went off, flappin' those blue gums as I escorted him off the property...

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