For Reps Sake!

I just repped Kiwi, Intolerant, Derideo, Blood, Mistress, Mercury, Cafe, Noomi, Sheila and Peach. Now am out of rep. Will get to everyone else when I can.

I just thought this was so poignant:

Sender-Inner Jenny B. says, “let people know there are animals out there that need us desperately. And to always treat them with the same dignity and kindness we would like to receive ourselves.” Photo: Kitten, December, 2007, Hoi An, VietNam flooding disaster; unknown photographer.


Awww, that picture makes me want to sad.......:)
Seems I'm entirely too soon today so will revisit later when, maybe, I can spread some rep.

Meanwhile, one of those pictures you get only by chance. It was after an evening concert at Ripon Cathedral - big glass doors inside the original stonework were reflecting the town and the brilliant sky beyond with just a hint or the lighted altar showing through:


  • $Ripon Cathedral Door.jpg
    $Ripon Cathedral Door.jpg
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