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For this British woman, living alone and terrified....I suggest a 9mm or .45 caliber pistol....oh...she lives in Britain....she's a victim.......

….Aaand we’re off to the races! The usual torrent mixture of BS and cherry picking.

Yes, rape and sexual assault reports have increased in the UK, why? Because more and more British women are coming forward to report these crimes, and that’s a good thing in the long term.

Yes, conviction rates are low, why? Because decades of right-wing Conservative governments in the UK have underfunded the police, which in turn, has exacerbated the fact that sadly, rape is difficult to prove in the best of circumstances. This is truly another scandal created by the Conservatives in the UK.

Will giving women guns, solve the problem?

Given that 80-85% of these assaults occur inside either the victim’s home or the perpetrator’s home, when one or both are intoxicated or drugged; and that the overwhelming majority of rapists are either current or ex-partners or friends and/or work colleagues, who know or have known the victim, probably not.

Around 10% of rapes in the UK are carried out by strangers in public areas, which brings me to your perpetual BS non-question.

There are several key issues here,

  • Serial rapists are, by their nature, experienced. They, have over time, perfected their technique. I highly doubt, such a scumbag would approach the victim carrying a placard stating their intentions. Where details exist of such crimes the victim is taken out by a rapid surprise attack, giving the victim virtually no chance of putting up ant form of defence, never mind reaching for a gun.
  • Can she stop the rape with her gun? An example, A woman is alone at night on a subway platform. After a while a man appears and walks towards her, he is 6’7” tall, black skinned and very well built. He is dressed in the uniform of the USMC. Is he likely to be a rapist?
  • Another time an old man with a walking stick pushing a shopping trolley who hobbles over towards her; is he likely to be a rapist?
  • On yet another occasion a young street thug approaches, He’s thin and wiry dressed in gang colours and heavily tattooed could he be a rapist?
In order to prevent the rape, the woman must shoot one or more of them, how does she decide which one to shoot? She has one or two seconds to make a decision before it’s too late. If she makes a wrong decision, she could either end up being attacked, or facing a life sentence in jail.

Merely having a gun does not guarantee or ensure safety. No situation is as clear cut as 2aguy would like to fantasize about.

Oh, and in answer to his “Trekkie time travel question”, no.

  • Time travel is currently beyond our capabilities
  • Interfering by changing a past event could have undreamed of ramifications for the present.

Hey......watch this.....learn something about women and self defense....you twit...

Notice...you idiot....the guy charges the woman, and she uses her gun to drop him...

What do you think the outcome would have been if she didn't have that gun.....?

Because more and more British women are coming forward to report these crimes, and that’s a good thing in the long term.

Yes....nice ploy....you idiots trot that out to try to cover for rape in your country...

The thing is? Those rapes are actually happening and have been happening....that they are now getting reported means.....they are actually happening.......in larger numbers than known before...you idiot...
Yes, I agree. Rape and other sexual assault has been under reported for decades, both in the UK and the USA, (where, according to women's groups around 20% of American women can expect to be attacked in their lifetime,) and perpetrators have gotten away with their crimes as a result. Things are changing for the better in this regard as more women are refusing to be victims as per the "Mee Too" movement.
So you still refuse to answer the questions...because we know, that you choose the woman is raped, tortured, and murdered rather than having a gun to stop the attack....that is the only reason you won't answer the questions....because it reveals where you actually stand....

Here.....so we know what you believe...

A woman is grabbed by a violent serial rapist at a bus stop, a train platform or in her apartment...he plans on beating, raping and murdering her. She has a gun, and can stop the rape with the gun......

Do you want her to use that gun to stop the rape?

A woman stops an attack with a gun, a brutal rape, torture and murder...in a public space....if you had the ability to go back in time, and prevent her from having that gun...would you?

You answer no......and yes.......you are vile.
Erm, you really ought to read what I've written carefully before posting drivel like this.
Yes, I agree. Rape and other sexual assault has been under reported for decades, both in the UK and the USA, (where, according to women's groups around 20% of American women can expect to be attacked in their lifetime,) and perpetrators have gotten away with their crimes as a result. Things are changing for the better in this regard as more women are refusing to be victims as per the "Mee Too" movement.

Yeah....link to the 20% stat.....do you mean in general or on college campuses.........?

And again....you prefer the rape to self defense with a gun.......
Again.....you refuse to answer......
Answered this so called question more times than I care to remember. It doesn't matter what I say, you'll just keep on changing the premise or moving the goal-posts.
Yeah....link to the 20% stat.....do you mean in general or on college campuses.........?

And again....you prefer the rape to self defense with a gun......., I'm not convinced a gun would make that much f

Given that most rapes are committed by current or ex-partners, workmates and/or friends in either the victim's or perpetrator's homes, I'm not convinced that having a gun would make any real difference.
Got a link

Answered this so called question more times than I care to remember. It doesn't matter what I say, you'll just keep on changing the premise or moving the goal-posts.

I haven't changed the questions, you keep refusing to state the obvious.......

Given that most rapes are committed by current or ex-partners, workmates and/or friends in either the victim's or perpetrator's homes, I'm not convinced that having a gun would make any real difference.

And you would be wrong.....as my examples point out.......

Given that most rapes are committed by current or ex-partners, workmates and/or friends in either the victim's or perpetrator's homes, I'm not convinced that having a gun would make any real difference.

Another one...

Gosh, that looks like a staged bit of "action", got a link to the actual event other than a gun-nut blog site?
Oh, BTW, I did a bit of research on this, and the incident is real. The woman was a serving military police officer in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Safe to assume she was trained in situational awareness and firearms and presumably had some experience in a dangerous environment. Not sure how matters would have played out if she had been a civilian who had bought a gun for "comfort" with no or minimal training, caught by surprise.
Oh, BTW, I did a bit of research on this, and the incident is real. The woman was a serving military police officer in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Safe to assume she was trained in situational awareness and firearms and presumably had some experience in a dangerous environment. Not sure how matters would have played out if she had been a civilian who had bought a gun for "comfort" with no or minimal training, caught by surprise.
Another commie douche on ignore!
you keep refusing to state the obvious...
Because the answer is far from "obvious" and much more complex than a simple "yes" or "no".

As I've stated countless times, when it was legal to own handguns in the UK I owned three. I enjoyed going to my gun club range. In my time, I've shot every calibre from .22 to .50. I have no objections to stable and responsible people, being properly trained and vetted, owning firearms. What I object to is allowing any Tom, Dick or Harriett to acquire deadly weapons, with minimal vetting and no training, and being allowed to walk around in public carrying loaded guns as you do in the US.

Gun control in the UK works for us as a civilised society.
In America, a woman in this situation could go to a gun store, take some classes and buy a pistol, rifle or shotgun.......then, when she was woken up in the middle of the night, afraid a violent monster was about to break into her home, she could use the pistol to make sure she was safe, then calmly wait for the police to check out around her home....

In Britain...this woman will simply have to be terrified for the rest of her life.......never knowing when the sound she hears will turn out to be an actual rapist....or rapists, or killers who will do what they want to her, and then leave.......

Which way would you want to handle this issue if you are a single woman living alone?

I try to recall through my panic the things I have done to mitigate the chances of an attack: the locks all double bolted, the keys taken out and placed far away so that if a person smashed through the glass they couldn’t easily open them. When I was terribly afraid one night I took a small sharp knife and hid it in a secret place accessible from where I sit in my bed. I can take it out without making much noise. There is another creak from the hallway, and I silently retrieve the blade from its hiding place and hold it in one hand and my phone in the other. I sit there like this, rigid with conviction and terror, for more than an hour. No thoughts pass through my head in this time apart from keen listening for the next noise and what direction it comes from, strategising my escape. Can I be sure they are coming from the area I think they are, or could they be coming from both sides? Is it wise to lock myself in a toilet? Am I strong and small enough to break through that window if necessary?

Eventually, I accept that I am too frightened to move to check whether someone is outside my bedroom door one way or the other, and that the elapsed time means that it is unlikely they are there. I put the knife back in its place and turn on the two lamps on either side of my bed, and a podcast so that it might sound to somebody outside that there are several people in this room. I lie back down and practise some breathing exercises to try to sleep. It’s now perhaps 4am and I have lost half of my allotted rest. I am useless and angry when I wake up, aware of the absurdity of my fear and that I have allowed it, by indulging, to ruin my day.

This happens two, three, sometimes four times a month. Twice as many times as that I am woken in the middle of the night with dreams that somebody is entering my window or sitting on my bed, terrors which are both more and less intense because they are unconscious, but which mean just the same that my sleep is robbed and fragmented, my body feeling as if it has been through a battle when it wakes in the morning.

Hey....caveman, tommy tainant, and the other left wing, anti-gun fascists.........what do you suggest this woman should do....?

Please...enlighten us.....
This is a lie.

As already correctly noted, she can own a shotgun, which is the overall best firearm for home self-defense.

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