For Those Of Us Who Have Been Predicting Paul Ryan, We Are So Close.

all these lies about Romney giving the rich a massive tax break,only an uneducated dufass would believe that, we all know Romney wants to knock the capital gains tax back to 25/27/28%. Thats taking money from the middle class and giving it to the rich?
fine, so let the DNC beat up the VP, then the RNC can beat up Biden...they will have plenty of gaffe footage!
Biden is a foot in mouth kind of dud, however he is not a full blown wacko.

Biden is a gaffer, but he is a great guy who has a wealth of political experience and knowledge. Never underestimate Joe Biden.
If Ryan is picked, the campaign will fasttrack to right where the Democrats want it,

the GOP plan to end Medicare.


Paul Ryan, a wienermobile driver who worships Ayn Rand and wants to give more tax breaks to the rich while fucking the poor and middle class with higher taxes. Oh, and his great plans to privitize Social Security and Medicare. Yeah, he'll really help Romney's ticket.

Keep smearing.. At least Ryan and Romney HAVE a plan to fix the economy.. All Obama can do is talk about Romney's taxes.

And that plan is what exactly?


Paul Ryan, a wienermobile driver who worships Ayn Rand and wants to give more tax breaks to the rich while fucking the poor and middle class with higher taxes. Oh, and his great plans to privitize Social Security and Medicare. Yeah, he'll really help Romney's ticket.

Keep smearing.. At least Ryan and Romney HAVE a plan to fix the economy.. All Obama can do is talk about Romney's taxes.

And that plan is what exactly?

I think it was enclosed in about a 60 page US budget plan.

A Taco Bell franchise has a longer budget plan than that.
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Biden didn't have a rat's chance in hell of surviving ANY of the Republican nominees under discussion, but Ryan is particularly terrifying... wonk that he is, pulling facts and figures out of his ass at will. :lol:
USS Wisconsin? Is it still afloat?

ahh yes retired like Romney.
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Over the last 6 or so months we have had a list of 12 or so possible VP picks, but most conservatives presumed it was probably going to be down to the five or six we are looking at now. It was impossible to narrow it down to a definite top two over the last 4 or 5 weeks. But some of us have been rooting for Paul Ryan being he would make an excellent choice. He would carry Wisconsin and most of the rust belt and Romney can't win without takng the rust belt.
I have predicting Paul Ryan if Rubio turns down the offer,or were not offered the position by Romney.
If us Ryan fans are right, there will be an earthquake in Wisconsin next Tuesday or Wednesday.

Ryan would be a dreadful choice - not that it matters, of course.

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