For those of you who think Israel is barbaric


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Guess again. Israel set up many field hospitals like this one to help treat the injured civilians caught in the fighting between Hamas an IDF forces:


If Israel was so barbarous, so uncaring for whom it's bombs and bullets killed, wouldn't you think they'd just bury the bodies and forget the Gazan civilians wailing in the rubble, pleading for help?
Guess again. Israel set up many field hospitals like this one to help treat the injured civilians caught in the fighting between Hamas an IDF forces:


If Israel was so barbarous, so uncaring for whom it's bombs and bullets killed, wouldn't you think they'd just bury the bodies and forget the Gazan civilians wailing in the rubble, pleading for help?

have you not been told? those facilities are set up in order to harvest organs from
the bodies of injured and dead gazans-----and go grab people and render them sterile
with polio vaccine
Guess again. Israel set up many field hospitals like this one to help treat the injured civilians caught in the fighting between Hamas an IDF forces:


If Israel was so barbarous, so uncaring for whom it's bombs and bullets killed, wouldn't you think they'd just bury the bodies and forget the Gazan civilians wailing in the rubble, pleading for help?
Upcoming conspiracy list:
1.Organs and Palestinian blood for the Matzos!
2.Totally fake,Just to look humanitarian Israel made some pictures.
3.Practicing of apprentice medics over Palestinians.
4.Creating Frankensteins/Zombies and new Israeli development.
5.They only treat Israeli secret agents that dressed like Palestinians.

Help me out its gonna be hilarious..Sherri? Tinmore? Billo? Amity? George? Fanger? come out come out!
They may not be coming Daniyel. I think with one picture I destroyed all of their arguments on how Israel is intentionally killing civilians. The only thing Israel is intentionally doing is defending itself, and making sure to ease the pain on all affected as best it can. We don't see Hamas, or for that matter Palestine, doing that do we?
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as we speak (or post) medical personnel and construction people are FLOODING
into the Sinai -----building hospital type units for the care of the injured Palestinians-------
SAUDI ARABIA is donating BILLIONS --------there are planes landing with barrels of
prepared food for the sick and the staff--------nourishing babaganoush in one ton
containers are being carefully lowered into----specially prepared ----iced up pits in the sand--
and there is a very large-----FIRE PIT------to accommodate thousands of shish ke bob----
sticks. It is very inspiring. THE UMMAH IS PULLING TOGETHER -----the
CALIPH ---is on his way
They may not be coming Daniyel. I think with one picture I destroyed all of their arguments on how Israel is intentionally killing civilians. The only think Israel is intentionally doing is defending itself, and making sure to ease the pain on all affected as best it can. We don't see Hamas, or for that matter Palestine, doing that do we?
Human Rights is just the latest agenda of the Palestinian side, in few years it will change as well..and they don't really care about human rights no..not at all..they only care about their own human rights but when it comes to the Israeli side they would justify every violence and act of terror by all means, so this picture won't matter much but to convince those who hear about the conflict in the first time and read about the fatalities in the newspaper/media and tend to believe Israel should be blamed for war crimes like most of the Palestinian lies through the course of history..
Guess again. Israel set up many field hospitals like this one to help treat the injured civilians caught in the fighting between Hamas an IDF forces:


If Israel was so barbarous, so uncaring for whom it's bombs and bullets killed, wouldn't you think they'd just bury the bodies and forget the Gazan civilians wailing in the rubble, pleading for help?
Upcoming conspiracy list:
1.Organs and Palestinian blood for the Matzos!
2.Totally fake,Just to look humanitarian Israel made some pictures.
3.Practicing of apprentice medics over Palestinians.
4.Creating Frankensteins/Zombies and new Israeli development.
5.They only treat Israeli secret agents that dressed like Palestinians.

Help me out its gonna be hilarious..Sherri? Tinmore? Billo? Amity? George? Fanger? come out come out!

Every medical procedure I have had I have gave explicit instructions for the medical staff to get the students that need the training to practise on me. From simple injections to complex operations they all have to start somewhere and practise on someone. You would be surprised at the level of care that is forthcoming from even the most hardened of nurses.
Anyone can make a sign:


I'd be more impressed at Zionist "humanity" if you posted pictures of Zionist army medics treating the Palestinian injured.

This tends to be the standard view of normal IDF behaviour:


and curent IDF behaviour against the Gaza ghetto does nothing to dispell that impression.
Anyone can make a sign:


I'd be more impressed at Zionist "humanity" if you posted pictures of Zionist army medics treating the Palestinian injured.

This tends to be the standard view of normal IDF behaviour:


and curent IDF behaviour against the Gaza ghetto does nothing to dispell that impression.
This is the law in Israel, and this is police duty to enforce it, the law applies on everyone.
And one picture worth thousand words.
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Guess again. Israel set up many field hospitals like this one to help treat the injured civilians caught in the fighting between Hamas an IDF forces:


If Israel was so barbarous, so uncaring for whom it's bombs and bullets killed, wouldn't you think they'd just bury the bodies and forget the Gazan civilians wailing in the rubble, pleading for help?

Totally meaningless. If a man steals your savings and throws you a quarter to phone someone who gives a shit it doesn;t make hima good person. The exact same applies here. Israel is a disgraceful and barbaric nation that has walling in and made a population's life hell. And we all know where it got that idea from.
Guess again. Israel set up many field hospitals like this one to help treat the injured civilians caught in the fighting between Hamas an IDF forces:


If Israel was so barbarous, so uncaring for whom it's bombs and bullets killed, wouldn't you think they'd just bury the bodies and forget the Gazan civilians wailing in the rubble, pleading for help?
It's just a sign on the wall. Who the hell knows what goes on behind it.

This is Goebbels 101. A page right out of the Nazi propaganda playbook.

A lame attempt at damage control. Or, as they say nowadays, "perception management".
^Goebbels 101 - Billo

Guess again. Israel set up many field hospitals like this one to help treat the injured civilians caught in the fighting between Hamas an IDF forces:


If Israel was so barbarous, so uncaring for whom it's bombs and bullets killed, wouldn't you think they'd just bury the bodies and forget the Gazan civilians wailing in the rubble, pleading for help?

Of course not. They have apologists like Billo to pop up for them and say it isn't so.

Bill Clinton: Hamas’ “Crass Strategy” is to Kill Palestinians

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton laid the blame for Palestinian civilian casualties squarely on the heads of Hamas leaders, saying their policy was designed to kill Palestinians. Interviewed on India’s NDTV, Clinton was blunt in his assessment:

Hamas was perfectly well aware of what would happen if they started raining rockets into Israel. They fired one thousand and they have a strategy designed to force Israel to kill their own civilians so that the rest of the world will condemn them.

They (Israel) know when Hamas attacks them that Hamas has set up a situation which politically it can’t lose, because they (Israelis) can say ‘well if I attack them back they always hide behind civilians and I’ll kill civilians, and if I don’t we’ll look like fools letting somebody shoot a thousand rockets at us and not responding.’

In the short and medium term Hamas can inflict terrible public relations damage by forcing (Israel) to kill Palestinian civilians to counter Hamas. But it’s a crass strategy that takes all of our eyes off the real objective which is a peace that gets Israel security and recognition and a peace that gets the Palestinians their state.

Bill Clinton: Hamas? ?Crass Strategy? is to Kill Palestinians | The Tower

Bill Clinton: Hamas’ “Crass Strategy” is to Kill Palestinians

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton laid the blame for Palestinian civilian casualties squarely on the heads of Hamas leaders, saying their policy was designed to kill Palestinians. Interviewed on India’s NDTV, Clinton was blunt in his assessment:

Hamas was perfectly well aware of what would happen if they started raining rockets into Israel. They fired one thousand and they have a strategy designed to force Israel to kill their own civilians so that the rest of the world will condemn them.

They (Israel) know when Hamas attacks them that Hamas has set up a situation which politically it can’t lose, because they (Israelis) can say ‘well if I attack them back they always hide behind civilians and I’ll kill civilians, and if I don’t we’ll look like fools letting somebody shoot a thousand rockets at us and not responding.’

In the short and medium term Hamas can inflict terrible public relations damage by forcing (Israel) to kill Palestinian civilians to counter Hamas. But it’s a crass strategy that takes all of our eyes off the real objective which is a peace that gets Israel security and recognition and a peace that gets the Palestinians their state.

Bill Clinton: Hamas? ?Crass Strategy? is to Kill Palestinians | The Tower
So you're not going to answer my question?

You're just going to post bullshit innuendo's?
Is Hamas Trying to Get Gazans Killed?


Mahmoud Abbas, the sometimes moderate, often ineffectual leader of the Palestinian Authority, just asked his rivals in Hamas a question that other bewildered people are also asking: “What are you trying to achieve by sending rockets?”

The Gaza-based Hamas has recently fired more than 500 rockets at Israeli towns and cities. This has terrorized the citizenry, though caused few casualties, in large part because Israel is protected by the Iron Dome anti-rocket system.

In reaction to these indiscriminately fired missiles, Israel has bombarded targets across Gaza, killing roughly 100 people so far. Compared with violent death rates in other parts of the Middle East, the number is small. (More than 170,000 people have been killed in the Syrian civil war to date.) But it is large enough to suggest an answer to Abbas’s question: Hamas is trying to get Israel to kill as many Palestinians as possible.
Nothing Makes Hamas Happier Than Dead Palestinians


But Gaza civilians most need protection from Hamas. Its leaders intentionally jeopardize their lives by embedding rocket-launching and ammunition storage sites in schools, mosques and hospitals located in civilian neighborhoods.

In Gaza, recruits for martyrdom in the holy war against Israel are urged to gather on rooftops. They are instructed by their demented leaders to serve as a human shield against Israeli retribution for thousands of rockets that have been fired into the Jewish state during the past week. The designated locations for martyrdom are not random. Beneath the rooftops are Hamas command centers and tunnels, where leaders take refuge and weapons are stored.

According to Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri: “This attests to the character of our noble, Jihad-fighting people who defend their rights and their homes with their bare chests and their blood.” He proudly cited the exemplary “martyr” Nizar Riyan, the senior Hamas leader during the 2009 Gaza war. Receiving a warning phone call from the IDF to evacuate his house, he chose to remain in place, thereby consigning his four wives, ten children and himself to martyrdom from the Israeli air strike that he knew was imminent.

Nothing Makes Hamas Happier Than Dead Palestinians | Jewish & Israel News

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