For those people clutching your pearls and headed for the feinting couch over "gun violence"

the watcher

Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2016
Van down by the river
and "our kids are not safe", you have to realize who is doing all this violence and why. When your boat is sinking you don't drain the ocean first, you stop where it's coming in. The idea of hormonally challenged gang oriented teen agers with a culture of hate having fully automatic weapons and glocks with switches should scare every one, but to deprive law abiding citizens of the means to protect their families is a little tweak by the establishment that really clouds the issue for ulterior motives. This is one county in one state and gives you a peek at what is really at stake here. This is criminal immunity for socio political reasons that would have you believe that drug crimes are victimless, there is no cultural war in America, and the only safety that can be permitted is by the state. In other words, the hug a thug philsophy and a few programs and more money thrown at it will get it done.
Close your border and remove gang.members and human traffickers you allowed in. It's ridiculous that this has been allowed. America has lost so much influence that it can't even convince India to ban RT, China is buying gold and Japanese banks are unloading 10s of billions in U.S T-Bills. Do the powers that be in America understand the long term consequences of bad policies? How could you mismanage the U.S that was once responsible for 40% of global trade?
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and "our kids are not safe", you have to realize who is doing all this violence and why. When your boat is sinking you don't drain the ocean first, you stop where it's coming in.
Normally that would mean restricting the flood of weapons, which would mean downsizing the US firearms industry: but the flood of weapons will never be restricted since the industry doesn't want to be downsized and owns politicians.
Close your border and remove gang.members and human traffickers you allowed in. It's ridiculous that this has been allowed. America has lost so much influence that it can't even convince India to ban RT, China is buying gold and Japanese banks are unloading 10s of billions T-Bills. Do the powers that be in America understand the long term consequences of bad policies? How could you mismanage the U.S that was once responsible for 40% of global trade?
Why aren’t they coming to Canada? We have a very open border. Close it?
Normally that would mean restricting the flood of weapons, which would mean downsizing the US firearms industry: but the flood of weapons will never be restricted since the industry doesn't want to be downsized and owns politicians.
There you are, totally ignore the feral gangs running and gunning, and the culture of hate that is being projected by the media. Focus on inanimate objects that require no emotional investment to accuse, that is working so well.
There you are, totally ignore the feral gangs running and gunning, and the culture of hate that is being projected by the media. Focus on inanimate objects that require no emotional investment to accuse, that is working so well.
A. We should definitely go after the gangs. What are cops doing?

B. Most guns in liberal cities came from South Carolina and Florida not Haiti
Why aren’t they coming to Canada? We have a very open border. Close it?
Because they like freedom and opportunity so why would they come here over the U.S? You take common sense and facts as criticism. Explain how your open border has been good.for America,.especialy in 2024.
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There you are, totally ignore the feral gangs running and gunning, and the culture of hate that is being projected by the media. Focus on inanimate objects that require no emotional investment to accuse, that is working so well.
Your fetid idiology pales in comparison with the experience of developed nations with a fraction of the firearm homicide rate of the US.

Your focus is on deflecting the truth.
Because they like freedom and opportunity so why would they come here over the U.S? You take common sense and facts as criticism. Explain how your open border has been good.for America,.especialy in 2024.
All the reasons you say WE should build a wall, so should you.

Or are you going to wait for the first plane to fly into sienna tower?
Because they like freedom and opportunity so why would they come here over the U.S? You take common sense and facts as criticism. Explain how your open border has been good.for America,.especialy in 2024.
I’m talking about bad guys and illegals. Why aren’t they coming to Canada?

Canada should pay for the wall

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