For Those Who Appreciate A Little Irony with Their Humor

Bloomberg is only saying what Democrats are afraid to say.
At least he's consistent

[ame=]Mike Bloomberg says he supports George W. Bush - YouTube[/ame]
As Mayor "Nanny State" Michael Bloomberg (Dictatorial Corksucker-NY) told NBC yeserday "Sometimes you just gotta let go of your freedoms and allow government to have its way"

Tweet Of The Day | Weasel Zippers

How can he continue to be re-elected with statements like that.
Not only have I lost respect for the government of NYC, I have lost respect for the people of NYC

How did Obama get reelected with the economy and debt??? Because of the 47 percent Romney was right about, only in NY it is much bigger percentage. Ironically enough even witht the state of the state and NYC they keep electing democrats.
As Mayor "Nanny State" Michael Bloomberg (Dictatorial Corksucker-NY) told NBC yeserday "Sometimes you just gotta let go of your freedoms and allow government to have its way"

Tweet Of The Day | Weasel Zippers

That is not what Bloomberg said.

DAVID GREGORY: You -- you could do ads for education. As the executive of New York City, you're telling people what they can and cannot do. Why is that government's job--


DAVID GREGORY: --to do that?

MAYOR MICHAEL BLOOMBERG: We're not telling them at all. We're telling them what science says is in their interest or isn't in their interest. We allow you to smoke. We just don't let you smoke where other people have to breathe the smoke that you -- that you're exhaling or comes from your cigarette. The same thing with obesity. Which incidentally, is a public interest because we're going to spend $5 billion on treating people with obesity in our hospitals in New York City alone this year. But regardless--

DAVID GREGORY: But where is the line? Where -- where is it too far--


DAVID GREGORY: --for government to go?

MAYOR MICHAEL BLOOMBERG: I do not think we should ban most things. I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom. And that is, for example, if you're drinking, we shouldn't let you drive because you'll kill somebody else. If you are carrying a gun, we shouldn't let you on an airplane. There's a lot of things that we do -- if there's asbestos in a classroom, we should remove the kids from the classroom til you clean the air. But in terms of smoking, if you want to smoke, I think you have a right to do so and I would protect that. If you want to own a gun, I certainly think that’s constitutionally protected. You certainly have a right to have a gun if you want. If you want to eat a lot and get fat, you have a right to do it. But our job as government is to inform the public.

March 24: Michael Bloomberg, Wayne LaPierre, David Boies, Richard Engel, Ralph Reed, Hilary Rosen, E.J. Dionne, David Brooks - Meet the Press - Transcripts | NBC News
the Rs used to be the party of "responsibility" - now it is worse than any of their conjured liberal bashing to a self serving intent of "anything for any reason".
As Mayor "Nanny State" Michael Bloomberg (Dictatorial Corksucker-NY) told NBC yeserday "Sometimes you just gotta let go of your freedoms and allow government to have its way"

Tweet Of The Day | Weasel Zippers

That is not what Bloomberg said.

As a matter of fact..That is exactly what he said.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said on Sunday: Sometimes government does know best. And in those cases, Americans should just cede their rights.

“I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom,” Mr. Bloomberg said, during an appearance on NBC. He made the statement during discussion of his soda ban — just shot down by the courts — and insistence that his fight to control sugary drink portion sizes in the city would go forth.
NYC Mayor Bloomberg: Government has right to 'infringe on your freedom' - Washington Times
As Mayor "Nanny State" Michael Bloomberg (Dictatorial Corksucker-NY) told NBC yeserday "Sometimes you just gotta let go of your freedoms and allow government to have its way"

Tweet Of The Day | Weasel Zippers

That is not what Bloomberg said.

As a matter of fact..That is exactly what he said.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said on Sunday: Sometimes government does know best. And in those cases, Americans should just cede their rights.

“I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom,” Mr. Bloomberg said, during an appearance on NBC. He made the statement during discussion of his soda ban — just shot down by the courts — and insistence that his fight to control sugary drink portion sizes in the city would go forth.
NYC Mayor Bloomberg: Government has right to 'infringe on your freedom' - Washington Times

Dude. I quoted the exact quote. And linked to the exact transcript in which he said it so you can see the full context in which he said it. So why are you linking to a third party partisan piss-pouring site?

He did not say, "Sometimes you just gotta let go of your freedoms and allow government to have its way".

That was your quote.

And it is bogus.
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