For Those Who Call "The Land of Israel" Palestine


We don't always agree, but I usually find your posts at least reasonable, but WHY would anyone defend Israel?
Israel is the single most corrupt, ruthless, illegal, and insane group of fanatics in the entire world.
There is no one more dangerous and evil than Israel.
They even assassinate Canadians like Gerald Bull, in Belgium.
Their reach and fanaticism had no bounds.
We don't always agree, but I usually find your posts at least reasonable, but WHY would anyone defend Israel?
Israel is the single most corrupt, ruthless, illegal, and insane group of fanatics in the entire world.
There is no one more dangerous and evil than Israel.
They even assassinate Canadians like Gerald Bull, in Belgium.
Their reach and fanaticism had no bounds.
You are a fool.
Why would anyone defend Israel?

GOD defends Israel.

The point Charlie Kirk is making, it was THE LAND OF ISRAEL in th day of Jesus, and a THOUSAND YEARS PRIOR. It has NEVER BEEN PALESTINE.
We don't always agree, but I usually find your posts at least reasonable, but WHY would anyone defend Israel?
Israel is the single most corrupt, ruthless, illegal, and insane group of fanatics in the entire world.
There is no one more dangerous and evil than Israel.
They even assassinate Canadians like Gerald Bull, in Belgium.
Their reach and fanaticism had no bounds.
Well it's been said that they are God's chosen people.....Maybe that's true and maybe it isn't but I won't play political fuck-fuck games on the chance that it is true.....I don't want God pissed at me over a bunch of no account Pali terrorists.
You are a fool.
Why would anyone defend Israel?

GOD defends Israel.

The point Charlie Kirk is making, it was THE LAND OF ISRAEL in th day of Jesus, and a THOUSAND YEARS PRIOR. It has NEVER BEEN PALESTINE.

God would not need to "defend" Israel since God would have guided the Hebrew to somewhere unpopulated.
No real God would have told the Hebrew to do invade the Land of Canaan and to massacre the Canaanite women and children.

There has NEVER been a legitimate "Israel".
The Hebrew invaded the Land of Canaan around 1000 BC, but lost any legitimacy by massacring the Canaanite women and children.
And were kicked out by 850 BC by the Assyrians.
The Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Seleucids, and Romans also kicked them out, so they clearly were weak and very unpopular.
So clearly God does NOT at all and never has "defended Israel".

And remember, that Jerusalem has never been part of Israel even when there was an Israel from 1000 BC to 850 BC.
Israel was further north, and Jerusalem was in Judea which was further south.
There was also Samaria, which was a third Hebrew city state.

And the claim there has never been a Palestine is obvious false.
Palestine is referenced by ancient Greek and Egyptian writings going back to 2500 BC, before the Hebrew invasion.

Bill Maher is ignorant.
Palestine has always existed as a region, and none if it was ever a "Jewish ancestral homeland".
If we go back to the 1922 census data, there is no Israel at all, and the 30k or so Jews in Palestine do not want to create an Israel.
Israel is the creation of secular Zionists like Netanyahu who admit to being atheists.
About 95% of the population in 1922 were Arab Muslims.
And they earned independence from the Ottoman Empire by helping Lawrence of Arabia defeat the Ottoman Empire.
What did the Jews do to earn any land in Palestine?
They betrayed Germany in WWI and stole secrets documents, like the Zimmerman Letter and the formula for synthetic acetone for cordite.
For that they deserve punishment, not dominion over the natives who are 3 times their number.
Well it's been said that they are God's chosen people.....Maybe that's true and maybe it isn't but I won't play political fuck-fuck games on the chance that it is true.....I don't want God pissed at me over a bunch of no account Pali terrorists.

Anyone claiming to be God's Chosen People automatically have to be the liars.
And that should make everyone else distrustful of them.
No real God could ever have a Chosen People.
That would be totally unjust and contrary to anything like what a God is supposed to be.
The only reason to claim to be the Chosen People, is to try to justify stealing the Promised Land, which is utterly reprehensible.

And again, the "terrorists" are the Zionists who blew up the King David Hotel, to murder the British peacekeepers, so that they could then massacre hundreds of native villages without interference, like Deir Yassin. Menachim Begin also claimed responsibility for gunning down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte.
Then instead of punishing him, the Israelis elected him Prime Minister.
Sorry, but that makes the whole country of Israel complicit in the worst acts of terrorism ever.
The Palestinians are the real natives, so regardless of anything else, they get their rights to be there, not the Zionist illegal immigrants.
Maher is a committed atheist, Carlin.

Maher had his last show cancelled, "Politically Incorrect", so clearly he is cozying up to the network powers this time, and is no longer willing to be "Politically Incorrect" since then he would risk being fired again.
Anyone claiming to be God's Chosen People automatically have to be the liars.
And that should make everyone else distrustful of them.
No real God could ever have a Chosen People.
That would be totally unjust and contrary to anything like what a God is supposed to be.
The only reason to claim to be the Chosen People, is to try to justify stealing the Promised Land, which is utterly reprehensible.

And again, the "terrorists" are the Zionists who blew up the King David Hotel, to murder the British peacekeepers, so that they could then massacre hundreds of native villages without interference, like Deir Yassin. Menachim Begin also claimed responsibility for gunning down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte.
Then instead of punishing him, the Israelis elected him Prime Minister.
Sorry, but that makes the whole country of Israel complicit in the worst acts of terrorism ever.
The Palestinians are the real natives, so regardless of anything else, they get their rights to be there, not the Zionist illegal immigrants.
Anyone claiming to be God's Chosen People automatically have to be the liars.
And that should make everyone else distrustful of them.
No real God could ever have a Chosen People.
That would be totally unjust and contrary to anything like what a God is supposed to be.
The only reason to claim to be the Chosen People, is to try to justify stealing the Promised Land, which is utterly reprehensible.

And again, the "terrorists" are the Zionists who blew up the King David Hotel, to murder the British peacekeepers, so that they could then massacre hundreds of native villages without interference, like Deir Yassin. Menachim Begin also claimed responsibility for gunning down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte.
Then instead of punishing him, the Israelis elected him Prime Minister.
Sorry, but that makes the whole country of Israel complicit in the worst acts of terrorism ever.
The Palestinians are the real natives, so regardless of anything else, they get their rights to be there, not the Zionist illegal immigrants.
Palestine is the defined territory inside Palestine's international borders.

Even Balfour called it Palestine.

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