For those who falsley accuse mccain of being another bush

look forword to free trade with cuba no free trade with mexico or canada.....lots of tarriffs on imports cutting of chineses goods dure to their human rights issues....having all our troops redeploy into afganistan.....pulling out of wto....not stirking any country that is a threat and having the government invest my money for me.....

Look forward to those things?

What makes you think that any of those things is going to happen, or for that matter, that I would necessarily want any of them to happen, either?

Someone asked me to post at least three things that McCain and Bush agree on.

I complied by posting a number of things they seem to agree on.

ASSUMING that my posting this list necessarily means that I object to each and every one of those things is simply foolish.

Attempting to put words in my mouth so that you can turn me into a some kind of empty headed caracture is a piss poor way of defending your agrument, too, incidently.

If you really want to score points intellectually, I suggest that what you might do is show us where McCain's policy planks differ from Bushes' since THAT was the issue we are discussing.

If all you are looking for is some kind of moronic liberal V conservative pissing match, I'm not the guy you're going to want to play with, since I am not a very good liberal OR conservative, either.

Frankly I find most self proclaimed liberals and most self proclaiming liberals typically don't know doodle shit about what they're talking about, to be honest.
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or most liberals and conservatives only know about one issue. like pro life people. they vote for bush who's policies are making abortion more popular. at least in a democratic society you can afford kids. and I hate being labeled too. i'm not liberal on everything. I just find the gop wrong on most every issue. maybe if they weren't so hypocritical and corrupt. if their policies worked for middle class too but its not. every problem we have now is their fault or they made matters worse. doubled the debt and we can't aford to have kids under bushanomics. see birth rates before you argue. gotta save for retirement. maybe that's a good thing? lol
Look forward to those things?

What makes you think that any of those things is going to happen, or for that matter, that I would necessarily want any of them to happen, either?

Someone asked me to post at least three things that McCain and Bush agree on.

I complied by posting a number of things they seem to agree on.

ASSUMING that my posting this list necessarily means that I object to each and every one of those things is simply foolish.

Attempting to put words in my mouth so that you can turn me into a some kind of empty headed caracture is a piss poor way of defending your agrument, too, incidently.

If you really want to score points intellectually, I suggest that what you might do is show us where McCain's policy planks differ from Bushes' since THAT was the issue we are discussing.

If all you are looking for is some kind of moronic liberal V conservative pissing match, I'm not the guy you're going to want to play with, since I am not a very good liberal OR conservative, either.

Frankly I find most self proclaimed liberals and most self proclaiming liberals typically don't know doodle shit about what they're talking about, to be honest.

it was me.....and obama want's virtually the opposite of what you posted....

if neither lib or con.....why do you care what mccain or obama think....
it was me.....and obama want's virtually the opposite of what you posted....

That's interesting but hardly relevant to the issue at hand, since the topic I was responding to had nothing to do with what Obama wants.

if neither lib or con.....why do you care what mccain or obama think....

Why does any philosopher take umbrage when a falsehood is put forth as a truth?

It IS possible, you know, to care about the truth and getting the record straight without being a partisan of any side.

The question at hand was: Is McCain's political planks similar to Bush's.

Based on everything I can tell from the McCain website, I have to say I think the answer to THAT question is mostly, yes, their policies are very similar.

while I have your attention, let me also note that McCain has changed his positions on many policies to make them more like Bushs, too, since he began running for POTUS during this election cycle.
are you neither gop or dem? I have to admit I am progressive. I like what you say, that's for sure. you are virbally whoopin that guy withrational thoughts and facts. do they hate you? by the way, why don't you like the dems? besides them being pussies. besides them spending their own pork. besides them not impeaching or cutting off funds. why else?
so what bush policies does mccain intend to change other than tossing some environmental issues to the other side?

McCain intends to stop the overspending….unlike Bush who rarely saw a bill he didn't rubber stamp…..McCain promises to become a very unwelcome "veto-machine" against a spendy democrat congress….
McCain intends to stop the overspending….unlike Bush who rarely saw a bill he didn't rubber stamp…..McCain promises to become a very unwelcome "veto-machine" against a spendy democrat congress….

No he doesn't... he intends to keep pouring 200 billion a year into the black hole that is Bush's War.

You're fantasizing... the budget was in way better shape under democratic presidents than it ever was under your guys.
No he doesn't... he intends to keep pouring 200 billion a year into the black hole that is Bush's War.

You're fantasizing... the budget was in way better shape under democratic presidents than it ever was under your guys.

If Obama is going to save 200 billion (more or less) per year by ending the war, why does he need to raise taxes?
If Obama is going to save 200 billion (more or less) per year by ending the war, why does he need to raise taxes?

ending the war won't free up money. china is paying for iraq. ending the war will only stop us from borrowing 3 billion a week. obama won't continue to borrow from china when he ends the war. you seem to think we are paying. we ned to raise taxes on the rich to ay back what we already spent or borrowed.
ending the war won't free up money. china is paying for iraq. ending the war will only stop us from borrowing 3 billion a week. obama won't continue to borrow from china when he ends the war. you seem to think we are paying. we ned to raise taxes on the rich to ay back what we already spent or borrowed.

Did you bother to engage your brain before typing that nonsensical swill?
Did you bother to engage your brain before typing that nonsensical swill?

bush is a veto machine now too. mccain will veto good bills. he would not veto if it were gop bills. so lets see if an all dem gov. will double the debt like the gop did. if they do, they will lose like the gop did. but mccain will obstruct undoing bush rich tax cuts and will continue funding the war. mccain will bankrupt usa. he won't end speculation and gouging from big oil. who knows really cause mccain has been right and wrong on every issue. my guess is he is lying tu us, not the ppl that run his party. lobbyists literally run his campaign and party. now you will say the dems just as bad? then don't vote. we will take care of it. stop hurting yourself
Simply put, John McCain is the Manchurian Candidate!


  • $Prescott Bush.jpg
    $Prescott Bush.jpg
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McCain intends to stop the overspending….unlike Bush who rarely saw a bill he didn't rubber stamp…..McCain promises to become a very unwelcome "veto-machine" against a spendy democrat congress….
Gee that is funny? Everytime the Republican's have been in office, they have spent us into debt!


  • $Prescott Bush.jpg
    $Prescott Bush.jpg
    25.7 KB · Views: 91
Did you bother to engage your brain before typing that nonsensical swill?

what is wrong with what I said? ps. every non christian, woman, gay and non white should vote for obama because whites say non of us will ever be president. prove them wrong. what is the saying? I was ok with it until they came for me and then there was no one left to defend me. fight the power!
thousands of former republicans have left the party for all the things I say happened from 00 to 06 so I know i'm right. is anyone that disagrees a "disgruntal employee"? too many of them. too many bush apointees left in shame. too many facts to deny. the only thing you got left is to say the dems no better or mccain will veto pork. great, a stalled gov for the next 4 yrs. your either dumb or rich. which one? question is for all independents and neoz.
Gee that is funny? Everytime the Republican's have been in office, they have spent us into debt!

thank you! and both parties spend, one spends on the middle class and por and one spends on the rich. it isn't even debatable anymore which ones spending is better for the economy. bush's spending stil hasn't helped us. consumer confidence is really low. sorry gop, we lost confidence in your leadership. can you blame us? so keep bitchin about carter. that was 30 yrs ago.

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