For Whom The Bell Tolls – The Final Chapter In The Attempted Coup D’état Against Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
Do you remember reading Hemingway’s, For Whom the Bell Tolls in high school English class?

The 1930’s Spanish civil war novel actually takes its title from an old English poem by John Donne. It is about the church bells tolling at death.

Well the bells are now about to toll for all the culprits in the attempted coup d’état to overthrow the duly elected American President, Donald Trump.

Attorney General Barr and his prosecutor Durham are going to indict a slew of bad actors who committed unthinkable crimes and conspiracy.

The bell is tolling their names, now…

For Whom The Bell Tolls – The Final Chapter In The Attempted Coup D’état Against Trump | Tea Party
Great article! Great summary of what has happened...and what is about to happen!!

President Trump needs to go “full animal” and ensure a time of reckoning now that the allegations against him have been put to rest.

The Red November conspiracy was not the Trump-Russia collusion, which as the Mueller Report stated was a fiction but as Trump himself called it, a “collusion delusion.”

It was Intel gate.

Revenge is coming as an act of vindication and a strong statement that the real conspiracy against America, and against its government and values, was formulated and executed by the Deep State.

It is time to bring them all to justice, now.

This means draining the swamp and they will fight back—so be ready.

Well, you ask whom does this include? We tell the whole story in this book and name all the characters.

Let’s name names and start at the very top.

They need to go under the bright light. These persons at minimum need to be brought before the grand jury and then indicted.

Barack Hussein Obama

Obama was clued into and orchestrated this coup attempt as is evident from the Lisa Page emails and testimony. He permitted political spying and weaponized intelligence.

He needs to be investigated and indicted, as do all the following members of his orbit and the gambit to destroy Trump in their treasonous Red November conspiracy.

Of course, we should presume innocence, but the facts speak to the truth. Durham now has all the facts.

John Brennan

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