Trump Rages Against Mueller: Investigators 'Ought To Be In Jail' For Coup Cover-up

Rosenstein was by all standards the acting AG, but he was never part of the cabinet.
Prove He was acting US AG / sat in for Sessions / took over for Sessions....

Does not matter if he was unofficially part of Obama's Cabinet anyway. All that matters is the existing evidence of his Treason, Seditious Conspiracy, Intel Surveillance Act violation, Perjury, Obstruction, etc....
Simple question: How many other modern-day presidents have had his STAFF indicted for lying about Russian links???

No president including the current one has staff "indicted" for Russian links. We have a smattering of people caught for process crimes by the out of control Inquisition. Never has even a hint of collusion by the Trump side been shown. Now we know OBAMA used the NSA and CIA to gather dirt obtained from Russia in order to rig the 2016 election. There is THAT collusion, but not even a hint by Trump.
NEVER in the history of this nation has there been an attempted coup before. It just shows how corrupt you gutter scum of the left really are.

Have some more orange kool-aid; you'll feel better.....LOL

That's the best you can do. Not only have you been CAUGHT staging a coup, the fucking retard kid is on TV bragging about it.

You tried to overthrow the government of the United States, that's a BIG fucking deal. You will not skate, either the laws of the nation will be upheld, or the people will hold the traitor gang responsible. We are a nation of law, or we are not.

Think about this sploogy, you'll have trials for treason and sedition against Trump going on right during the 2020 campaign season.

How do you like them optics... :eusa_whistle:
Rosenstein was by all standards the acting AG, but he was never part of the cabinet.
Prove He was acting US AG / sat in for Sessions / took over for Sessions....

Does not matter if he was unofficially part of Obama's Cabinet anyway. All that matters is the existing evidence of his Treason, Seditious Conspiracy, Intel Surveillance Act violation, Perjury, Obstruction, etc....

That is not true. He was never anything but Deputy AG. Sessions recused himself and let his deputy handle the Russia probe and deal with the Grand Inquisition, but he never was elevated to AG.
That is not true. He was never anything but Deputy
Who was running the DOJ is Session's absence? Are you suggesting all this time the DOJ employees have just been doing whatever the hell they want?

Who took over the responsibility of overseeing the witch hunt in Sessions' absence....?

That is not true. He was never anything but Deputy
Who was running the DOJ is Session's absence? Are you suggesting all this time the DOJ employees have just been doing whatever the hell they want?

Who took over the responsibility of overseeing the witch hunt in Sessions' absence....?

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He reported to Jeff Sessions. He was never a cabinet member, never reported directly to the President.
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You're right - whether or not Rosenstein was an official or unofficial member of Obama's cabinet is irrelevant to the evidence of Rosenstein's crimes that include Treason, Sedition, Seditious Conspiracy, Intel Surveillance Act, Obstruction, Perjury, and more...
Discussing the options of the 25th A is NOT treason you dumb fvcking morons; the 25th A is a Constitutional mechanism.

You people are dumber than fvcking dirt.

The FBI and Justice Department seeking to coerce CABINET MEMBERS to depose the president IS treason, you dumb fucking moron. The 25th amendment has NOTHING to do with supposed law enforcement. It has nothing to do with policy disagreement.

This was an attempted coup, it was treason. Rosenstein and McCabe should be in custody TODAY while they await trial and execution.

WHERE did you read, "the FBI and Justice Department" were "seeking to coerce CABINET MEMBERS to depose the president?"

I haven't read ANY report that states anything about 'coercion.'

Please post your source.
Discussing the options of the 25th A is NOT treason you dumb fvcking morons; the 25th A is a Constitutional mechanism.

You people are dumber than fvcking dirt.

"Discussing the options of the 25th A"

Without evidence.

The 25th isn't about evidence. The 25th is;

  1. U.S. Constitution › 25th Amendment

Amendment XXV
Section 1.

In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.

Section 2.
Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

Section 3.
Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.

Section 4.
Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.

This was passed due to the assassination of John Kennedy. It has nothing to do with policy. Trump is not dead or incapacitated, so the FSB and the Injustice departments, which have no say in the matter, have no reason to bring it up. As McCabe testified, they were DESPERATE to overthrow the president of the united states.

This was an attempted coup, nothing less. It was an act of treason, flat out.

Well, YOU obviously do NOT know understand Section 4.
That's the best you can do. Not only have you been CAUGHT staging a coup, the fucking retard kid is on TV bragging about it.

You tried to overthrow the government of the United States, that's a BIG fucking deal. You will not skate, either the laws of the nation will be upheld, or the people will hold the traitor gang responsible. We are a nation of law, or we are not.

Think about this sploogy, you'll have trials for treason and sedition against Trump going on right during the 2020 campaign season.

You head is too far up Trump's ass to make any sense........This forum is not the venue to educate morons.

Stick around to see how this whole Trump fuck up
Discussing the options of the 25th A is NOT treason you dumb fvcking morons; the 25th A is a Constitutional mechanism.

You people are dumber than fvcking dirt.

"Discussing the options of the 25th A"

Without evidence.

If you believe discussing Constitutional options via the 25th A is an attempt at a coup then you may want to go back to your goddamn civics class you failed in 5th grade

If you believe that a group of lawless thugs seeking to influence the cabinet to declare a sitting president "incapacitated" is anything but a coup, you are a fucking liar first off, and delusional secondly.

McCabe led an attempted coup against the president, an act of war against the Constitution of the United States, an act of treason.

This isn't Liberia, we don't use Junta's of FSB agents to overturn elections.

YOU are obviously the one that is delusional; you have no understanding of The 25th A.
Discussing the options of the 25th A is NOT treason you dumb fvcking morons; the 25th A is a Constitutional mechanism.

You people are dumber than fvcking dirt.

"Discussing the options of the 25th A"

Without evidence.
TRUMP is the evidence.

Did you hear that nonsense the other day?

He's fucking deranged


You Communists have an agenda to end this nation and Trump impedes you.

Trump is not incapacitated. He has not been assassinated, though I'm surprised you Marxist thugs haven't tried that.
Many Americans believe Trump is incapacitated due to his mental illness, which can not be ignored. In addition, no one who is caught lying as much as Trump should ever be trusted. Law enforcement and national intelligence agencies have a duty and obligation to investigate loose cannons like Trump.

Law enforcement and national intelligence agencies have a duty to uphold their respective oaths & to DEFEND the US Constitution.

These people DO NOT take an oath to defend POTUS.

Trump supporters are obviously brain dead concerning these FACTS.
Thoughts and prayers. Could you imagine the outrage if Obama had said that Benghazi shouldn’t be investigated? You boys would be more violent than usual.
Discussing the options of the 25th A is NOT treason you dumb fvcking morons; the 25th A is a Constitutional mechanism.

You people are dumber than fvcking dirt.

So is a Constitutional Convention. I bet the latter happens within 18 mos to de-corrupt Congress, whatcha think about that?

A constitutional Convention will never happen. Trump is the one who is corrupt.
Trump is very ethical. I'm so glad he's putting America first.

He has elevated his base above the rest of his country. Also he doesn't want to show his tax returns because it would show how he has lined his pockets at taxpayer expense. Every time he goes to one of his resorts, the Secret Service has to pay for rooms. Suggestions have been made that people with business before the government stay at his hotel in Washington.
Discussing the options of the 25th A is NOT treason you dumb fvcking morons; the 25th A is a Constitutional mechanism.

You people are dumber than fvcking dirt.

The FBI and Justice Department seeking to coerce CABINET MEMBERS to depose the president IS treason, you dumb fucking moron. The 25th amendment has NOTHING to do with supposed law enforcement. It has nothing to do with policy disagreement.

This was an attempted coup, it was treason. Rosenstein and McCabe should be in custody TODAY while they await trial and execution.

Using the 25th Amendment has nothing to do with treason. It was justified and even more justified today. You are the dumb fucking moron and white supremacists like you are the ones who should be executed if anyone is.
Discussing the options of the 25th A is NOT treason you dumb fvcking morons; the 25th A is a Constitutional mechanism.

You people are dumber than fvcking dirt.

So is a Constitutional Convention. I bet the latter happens within 18 mos to de-corrupt Congress, whatcha think about that?

A constitutional Convention will never happen. Trump is the one who is corrupt.
Trump is very ethical. I'm so glad he's putting America first.

He has elevated his base above the rest of his country. Also he doesn't want to show his tax returns because it would show how he has lined his pockets at taxpayer expense. Every time he goes to one of his resorts, the Secret Service has to pay for rooms. Suggestions have been made that people with business before the government stay at his hotel in Washington.
All that is fine by me!
I don't blame Trump for retweeting this out this evening. Mueller has no choice but to shut the Special Council down and AG Barr needs to appoint a new investigation into this coup to remove our duly elected president who won fairly through the electoral college process established in our Constitution.

Trump Rages Against Mueller - Quotes Rush Limbaugh: Mueller Investigators 'Ought to be in Jail' For Cover-up of Attempted Coup
Trump is right.

OVERWHELMING Evidence exists proving Obama and his Cabinet - Directors and members of the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI - engaged in Conspiracy, Treason, Sedition, Seditious Conspiracy, Obstruction, Perjury, and more in an attempt to affect a coup d'état against the President of the United States and overthrow the US Govt.

The only coup is the one that Trump is trying to pull. Trump is trying to grab more power by ignoring the Congress' power of the purse. You are a crazy fascist.
Many Americans believe Trump is incapacitated due to his mental illness, which can not be ignored. In addition, no one who is caught lying as much as Trump should ever be trusted. Law enforcement and national intelligence agencies have a duty and obligation to investigate loose cannons like Trump.

CNN lies 10 times more than Trump does. The NY Times lies 50 times more than Trump, Rachel Maddow lies 100 times more than Trump. You lie a thousand times more than Trump.

What we have is POLICY dispute. Attempting to blackmail cabinet members to violate the Constitution as McCabe and Rosenstein did is an attempted coup, an act of war against the government of the United States, high treason.

Lie all you like, the facts matter.

Facts matter and you need to remember that. You are the liar. Accuse others of what you are doing.

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