"he's America's Hitler" JD Vance

What's hilarious is your tarded use of Hitler. Btw, you sound very similar to 2-3 other people on this thread. Things that make you go hmmmm.

Hmmm, is it my usage or is it JD's? You know, the original person who said it? Take as much time as you want to ponder on that one and get back to me once you're ready.

Who would have thought you could have more than one like minded individual on a public message board! You better be careful those razor sharp analytical skills don't go to waste in real life!!
Hmmm, is it my usage or is it JD's? You know, the original person who said it? Take as much time as you want to ponder on that one and get back to me once you're ready.

Who would have thought you could have more than one like minded individual on a public message board! You better be careful those razor sharp analytical skills don't go to waste in real life!!
I think they'll be a little more honest if Trump wins, and flat-out blatant if the GQP sweeps.

This is what they want.

"I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole ... or that he's America's Hitler".

What JD Vance thinks of Trump. And now he's his VP candidate.

Trump literally couldn't find anyone suitable enough who hasn't said negative things about Trump for VP, so he went with someone who thinks he might be "America's Hitler"

Zeig Heil.
Don't compare him to the almighty. Compare him to the alternative, LOL
He's not a danger. He's a pussycat.

Hey - he brokered peace between Israel and five Arab countries. No one else has ever done that. (In all of history, that I know of)

What's this "danger" business? Be specific. What are you worried about exactly?

Tell that to all the women that lost decades worth of hard fought rights at the drop of a hat. 🤷‍♀️

"Peace" :auiqs.jpg:You mean like he brokered peace between South and North Korea?

So, you don't think attempting to overturn an election with fake electors is not a danger to our constitution? Let me ask you a question, would you have a problem with Biden doing that if he lost the next election? hmmm? Get back to me on that one.
I think they'll be a little more honest if Trump wins, and flat-out blatant if the GQP sweeps.

This is what they want.

I wonder where will all the talk about how the democrats steal elections will be then. Radicalism, extremism, these all turn ppl into morons, or they attract them, so it's doubtful they'll ever be more truthful even if they win. Even when you debunk nonsense on here they just continue to double and triple down on stupid.
I wonder where will all the talk about how the democrats steal elections will be then. Radicalism, extremism, these all turn ppl into morons, or they attract them, so it's doubtful they'll ever be more truthful even if they win. Even when you debunk nonsense on here they just continue to double and triple down on stupid.
I've spent eight years trying to get my head around the psychology of this. I understand it much more than I did, but some of it is just inexplicable.

It's become more clear to me, though, that this is what a large portion of this country wants. I didn't know. I had no idea. Surely not in America, no way.

"I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole ... or that he's America's Hitler".

What JD Vance thinks of Trump. And now he's his VP candidate.

Trump literally couldn't find anyone suitable enough who hasn't said negative things about Trump for VP, so he went with someone who thinks he might be "America's Hitler"

Zeig Heil.
lets get real. you're actually thinking a bunch of chimps are thinking about anything? LOL! I'm already looking to move out of this shit hole.
I've spent eight years trying to get my head around the psychology of this. I understand it much more than I did, but some of it is just inexplicable.

It's become more clear to me, though, that this is what a large portion of this country wants. I didn't know. I had no idea. Surely not in America, no way.

They want whatever Trump wants. That's how it works in a cult. For instance, teenage girls don't want to sleep with their 65 year old cult leader, but they do it happily because that's what their cult leader wants. It's a relationship Biden could only dream of with his democratic voters. It's also extremely scary. These are the same types of people to report on their neighbors in order to curry favors from the gestapo, if it still existed.
They want whatever Trump wants. That's how it works in a cult. For instance, teenage girls don't want to sleep with their 65 year old cult leader, but they do it happily because that's what their cult leader wants. It's a relationship Biden could only dream of with his democratic voters. It's also extremely scary. These are the same types of people to report on their neighbors in order to curry favors from the gestapo, if it still existed.
Well, I look at Trump as a symptom, a result. He's not Hitler. He is a shameless, needy salesman, and he's simply satisfying a demand.

This is about that demand, and it's about all those craven, opportunistic people who are enabling it -- their media, their congresspeople. The rank & file think they've lost their country, and they're willing to do anything to get it back, even if it means bowing to a right wing authoritarian, strongman-based pseudo theocracy.

None of us -- and I'm talking about people across the political spectrum -- knew how deep and intense this rage was. Their media has been stoking it 24/7/365 for 30+ years, and it's done its job well.

So now it's playing out, and winning.

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I've spent eight years trying to get my head around the psychology of this. I understand it much more than I did, but some of it is just inexplicable.

It's become more clear to me, though, that this is what a large portion of this country wants. I didn't know. I had no idea. Surely not in America, no way.
Jesus you're a fucking idiot. :laugh:

It was only 65 years ago this country stopped being an apartheid state and nearly the entire white conservative south voted to remain so. This is who a lot of the country is. You have to be willfully fucking blind to not have seen it before now or just unbothered so long as they're only targeting blacks and gays.
Tell that to all the women that lost decades worth of hard fought rights at the drop of a hat. 🤷‍♀️
Oh come on. No one lost any rights. You're being foolish. Morning after pills are available over the counter at every CVS and Walgreens in the country. No doctor will refuse to perform an abortion if it's necessary. The ridiculous fear mongering has to stop.

"Peace" :auiqs.jpg:You mean like he brokered peace between South and North Korea?

That was South Korea and Japan. :p

Don't you have anything real?

So, you don't think attempting to overturn an election with fake electors is not a danger to our constitution?

No, I don't.

Our Constitution is much stronger than Donald Trump. It's in no danger whatsoever

Let me ask you a question, would you have a problem with Biden doing that if he lost the next election? hmmm? Get back to me on that one.

You mean like he lost the last one?

Kidding! KIDDING! :lmao:

I think the hyperbole is way over the top. Get back to me when someone refuses to give up power on Jan 20.

The rest of it is all just hyperpartisan fear mongering.

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