The Counter-Sniper Should Have Shot The Suspect Before He Got His First Shot Off

Probably because somebody told him he had nothing to worry about. He had a clear shot and they would make sure he got out of there in one piece.
And the little dipshit fell for it.
One of the counter-snipers said screw orders and blew the back of his head off.
He was so exposed.....and the cops on the ground refused to do anything about him till they heard shots,.
The implications of that boggle the mind

Its understandable why partisan lib trump haters refuse to consider it

Even I cant wrap my brain around it

But the odds against everything that happened being pure coincidence are astronomical
Oh Jesus, is this where we are now?

Agreed it is a terrible security oversight, there could only be complicity if there was coordination. Find that and get back with usl.
If it were only the roof being undecured that is possible

But then some flaky kid with an AR15 accidentally finds that one-in-a-million security breech with cops running around everywhere around it?
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If it were only the roof being undecured that is possible

But then some flaky kid with an AR15 accidentally finds that one in a million security breech with cops running around everywhere around it?
Again, there had to be coordination before hand if there was complicity. Unless you believe it happened organically, which is really pushing incredulity. This kids every movement will be retraced for sure, his every move recreated. They will know long he was taking a piss.
The implications of that boggle the mind

Its understandable why partisan lib trump haters refuse to consider it

Even I cant wrap my brain around it

But the odds against everything that happened being pure coincidence are astronomical
These people are desperate.
The one thing that scares the crap out of them is what Trump is going to do to them when he gets control of the DOJ.
Many of them will have to leave town and even leave the country.

It will take awhile, but many of them are going to either lawyer up or put a gun in their mouths.
It all depends on how much house cleaning they do.
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Again, there had to be coordination before hand if there was complicity. Unless you believe it happened organically, which is really pushing incredulity. This kids every movement will be retraced for sure, his every move recreated. They will know long he was taking a piss.
Yes, by lib liars within the FBI

Which is not reassuring

Tell me the odds of that kid finding the unsecured rooftop on the day of the rally

Do you believe in that much dumb luck?

So when the corrupt FBI fails to find anything wrong with that picture it wont come as a big surprise
Yes, by lib liars within the FBI

Which is not reassuring

Tell me the odds of that kid finding the unsecured rooftop on the day of the rally

Do you believe in that much dumb luck?

So when the corrupt FBI fails to find anything wrong with that picture it wont come as a big surprise

I'm gonna close on your paranoid conspiracies, they are too stupid to entertain. The kid likely planned it well in advance.
I'm gonna close on your paranoid conspiracies, they are too stupid to entertain. The kid likely planned it well in advance.
He planned to be on a rooftop that was supposed to have a police officer on it?

How did he know that the SS would pick that day to be asleep on the job?
I'm gonna close on your paranoid conspiracies, they are too stupid to entertain. The kid likely planned it well in advance.
Yeah......we get lied to so often you can't tell what's real anymore.

And yes, the kid planned it in advance, but he's not gonna know that they would leave that building alone for him until that day, unless they told him it would be okay for him to use it. That building was perfect for a sniper, which means the SS doesn't know what they're doing, or they trusted assurances from others that it would be covered.
Yep. There was definitely a complete communication breakdown.

And a breakdown over where the local cops were deployed. They should have been watching that spot.

That needs to be looked at.
Local cops??? I though the Secret Service was supposed to scout out and secure the site?

Local cops??
Yeah......we get lied to so often you can't tell what's real anymore.

And yes, the kid planned it in advance, but he's not gonna know that they would leave that building alone for him until that day, unless they told him it would be okay for him to use it. That building was perfect for a sniper, which means the SS doesn't know what they're doing, or they trusted assurances from others that it would be covered.
Jack and Ruby, the 2 snipers over watching made sure he first got off a few shots before being silenced
Jack and Ruby, the 2 snipers over watching made sure he first got off a few shots before being silenced
I think they were asking for permission to shoot and they never got it.

If it was me I know I could see what that kid was carrying wasn't a stick. It was a gun. I would have blown his head off and turned in my badge.

These communist assholes are only arresting the victims anyway. I could not stand by and let them kill somebody I was tasked to protect.

Again, there had to be coordination before hand if there was complicity. Unless you believe it happened organically, which is really pushing incredulity. This kids every movement will be retraced for sure, his every move recreated. They will know long he was taking a piss.
I wouldn't take it that far. But they will be able to trace his movements.
They won't make their findings public, and will hide the truth from the public.
Mainly because insiders were culpable if not criminally negligent.

If they had succeeded in killing Trump they would just have to take the heat.
And there's a great possibility there would be a violent response......and that's exactly what they wanted in the first place.

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One wonders "how is this possible" and then you remember, how many cops were standing around in Uvalde? People think security perimeters, and even dozens of cops, can detect and take out a lone shooter, but both instances show that this is not always the case.

This kid took part in a school project on Kennedy getting shot in Dallas.
This guy knows his stuff. This is everything I learned in the Army.

He says exactly what I already knew.

They should have gotten Trump off the stage as soon as the sniper was spotted:

Yup. The fact they waited tells me they were complicit.
There were orders to let the assassin take the first shot.
That's an excuse. They were going to say that it wasn't their fault in some way.
That excuse is the best they could come up with.

Whenever these operations are ongoing some of the people involved aren't let in on the conspiracy.

It gives them plausible-deniability.

Only key members on the hit know everything.
Even the shooters aren't privy to all of the people who are involved in it.

The CIA has been conducting these operations for decades.
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