Zone1 Forbes: Black students graduate from Harvard and Princeton at higher rates

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Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
Anyone else remember the board member named Harmonica, identifiable by his incessant use of 'Hahahahaha's and his continued parroting of the erroneous "fact" "....Black people graduate at a rate lower than whites..." yet when asked what field his degree is in, he would more often than not abandon that particular thread, not to be encountered again for days or weeks at a time.

ANWAY, even if he was still around I'm sure he'd simply deem this as "Fake News" or some other such nonsense:

My analysis of statistics from a publicly-available U.S. Department of Education database reveal that six-year graduation rates (a commonly-used metric in higher education) for Black students are higher at Harvard and Princeton than they are for the overall student body. At Harvard, it’s 98% for undergraduates overall and 99% for Black collegians.​
Anyone else remember the board member named Harmonica, identifiable by his incessant use of 'Hahahahaha's and his continued parroting of the erroneous "fact" "....Black people graduate at a rate lower than whites..." yet when asked what field his degree is in, he would more often than not abandon that particular thread, not to be encountered again for days or weeks at a time.

ANWAY, even if he was still around I'm sure he'd simply deem this as "Fake News" or some other such nonsense:

My analysis of statistics from a publicly-available U.S. Department of Education database reveal that six-year graduation rates (a commonly-used metric in higher education) for Black students are higher at Harvard and Princeton than they are for the overall student body. At Harvard, it’s 98% for undergraduates overall and 99% for Black collegians.​
So, I am glad to see that you support the SCOTUS decision to dismantle AA in college admissions.
If he was here he would say "that might be true for those 3 colleges, but nationally, they are 2.5 times more likely to flunk out."
I hope that changes!
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Are you trying to make some point, or merely having a one-sided debate with "Harmonica?" Also, I'm not sure that a nearly 100% graduation rate (of all students) speaks well of the academic rigor at these institutions.
Are you trying to make some point, or merely having a one-sided debate with "Harmonica?" Also, I'm not sure that a nearly 100% graduation rate (of all students) speaks well of the academic rigor at these institutions.

That's because they get points added to their grades as 'compensation'. They don't have do the work most of the time. Since many of them get paid just to show up, of course they ride the gravy train as long as they can, then they go to 'blacks only job fairs' where a lot of companies need black morons to satisfy some requirement for govt. contracts or just for window dressing and PR. A few will actually be competent, but they will be indistinguishable from the socially promoted morons, same as in grade schools and high schools, and will be lumped in with the idiots.

Asian Americans are hit the hardest: they must score on average 140 points more than their equivalent white counterparts, while Hispanic and black students are given leeway with 130-point and 310-point bonuses respectively. Most students are not even aware of this bias.

“Why would they do that?” asked Spencer Murray, an East Florida State College freshman data analysis major. “Don’t you think it’s racist to expect less from other types of people?”

Many people share in Murray’s confusion. While it does seem racist to expect less from certain groups of minorities by adding points to their SAT score, the rationale is clear.

According to the Brookings Institution, “the black-white achievement gap in SAT math scores has remained virtually unchanged over the last 15 years.”

In an attempt to bridge that gap, points are granted to minority groups, or subtracted in the case of Asian Americans.
This Asian American discrimination needs to stop.

This pandering continues throughout their time in college and beyond.

Asian Americans are hit the hardest: they must score on average 140 points more than their equivalent white counterparts, while Hispanic and black students are given leeway with 130-point and 310-point bonuses respectively. Most students are not even aware of this bias.

“Why would they do that?” asked Spencer Murray, an East Florida State College freshman data analysis major. “Don’t you think it’s racist to expect less from other types of people?”

Many people share in Murray’s confusion. While it does seem racist to expect less from certain groups of minorities by adding points to their SAT score, the rationale is clear.

According to the Brookings Institution, “the black-white achievement gap in SAT math scores has remained virtually unchanged over the last 15 years.”

In an attempt to bridge that gap, points are granted to minority groups, or subtracted in the case of Asian Americans.
This Asian American discrimination needs to stop.

This pandering continues throughout their time in college and beyond.
White racists need to stop their fake attempts at standing up for Asians.

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White racists need to stop their fake attempts at standing up for Asians.

I don't 'stand up for Asians'. You black people should stop commiting all those hate crimes against them, even though they've been essentially legalized under Obama and Biden's Attorneys General.
Let's do this again.


Selective Bias​

Asian Americans, Test Scores, and Holistic Admissions​


Selective Bias: Asian Americans, Test Scores, and Holistic Admissions evaluates the common arguments made by affirmative action critics and Students for Fair Admissions, which is suing Harvard University and has lawsuits pending against the University of North Carolina and the University of Texas at Austin over their admissions practices. The report finds no strong evidence of discrimination against Asian American applicants in admissions to highly selective colleges.

Critics claim that if colleges considered only academic merit, Asian American applicants would gain a greater number of seats. SFFA and other affirmative action critics often base their allegations on three factors:
  • stagnant enrollment shares for Asian American students
  • relatively low acceptance rates of Asian American applicants
  • differences in SAT scores between Asian American and non–Asian American students at the most selective colleges.

We find all of these arguments to be unconvincing. Here’s why:

The Asian American Enrollment Share at the Most Selective Colleges Has Remained Stable Over the Past Decade​

The enrollment share of Asian American and Pacific Islander students at Harvard and at the 90 other most selective colleges has kept pace with their growing share of the four-year college-going population. In fact, the Asian American and Pacific Islander share of enrollments at the most selective colleges grew by 4 percentage points even while their enrollment share at all four-year colleges grew by just 2 percentage points between 1999 and 2018.

Asian American Students are More Likely to Apply to Highly Selective Colleges Regardless of Test Scores

Among students who scored 1300 or above on the SAT, 65% of Asian American students applied to one of the most selective colleges in the country, compared to 50% of non–Asian American students. And among students who scored below 1300, 12% of Asian American students took a chance and applied to one of the most selective colleges, compared to only 5% of non–Asian American students. Since more Asian American students apply to selective colleges, they are more likely to be denied a seat, which is not evidence of bias.

I don't 'stand up for Asians'. You black people should stop commiting all those hate crimes against them, even though they've been essentially legalized under Obama and Biden's Attorneys General.
Whites have committed more hate crimes against Asians and whites have committed approximateely 7 times more hate crimes against blacks than Asianns have had against them in total. But keep watching the same crime looped over and over nightly on fox news.
Whites have committed more hate crimes against Asians and whites have committed approximateely 7 times more hate crimes against blacks than Asianns have had against them in total. But keep watching the same crime looped over and over nightly on fox news.

Sure they have, that's why none of you want to leave. lol lol lol
That's because they get points added to their grades as 'compensation'. They don't have do the work most of the time. Since many of them get paid just to show up, of course they ride the gravy train as long as they can, then they go to 'blacks only job fairs' where a lot of companies need black morons to satisfy some requirement for govt. contracts or just for window dressing and PR. A few will actually be competent, but they will be indistinguishable from the socially promoted morons, same as in grade schools and high schools, and will be lumped in with the idiots.
1. I think that the above comments are right.

2. Of course, I would have expressed those views in a gentler manner.

3. Something like: "University professors either sympathize with students of ethnicity X or they know that they are expected by the administration to be especially 'understanding' when it comes to grading them."
Let's do this again.

View attachment 802463

Selective Bias​

Asian Americans, Test Scores, and Holistic Admissions​


Selective Bias: Asian Americans, Test Scores, and Holistic Admissions evaluates the common arguments made by affirmative action critics and Students for Fair Admissions, which is suing Harvard University and has lawsuits pending against the University of North Carolina and the University of Texas at Austin over their admissions practices. The report finds no strong evidence of discrimination against Asian American applicants in admissions to highly selective colleges.

Critics claim that if colleges considered only academic merit, Asian American applicants would gain a greater number of seats. SFFA and other affirmative action critics often base their allegations on three factors:
  • stagnant enrollment shares for Asian American students
  • relatively low acceptance rates of Asian American applicants
  • differences in SAT scores between Asian American and non–Asian American students at the most selective colleges.

We find all of these arguments to be unconvincing. Here’s why:

The Asian American Enrollment Share at the Most Selective Colleges Has Remained Stable Over the Past Decade​

The enrollment share of Asian American and Pacific Islander students at Harvard and at the 90 other most selective colleges has kept pace with their growing share of the four-year college-going population. In fact, the Asian American and Pacific Islander share of enrollments at the most selective colleges grew by 4 percentage points even while their enrollment share at all four-year colleges grew by just 2 percentage points between 1999 and 2018.

Asian American Students are More Likely to Apply to Highly Selective Colleges Regardless of Test Scores

Among students who scored 1300 or above on the SAT, 65% of Asian American students applied to one of the most selective colleges in the country, compared to 50% of non–Asian American students. And among students who scored below 1300, 12% of Asian American students took a chance and applied to one of the most selective colleges, compared to only 5% of non–Asian American students. Since more Asian American students apply to selective colleges, they are more likely to be denied a seat, which is not evidence of bias.

Quantity over quality?
Too many topics outside of the opening post.
Opening post is not appropriate for Zone 1. (calling out a forum member)
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