Forbes Magazine: How Trump’s Deregulation Sowed The Seeds For Silicon Valley Bank’s Demise

Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

Under Trump inflation was on a DOWNWARDS trajectory.

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U.S. Inflation Rate 1960-2023

That chart is only to 2021...2022 was DOUBLE THAT at 8.8%.

That's the highest it's been since another Democrat, Jimmy Carter, gave us 14% in 1979-80!

I was 7 years old.

"Star Wars" the original movie had been out for two years. The release of "The Empire Strikes Back" was still a year away.

The Golden Eagle Trans Am that "Smokey and the Bandit" made famous was brand new on showroom floors.

That's how long it's been since we've had 8.8% inflation.

Biden and the Democrats OWN inflation at these staggering levels.

*This post has been edited to reflect the erroneous casting of the inflation rate as negative and rewritten to clarify that inflation was rising at a lower rate than the previous year for two consecutive years, but was not negative, which would require an inflation rate below zero.

My investments sure made a ton of money, which has all dribbled away under the magic hands of the Pedo In Chief.

Note that Republicans in comments are not talking about the law in question. They're just posting memes are typing "haha".
It's an admission that they know they screwed it all up.
Inflation from Pelosi's spending caused this. It made the bank's older bonds worthless when they raised the interest rates to combat the inflation.
So................"Added pressure" isn't FORCING.
The CRA only applies to federally chartered banks.
Most community banks weren't even affected.
The CRA doesn't require any lender to bundle mortgages, then sell them.
Adding pressure is forcing them.
Bless your heart it's really ignorant to continue to support failure and expect a different outcome
YOU'RE the one questioning whether the banks having enough $$$ in reserve is enough, for a run by customers.
A bank failed, then you claim I haven't figured it out?

You still don't know the reserve level that would have saved SVB? LOL!

A bank failed, then you claim I haven't figured it out?

You haven't figured much out for a very long time.
So................"Added pressure" isn't FORCING.
The CRA only applies to federally chartered banks.
Most community banks weren't even affected.
The CRA doesn't require any lender to bundle mortgages, then sell them.

How many sub-prime mortgages did Clinton force Fannie and Freddie to buy?

What do you think francoHFW ?

Was it a lot?
I want to share with you an article that explains how Trump's deregulation led to the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, one of the largest banks in the country. The article is here: How Trump’s Deregulation Sowed The Seeds For Silicon Valley Bank’s Demise

The article says that Trump signed a law in 2018 that weakened the rules for banks that were put in place after the 2008 financial crisis. The law was called the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act (S.2155), but it did not protect consumers at all. It allowed banks like Silicon Valley Bank to take more risks with their money and hide their problems from regulators.

The law was supported by most Republicans and a minority of Democrats who were fooled by the bank lobbyists. Most Democrats voted against it The Senate passed it by a vote of 67-31, with 16 Democrats voting for it. The House passed it by a vote of 258-159, with 225 Republicans and 33 Democrats voting for it. Trump signed it into law on May 24, 2018.

Now we are paying the price for this Trump law. Silicon Valley Bank failed because it gambled on risky loans and investments that went bad. It also lied about its financial health and hid its losses from regulators and investors. The bank's failure caused a lot of damage to the economy and hurt millions of customers, employees and shareholders. This is why we need to hold Trump and his allies accountable for their actions.

They sold us out to the big banks and put our economy at risk. We need to repeal this law and restore strong regulations for banks that protect consumers and prevent another crisis.

Forbes didn't say shit, Simp.

This is an opinion piece from an outside contributor who is obviously anti-Trump. The wording of the article proves how biased this clown is.
How many sub-prime mortgages did Clinton force Fannie and Freddie to buy?

What do you think francoHFW ?

Was it a lot?
still parroting the same garbage eh? Although Fannie and Freddie was 75% of the market when W the catastrophe deregulated, it was his pals at countrywide etc that sold 75 percent of the crap mortgages. Great job as always! It helps to be a GOP insider to make money before the crash. Poor America.
Forbes didn't say shit, Simp.

This is an opinion piece from an outside contributor who is obviously anti-Trump. The wording of the article proves how biased this clown is.
Since you are happy listening to total divisive anti-american crap propaganda, you no longer know that it is the duty of journalists to find out the truth And that is what everyone but Rupert Murdoch incorporated and Internet nut jobs are trying to do, brain washed functional moron.
still parroting the same garbage eh? Although Fannie and Freddie was 75% of the market when W the catastrophe deregulated, it was his pals at countrywide etc that sold 75 percent of the crap mortgages. Great job as always! It helps to be a GOP insider to make money before the crash. Poor America.

I don't care what Countrywide sold.
How much did Clinton force Fannie and Freddie to buy?
Since you are happy listening to total divisive anti-american crap propaganda, you no longer know that it is the duty of journalists to find out the truth And that is what everyone but Rupert Murdoch incorporated and Internet nut jobs are trying to do, brain washed functional moron.
Cool unhinged rant, Simp.

WTF does it have to do with this opinion piece from a Trump hating loon?
Cool unhinged rant, Simp.

WTF does it have to do with this opinion piece from a Trump hating loon?
it has to do with the fact that you have absolutely no clue about reality and only have a couple of propaganda BS talking points and a bunch of hateful gossip and insults..... when do you ignoramuses figure out that the GOP always deregulates so we always have a corrupt bubble and bust with them every time and this is just another example. Your party is a lying greedy idiot disgrace and catastrophe for the world The last 100 years.... hating Trump and your lying anti American garbage propaganda is hardly lunacy... everyone in the world does except for you people in the GOP base Idiot bigot group....
No, it’s because of Biden’s horrible economic policies ‘dipshit.’
yeah, how dare he invade Ukraine and upset 15% of the world's oil and grain production lol. Everyone in the world but you fools knows that's what caused the inflation- and because of Biden's policies we have less of it than anyone else in the world. Try reality. The "Democratic" MSM corporate news never mentions that either. they're pathetic too. Always good to have the crony Republicans deregulating and causing corruption like this. Try reality get your courage up and change the channel and see what the world is actually up to.
yeah, how dare he invade Ukraine and upset 15% of the world's oil and grain production. One in the world but you fool's nose That's what caused the inflation and because of Biden's policies we have less of it than anyone else in the world. Try reality. The "Democratic" MSM corporate news never mentions that either. they're pathetic too. Always good to have the crony Republicans deregulating and causing corruption like this. Try reality get your courage up and change the channel and see what the world is actually up to.

how dare he invade Ukraine and upset 15% of the world's oil and grain production.

Ukraine didn't produce 15% of the world's oil.

That's what caused the inflation and because of Biden's policies we have less of it than anyone else in the world

Wow! What are the 10 countries with the lowest inflation in the world?
I don't care what Countrywide sold.
How much did Clinton force Fannie and Freddie to buy?
clinton had nothing to do with this, He did sign a GOP law glass steagall or whatever, hoping to get some compromise somewhere else. which he never did get. this is all GOP. I Don't wanna listen to your crap. countrywide sold more bad mortgages than Fannie and Freddie. Fannie and Freddie share of the market went from 75% to 30% and private firms run by GOP pals of W took over the market and ruined the world economy. again.
how dare he invade Ukraine and upset 15% of the world's oil and grain production.

Ukraine didn't produce 15% of the world's oil.

That's what caused the inflation and because of Biden's policies we have less of it than anyone else in the world

Wow! What are the 10 countries with the lowest inflation in the world?
russia and Ukraine did duhhhhh... Later much, troll.
how dare he invade Ukraine and upset 15% of the world's oil and grain production.

Ukraine didn't produce 15% of the world's oil.

That's what caused the inflation and because of Biden's policies we have less of it than anyone else in the world

Wow! What are the 10 countries with the lowest inflation in the world?
Low info Franco’s doesn’t like these facts....

That article was written 2 weeks ago so it’s current. I do not see the US on that low inflation list.
clinton had nothing to do with this, He did sign a GOP law glass steagall or whatever, hoping to get some compromise somewhere else. which he never did get. this is all GOP. I Don't wanna listen to your crap. countrywide sold more bad mortgages than Fannie and Freddie. Fannie and Freddie share of the market went from 75% to 30% and private firms run by GOP pals of W took over the market and ruined the world economy. again.
No, Bush warned Congress this wasn’t going to end well. And Frank, you, and others all laughed and said everything was fine. Until it wasn't. But continue your fantasy...

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