Forbidden places On Earth That could make you killed


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2020
There are countless beautiful destinations to visit around the world. But some places are either too dangerous, too protected, or too mysterious to explore. Here are 5 places on earth which are forbidden and you are not allowed to visit .
North Sentinel Island, India

Home to the Sentinelese tribe, the North Sentinel Island is a small island belonging to the Andaman chain. The people inhabiting the island often get violent to safeguard their isolation. The Sentinelese tribe have lived on the island for over 50,000 years under the protection of the Indian Government. This region is strictly prohibited for visitors of any kind.
Heard Island, Australia

One of the most unexplored places on the Earth, Heard Island lies between Antarctica and Madagascar. There are two active volcanoes on the Heard Island, and it is completely barren. To preserve the fragile natural surroundings, the Australian Government restricted entry to the island.

Snake Island, Brazil
This is an island in Brazil infested with thousands of deadly snakes. No human even dare to tread on Snake Island, and it is even regarded as the most forbidden places in Brazil. the government has made it illegal to visit the island. It is estimated that there are approximately 4,000 golden lanceheads on the island.
Lascaux Caves, France

The Lascaux Cave is a treasure trove for archaeologists around the globe. The cave complex contains pre-historic paintings that are 17,300 years old. Sadly, the cave is closed to the general public since 1963.
Tomb of Qin Shi Huang, China

The Mausoleum of China’s first Emperor Qin Shi Huang is buried deep underneath a pyramid for more than 2,000 years. It is one of the greatest discoveries of all times but remains a mystery for historians and archaeologists. To pay respect to the ancient site, the Chinese Government has prohibited excavation of the Tomb of Qin Shi Huang.

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