Ford and her Lawyers in it for the $$$$$$$$$$$

"Due to death threats, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford ... and her family have had to leave their residence and arrange for private security,"

I hope B92 is in as good company to have folks help him.
"Due to death threats, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford ... and her family have had to leave their residence and arrange for private security,"

I hope B92 is in as good company to have folks help him.
Nope. I don’t make shit up about other people. I don’t think she has had any death threats. It’s all part of the big lie to make more $$$ off her book and even more $$$ When liberals in Hollywood turn it into a movie deal. Oh...and by the way...I...can take care of myself.
You can observe her go fund me online. People feel sorry for her I guess. I thought these sites were supposed to help those in need. Blasé Fraud is teaching others that unworthy causes can also reap in the money.
You can observe her go fund me online. People feel sorry for her I guess. I thought these sites were supposed to help those in need. Blasé Fraud is teaching others that unworthy causes can also reap in the money.
Sean Penn has probably already signed a movie contract with her.
Seems like a legit amount of money to pay for her "security" as she suggested in her Hearing.

gofundme is the openly obvious form of bribing, providing hush money and money laundering. Nobody investigates this, so why not just destroy Americas liberty AND make some money off of it?

I'm afraid that America is really close to becoming Canada, you may already be there thanks to so many RINOS and socialists.
You can observe her go fund me online. People feel sorry for her I guess. I thought these sites were supposed to help those in need. Blasé Fraud is teaching others that unworthy causes can also reap in the money.
Sean Penn has probably already signed a movie contract with her.

Will he be playing her?
You can observe her go fund me online. People feel sorry for her I guess. I thought these sites were supposed to help those in need. Blasé Fraud is teaching others that unworthy causes can also reap in the money.
It's how the snowflakes pay people to destroy those they hate.
"Due to death threats, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford ... and her family have had to leave their residence and arrange for private security,"

I hope B92 is in as good company to have folks help him.
Nope. I don’t make shit up about other people. I don’t think she has had any death threats. It’s all part of the big lie to make more $$$ off her book and even more $$$ When liberals in Hollywood turn it into a movie deal. Oh...and by the way...I...can take care of myself.
I always wonder who buys these books. Is there anything in them that hasn't been discussed and mulled over ad nauseum by the media?
She will need the money to rebuild her life and protect her family from right wing thuggery.
Oh, the poor baby! She discovered smearing someone and destroying his life has consequences!
Its not going to encourage other victims to come forward. So I guess your type would see it as a victory of some sort.
You mean it won't encourage other crazy lying whores to smear the innocent.

Yes, that would be one positive outcome.
She will need the money to rebuild her life and protect her family from right wing thuggery.
Oh, the poor baby! She discovered smearing someone and destroying his life has consequences!
Its not going to encourage other victims to come forward. So I guess your type would see it as a victory of some sort.
You mean it won't encourage other crazy lying whores to smear the innocent.

Yes, that would be one positive outcome.
Senate Democrats employed numbers 11 and 13 Against Kavanaugh.
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