Ford and her Lawyers in it for the $$$$$$$$$$$

GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

Read the GFM page, idiot. The fund was started by her friends and colleagues.
Click here to support Help Christine Blasey Ford organized by Team Christine Blasey Ford

So she's had to move twice, due to threats to her life and her family.
She can't go to work at her job or to Stanford where she teaches.
Her kids can't go to school.

She's completely wrecking her life and privacy for $528K?
I bet between her and her husband, they make that much every year.

Stop buying into the Alex Jones LIES, you fucking idiot.
Psychology professors don't make that much, moron.

I said BETWEEN her and her husband.
They live in one of the most expensive areas of California. You can't make $100K and live in Palo Alto.

And they do make big salaries when they do research and teach at an Ivy League college, moron:

She's a professor at PGSP-Stanford School of Medicine Collaborative Clinical Psychology Program (since 2012).

If they bought their house 30 years ago, they can. I had an aunt who lived in Palo Alto. My brother lives in Cupertino, which is even more expensive that Palo Alto.

That meme is a lie.
She said she was afraid of flying, you silly lying bitch.
Here's the actual transcript.

""""Mitchell: "May I ask, Dr. Ford, how did you get to Washington?

Ford: "In an airplane."

Mitchell: "I ask that because its been reported by the press that you would not submit to an interview with the committee because of your fear of flying. Is that true?"

Ford: "I was hoping that they would come to me (in California) but I realized that was an unrealistic request."

Mitchell: "it would have been a quicker trip for me."

Ford: "That was certainly what I was hoping to avoid getting on an airplane. But I eventually was able to get up the gumption with the help of some friends and get on the plane."

Mitchell: "You fly fairly frequently for your hobbies and you've had to fly for your work. Is that true?"

Ford: "Correct. Unfortunately."

Mitchell read from Ford's curriculum vitae, pointing to hobbies she pursues including "surf travel." Ford then confirmed she has flown to Hawaii, Coast Rica, South Pacific Islands and French Polynesia to surf.

"It's easier for me to travel going that direction when it's a vacation," Ford said.""""
You just confirmed that it's true, moron.

Damn you get dumber every day.
The meme says "Too scared to fly".
She has said she has a fear of flying.
Do you not understand the difference?

I fly regularly and the plane is usually full of people who have a fear of flying.
They're nervous, sweaty and hate take off and landings are even worse.

Grow up.

The fact is she flies all over the world to go to places she wants to go to. Her fear of flying only takes over when Dims want to delay Kavanaugh's confirmation.
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

Read the GFM page, idiot. The fund was started by her friends and colleagues.
Click here to support Help Christine Blasey Ford organized by Team Christine Blasey Ford

So she's had to move twice, due to threats to her life and her family.
She can't go to work at her job or to Stanford where she teaches.
Her kids can't go to school.

She's completely wrecking her life and privacy for $528K?
I bet between her and her husband, they make that much every year.

Stop buying into the Alex Jones LIES, you fucking idiot.
It tells you all you need to know about Bush92 though.

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