Ford and her Lawyers in it for the $$$$$$$$$$$

GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

If her story is true...I hope she makes millions.

Now where is your unbiased link that factually proves her story is not true?
Where is your story that proves it is true? The preponderance of the evidence indicates that she is either
A.) Lying
B.) Having a psychotic episode.

LOL...I said 'if' it is true. You don't know what 'if' means?

I am not saying it is true or is not true...I do not know. You clearly are saying it is not.

So I will ask you again, where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that it is not true (what Ford claims happened to her)?
In my opinion...because that’s all we never happened. Now is she going to make $$$ off it or not? Cash for uncorroborated accusations is a pathetic thing that I don’t want to see ebbing it’s way into nomination and confirmation process.
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

If her story is true...I hope she makes millions.

Now where is your unbiased link that factually proves her story is not true?
Where is your story that proves it is true? The preponderance of the evidence indicates that she is either
A.) Lying
B.) Having a psychotic episode.

LOL...I said 'if' it is true. You don't know what 'if' means?

I am not saying it is true or is not true...I do not know. You clearly are saying it is not.

So I will ask you again, where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that it is not true (what Ford claims happened to her)?
In my opinion...because that’s all we never happened. Now is she going to make $$$ off it or not? Cash for uncorroborated accusations is a pathetic thing that I don’t want to see ebbing it’s way into nomination and confirmation process.

Fair enough.

And I share your concerns for the way this whole thing has degenerated into blatant political partisanship (on both sides).

Washington is becoming nothing but a war zone for 'us' vs. 'them'. Winning the political game is gaining importance while running the damn country properly seems to be of secondary importance...if not tertiary.

Have a good weekend.

BTW - I give a fail grade to all POTUS's in my lifetime (so far). But of those whom I thought did the least bad job...I would give it to the fellow in your avatar.
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You can observe her go fund me online. People feel sorry for her I guess. I thought these sites were supposed to help those in need. Blasé Fraud is teaching others that unworthy causes can also reap in the money.
Sean Penn has probably already signed a movie contract with her.

I think Sean Penn would be the perfect choice to play her part in the made for cable movie.
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

If her story is true...I hope she makes millions.

Now where is your unbiased link that factually proves her story is not true?
Where is your story that proves it is true? The preponderance of the evidence indicates that she is either
A.) Lying
B.) Having a psychotic episode.

LOL...I said 'if' it is true. You don't know what 'if' means?

I am not saying it is true or is not true...I do not know. You clearly are saying it is not.

So I will ask you again, where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that it is not true (what Ford claims happened to her)?
In my opinion...because that’s all we never happened. Now is she going to make $$$ off it or not? Cash for uncorroborated accusations is a pathetic thing that I don’t want to see ebbing it’s way into nomination and confirmation process.

Fair enough.

And I share your concerns for the way this whole thing has degenerated into blatant political partisanship (on both sides).

Washington is becoming nothing but a war zone for 'us' vs. 'them'. Winning the political game is gaining importance while running the damn country properly seems to be of secondary importance...if not tertiary.

Have a good weekend.

BTW - I give a fail grade to all POTUS's in my lifetime (so far). But of those whom I thought did the least bad job...I would give it to the fellow in your avatar.
You and your ilk made the bed. Now lie in it.
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.
That's chump change to pay her legal fees. She is worth millions!
Yep. Hollywood liberals and producers are drooling at the mouth.
You Idiot Christine Blasey Ford was a multi-millionaire before telling anyone of Kavanaugh's assault.
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.
Just let me know who to accuse and I'll give you my bank account number for the deposits...

This shit has gone beyond the tipping point. Becoming a millionaire for a mere accusation will create a flood of victims. I dread future elections.
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.
That's chump change to pay her legal fees. She is worth millions!
Yep. Hollywood liberals and producers are drooling at the mouth.
You Idiot Christine Blasey Ford was a multi-millionaire before telling anyone of Kavanaugh's assault.
She's a psychology professor. They don't make a hell of a lot of money. Where did she get all this wealth?
Well at least she will get some money out of it. Dont hate.

And what will Kavanaugh's family get out of it?
More importantly I'm more and more convinced of the BIASED Google search engines.
Look at this screen shot and tell me Google is not BIASED!
Fantastic, the FBI can investigate which Dem's who contributed to Ford's GoFundMe to bribe her. Mark my words this FBI investigation will backfire on the Dems.
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.
Her team of lawyers will take most of it.
They are working pro-bono, dumbass.

Now, we’re learning that Kavanaugh’s accuser’s attorney Debra Katz isn’t just an ordinary lawyer you might find in The Yellow Pages.
This Washington, D.C.-based attorney is a partner at the firm Katz, Marshall, & Banks, and the Vice Chair of the Project on Government Oversight, which is funded by George Soros and his expansive Open Society Foundation financial support.
Judge Kavanaugh Accuser's Attorney Has Ties to George Soros
Well at least she will get some money out of it. Dont hate.

And what will Kavanaugh's family get out of it?
More importantly I'm more and more convinced of the BIASED Google search engines.
Look at this screen shot and tell me Google is not BIASED!
View attachment 219255
The first 10 pages of your result will point at leftwing sites. I've known that for years. Use
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

A star is born? More a like a meteor shit storm. "Everybody wants to rule the world" -- thanks Tears For Fears for that bit of true wisdom. She will burn out and fade away, any day now.

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