Ford and her Lawyers in it for the $$$$$$$$$$$

Well at least she will get some money out of it. Dont hate.
What about the innocent man Kavanaugh? What about his life?
Kavanaugh chose to be grilled.

He knew he was a drunk in HS, college & Law School. He knew he did a lot of stupid shit.

Why did he lie about it?
When did he lie about it? Since when is college drinking a disqualifying action?
It isn't. But why lie about it, Gramps? Kav lied his ass off and you still defend him. Telling of POTUS apologists.
Well at least she will get some money out of it. Dont hate.

And what will Kavanaugh's family get out of it?
More importantly I'm more and more convinced of the BIASED Google search engines.
Look at this screen shot and tell me Google is not BIASED!
View attachment 219255
The first 10 pages of your result will point at leftwing sites. I've known that for years. Use

View attachment 219257
The more people who stop using Google, the better. We need to destroy that monopoly. There's an opensource social network called that is growing by leaps and bounds. I don't use social networking, so I don't know how it is.

Did you see this? Exclusive: Tim Berners-Lee tells us his radical new plan to upend the World Wide Web
Tim Berners-Lee tells us his radical new plan to upend the World Wide Web
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.
Her team of lawyers will take most of it.
They are working pro-bono, dumbass.
Bullshit & neither is her security team, remote hideaway housing for family, transportation & lost income.
Well, when you stick your nose into the political process to torpedo someone because you hate Donald get your just rewards. But all this death threat stuff is just bullshit.

And probably the doings of the radical left to place blame on the conservatives.
Remember these radical/socialists/leftists are generally living in their parents basements, get some stipends from Soros, and also probably get federal grant money to boot!
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.
Her team of lawyers will take most of it.
They are working pro-bono, dumbass.
Bullshit & neither is her security team, remote hideaway housing for family, transportation & lost income.
Well, when you stick your nose into the political process to torpedo someone because you hate Donald get your just rewards. But all this death threat stuff is just bullshit.

And probably the doings of the radical left to place blame on the conservatives.
Remember these radical/socialists/leftists are generally living in their parents basements, get some stipends from Soros, and also probably get federal grant money to boot!
Red States take more government money than the blue states.

You asswipes think you are so smart but it is the liberals posting that tear apart each & every one of your lies.

I'd say you lived in your mommy's basement but trailers don't save basements. (for the record, I do not have an issue where people choose to live. I only said this because the right wing asshat to which I am replying will hate it)
Her team of lawyers will take most of it.
They are working pro-bono, dumbass.

Yes, that's what they said dumbass - but it NEVER works out that way unless their client is penniless.
Soros is paying their fees, moron.
Who is paying Kavanaugh's????
What difference would it make? He would have required legal advice regardless of whether Christina Ford had smeared him or not.
I get it. She has to pay a laweyer because she is reporting an attempted rape but the "conservastion" POS who did the attacking gets his covered.
Well at least she will get some money out of it. Dont hate.
What about the innocent man Kavanaugh? What about his life?
Kavanaugh chose to be grilled.

He knew he was a drunk in HS, college & Law School. He knew he did a lot of stupid shit.

Why did he lie about it?
When did he lie about it? Since when is college drinking a disqualifying action?
When you lie about it.
They are working pro-bono, dumbass.

Yes, that's what they said dumbass - but it NEVER works out that way unless their client is penniless.
Soros is paying their fees, moron.
Who is paying Kavanaugh's????
What difference would it make? He would have required legal advice regardless of whether Christina Ford had smeared him or not.
I get it. She has to pay a laweyer because she is reporting an attempted rape but the "conservastion" POS who did the attacking gets his covered.
She's getting her legal advice pro-bono, moron.
Well at least she will get some money out of it. Dont hate.
What about the innocent man Kavanaugh? What about his life?
Kavanaugh chose to be grilled.

He knew he was a drunk in HS, college & Law School. He knew he did a lot of stupid shit.

Why did he lie about it?
When did he lie about it? Since when is college drinking a disqualifying action?
When you lie about it.
Once again, the leftwing douchebags can't point out where he lied.
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

Thanks for the reminder - I just kicked in 20 bucks. She will not only have endless legal expenses, she's paying for security detail and hotel rooms as she lives out of a suitcase. If you think she came forward for the money .. Then you're very sick man.
Poor baby. :206: I want to start one so Kavanaugh can have a private eye to investigate this common whore.

"common whore" based on what????? Wherr is your proof"???? You assholes are just smearing a woman is is far far far better educated than you & much more successfiul as a widely revered professor.

You are what? A POS who was so God damn stupid that you support rapists.
Well at least she will get some money out of it. Dont hate.
What about the innocent man Kavanaugh? What about his life?
Kavanaugh chose to be grilled.

He knew he was a drunk in HS, college & Law School. He knew he did a lot of stupid shit.

Why did he lie about it?
When did he lie about it? Since when is college drinking a disqualifying action?
It isn't. But why lie about it, Gramps? Kav lied his ass off and you still defend him. Telling of POTUS apologists.
What "lie" did he tell?
Yes, that's what they said dumbass - but it NEVER works out that way unless their client is penniless.
Soros is paying their fees, moron.
Who is paying Kavanaugh's????
What difference would it make? He would have required legal advice regardless of whether Christina Ford had smeared him or not.
I get it. She has to pay a laweyer because she is reporting an attempted rape but the "conservastion" POS who did the attacking gets his covered.
She's getting her legal advice pro-bono, moron.
So, you think those are the only lawyers that have been consulted. Boy, yoiu really are that fucking stupid.

Who is paying Kavanaugh's legal expenses?
Well at least she will get some money out of it. Dont hate.
What about the innocent man Kavanaugh? What about his life?
Kavanaugh chose to be grilled.

He knew he was a drunk in HS, college & Law School. He knew he did a lot of stupid shit.

Why did he lie about it?
When did he lie about it? Since when is college drinking a disqualifying action?
It isn't. But why lie about it, Gramps? Kav lied his ass off and you still defend him. Telling of POTUS apologists.
What "lie" did he tell?
His drinking. He left out how much he drank & how many times he was a sloppy drunk. He lied when he said he never passed out from drinking.
What about the innocent man Kavanaugh? What about his life?
Kavanaugh chose to be grilled.

He knew he was a drunk in HS, college & Law School. He knew he did a lot of stupid shit.

Why did he lie about it?
When did he lie about it? Since when is college drinking a disqualifying action?
It isn't. But why lie about it, Gramps? Kav lied his ass off and you still defend him. Telling of POTUS apologists.
What "lie" did he tell?
His drinking. He left out how much he drank & how many times he was a sloppy drunk. He lied when he said he never passed out from drinking.
Not mentioning something isn't a lie, you fucking dumbass. You have no proof that he ever passed out from drinking.
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

Thanks for the reminder - I just kicked in 20 bucks. She will not only have endless legal expenses, she's paying for security detail and hotel rooms as she lives out of a suitcase. If you think she came forward for the money .. Then you're very sick man.
Poor baby. :206: I want to start one so Kavanaugh can have a private eye to investigate this common whore.

"common whore" based on what????? Wherr is your proof"???? You assholes are just smearing a woman is is far far far better educated than you & much more successfiul as a widely revered professor.

You are what? A POS who was so God damn stupid that you support rapists.
54 notches in her bedpost BEFORE college. Democrats use yearbooks and calendars as proof so Ford's yearbook is the proof.
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

Thanks for the reminder - I just kicked in 20 bucks. She will not only have endless legal expenses, she's paying for security detail and hotel rooms as she lives out of a suitcase. If you think she came forward for the money .. Then you're very sick man.
Poor baby. :206: I want to start one so Kavanaugh can have a private eye to investigate this common whore.

"common whore" based on what????? Wherr is your proof"???? You assholes are just smearing a woman is is far far far better educated than you & much more successfiul as a widely revered professor.

You are what? A POS who was so God damn stupid that you support rapists.

Fox News is looking for some new contributors - Many of these USMB assholes would instantly qualify assuming they were able to contain their worst instincts and misogynistic, hateful cores.

Fox News cut ties with a network contributor on Thursday after he referred to the women who have accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault as “lying skanks.”

In a series of tweets, radio host Kevin Jackson lashed out against allegations made by Christine Blasey Ford, 51, Deborah Ramirez, 53, and Julie Swetnick, 55.

He was reacting in real-time to the emotional testimony of Ford, who appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.

“#ChristineBlaseyFord academic problems came from her PROMISCUITY!" he wrote on Twitter during the Senate appearance. “Dang girl stop opening your legs and OPEN A BOOK!”

He also wrote: “Feminists are their own worst enemies, and enemy of women. Also, they want men to NEVER be believed. I'm not succumbing. TO HELL with the notion that women must be believed no matter what. Lying skanks is what these 3 women are, and we ALL know more.”

"Lying skanks"—Fox News fires contributor for attacking Kavanaugh accusers
Soros is paying their fees, moron.
Who is paying Kavanaugh's????
What difference would it make? He would have required legal advice regardless of whether Christina Ford had smeared him or not.
I get it. She has to pay a laweyer because she is reporting an attempted rape but the "conservastion" POS who did the attacking gets his covered.
She's getting her legal advice pro-bono, moron.
So, you think those are the only lawyers that have been consulted. Boy, yoiu really are that fucking stupid.

Who is paying Kavanaugh's legal expenses?

Kavanaugh has legal expenses?
Kavanaugh chose to be grilled.

He knew he was a drunk in HS, college & Law School. He knew he did a lot of stupid shit.

Why did he lie about it?
When did he lie about it? Since when is college drinking a disqualifying action?
It isn't. But why lie about it, Gramps? Kav lied his ass off and you still defend him. Telling of POTUS apologists.
What "lie" did he tell?
His drinking. He left out how much he drank & how many times he was a sloppy drunk. He lied when he said he never passed out from drinking.
Not mentioning something isn't a lie, you fucking dumbass. You have no proof that he ever passed out from drinking.
Did you ever pass out? No

Witnesses have described Kavanaugh as being a sloppy drunk.

Ksvanaugh said he drank beer. He & his friends drank beer. Sometimes they drank too many beers.

If that is not an understatement, then there must be no such thing.

He testified legal age was 18 when he was in HS. Not in Maryland. A lie.
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

Thanks for the reminder - I just kicked in 20 bucks. She will not only have endless legal expenses, she's paying for security detail and hotel rooms as she lives out of a suitcase. If you think she came forward for the money .. Then you're very sick man.
Poor baby. :206: I want to start one so Kavanaugh can have a private eye to investigate this common whore.

"common whore" based on what????? Wherr is your proof"???? You assholes are just smearing a woman is is far far far better educated than you & much more successfiul as a widely revered professor.

You are what? A POS who was so God damn stupid that you support rapists.
54 notches in her bedpost BEFORE college. Democrats use yearbooks and calendars as proof so Ford's yearbook is the proof.

Deleted blog and apology already received on that particular debunked BS. You should be ashamed, but I'm sure you can find the same crap as screenshots on many other Nutbar sites.
Well at least she will get some money out of it. Dont hate.
What about the innocent man Kavanaugh? What about his life?
Kavanaugh chose to be grilled.

He knew he was a drunk in HS, college & Law School. He knew he did a lot of stupid shit.

Why did he lie about it?
When did he lie about it? Since when is college drinking a disqualifying action?
It isn't. But why lie about it, Gramps? Kav lied his ass off and you still defend him. Telling of POTUS apologists.
What "lie" did he tell?
For starters.

BOSTON -- Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has repeatedly said that he was legally allowed to consume beer as a prep school senior in Maryland. In fact, he was never legal in high school because the state's drinking age increased to 21 at the end of his junior year, while he was still 17.

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