Ford and her Lawyers in it for the $$$$$$$$$$$

"Due to death threats, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford ... and her family have had to leave their residence and arrange for private security,"

I hope B92 is in as good company to have folks help him.
Nope. I don’t make shit up about other people. I don’t think she has had any death threats. It’s all part of the big lie to make more $$$ off her book and even more $$$ When liberals in Hollywood turn it into a movie deal. Oh...and by the way...I...can take care of myself.

That is a good laugh line. You make up all sorts of things about people to protect Trump. I have no doubt she has had death threats. It happened during the campaign. Anyone who spoke out against Trump received death threats. Someone told Michelle Fields that they would slit her throat.
She will need the money to rebuild her life and protect her family from right wing thuggery.
Oh, the poor baby! She discovered smearing someone and destroying his life has consequences!
Its not going to encourage other victims to come forward. So I guess your type would see it as a victory of some sort.
You mean it won't encourage other crazy lying whores to smear the innocent.

Yes, that would be one positive outcome.
Senate Democrats employed numbers 11 and 13 Against Kavanaugh.
Saul Alinsky's 13 Tried-and-True Rules for Creating Meaningful Social Change | Open Culture

Because Kavanaugh likely sexually assaulted Dr Ford.
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

If her story is true...I hope she makes millions.

Now where is your unbiased link that factually proves her story is not true?
She's lying. End of story. All the witnesses she named say she's lying. She can't name the place or the date when the event happened. She can't list any actual facts that can be verified. She claimed she was afraid of flying, but then admitted she flies all the time. That's as close to an open-and-shut case as there is.

It is a open and shut case that you don't have a clue what you are talking about and are a blithering idiotic Trump supporter. She did not name them as witnesses to what happened. She has a fact that can be verified.

Matt Fuller‏Verified account @MEPFuller Sep 27
I missed this before, but I was just looking at Kavanaugh’s calendar, and I noticed that he’s hanging out on July 1, among a few other people, with “PJ” and “Judge.”

Pretty amazing coincidence that Ford, before she saw the calendars, said PJ and Mark Judge were there.

Also Chris Wallace's daughters told him that something happened to them that they never told him nor the police about. They don't remember everything.
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

If her story is true...I hope she makes millions.

Now where is your unbiased link that factually proves her story is not true?
She's lying. End of story. All the witnesses she named say she's lying. She can't name the place or the date when the event happened. She can't list any actual facts that can be verified. She claimed she was afraid of flying, but then admitted she flies all the time. That's as close to an open-and-shut case as there is.
Preponderance of the evidence points to the fact she is either lying or really confused psychologically. But...if you are going to try to ruin a man’s better be beyond a reasonable doubt. :cranky:

This is not a court of law. Preponderance of evidence says she was telling the truth. She has her testimony which even Trump admitted was credible and a polygraph test. Kavanaugh has only his rants. People like you give white males a bad name.
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

If her story is true...I hope she makes millions.

Now where is your unbiased link that factually proves her story is not true?
Where is your story that proves it is true? The preponderance of the evidence indicates that she is either
A.) Lying
B.) Having a psychotic episode.

LOL...I said 'if' it is true. You don't know what 'if' means?

I am not saying it is true or is not true...I do not know. You clearly are saying it is not.

So I will ask you again, where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that it is not true (what Ford claims happened to her)?
In my opinion...because that’s all we never happened. Now is she going to make $$$ off it or not? Cash for uncorroborated accusations is a pathetic thing that I don’t want to see ebbing it’s way into nomination and confirmation process.

The trouble is that your opinion depends on whether it affects Trump or not. If Hillary Clinton had appointed Kavanaugh, your opinion would be different.
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.
Her team of lawyers will take most of it.
They are working pro-bono, dumbass.
Bullshit & neither is her security team, remote hideaway housing for family, transportation & lost income.
Well, when you stick your nose into the political process to torpedo someone because you hate Donald get your just rewards. But all this death threat stuff is just bullshit.

It is not bullshit. People who stand in Trump's way get death threats. It happened during the campaign as well.
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

Thanks for the reminder - I just kicked in 20 bucks. She will not only have endless legal expenses, she's paying for security detail and hotel rooms as she lives out of a suitcase. If you think she came forward for the money .. Then you're very sick man.
Poor baby. :206: I want to start one so Kavanaugh can have a private eye to investigate this common whore.

You ought to start one so you can see a good doctor. You are a PATHETIC WHORE. You would be the picture of a ugly white male.
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

If her story is true...I hope she makes millions.

Now where is your unbiased link that factually proves her story is not true?
She's lying. End of story. All the witnesses she named say she's lying. She can't name the place or the date when the event happened. She can't list any actual facts that can be verified. She claimed she was afraid of flying, but then admitted she flies all the time. That's as close to an open-and-shut case as there is.

Kav's Kalender :D

You only proved that you're a lying piece of shit.

You are the lying piece of dogshit.
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

If her story is true...I hope she makes millions.

Now where is your unbiased link that factually proves her story is not true?
Where is your story that proves it is true? The preponderance of the evidence indicates that she is either
A.) Lying
B.) Having a psychotic episode.

LOL...I said 'if' it is true. You don't know what 'if' means?

I am not saying it is true or is not true...I do not know. You clearly are saying it is not.

So I will ask you again, where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that it is not true (what Ford claims happened to her)?
In my opinion...because that’s all we never happened. Now is she going to make $$$ off it or not? Cash for uncorroborated accusations is a pathetic thing that I don’t want to see ebbing it’s way into nomination and confirmation process.

The trouble is that your opinion depends on whether it affects Trump or not. If Hillary Clinton had appointed Kavanaugh, your opinion would be different.

Yeah, we know how it works.
Watch CBS Evening News: Battle over the Supreme Court - Full show on CBS All Access
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

If her story is true...I hope she makes millions.

Now where is your unbiased link that factually proves her story is not true?
She's lying. End of story. All the witnesses she named say she's lying. She can't name the place or the date when the event happened. She can't list any actual facts that can be verified. She claimed she was afraid of flying, but then admitted she flies all the time. That's as close to an open-and-shut case as there is.

It is a open and shut case that you don't have a clue what you are talking about and are a blithering idiotic Trump supporter. She did not name them as witnesses to what happened. She has a fact that can be verified.

Matt Fuller‏Verified account @MEPFuller Sep 27
I missed this before, but I was just looking at Kavanaugh’s calendar, and I noticed that he’s hanging out on July 1, among a few other people, with “PJ” and “Judge.”

Pretty amazing coincidence that Ford, before she saw the calendars, said PJ and Mark Judge were there.

Also Chris Wallace's daughters told him that something happened to them that they never told him nor the police about. They don't remember everything.
She did name them as witness, dumbass. She said they were there and saw what happened. The fact that they aren't in some lawyers witness lineup doesn't mean they aren't named witnesses. Do you know anything about the law?
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

If her story is true...I hope she makes millions.

Now where is your unbiased link that factually proves her story is not true?
She's lying. End of story. All the witnesses she named say she's lying. She can't name the place or the date when the event happened. She can't list any actual facts that can be verified. She claimed she was afraid of flying, but then admitted she flies all the time. That's as close to an open-and-shut case as there is.

Kav's Kalender :D

You only proved that you're a lying piece of shit.

You are the lying piece of dogshit.
Another piece of shit chimes in.
"Due to death threats, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford ... and her family have had to leave their residence and arrange for private security,"

I hope B92 is in as good company to have folks help him.
Nope. I don’t make shit up about other people. I don’t think she has had any death threats. It’s all part of the big lie to make more $$$ off her book and even more $$$ When liberals in Hollywood turn it into a movie deal. Oh...and by the way...I...can take care of myself.

No death threats?
In your small made up mind?
Enjoying your socialist SS Medicare VA benefits ?
Might help if you knew the def of liberal.
No Latin in college?
"For the individual and small gov"
Might help your knees news argument if you knew the def of the words you spew
If her story is true...I hope she makes millions.

Now where is your unbiased link that factually proves her story is not true?
She's lying. End of story. All the witnesses she named say she's lying. She can't name the place or the date when the event happened. She can't list any actual facts that can be verified. She claimed she was afraid of flying, but then admitted she flies all the time. That's as close to an open-and-shut case as there is.

Kav's Kalender :D

You only proved that you're a lying piece of shit.

You are the lying piece of dogshit.
Another piece of shit chimes in.

Know what "projection" means??
GoFundMe campaigns for Christine Blasey Ford raise over $700,000 combined

Just think of the $$$$$ they will make off interviews, book deals, speaking engagements. You know liberal Hollywood will give her a contract to make a movie about her “traumatic experience.” Pathetic.

If her story is true...I hope she makes millions.

Now where is your unbiased link that factually proves her story is not true?
She's lying. End of story. All the witnesses she named say she's lying. She can't name the place or the date when the event happened. She can't list any actual facts that can be verified. She claimed she was afraid of flying, but then admitted she flies all the time. That's as close to an open-and-shut case as there is.
Preponderance of the evidence points to the fact she is either lying or really confused psychologically. But...if you are going to try to ruin a man’s better be beyond a reasonable doubt. :cranky:

This is not a court of law. Preponderance of evidence says she was telling the truth. She has her testimony which even Trump admitted was credible and a polygraph test. Kavanaugh has only his rants. People like you give white males a bad name.
There is zero evidence that she's telling the truth, moron. Her testimony isn't worth the bandwidth used to view it.
"Due to death threats, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford ... and her family have had to leave their residence and arrange for private security,"

I hope B92 is in as good company to have folks help him.
Nope. I don’t make shit up about other people. I don’t think she has had any death threats. It’s all part of the big lie to make more $$$ off her book and even more $$$ When liberals in Hollywood turn it into a movie deal. Oh...and by the way...I...can take care of myself.

Know what Bertrand Russell said.?
"Dumb people are so certain. Ones with a few brains have doubts"

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