Ford, GM and Tesla scaling down EV production

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These things are not a long term answer, given their waste, material needs and usage limitations. The Dems have been FAR too quick to jump in behind this stuff and create lofty expectations. There are few specific long term plans on the progress of clean energy, but plenty of long term demands.

Just another example of an issue not being addressed properly because it has become a binary, tribal political football. Either/or, us vs. them, all or nothing. We can't work together to improve ANYTHING because we have allowed that ability to waste away due to non-use.

You can't effectively address issues with binary thinking.
Not so sure that is correct. A fully electric vehicle is just not going to happen without a fundamental shift in battery tech, sure, but tech always changes as it matures. Computers used to be analog devices and certainly bear almost no resemblance of what they are today but the tech still restructured the entire world.

The real future of electric cars IMHO is in hybrids (unless battery tech changes as I said) as those offer the claimed benefits of electric vehicles without any of the downsides.

As it stands now, EV are more expensive in every single way than a ICE vehicle. They are a novelty more than anything else.
Not so sure that is correct. A fully electric vehicle is just not going to happen without a fundamental shift in battery tech, sure, but tech always changes as it matures. Computers used to be analog devices and certainly bear almost no resemblance of what they are today but the tech still restructured the entire world.

The real future of electric cars IMHO is in hybrids (unless battery tech changes as I said) as those offer the claimed benefits of electric vehicles without any of the downsides.

As it stands now, EV are more expensive in every single way than a ICE vehicle. They are a novelty more than anything else.
I'm guessing (underline that) that we'll end up with something closer to a device that feeds off something like hydrogen. I think I saw that Toyota is leading the way there.

It just seems to me that anything with toxic material that wears out and needs to be disposed of (like a battery) is at best a transition technology and not the final answer.

You could be right. There may be a way (ultimately) that batteries could take another form.

People are having trouble-enough buying internal-combustion -engine powered cars at today's highly inflated prices.

Whatever made corporate decision-makers believe that consumers would flock to buy vehicles that cost much more than those?

Because consumers are dumb and feel they have to have it. Especially leftists, they're the easiest sale.
I'm guessing (underline that) that we'll end up with something closer to a device that feeds off something like hydrogen. I think I saw that Toyota is leading the way there.

It just seems to me that anything with toxic material that wears out and needs to be disposed of (like a battery) is at best a transition technology and not the final answer.

You could be right. There may be a way (ultimately) that batteries could take another form.

I am unsure of hydrogen being a real replacement considering the tech for using it is old. There has been no new movement in using hydrogen as a fuel that I am aware of for quite some time and it has not really caught on. We already actively use it for a number of applications. Were the future there, I have to wonder why it is not here already. I do not know what is stopping us from migrating over.

And yes, if battery tech is to take us to an electric car future, I agree the toxic elements would have to be eliminated. Even more than that, we would need to find a way to do it with less weight. IMHO, the real problem with battery tech is the weight and cost. Having to replace half your car when the battery needs replacement at the cost of tens of thousands of dollars makes the entire electric vehicle concept moot. All your savings on fuel costs goes right out the window when you have to replace the battery. As long as they have to be so damn big and weigh so much this will always be the case.

What we really need is the Mr. Fusion. Doc Brown had one and it worked well for him :D
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