Ford to sell 600 horsepower assault vehicle in 2016. Why don't libs scream about this?

Ever heard of public transportation? Duuuuh.
Hardly the same as a car, but I'm a big fan of it. Still, kind of hard to fuck the girl next door in the back seat of Metro Bus 223 at the drive-in...

Nobody wants to have a car in NY. Too costly and inconvenient. Depends on where you live.
Cars are necessary, for most, while guns are not. And cars can kill but, unlike guns, they weren't designed only to do so.

Nope. By your twisted logic cars are only for the ruling elite. The peons can use bikes or ride public transportation. You should at least try and be internally consistent.
Nope. By your twisted logic cars are only for the ruling elite. The peons can use bikes or ride public transportation. You should at least try and be internally consistent.
Nope, and I am consistent. What is necessary versus what isn't? What is deadly versus what isn't? What is liberal versus what isn't? It's not complicated.
Too late. I wish to defend myself. Not have my heirs receive money from scumbags who will then kill some other innocent person because there is no proper oversight.
You can't defend yourself, you just can't accept that. Your deadly toys, are useless now. You have a peashooter, they have a drone, a supercomputer, your cell phone records, and the ability to lock your bank accounts, plus every word you have ever written here. The only thing that saves you is they don't give a fuck.
As usual you are wrong. The police MUST follow the law just like everyone else. When they don't they are not accorded special privileges...

Man Charged With Killing Burleson County Deputy No Billed by Grand Jury

Man Charged With Killing Burleson County Deputy No Billed by Grand Jury
He didn't defend himself because he was in no danger. The cops were stupid, such is life.
He did defend himself because he was in danger, and that's why the Grand Jury refused to indict. Silly boy.
He was in no danger. There was no plan to kill him. He "thought" he was in danger, so they gave him a pass.

Nope. He passed the "reasonable person" test. Any reasonable person would have felt their life to be in danger thus the use of deadly force was justified in his defense of his life. I thought you "used" lawyers and you don't even know the basics? For shame silly boy, for shame! This is fucking boilerplate silly boy, boiler plate!
Nope. By your twisted logic cars are only for the ruling elite. The peons can use bikes or ride public transportation. You should at least try and be internally consistent.
Nope, and I am consistent. What is necessary versus what isn't? What is deadly versus what isn't? What is liberal and what is not? It's not complicated.

No, you're not. Other than your batshit crazy nature (that you are consistent in) you are not internally consistent at all.
Nope. He passed the "reasonable person" test. Any reasonable person would have felt their life to be in danger thus the use of deadly force was justified in his defense of his life. I thought you "used" lawyers and you don't even know the basics? For shame silly boy, for shame! This is fucking boilerplate silly boy, boiler plate!
The lawyer, the courts, are why he is still alive. The cops had no plans to shoot him, even after he killed one of theirs. You lose.
Nope. He passed the "reasonable person" test. Any reasonable person would have felt their life to be in danger thus the use of deadly force was justified in his defense of his life. I thought you "used" lawyers and you don't even know the basics? For shame silly boy, for shame! This is fucking boilerplate silly boy, boiler plate!
The lawyer, the courts, are why he is still alive. The cops had no plans to shoot him, even after he killed one of theirs. You lose.

How do you know? Maybe the cop he killed DID indeed want to kill him only he beat the cop to the draw? See where you fall apart. You simply lack the ability to think. Your being batshit crazy no doubt contributes to that.
Nope. He passed the "reasonable person" test. Any reasonable person would have felt their life to be in danger thus the use of deadly force was justified in his defense of his life. I thought you "used" lawyers and you don't even know the basics? For shame silly boy, for shame! This is fucking boilerplate silly boy, boiler plate!
The lawyer, the courts, are why he is still alive. The cops had no plans to shoot him, even after he killed one of theirs. You lose.
How do you know? Maybe the cop he killed DID indeed want to kill him only he beat the cop to the draw? See where you fall apart. You simply lack the ability to think. Your being batshit crazy no doubt contributes to that.
It was a raid, not an execution. Had he had no gun, and killed no one, he wouldn't have even needed to go to trial on this. Problem solved.
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Guns are what prevents more of that from occurring.
Dogma. A gun does nothing of the kind. What you want is a flesh-eating lawyer. With that you get Gay Marriage, and your property back.
The Rights that we enjoy derive from Nature, and Nature is allowed to do so because men with guns killed other men with guns who were oppressing the inhabitants of this country. It's called history. You should read some.
There is no such thing as Natural Rights, an utterly moronic concept. Your rights came from liberals, who wrote them down here.
If the government can giveth, it can just as easily taketh away.

You are soulless and evil.

Nope. He passed the "reasonable person" test. Any reasonable person would have felt their life to be in danger thus the use of deadly force was justified in his defense of his life. I thought you "used" lawyers and you don't even know the basics? For shame silly boy, for shame! This is fucking boilerplate silly boy, boiler plate!
The lawyer, the courts, are why he is still alive. The cops had no plans to shoot him, even after he killed one of theirs. You lose.
How do you know? Maybe the cop he killed DID indeed want to kill him only he beat the cop to the draw? See where you fall apart. You simply lack the ability to think. Your being batshit crazy no doubt contributes to that.
It was a raid, not an execution. Had he had no gun, and killed no one, he wouldn't have even needed to go to trial. Problem solved.

How do you know? There are many times that people die in police raids who had no weapons. Hell they almost blew a baby up in one of their raids. I doubt the baby was armed. As usual you are simply full of opinion but desperately short of facts. The police have killed far too many innocent people to be given a pass anymore. I am actually very pro police for the most part, but if a cop was breaking into my house I would have no hesitation in defending myself because these days there is simply no way to determine what their motivations are.
Guns are what prevents more of that from occurring.
Dogma. A gun does nothing of the kind. What you want is a flesh-eating lawyer. With that you get Gay Marriage, and your property back.
The Rights that we enjoy derive from Nature, and Nature is allowed to do so because men with guns killed other men with guns who were oppressing the inhabitants of this country. It's called history. You should read some.
There is no such thing as Natural Rights, an utterly moronic concept. Your rights came from liberals, who wrote them down here.
If the government can giveth, it can just as easily taketh away.

You are soulless and evil.

Liberals gave you the right in the first place, And they wrote it on paper, as well as allowing for a method to change it. I don't live in the past, and neither should you.
How do you know? There are many times that people die in police raids who had no weapons. Hell they almost blew a baby up in one of their raids. I doubt the baby was armed. As usual you are simply full of opinion but desperately short of facts. The police have killed far too many innocent people to be given a pass anymore. I am actually very pro police for the most part, but if a cop was breaking into my house I would have no hesitation in defending myself because these days there is simply no way to determine what their motivations are.
You're funeral, literally. As for the baby, a bad cop doing a bad thing, which I don't support but the resolution has been handled, as marginally as it can be, by lawyers, not guns.
Guns are what prevents more of that from occurring.
Dogma. A gun does nothing of the kind. What you want is a flesh-eating lawyer. With that you get Gay Marriage, and your property back.
The Rights that we enjoy derive from Nature, and Nature is allowed to do so because men with guns killed other men with guns who were oppressing the inhabitants of this country. It's called history. You should read some.
There is no such thing as Natural Rights, an utterly moronic concept. Your rights came from liberals, who wrote them down here.
If the government can giveth, it can just as easily taketh away.

You are soulless and evil.

Liberals gave you the right in the first place, And they wrote it on paper, as well as allowing for a method to change it. I don't live in the past, and neither should you.

They gave nothing. They acknowledged they existed as Natural Rights. And they further ensured that we would have the ability to defend those Rights by writing the 2nd Amendment into the Bill of Rights.
How do you know? There are many times that people die in police raids who had no weapons. Hell they almost blew a baby up in one of their raids. I doubt the baby was armed. As usual you are simply full of opinion but desperately short of facts. The police have killed far too many innocent people to be given a pass anymore. I am actually very pro police for the most part, but if a cop was breaking into my house I would have no hesitation in defending myself because these days there is simply no way to determine what their motivations are.
You're funeral, literally. As for the baby, a bad cop doing a bad thing, which I don't support but the resolution has been handled, as marginally as it can be, by lawyers, not guns.

No, most likely his. Though that would never be my intent. And eventually lawyers would most certainly be involved. But I would at least be around to be a participant in the proceedings. Unlike you were you in a similar situation.
No, most likely his. Though that would never be my intent. And eventually lawyers would most certainly be involved. But I would at least be around to be a participant in the proceedings. Unlike you were you in a similar situation.
Easily could have gone either way. The odds were the same. A gun against another gun is a 50-50 proposition, at best for most, including this little druggie. His lucky day, no wonder he was paranoid, he was breaking the law.
Oh don't waste your breath on pmh. He LIKES totalitarian governments. He also wants to destroy mankind so he is basically batshit crazy thus only engage if you want a laugh. He is not useful for legit conversation.
Liberals don't do fascism, but you do, my little Mod Troll...

So, you are saying that the "Liberals" don't do fascism eh? News for you scout, many of those places had the support of much of the population initially. Germany in fact started as a democratically elected government. But you knew that, you're just being a prick.

You can protest all you want, but the Bolsheviks most certainly were liberal.
Work on your history, it needs a lot of work. You're the kind who thinks Hitler was elected.

Sure sure, there was a lot of political maneuvering that he did to make himself dictator, but he never could have made himself dictator had the people not put him in the position for him to make those maneuvers. Do you deny that?

They gave him 36.8% of the vote. I think we should be lucky to get a POTUS with that many people turning out to vote and casting a vote for the next person that leads us. I bet the next person that leads us won't have that much support. But they won't. I know both Trump, Hillary, Bush, Cruz, or whom ever they plan to run could never get 36.8% of the country to get out and vote for them. Hell, we'll be lucky to even see 60% of Americans bothering to even show up in these crooked elections.

What do you wanna bet?
No, most likely his. Though that would never be my intent. And eventually lawyers would most certainly be involved. But I would at least be around to be a participant in the proceedings. Unlike you were you in a similar situation.
Easily could have gone either way. The odds were the same. A gun against another gun is a 50-50 proposition, at best for most, including this little druggie, his lucky day, no wonder he was paranoid, he was breaking the law.

Rarely is that true. When guns are involved he who is better trained wins most of the time. Color me unsurprised that you don't understand that fact.
They gave nothing. They acknowledged they existed as Natural Rights. And they further ensured that we would have the ability to defend those Rights by writing the 2nd Amendment into the Bill of Rights.
Natural rights do not exist, not even the right to life, and I'll not say it again. Your rights are written on paper, that and a lawyer will give you a potentially decent chance in court, where it matters.

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