Foreshadowing next year's mid-term elections?

The Moore-Franken contrast will also work against the Ds. If, as I expect, Moore loses the election narrowly and wins the defamation suit bigly while Franken stays in office the Ds are dead meat for years. Better contrast for the majority of voters who are women.

Moore's never going to bring a defamation suit because he'd have to swear under oath why he thinks it was OK for a man in his thirties to creep on high school girls.

He lacks the courage to do that. Because he's a coward.
A lot can happen in a year, and Democrats have a knack for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

My fear is that the orange idiot will start a war to divert attention from all the crap that is hitting his miserable ass.

What does Trump have to distract from?

Sexual harassment? Stuart Smalley is a Democrat. Moore was a Democrat

Pelosi doesn't know who the President is when she can actually speak.

I do think that Democrats have a good chance of getting the Congress since Republicans aren't ramming things through like Democrats did with Obamacare.
What does Trump have to distract from?.

The fact that he and his people lied constantly about their contacts with Russian agents. The fact that 3 of his people have already been indicted. The fact that his AG lied either to the House or Senate Committees. The fact that his tax plan would raise taxes on many middle class folks. The fact that he sent 4 Marines to their deaths in Niger then pawned that failure off on his generals. I can keep going if you want...

Sexual harassment? Stuart Smalley is a Democrat. Moore was a Democrat

Moore is a Conservative. Always has been and always will be. Party identification doesn't mean anything if you're a Conservative. Moore didn't go after teenage girls because he was a Democrat or a Republican. He went after them because he is a Conservative and Conservatives think it's OK for men in their thirties to pursue high school girls.

Franken should resign.

Pelosi doesn't know who the President is when she can actually speak.

Trump is barely a President. He's more of an autocrat. And a really bad one too.

I do think that Democrats have a good chance of getting the Congress since Republicans aren't ramming things through like Democrats did with Obamacare.

Obamacare wasn't rammed took a year from conception to signature. Conservatives were invited to participate but they refused because they were playing politics. That's why they couldn't produce a viable replacement plan despite 7 years of promises. Conservatives are frauds. All of them.
Wait for the GOP campaign ads featuring Dem rapists and serial sexual harassment of women, then poll women, RIP Dem party

You've been doing that for decades, moron....and all your ilk has been able to get from the slander and libel is a narrow win for the WH.

Do you want me to link a source of ALL the GOP pedophiles, molesters and pussy grabbers???...............LOL
Wait for the GOP campaign ads featuring Dem rapists and serial sexual harassment of women, then poll women, RIP Dem party

You've been doing that for decades, moron....and all your ilk has been able to get from the slander and libel is a narrow win for the WH.

Do you want me to link a source of ALL the GOP pedophiles, molesters and pussy grabbers???...............LOL

:itsok: its not our fault all these liberal pervs have surfaced.
I really think the electorate is too complacent and too accepting of a fractured government

The surprising win in Virginia shows that the democrats voters ARE turning out much more than in the past couple of election cycles......The daily revelations of Trump's and the GOP congress' failures are taking their toll.
The Moore-Franken contrast will also work against the Ds. If, as I expect, Moore loses the election narrowly and wins the defamation suit bigly while Franken stays in office the Ds are dead meat for years. Better contrast for the majority of voters who are women.

Moore's never going to bring a defamation suit because he'd have to swear under oath why he thinks it was OK for a man in his thirties to creep on high school girls.

He lacks the courage to do that. Because he's a coward.
The Moore-Franken contrast will also work against the Ds. If, as I expect, Moore loses the election narrowly and wins the defamation suit bigly while Franken stays in office the Ds are dead meat for years. Better contrast for the majority of voters who are women.

Moore's never going to bring a defamation suit because he'd have to swear under oath why he thinks it was OK for a man in his thirties to creep on high school girls.

He lacks the courage to do that. Because he's a coward.

You should check the age of consent in AL for that era and the propensity to settle differences with firearms, as in two of my cousins in Dadeville AL did minimal time for homicide in the same era. If they had killed someone for going after one of their younger female relatives without clearance from the family they would not have done time.
This may be an augur of what may indeed happen next Nov. 2018. It may be just an "opinion,"but its based on Cook's stellar reputation in handicapping political waves.

Cook Political Report predicts Democratic 'wave' in 2018

Cook Political Report, a top nonpartisan election handicapper, is predicting a wave of Democratic victories in the 2018 midterm elections.

In a new analysis, Cook editor Amy Walter says she feels a similarity to a wave of Democratic congressional victories in 2006, in which the party took control of the House, the Senate and a majority of governorships during former President George W. Bush's second term.

Cook Political Report predicts Democratic 'wave' in 2018

In 2006 there was a backlash against the Iraq War

I really think the electorate is too complacent and too accepting of a fractured government

Wrong it was the fact that the (R) were acting like Democrats, so why not let the Democrats be in office.

But you far left drones will do all you can to rewrite history..

You far left drones are still in shock that you lost the house in 2010 over back lash from Obamacare.
You far left drones are still in shock that you lost the house in 2010 over back lash from Obamacare.

Do you think there'll be ANY backlash from the corrupt GOP tax plan???....LOL
I really think the electorate is too complacent and too accepting of a fractured government

The surprising win in Virginia shows that the democrats voters ARE turning out much more than in the past couple of election cycles......The daily revelations of Trump's and the GOP congress' failures are taking their toll.

The Virginia win was encouraging

But I look at it as one win. I will have to see Democrats win consistently before I believe the tide has turned
Wrong it was the fact that the (R) were acting like Democrats, so why not let the Democrats be in office..

No, it was because Conservatives had cheered on the Iraq War, which by 2006 was looking like the catastrophically terrible foreign policy action liberals were warning everyone about 3 years earlier. Voters rewarded the Democrats for being right about Iraq, and punished Republicans for lying us into it.

You far left drones are still in shock that you lost the house in 2010 over back lash from Obamacare.

Conservatives won the House in 2010 by lying about Obamacare; namely that it was going to steal from Medicare (it didn't) and would result in the sky falling (it didn't).
The Virginia win was encouraging

But I look at it as one win. I will have to see Democrats win consistently before I believe the tide has turned

Trumpsters will always have those cesspool states, BUT, I seriously doubt that states like MI, WI and PA would make the same mistake...again.
Get out your 2016 tax return.

Then run your 2016 income through the House GOP tax plan: Do You Win Or Lose Under The GOP Tax Plan: Find Out For Yourself Here

Compare line 63 of your 2016 1040 to what you would pay under the GOP plan.

I bet you pay more under the new plan.

Supposedly, Trump and his family will save a billion dollars under the new plan
I think the elimination of the estate tax is where they save money.

That and the Alternative Minimum Tax. That is where the real money is. The three percent drop in the upper tax rate is nothing to them. They want the estate tax and AMT gone
That is how they preserve wealth
The Virginia win was encouraging

But I look at it as one win. I will have to see Democrats win consistently before I believe the tide has turned

Trumpsters will always have those cesspool states, BUT, I seriously doubt that states like MI, WI and PA would make the same mistake...again.

I still can't believe they bought Trump's lie that he would bring back jobs from overseas. What do I have to lose? That is what won those states
That and the Alternative Minimum Tax. That is where the real money is. The three percent drop in the upper tax rate is nothing to them. They want the estate tax and AMT gone
That is how they preserve wealth

True......and the dynasties ("nobility" classes) would continue and screw capitalism.

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