Forged in the Fire

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
King David had trials, difficulties and sorrows in his life but he never lost his faith in God. Not once. In everything King David worshiped God and drew his strength from his relationship with God. The Psalms reveal King David to be one of the most faithful servants of God who ever lived. Is it any wonder that God records David as being a man after His own heart? What a way to be remembered! Mrs. Cowman's March 1 devotion reveals how God's ways are higher than our ways. God's ways are perfect and in the end? We will be ever so thankful that it was His Will and not our own that prevailed......

Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight, which he hath made crooked (Ecclesiastes 7:13).

Often God seems to place His children in positions of profound difficulty, leading them into a wedge from which there is no escape; contriving a situation which no human judgment would have permitted, had it been previously consulted. The very cloud conducts them thither. You may be thus involved at this very hour.

It does seem perplexing and very serious to the last degree, but it is perfectly right. The issue will more than justify Him who has brought you hither. It is a platform for the display of His almighty grace and power.

He will not only deliver you; but in doing so, He will give you a lesson that you will never forget, and to which, in many a psalm and song, in after days, you will revert. You will never be able to thank God enough for having done just as He has.

We may wait till He explains,
Because we know that Jesus reigns.
It puzzles me; but, Lord, Thou understandest,
And wilt one day explain this crooked thing.
Meanwhile, I know that it has worked out Thy best--
Its very crookedness taught me to cling.
Thou hast fenced up my ways, made my paths crooked,
To keep my wand'ring eyes fixed on Thee;
To make me what I was not, humble, patient;
To draw my heart from earthly love to Thee.
So I will thank and praise Thee for this puzzle,
And trust where I cannot understand.
Rejoicing Thou dost hold me worth such testing,

I cling the closer to Thy guiding hand.


Streams in the Desert - March 1
I suppose it is a title that some would desire to use for television, Skull Pilot, but this is about real life and how God is in full control. What could be more comforting than to know that God is in full control?
it doesn't get more real than steel fire sweat and muscle and at least when you're done you have something useful.

And if god is in control he's doing a pretty shitty job
God is spelled with a capitol "G." Believer are forged in the fires of affliction and when it is over they become useful in helping others get through their own afflictions. There is no greater usefulness than to become a vessel of honor for God's glory. To those who trust in the LORD, it is not difficult to see that God is doing an eternal work that no created being could ever hold a candle to. To those who are leaning upon their own finite understanding (which is foolishness) it is impossible to see what God is doing.
God is spelled with a capitol "G." Believer are forged in the fires of affliction and when it is over they become useful in helping others get through their own afflictions. There is no greater usefulness than to become a vessel of honor for God's glory. To those who trust in the LORD, it is not difficult to see that God is doing a job no created being could ever hold a candle to. To those who are leaning upon their own finite understanding (which is foolishness) it is impossible to see what God is doing.
i don't spell god with a capital g.
God is spelled with a capitol "G." Believer are forged in the fires of affliction and when it is over they become useful in helping others get through their own afflictions. There is no greater usefulness than to become a vessel of honor for God's glory. To those who trust in the LORD, it is not difficult to see that God is doing a job no created being could ever hold a candle to. To those who are leaning upon their own finite understanding (which is foolishness) it is impossible to see what God is doing.
i don't spell god with a capital g.
You should.
God is spelled with a capitol "G." Believer are forged in the fires of affliction and when it is over they become useful in helping others get through their own afflictions. There is no greater usefulness than to become a vessel of honor for God's glory. To those who trust in the LORD, it is not difficult to see that God is doing a job no created being could ever hold a candle to. To those who are leaning upon their own finite understanding (which is foolishness) it is impossible to see what God is doing.
i don't spell god with a capital g.
You should.

I don't spell pixie, or elf with capital letters either
Often times ignorance is insolent. This is especially true for ignorance that thinks it knows. Others have said it differently before... The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.

I must be in good company.
And yet here you are in a religious forum seeking out confrontations over religion. Do you have a meme for that one? In fact, if one did not know better, you must enjoy having your intelligence insulted as you go out of your way to be offended by someone else's religion, right?
God is spelled with a capitol "G." Believer are forged in the fires of affliction and when it is over they become useful in helping others get through their own afflictions. There is no greater usefulness than to become a vessel of honor for God's glory. To those who trust in the LORD, it is not difficult to see that God is doing a job no created being could ever hold a candle to. To those who are leaning upon their own finite understanding (which is foolishness) it is impossible to see what God is doing.
i don't spell god with a capital g.
You should.

I don't spell pixie, or elf with capital letters either
Neither would I. What's your point?
You should listen to the sermon Nobody will be laughing in hell. I'll go get it for you. Hang on.
Alright! Here it is: Nobody is laughing in Hell

Now you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by listening to this radio sermon so take a few minutes and hear what this preacher has to say! It's quite a story how he came about the title of this sermon, Cern! Listen to it!
Radio sermon:
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This is not about religion. This is about a relationship with Jesus Christ and the salvation of your soul. You are not happy, you don't have any peace and it's not getting any better, Cern. This is your answer. Give yourself a chance. What have you got to lose by listening to the radio sermon I posted?
God is spelled with a capitol "G." Believer are forged in the fires of affliction and when it is over they become useful in helping others get through their own afflictions. There is no greater usefulness than to become a vessel of honor for God's glory. To those who trust in the LORD, it is not difficult to see that God is doing an eternal work that no created being could ever hold a candle to. To those who are leaning upon their own finite understanding (which is foolishness) it is impossible to see what God is doing.
To those who are leaning upon their own finite understanding (which is foolishness) it is impossible to see what God is doing.

that is not what you have used to defend yourself from that late 4th century book, it is sad to see such a lost Spirit as you BJ - the Almighty will not appreciate the abandonment of the natural gifts you were given.
God is spelled with a capitol "G." Believer are forged in the fires of affliction and when it is over they become useful in helping others get through their own afflictions. There is no greater usefulness than to become a vessel of honor for God's glory. To those who trust in the LORD, it is not difficult to see that God is doing an eternal work that no created being could ever hold a candle to. To those who are leaning upon their own finite understanding (which is foolishness) it is impossible to see what God is doing.
To those who are leaning upon their own finite understanding (which is foolishness) it is impossible to see what God is doing.

that is not what you have used to defend yourself from that late 4th century book, it is sad to see such a lost Spirit as you BJ - the Almighty will not appreciate the abandonment of the natural gifts you were given.
I don't know that I was born with any natural gifts, BreezeWood. But Jesus Christ gave me the gift of eternal life when I invited him to become my Lord and Savior and then God gave me the gift of the Holy Spirit and I'm as happy as I can be! There are people who were born with great talents and they have vast wealth and fame and power but what will it profit them if they gain the whole world only to lose their own soul? They are kind of in the same boat with this guy.......

God is spelled with a capitol "G." Believer are forged in the fires of affliction and when it is over they become useful in helping others get through their own afflictions. There is no greater usefulness than to become a vessel of honor for God's glory. To those who trust in the LORD, it is not difficult to see that God is doing an eternal work that no created being could ever hold a candle to. To those who are leaning upon their own finite understanding (which is foolishness) it is impossible to see what God is doing.
To those who are leaning upon their own finite understanding (which is foolishness) it is impossible to see what God is doing.

that is not what you have used to defend yourself from that late 4th century book, it is sad to see such a lost Spirit as you BJ - the Almighty will not appreciate the abandonment of the natural gifts you were given.
I don't know that I was born with any natural gifts, BreezeWood. But Jesus Christ gave me the gift of eternal life when I invited him to become my Lord and Savior and then God gave me the gift of the Holy Spirit and I'm as happy as I can be! There are people who were born with great talents and they have vast wealth and fame and power but what will it profit them if they gain the whole world only to lose their own soul? They are kind of in the same boat with this guy.......

I don't know that I was born with any natural gifts, BreezeWood. But Jesus Christ gave me the gift of eternal life when I invited him to become my Lord and Savior and then God gave me the gift of the Holy Spirit and I'm as happy as I can be!

what then was it that compelled you on the path you have taken, the one written in the 4th century ... are you blind to its history through the ages, the history you have chosen as your own.
This is not about religion. This is about a relationship with Jesus Christ and the salvation of your soul. You are not happy, you don't have any peace and it's not getting any better, Cern. This is your answer. Give yourself a chance. What have you got to lose by listening to the radio sermon I posted?
  • Do you believe in the supernatural? A God that is beyond, yet connected to, human experience and existence?
  • Do you distinguish between the sacred, and the profane?
  • Do you encourage or require prescribed ritual activities for individuals and communities of faith (Sunday worship, Bible studies, prayer, communion)?
  • Do you promote a moral code or ethical principles to guide individuals and communities that has been delivered by a "higher power"?
  • Do you encourage communication and provide ways to communicate or connect with the divine?
  • Do you have a coherent worldview that is presented through stories, and holy writings?
Then, I hate to tell you, but what you have is a RELIGION.

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