Forged in the Fire

I realized that I needed a Savior. I had no peace, no joy, my heart was hard, cold and void of any compassion or concern for others. I knew there was something wrong with me and then one night in a parking lot someone walked up to me and asked me if they could ask me a question. I said sure. They said where would you go if you died tonight? I said probably hell. Then that person told me about Jesus Christ and although I didn't accept him that night into my heart,I did accept the little bible the man gave me and not long afterward I gave my life to Jesus Christ.

The morning after I gave my life to Christ, I looked at the sky and it looked bluer, the grass looked greener and I felt fully alive for the first time in my life. I had a peace that I had never known before and a wonderful knowing in my heart that I belonged to God and that He was going to look after me and be my best friend. There really isn't adequate words to describe my first days of knowing Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. The best I could say is that my days became heaven on earth. Just beyond what I could even tell you about. Miracle after miracle after miracle... divine protection and a complete absence of fear, worry and restlessness. Knowing and following Jesus Christ is the greatest freedom and peace any human being on earth can experience. It is bar none out of this world.

That is the freedom I want to see you have, the peace I want to see you have, the joy I want to see you have, the rest I want to see you have. It is all found in Jesus Christ and when you call upon the name of the Lord and are saved (see Romans 10:9,10) your name will be written in the Lamb's book of Life and when you die (after a long life) you'll go to heaven!

My greatest desire for this board is that every single person's name be written in the Lamb's book of life and that they receive everlasting life and find themselves in heaven one day.

What could possibly be wrong with that? Yet some of you feel less animosity toward those who wish you dead! Does that make sense? I'm not saying that is you personally, Breezewood, but we all know a few people where that might apply concerning their vitriol for those who preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What is it that is driving them to despise the Gospel and those who preach it? It's Satan. He has deceived their minds into believing Christ is their enemy in order to take them to hell one day. Satan is the real enemy of mankind. Not God. God does not desire that any should perish. Not one person does God desire to see reject His Son (therein rejecting everlasting life and reconciliation to Him). God loves his creation far more than we could ever understand. That is why He sent His Only begotten Son to shed His Blood for us and redeem us. Had there been any other way He would have done it. But there was no other way. Only through the Blood of Jesus Christ shed at the cross for us could we be redeemed.

What shall happen to us if we neglect so great a salvation?
But there was no other way.

the religion of the Almighty as spoken is simply the Triumph of Good vs Evil ... there is no mention of your 4th century book.

What is it that is driving them to despise the Gospel and those who preach it? It's Satan.

it is the other way around BJ, the false writings of the 4th century are what prevent the religion of the 1st from being the Gospel.
When you have time, I'd like for you to tell me what the significance is in bringing 4th century into it (if you wouldn't mind). Is the Tanach / Torah valid in your eyes? What false writings are you referring to? You say the religion of the Almighty as spoken is simply the triumph of Good vs evil there is no mention of my 4th century book. Who didn't mention the 4th century book? Who are you referring to, Breezewood?
When you have time, I'd like for you to tell me what the significance is in bringing 4th century into it (if you wouldn't mind). Is the Tanach / Torah valid in your eyes? What false writings are you referring to? You say the religion of the Almighty as spoken is simply the triumph of Good vs evil there is no mention of my 4th century book. Who didn't mention the 4th century book? Who are you referring to, Breezewood?

the 4th century bible is a compilation by those at that time that misrepresented the 1st century religion by portraying their agenda instead - throughout the 4th century book ...

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

the above is one example of many from the beginning of that book to its conclusion that misrepresents the 1st century and its relevance. the example above is a falacy that precludes the book from being a voluntary religion to an entrapment of forced servitude for the purpose of the underlying political agenda the 4th century book was written to represent rather than the actual religion depicting the 1st century ... irregardless the atheists comment, 4th century christianity is not a religion but a political agenda.

no one needs to read a 10000 page document to find the fruition of the religion of the 1st century - The Triumph of Good vs Evil as a narrative is the means for Admission to the Everlasting as pronounced by the Almighty and the implications there in that is not a servitude but a means required by each individual.

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?

for the spoken religion of the 1st, the finally for Jesus was from his own realization - to claim Jesus was God as the 4th century book is at the least unverified and a deliberate fallacy the same servitude as above - not that Jesus was not chosen by the Almighty but the role is entirely different between the 1st century and the 4th century description.

the 4th century bible is an unverified fallacy ...
Actually, Breezewood, the Holy Bible has been identified by Scholars world wide as being the most intact, accurate book of antiquity in the world with the Iliad being second. The KJV Holy Bible is word for word minus very minor differences that do not change the context -perfectly preserved and when compared to early scrolls proven to be accurate. What other Book on earth can we say this about?

What are you referencing in regard to 1st century and on what basis do you make your claim about who the Almighty God is and is not? I'm curious as to what study you have engaged in to come to this conclusion.
The KJV Holy Bible is word for word minus very minor differences that do not change the context -perfectly preserved and when compared to early scrolls proven to be accurate. What other Book on earth can we say this about?

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

not one of you have commented about the example provided - its a forgery just as so much of the 10000 pg document you refer to as a religion ... the history of the christian bible is proof enough of its 4th century concoction as a political agenda for servitude to the books authors as its primary purpose.

No man can come to the Father except through His Son, Jesus Christ. This is the truth. There is nothing false about it. Jesus made it clear that he is the way, the truth and the life, Breezewood. You never answered me as to who told you otherwise and what you've been studying.
Do you have a dialectical materialist worldview? - No.
Do you condemn respect for people who believe in God? - Yes.
Do you hold religion to be harmful? - Yes.
Do you believe that religion "should not simply be tolerated but should be countered, criticized and exposed? - Yes.
Do you seek to subordinate religion? - No.

So, I guess since the answer to all of your questions wasn't yes, by your definition, I'm not a militant atheist. Not that I would care, if I were. I have made my opinion of militant atheists clear. I'll take a militant atheist over a militant Christian, or a militant Islamist any day. Only one of those is guaranteed to not try to kill you.

And, by the way, my post was never directed at you. You weren't the intellectually dishonest jackass who tried to claim that Christianity isn't a religion.
If you are an atheist then by definition you do have a dialectical materialist worldview. If you condemn respect for people who believe in God, and you hold religion to be harmful and you believe it should be countered and criticized then by inspection you are attempting to subordinate religion.

Actually you answered yes to the key ones and lied on the others, so yes, you are most definitely a militant atheist. Even the Mod westwall, who is agnostic, said you were. Or did you forget that?
That's a lie. Dialectic Materialism is an economic theory, and has nothing to do with theology. By confusing the two, all you have done is expose your hatred for all atheists, your militant Christian bigotry, and your own prejudices. You are dismissed.

And, by your reasoning, you want to subordinate atheism. So, you are admit that you are a militant Christian?
Dialectical materialism is a philosophy of science and nature which effectively says there is nothing but the material world, Mr. PhD. So I didn't confuse anything and even if I had your logic indicates that you are a patient of psychiatry rather than a doctor of psychiatry.
Proposed, as part of the economic theories of Marx, and Engels, and is found nowhere outside of Classic Communism. It is actually in reference to two different concepts found in Marx's theories - Dialectics, and Materialism:

Materialism versus idealism

Philosophical materialism is the outlook which explains that there is only one material world. There is no Heaven or Hell. The universe, which has always existed and is not the creation of any supernatural being, is in the process of constant flux. Human beings are a part of nature, and evolved from lower forms of life, whose origins sprung from a lifeless planet some 3.6 billion or so years ago. With the evolution of life, at a certain stage, came the development of animals with a nervous system, and eventually human beings with a large brain. With humans emerged human thought and consciousness. The human brain alone is capable of producing general ideas, i.e., thinking. Therefore matter, which existed eternally, existed and still exists independently of the mind and human beings. Things existed long before any awareness of them arose or could have arisen on the part of living organisms.

Now, this is a common belief among all atheists. had you simply said that all atheists are materilaists, I would have agreed with you. But, you didn't say that. You insisted that they also ascribe to dialectics.

You see, Dialectics is a method of thinking and interpreting the world of both nature and society. It is a way of looking at the universe, which sets out from the axiom that everything is in a constant state of change and flux. But not only that. Dialectics explains that change and motion involve contradiction and can only take place through contradictions. So instead of a smooth, uninterrupted line of progress, we have a line which is interrupted by sudden and explosive periods in which slow, accumulated changes (quantitative change) undergoes a rapid acceleration, in which quantity is transformed into quality. Dialectics is the logic of contradiction. (source)

This is not true of all atheists. If you are going to use terms, you really should know what those terms actually means. You went to far when you insisted that all atheists hold to a dialectic materialistic world view. Most of us don't believe that all change must come with conflict. In fact, many of us would prefer to bring about change with as little conflict as possible.

This is why I have you on ignore. You read some bullshit somewhere, once. And now you spout it, as if you understand it, because you are a good little sheep, and theswe are the things you were told to say to atheists when you oppose them. Have a good day.
Did you plagiarize this too?
Aww.. I'm sorry you were made to look like a fool again for talking about things about which you have no understanding. Now, toddle on off to the corner to nurse your wounded ego.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I realized that I needed a Savior. I had no peace, no joy, my heart was hard, cold and void of any compassion or concern for others. I knew there was something wrong with me and then one night in a parking lot someone walked up to me and asked me if they could ask me a question. I said sure. They said where would you go if you died tonight? I said probably hell. Then that person told me about Jesus Christ and although I didn't accept him that night into my heart,I did accept the little bible the man gave me and not long afterward I gave my life to Jesus Christ.

The morning after I gave my life to Christ, I looked at the sky and it looked bluer, the grass looked greener and I felt fully alive for the first time in my life. I had a peace that I had never known before and a wonderful knowing in my heart that I belonged to God and that He was going to look after me and be my best friend. There really isn't adequate words to describe my first days of knowing Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. The best I could say is that my days became heaven on earth. Just beyond what I could even tell you about. Miracle after miracle after miracle... divine protection and a complete absence of fear, worry and restlessness. Knowing and following Jesus Christ is the greatest freedom and peace any human being on earth can experience. It is bar none out of this world.

That is the freedom I want to see you have, the peace I want to see you have, the joy I want to see you have, the rest I want to see you have. It is all found in Jesus Christ and when you call upon the name of the Lord and are saved (see Romans 10:9,10) your name will be written in the Lamb's book of Life and when you die (after a long life) you'll go to heaven!

My greatest desire for this board is that every single person's name be written in the Lamb's book of life and that they receive everlasting life and find themselves in heaven one day.

What could possibly be wrong with that? Yet some of you feel less animosity toward those who wish you dead! Does that make sense? I'm not saying that is you personally, Breezewood, but we all know a few people where that might apply concerning their vitriol for those who preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What is it that is driving them to despise the Gospel and those who preach it? It's Satan. He has deceived their minds into believing Christ is their enemy in order to take them to hell one day. Satan is the real enemy of mankind. Not God. God does not desire that any should perish. Not one person does God desire to see reject His Son (therein rejecting everlasting life and reconciliation to Him). God loves his creation far more than we could ever understand. That is why He sent His Only begotten Son to shed His Blood for us and redeem us. Had there been any other way He would have done it. But there was no other way. Only through the Blood of Jesus Christ shed at the cross for us could we be redeemed.

What shall happen to us if we neglect so great a salvation?
But there was no other way.

the religion of the Almighty as spoken is simply the Triumph of Good vs Evil ... there is no mention of your 4th century book.

What is it that is driving them to despise the Gospel and those who preach it? It's Satan.

it is the other way around BJ, the false writings of the 4th century are what prevent the religion of the 1st from being the Gospel.
When you have time, I'd like for you to tell me what the significance is in bringing 4th century into it (if you wouldn't mind). Is the Tanach / Torah valid in your eyes? What false writings are you referring to? You say the religion of the Almighty as spoken is simply the triumph of Good vs evil there is no mention of my 4th century book. Who didn't mention the 4th century book? Who are you referring to, Breezewood?
When you have time, I'd like for you to tell me what the significance is in bringing 4th century into it (if you wouldn't mind). Is the Tanach / Torah valid in your eyes? What false writings are you referring to? You say the religion of the Almighty as spoken is simply the triumph of Good vs evil there is no mention of my 4th century book. Who didn't mention the 4th century book? Who are you referring to, Breezewood?

the 4th century bible is a compilation by those at that time that misrepresented the 1st century religion by portraying their agenda instead - throughout the 4th century book ...

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

the above is one example of many from the beginning of that book to its conclusion that misrepresents the 1st century and its relevance. the example above is a falacy that precludes the book from being a voluntary religion to an entrapment of forced servitude for the purpose of the underlying political agenda the 4th century book was written to represent rather than the actual religion depicting the 1st century ... irregardless the atheists comment, 4th century christianity is not a religion but a political agenda.

no one needs to read a 10000 page document to find the fruition of the religion of the 1st century - The Triumph of Good vs Evil as a narrative is the means for Admission to the Everlasting as pronounced by the Almighty and the implications there in that is not a servitude but a means required by each individual.

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?

for the spoken religion of the 1st, the finally for Jesus was from his own realization - to claim Jesus was God as the 4th century book is at the least unverified and a deliberate fallacy the same servitude as above - not that Jesus was not chosen by the Almighty but the role is entirely different between the 1st century and the 4th century description.

the 4th century bible is an unverified fallacy ...
Actually, Breezewood, the Holy Bible has been identified by Scholars world wide as being the most intact, accurate book of antiquity in the world with the Iliad being second. The KJV Holy Bible is word for word minus very minor differences that do not change the context -perfectly preserved and when compared to early scrolls proven to be accurate. What other Book on earth can we say this about?

What are you referencing in regard to 1st century and on what basis do you make your claim about who the Almighty God is and is not? I'm curious as to what study you have engaged in to come to this conclusion.
The KJV Holy Bible is word for word minus very minor differences that do not change the context -perfectly preserved and when compared to early scrolls proven to be accurate. What other Book on earth can we say this about?

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

not one of you have commented about the example provided - its a forgery just as so much of the 10000 pg document you refer to as a religion ... the history of the christian bible is proof enough of its 4th century concoction as a political agenda for servitude to the books authors as its primary purpose.

Half of New Testament forged, Bible scholar says
If you are an atheist then by definition you do have a dialectical materialist worldview. If you condemn respect for people who believe in God, and you hold religion to be harmful and you believe it should be countered and criticized then by inspection you are attempting to subordinate religion.

Actually you answered yes to the key ones and lied on the others, so yes, you are most definitely a militant atheist. Even the Mod westwall, who is agnostic, said you were. Or did you forget that?
That's a lie. Dialectic Materialism is an economic theory, and has nothing to do with theology. By confusing the two, all you have done is expose your hatred for all atheists, your militant Christian bigotry, and your own prejudices. You are dismissed.

And, by your reasoning, you want to subordinate atheism. So, you are admit that you are a militant Christian?
Dialectical materialism is a philosophy of science and nature which effectively says there is nothing but the material world, Mr. PhD. So I didn't confuse anything and even if I had your logic indicates that you are a patient of psychiatry rather than a doctor of psychiatry.
Proposed, as part of the economic theories of Marx, and Engels, and is found nowhere outside of Classic Communism. It is actually in reference to two different concepts found in Marx's theories - Dialectics, and Materialism:

Materialism versus idealism

Philosophical materialism is the outlook which explains that there is only one material world. There is no Heaven or Hell. The universe, which has always existed and is not the creation of any supernatural being, is in the process of constant flux. Human beings are a part of nature, and evolved from lower forms of life, whose origins sprung from a lifeless planet some 3.6 billion or so years ago. With the evolution of life, at a certain stage, came the development of animals with a nervous system, and eventually human beings with a large brain. With humans emerged human thought and consciousness. The human brain alone is capable of producing general ideas, i.e., thinking. Therefore matter, which existed eternally, existed and still exists independently of the mind and human beings. Things existed long before any awareness of them arose or could have arisen on the part of living organisms.

Now, this is a common belief among all atheists. had you simply said that all atheists are materilaists, I would have agreed with you. But, you didn't say that. You insisted that they also ascribe to dialectics.

You see, Dialectics is a method of thinking and interpreting the world of both nature and society. It is a way of looking at the universe, which sets out from the axiom that everything is in a constant state of change and flux. But not only that. Dialectics explains that change and motion involve contradiction and can only take place through contradictions. So instead of a smooth, uninterrupted line of progress, we have a line which is interrupted by sudden and explosive periods in which slow, accumulated changes (quantitative change) undergoes a rapid acceleration, in which quantity is transformed into quality. Dialectics is the logic of contradiction. (source)

This is not true of all atheists. If you are going to use terms, you really should know what those terms actually means. You went to far when you insisted that all atheists hold to a dialectic materialistic world view. Most of us don't believe that all change must come with conflict. In fact, many of us would prefer to bring about change with as little conflict as possible.

This is why I have you on ignore. You read some bullshit somewhere, once. And now you spout it, as if you understand it, because you are a good little sheep, and theswe are the things you were told to say to atheists when you oppose them. Have a good day.
Did you plagiarize this too?
Aww.. I'm sorry you were made to look like a fool again for talking about things about which you have no understanding. Now, toddle on off to the corner to nurse your wounded ego.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I understand why you need to see things the way you do. You are on a mission. But the reality is that you are a militant atheist, not because I say so, but because of what you believe and do. Like I said, you are on a mission. You don't like that I point it out to others or maybe even to yourself.
That's a lie. Dialectic Materialism is an economic theory, and has nothing to do with theology. By confusing the two, all you have done is expose your hatred for all atheists, your militant Christian bigotry, and your own prejudices. You are dismissed.

And, by your reasoning, you want to subordinate atheism. So, you are admit that you are a militant Christian?
Dialectical materialism is a philosophy of science and nature which effectively says there is nothing but the material world, Mr. PhD. So I didn't confuse anything and even if I had your logic indicates that you are a patient of psychiatry rather than a doctor of psychiatry.
Proposed, as part of the economic theories of Marx, and Engels, and is found nowhere outside of Classic Communism. It is actually in reference to two different concepts found in Marx's theories - Dialectics, and Materialism:

Materialism versus idealism

Philosophical materialism is the outlook which explains that there is only one material world. There is no Heaven or Hell. The universe, which has always existed and is not the creation of any supernatural being, is in the process of constant flux. Human beings are a part of nature, and evolved from lower forms of life, whose origins sprung from a lifeless planet some 3.6 billion or so years ago. With the evolution of life, at a certain stage, came the development of animals with a nervous system, and eventually human beings with a large brain. With humans emerged human thought and consciousness. The human brain alone is capable of producing general ideas, i.e., thinking. Therefore matter, which existed eternally, existed and still exists independently of the mind and human beings. Things existed long before any awareness of them arose or could have arisen on the part of living organisms.

Now, this is a common belief among all atheists. had you simply said that all atheists are materilaists, I would have agreed with you. But, you didn't say that. You insisted that they also ascribe to dialectics.

You see, Dialectics is a method of thinking and interpreting the world of both nature and society. It is a way of looking at the universe, which sets out from the axiom that everything is in a constant state of change and flux. But not only that. Dialectics explains that change and motion involve contradiction and can only take place through contradictions. So instead of a smooth, uninterrupted line of progress, we have a line which is interrupted by sudden and explosive periods in which slow, accumulated changes (quantitative change) undergoes a rapid acceleration, in which quantity is transformed into quality. Dialectics is the logic of contradiction. (source)

This is not true of all atheists. If you are going to use terms, you really should know what those terms actually means. You went to far when you insisted that all atheists hold to a dialectic materialistic world view. Most of us don't believe that all change must come with conflict. In fact, many of us would prefer to bring about change with as little conflict as possible.

This is why I have you on ignore. You read some bullshit somewhere, once. And now you spout it, as if you understand it, because you are a good little sheep, and theswe are the things you were told to say to atheists when you oppose them. Have a good day.
Did you plagiarize this too?
Aww.. I'm sorry you were made to look like a fool again for talking about things about which you have no understanding. Now, toddle on off to the corner to nurse your wounded ego.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I understand why you need to see things the way you do. You are on a mission. But the reality is that you are a militant atheist, not because I say so, but because of what you believe and do. Like I said, you are on a mission. You don't like that I point it out to others or maybe even to yourself.
I don't care what you do. I don't care that you think I am a militant Atheist. Like I said, between Militant Christians, Militant Islamists, and Militant Atheists, only one of those three groups aren't out trying to kill people.
the religion of the Almighty as spoken is simply the Triumph of Good vs Evil ... there is no mention of your 4th century book.

it is the other way around BJ, the false writings of the 4th century are what prevent the religion of the 1st from being the Gospel.
When you have time, I'd like for you to tell me what the significance is in bringing 4th century into it (if you wouldn't mind). Is the Tanach / Torah valid in your eyes? What false writings are you referring to? You say the religion of the Almighty as spoken is simply the triumph of Good vs evil there is no mention of my 4th century book. Who didn't mention the 4th century book? Who are you referring to, Breezewood?
When you have time, I'd like for you to tell me what the significance is in bringing 4th century into it (if you wouldn't mind). Is the Tanach / Torah valid in your eyes? What false writings are you referring to? You say the religion of the Almighty as spoken is simply the triumph of Good vs evil there is no mention of my 4th century book. Who didn't mention the 4th century book? Who are you referring to, Breezewood?

the 4th century bible is a compilation by those at that time that misrepresented the 1st century religion by portraying their agenda instead - throughout the 4th century book ...

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

the above is one example of many from the beginning of that book to its conclusion that misrepresents the 1st century and its relevance. the example above is a falacy that precludes the book from being a voluntary religion to an entrapment of forced servitude for the purpose of the underlying political agenda the 4th century book was written to represent rather than the actual religion depicting the 1st century ... irregardless the atheists comment, 4th century christianity is not a religion but a political agenda.

no one needs to read a 10000 page document to find the fruition of the religion of the 1st century - The Triumph of Good vs Evil as a narrative is the means for Admission to the Everlasting as pronounced by the Almighty and the implications there in that is not a servitude but a means required by each individual.

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?

for the spoken religion of the 1st, the finally for Jesus was from his own realization - to claim Jesus was God as the 4th century book is at the least unverified and a deliberate fallacy the same servitude as above - not that Jesus was not chosen by the Almighty but the role is entirely different between the 1st century and the 4th century description.

the 4th century bible is an unverified fallacy ...
Actually, Breezewood, the Holy Bible has been identified by Scholars world wide as being the most intact, accurate book of antiquity in the world with the Iliad being second. The KJV Holy Bible is word for word minus very minor differences that do not change the context -perfectly preserved and when compared to early scrolls proven to be accurate. What other Book on earth can we say this about?

What are you referencing in regard to 1st century and on what basis do you make your claim about who the Almighty God is and is not? I'm curious as to what study you have engaged in to come to this conclusion.
The KJV Holy Bible is word for word minus very minor differences that do not change the context -perfectly preserved and when compared to early scrolls proven to be accurate. What other Book on earth can we say this about?

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

not one of you have commented about the example provided - its a forgery just as so much of the 10000 pg document you refer to as a religion ... the history of the christian bible is proof enough of its 4th century concoction as a political agenda for servitude to the books authors as its primary purpose.

Half of New Testament forged, Bible scholar says
Dialectical materialism is a philosophy of science and nature which effectively says there is nothing but the material world, Mr. PhD. So I didn't confuse anything and even if I had your logic indicates that you are a patient of psychiatry rather than a doctor of psychiatry.
Proposed, as part of the economic theories of Marx, and Engels, and is found nowhere outside of Classic Communism. It is actually in reference to two different concepts found in Marx's theories - Dialectics, and Materialism:

Materialism versus idealism

Philosophical materialism is the outlook which explains that there is only one material world. There is no Heaven or Hell. The universe, which has always existed and is not the creation of any supernatural being, is in the process of constant flux. Human beings are a part of nature, and evolved from lower forms of life, whose origins sprung from a lifeless planet some 3.6 billion or so years ago. With the evolution of life, at a certain stage, came the development of animals with a nervous system, and eventually human beings with a large brain. With humans emerged human thought and consciousness. The human brain alone is capable of producing general ideas, i.e., thinking. Therefore matter, which existed eternally, existed and still exists independently of the mind and human beings. Things existed long before any awareness of them arose or could have arisen on the part of living organisms.

Now, this is a common belief among all atheists. had you simply said that all atheists are materilaists, I would have agreed with you. But, you didn't say that. You insisted that they also ascribe to dialectics.

You see, Dialectics is a method of thinking and interpreting the world of both nature and society. It is a way of looking at the universe, which sets out from the axiom that everything is in a constant state of change and flux. But not only that. Dialectics explains that change and motion involve contradiction and can only take place through contradictions. So instead of a smooth, uninterrupted line of progress, we have a line which is interrupted by sudden and explosive periods in which slow, accumulated changes (quantitative change) undergoes a rapid acceleration, in which quantity is transformed into quality. Dialectics is the logic of contradiction. (source)

This is not true of all atheists. If you are going to use terms, you really should know what those terms actually means. You went to far when you insisted that all atheists hold to a dialectic materialistic world view. Most of us don't believe that all change must come with conflict. In fact, many of us would prefer to bring about change with as little conflict as possible.

This is why I have you on ignore. You read some bullshit somewhere, once. And now you spout it, as if you understand it, because you are a good little sheep, and theswe are the things you were told to say to atheists when you oppose them. Have a good day.
Did you plagiarize this too?
Aww.. I'm sorry you were made to look like a fool again for talking about things about which you have no understanding. Now, toddle on off to the corner to nurse your wounded ego.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I understand why you need to see things the way you do. You are on a mission. But the reality is that you are a militant atheist, not because I say so, but because of what you believe and do. Like I said, you are on a mission. You don't like that I point it out to others or maybe even to yourself.
I don't care what you do. I don't care that you think I am a militant Atheist. Like I said, between Militant Christians, Militant Islamists, and Militant Atheists, only one of those three groups aren't out trying to kill people.
Yes, you do care. You said you put me on your ignore list, yet here you are... again.

The worst murders in the history of the world were militant atheists. Given your extremism I wouldn't be surprised to find you on this list one day.

Atheist Murderers
Its that pride thingy he has, Ding.
Its that pride thingy he has, Ding.
Yes. Yes it is. I'm rather offended when people try to insult my intelligence by trying to get me to believe things that a 9-year-old is intelligent enough to know is bullshit.
Well I will give you credit for at least being honest about your arrogance but that is all you have.
You're right. That is all I have. Except for my wit. My intelligence. My education. And my experience. But, hey! At least you have your Magic Sky-Man, right?
Its that pride thingy he has, Ding.
Yes. Yes it is. I'm rather offended when people try to insult my intelligence by trying to get me to believe things that a 9-year-old is intelligent enough to know is bullshit.
Well I will give you credit for at least being honest about your arrogance but that is all you have.
You're right. That is all I have. Except for my wit. My intelligence. My education. And my experience. But, hey! At least you have your Magic Sky-Man, right?
I failed to see any wit you may possess. In truth I believe your intelligence is lacking. An education may get you through this world and it may not; I have very little education yet have had many people work for me that were very highly educated. Your experience, boy now that speaks volumes about your knowledge of God as you claim God is non existent; that in itself speaks for your lack of intelligence as you attempt to tell others what they feel, have seen and have experienced is something you again have no true knowledge of. You do not have the ability to get into another persons mind only provide bantering about your own disbelief. FYI, I do not have a Sky God.
Its that pride thingy he has, Ding.
Yes. Yes it is. I'm rather offended when people try to insult my intelligence by trying to get me to believe things that a 9-year-old is intelligent enough to know is bullshit.
Well I will give you credit for at least being honest about your arrogance but that is all you have.
You're right. That is all I have. Except for my wit. My intelligence. My education. And my experience. But, hey! At least you have your Magic Sky-Man, right?
Your wit? Intelligence? Education? Experience? They only exist in your small and narrow mind. You have been weighed and measured and found to be lacking.
Its that pride thingy he has, Ding.
Yes. Yes it is. I'm rather offended when people try to insult my intelligence by trying to get me to believe things that a 9-year-old is intelligent enough to know is bullshit.
Intelligent like it is not rational to believe in God? The Bible tells us that Creation had a beginning. Science tells us that the universe had a beginning and that the laws of nature were in place before the universe began. Something is responsible for those laws. That something must be eternal and not subject to the laws of nature. The best available answer for the first cause is consciousness or existence itself. That is rational.

We live in a universe where the laws of nature are such that beings that know and create will eventually arise. Therefore, the potential for these beings existed before space and time were created just like the potential for music, mathematics and science existed before space and time were created. Our potential was realized through the laws of nature. The Bible tells us that we came from dust and shall return to dust. The matter and energy which makes up these beings came into existence when space and time were created. We literally are comprised of star dust, thus the universe became self aware and proved the Bible correct. That is rational.

The Bible does correctly tells us that creation was created in steps. Science tells us the steps required to go from creation of the universe to beings that know and create. Creation has evolved from subatomic particles to hydrogen and helium to the cosmic structures to all of the elements and compounds, somehow made the leap to life and finally made the leap to consciousness; beings that know and create. Beings were born possessing natural talents of music, mathematics and science; realities which existed before space and time existed because the laws of nature existed before space and time. That is rational.

The Bible correctly identifies man's greatest weakness; that he rationalizes doing wrong as doing right. The Bible correctly tells us that man is born with an innate sense of right and wrong. Science has confirmed that we are hardwired for morality. The Bible correctly tells us that man knows right from wrong and when he violates it rather than abandon the concept, he rationalizes that he didn't violate it. that is rational.

If anyone is irrational it is you. You worship what was created rather than the creator. You are without excuse because evidence for the creator is plain to see through what He has created. We know from Creation that there has never been an uncaused event since space and time were created which means that everything is connected and does happen for a reason. We know from creation that every stage of evolution (stellar evolution, cosmic evolution, chemical evolution, evolution of life, evolution of consciousness) has led to a next stage of evolution and that the final stage is consciousness which is the source of the created. Therefore, the purpose of our existence is to progress as human beings in consciousness which is the last stage of the evolution of matter.
the religion of the Almighty as spoken is simply the Triumph of Good vs Evil ... there is no mention of your 4th century book.

it is the other way around BJ, the false writings of the 4th century are what prevent the religion of the 1st from being the Gospel.
When you have time, I'd like for you to tell me what the significance is in bringing 4th century into it (if you wouldn't mind). Is the Tanach / Torah valid in your eyes? What false writings are you referring to? You say the religion of the Almighty as spoken is simply the triumph of Good vs evil there is no mention of my 4th century book. Who didn't mention the 4th century book? Who are you referring to, Breezewood?
When you have time, I'd like for you to tell me what the significance is in bringing 4th century into it (if you wouldn't mind). Is the Tanach / Torah valid in your eyes? What false writings are you referring to? You say the religion of the Almighty as spoken is simply the triumph of Good vs evil there is no mention of my 4th century book. Who didn't mention the 4th century book? Who are you referring to, Breezewood?

the 4th century bible is a compilation by those at that time that misrepresented the 1st century religion by portraying their agenda instead - throughout the 4th century book ...

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

the above is one example of many from the beginning of that book to its conclusion that misrepresents the 1st century and its relevance. the example above is a falacy that precludes the book from being a voluntary religion to an entrapment of forced servitude for the purpose of the underlying political agenda the 4th century book was written to represent rather than the actual religion depicting the 1st century ... irregardless the atheists comment, 4th century christianity is not a religion but a political agenda.

no one needs to read a 10000 page document to find the fruition of the religion of the 1st century - The Triumph of Good vs Evil as a narrative is the means for Admission to the Everlasting as pronounced by the Almighty and the implications there in that is not a servitude but a means required by each individual.

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?

for the spoken religion of the 1st, the finally for Jesus was from his own realization - to claim Jesus was God as the 4th century book is at the least unverified and a deliberate fallacy the same servitude as above - not that Jesus was not chosen by the Almighty but the role is entirely different between the 1st century and the 4th century description.

the 4th century bible is an unverified fallacy ...
Actually, Breezewood, the Holy Bible has been identified by Scholars world wide as being the most intact, accurate book of antiquity in the world with the Iliad being second. The KJV Holy Bible is word for word minus very minor differences that do not change the context -perfectly preserved and when compared to early scrolls proven to be accurate. What other Book on earth can we say this about?

What are you referencing in regard to 1st century and on what basis do you make your claim about who the Almighty God is and is not? I'm curious as to what study you have engaged in to come to this conclusion.
The KJV Holy Bible is word for word minus very minor differences that do not change the context -perfectly preserved and when compared to early scrolls proven to be accurate. What other Book on earth can we say this about?

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

not one of you have commented about the example provided - its a forgery just as so much of the 10000 pg document you refer to as a religion ... the history of the christian bible is proof enough of its 4th century concoction as a political agenda for servitude to the books authors as its primary purpose.

No man can come to the Father except through His Son, Jesus Christ. This is the truth. There is nothing false about it. Jesus made it clear that he is the way, the truth and the life, Breezewood. You never answered me as to who told you otherwise and what you've been studying.

No man can come to the Father except through His Son, Jesus Christ. This is the truth. There is nothing false about it. Jesus made it clear that he is the way, the truth and the life, Breezewood. You never answered me as to who told you otherwise and what you've been studying.

that is not a religion BJ no matter how much you desire it to be otherwise ... it is you who has nothing to offer or show for the fallacy you use to justify the servitude you offer to others that is no more than a forgery concocted in the 4th century for the simple purpose of entrapment.

Jesus made it clear that he is the way, the truth and the life ...

the above is a fallacy as well as you have written the statement that is proposed in your 4th century book.
Its that pride thingy he has, Ding.
Yes. Yes it is. I'm rather offended when people try to insult my intelligence by trying to get me to believe things that a 9-year-old is intelligent enough to know is bullshit.
Well I will give you credit for at least being honest about your arrogance but that is all you have.
You're right. That is all I have. Except for my wit. My intelligence. My education. And my experience. But, hey! At least you have your Magic Sky-Man, right?
I failed to see any wit you may possess. In truth I believe your intelligence is lacking. An education may get you through this world and it may not; I have very little education yet have had many people work for me that were very highly educated. Your experience, boy now that speaks volumes about your knowledge of God as you claim God is non existent; that in itself speaks for your lack of intelligence as you attempt to tell others what they feel, have seen and have experienced is something you again have no true knowledge of. You do not have the ability to get into another persons mind only provide bantering about your own disbelief. FYI, I do not have a Sky God.
I do not claim God is non-existent. I claim that there is no objective evidence to support the existence of Supernatural Divinity. Two very different things. Once presented with reliable, objective evidence to support the existence of Supernatural Divinity, I will happily amend my position. I never claimed to tell anyone else how they do, or do not feel. The fact that you need to make things up in order to attack me speaks volumes about you. As to this mythical "ability to get into another person's head", I never claimed such ability, but it would be really cool to have telepathy. Too bad that is no more real than you mythical Sky-Man. "Heavens Above" - Euphemism for the Sky. So, yeah, you do have a Sky God.
Its that pride thingy he has, Ding.
Yes. Yes it is. I'm rather offended when people try to insult my intelligence by trying to get me to believe things that a 9-year-old is intelligent enough to know is bullshit.
Well I will give you credit for at least being honest about your arrogance but that is all you have.
You're right. That is all I have. Except for my wit. My intelligence. My education. And my experience. But, hey! At least you have your Magic Sky-Man, right?
I failed to see any wit you may possess. In truth I believe your intelligence is lacking. An education may get you through this world and it may not; I have very little education yet have had many people work for me that were very highly educated. Your experience, boy now that speaks volumes about your knowledge of God as you claim God is non existent; that in itself speaks for your lack of intelligence as you attempt to tell others what they feel, have seen and have experienced is something you again have no true knowledge of. You do not have the ability to get into another persons mind only provide bantering about your own disbelief. FYI, I do not have a Sky God.
I do not claim God is non-existent. I claim that there is no objective evidence to support the existence of Supernatural Divinity. Two very different things. Once presented with reliable, objective evidence to support the existence of Supernatural Divinity, I will happily amend my position. I never claimed to tell anyone else how they do, or do not feel. The fact that you need to make things up in order to attack me speaks volumes about you. As to this mythical "ability to get into another person's head", I never claimed such ability, but it would be really cool to have telepathy. Too bad that is no more real than you mythical Sky-Man. "Heavens Above" - Euphemism for the Sky. So, yeah, you do have a Sky God.
Sure there is objective evidence. What He created can be used as evidence.
Yes. Yes it is. I'm rather offended when people try to insult my intelligence by trying to get me to believe things that a 9-year-old is intelligent enough to know is bullshit.
Well I will give you credit for at least being honest about your arrogance but that is all you have.
You're right. That is all I have. Except for my wit. My intelligence. My education. And my experience. But, hey! At least you have your Magic Sky-Man, right?
I failed to see any wit you may possess. In truth I believe your intelligence is lacking. An education may get you through this world and it may not; I have very little education yet have had many people work for me that were very highly educated. Your experience, boy now that speaks volumes about your knowledge of God as you claim God is non existent; that in itself speaks for your lack of intelligence as you attempt to tell others what they feel, have seen and have experienced is something you again have no true knowledge of. You do not have the ability to get into another persons mind only provide bantering about your own disbelief. FYI, I do not have a Sky God.
I do not claim God is non-existent. I claim that there is no objective evidence to support the existence of Supernatural Divinity. Two very different things. Once presented with reliable, objective evidence to support the existence of Supernatural Divinity, I will happily amend my position. I never claimed to tell anyone else how they do, or do not feel. The fact that you need to make things up in order to attack me speaks volumes about you. As to this mythical "ability to get into another person's head", I never claimed such ability, but it would be really cool to have telepathy. Too bad that is no more real than you mythical Sky-Man. "Heavens Above" - Euphemism for the Sky. So, yeah, you do have a Sky God.
Sure there is objective evidence. What He created can be used as evidence.
Sure there is objective evidence. What He created can be used as evidence.

do you have their finger prints, any construction documents ... have they spoken to you with a (credible) witness to clarify the conversation. .:eusa_shhh:
Well I will give you credit for at least being honest about your arrogance but that is all you have.
You're right. That is all I have. Except for my wit. My intelligence. My education. And my experience. But, hey! At least you have your Magic Sky-Man, right?
I failed to see any wit you may possess. In truth I believe your intelligence is lacking. An education may get you through this world and it may not; I have very little education yet have had many people work for me that were very highly educated. Your experience, boy now that speaks volumes about your knowledge of God as you claim God is non existent; that in itself speaks for your lack of intelligence as you attempt to tell others what they feel, have seen and have experienced is something you again have no true knowledge of. You do not have the ability to get into another persons mind only provide bantering about your own disbelief. FYI, I do not have a Sky God.
I do not claim God is non-existent. I claim that there is no objective evidence to support the existence of Supernatural Divinity. Two very different things. Once presented with reliable, objective evidence to support the existence of Supernatural Divinity, I will happily amend my position. I never claimed to tell anyone else how they do, or do not feel. The fact that you need to make things up in order to attack me speaks volumes about you. As to this mythical "ability to get into another person's head", I never claimed such ability, but it would be really cool to have telepathy. Too bad that is no more real than you mythical Sky-Man. "Heavens Above" - Euphemism for the Sky. So, yeah, you do have a Sky God.
Sure there is objective evidence. What He created can be used as evidence.
Sure there is objective evidence. What He created can be used as evidence.

do you have their finger prints, any construction documents ... have they spoken to you with a (credible) witness to clarify the conversation. .:eusa_shhh:
So you don't believe God exists?
Its that pride thingy he has, Ding.
Yes. Yes it is. I'm rather offended when people try to insult my intelligence by trying to get me to believe things that a 9-year-old is intelligent enough to know is bullshit.
Well I will give you credit for at least being honest about your arrogance but that is all you have.
You're right. That is all I have. Except for my wit. My intelligence. My education. And my experience. But, hey! At least you have your Magic Sky-Man, right?
I failed to see any wit you may possess. In truth I believe your intelligence is lacking. An education may get you through this world and it may not; I have very little education yet have had many people work for me that were very highly educated. Your experience, boy now that speaks volumes about your knowledge of God as you claim God is non existent; that in itself speaks for your lack of intelligence as you attempt to tell others what they feel, have seen and have experienced is something you again have no true knowledge of. You do not have the ability to get into another persons mind only provide bantering about your own disbelief. FYI, I do not have a Sky God.
I do not claim God is non-existent. I claim that there is no objective evidence to support the existence of Supernatural Divinity. Two very different things. Once presented with reliable, objective evidence to support the existence of Supernatural Divinity, I will happily amend my position. I never claimed to tell anyone else how they do, or do not feel. The fact that you need to make things up in order to attack me speaks volumes about you. As to this mythical "ability to get into another person's head", I never claimed such ability, but it would be really cool to have telepathy. Too bad that is no more real than you mythical Sky-Man. "Heavens Above" - Euphemism for the Sky. So, yeah, you do have a Sky God.
You need to go sit back in the bleachers until you can disseminate how the game is played first before making your outlandish claims.

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