Forget About Hillary's Past

Hillary is an evil bitch. Staffers said she would have flareups like this constantly, swearing and abusing people, but when the cameras were on her she would be all smiles.

Nobody tells Hillary what to do. That's why she wouldn't go on any talkshows to explain Benghazi. They sent Susan Rice on to lie for her instead.

[ame=]Christian Bale Rant - Video Released - YouTube[/ame]
CaféAuLait;8642450 said:
And I predict that the Right will play the above VICTIM card every time they are called when they attach Hillary's pants suits, "kankles" or her aging in front of them or spew their sexist insulting names for her.

NEAL BOORTZ thought that referring to Ms. Clinton as the "Hildabeast" was quite amusing.

MARK LEVIN: "Hillary Rotten Clinton" and "Her Thighness"

RUSH LIMBAUGH: This is Clinton's testicle lockbox. It is big enough for the entire Democrat hierarchy, not just some people in the media.

NEIL CAVUTO: Men won't vote for Hillary Clinton because she reminds them of their nagging wives.

RUSH LIMBAUGH: She sounds like a screeching ex-wife. And -- and -- and I don't say that -- there's nothing against ex-wives or women. I'm just trying to be descriptive here for you. Men will know what I mean by this.

MARC RUDOV: And when Hillary Clinton speaks, men hear: Take out the garbage.

DON IMUS: called Hillary "that buck-toothed witch, Satan."

RUSH LIMBAUGH: will Americans want to sit around and watch a woman age that rapidly before their very eyes on television every day, as president of the United States?

Of course you recall the left comments as well, yes?

I have often said, when she comes on television, I involuntarily cross my legs." ~ Tucker Carlson about Hillary Clinton
Trying to pass off BowTucker Carlson as the "Left" is a sure sign of desperation!

LOL desperation? I simply forgot to remove his quote when I copied and pasted the others which YOU not only ignored but removed from my quote as if they never existed.

Allow me to repeat them below, along with other where the NY Times Maureen Dowd ARGUES that you can't separate Hillary's past from Bill Clinton.

As a possible first Madame President, Hillary is a flawed science experiment because you can’t take Bill out of the equation. Her story is wrapped up in her marriage, and her marriage is wrapped up in a series of unappetizing compromises, arrangements and dependencies.

Instead of carving out a separate identity for herself, she has become more entwined with Bill. She is running bolstered by his record and his muscle. She touts her experience as first lady, even though her judgment during those years on issue after issue was poor. She says she’s learned from her mistakes, but that’s not a compelling pitch.

As a senator, she was not a leading voice on important issues, and her Iraq vote was about her political viability.

"Right. Somebody who can take her into a room and only he comes out~ Keith Olbermann

Clinton is very good at PLAYING the PROFESSIONL VICTIM- Cnn

Let me tell you how short Hillary's LEASH is, she has to ask her husband for anything when he gets home! ~Chris Matthews.

When she reacts the way she reacts to [Sen. Barack] Obama with just the look, the look toward him, looking like everyone's first wife standing outside a probate court,Mike Barnicle (MSNBC)"

There was cleavage on display Wednesday afternoon on C-SPAN2. It belonged to Sen. Hillary Clinton .... There wasn't an unseemly amount of cleavage showing, but there it was. Undeniable ... To display cleavage in a setting that does not involve cocktails and hors d'oeuvres is a provocation." ~ Robin Givhan (The Washington Post)

Clinton did not win on her merit, it was because her husband cheated. _Chris Matthews

Links and videos are in the post which you partially quoted. :eusa_angel:

Unfortunately there is sexism on both sides of the aisle and everywhere in between. I've seen awful things said of Sarah Palin ( whom I despise) and I've watched people say she deserves it. Sexism is never deserved. That would be like arguing racism is deserved because someone said or did something you did not agree with.
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