Forget the Clown Car, they'll need a bus.

even a geographic concentration on the Rust Belt doesn’t necessarily require a demographic focus on blue-collar whites. Democrats could certainly win back Pennsylvania in 2020, and likely Michigan too, without appreciable gains among working-class whites if they’re able to increase turnout among minorities and improve their margins among white-collar white voters. But that’s a thin path. And it would be tougher to win Wisconsin with that approach. Non-college-educated whites make up more of the vote there than in Pennsylvania and Michigan.
You guessed it folks, soon to come another Democrat candidate. Bill de Blasio no less, must be because of his wonderful ideas. I dunno, perhaps meatless Mondays will be his platform.

Bill de Blasio Is Reportedly Running for President, for Some Unfathomable Reason

I changed my mind. I don’t want Biden to win I want this guy instead.

What convinced you, the meatless Mondays?

Na, I’m more interested in where all the money went. Biden’s China stuff will come out later.

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