Forget What You're Being Told. Here's the Real Reason for California's Trucker Shortage.

The left ruins everything it touches. They have wrecked the Golden State. And they are infecting the rest of America.

There are multiple causes, including union rules preventing extra shifts or longer hours to get the ships unloaded, a lack of rail capacity for the extra goods, and not enough truckers to haul everything away.
What if I told you the trucker shortage isn’t just what you’ve been told?
What if I told you that in California, the trucker shortage is a self-inflicted wound?
What if I told you the wound was inflicted by Democrats?
You can’t find your shocked face, can you?
Long term, this nation does have a trucker problem. The average age for truckers is 55, and the industry is having a hard time attracting new workers.
Redwood Logistics explains:

Over the next 10-15 years, a lot of truckers are going to retire, and there aren’t enough replacements in the pipeline.
The immediate problem, the one in Los Angeles, has been caused by the state’s vindictively regulatory state government.
We’ll get to the trucker shortage in just a moment, but California also faces a shortage of trucks for them to drive.
Twitter user Jerry Oakley reminds us that “Carriers domiciled in California with trucks older than 2011 model, or using engines manufactured before 2010, will need to meet the Board’s new Truck and Bus Regulation beginning in 2020.” Otherwise, “Their vehicles will be blocked from registration with the state’s DMV,” according to California law.
“The requirement is to purchase electric trucks which do not exist.”
As a result, trucks aren’t being purchased to replace the ones being regulated out of business.
But even if there were plenty of trucks in California, there wouldn’t be enough truckers to drive them — and it isn’t because the truckers are too old.


Not just that, but unions won’t let unvaccinated work. But then they hire unvaccinated non-union drivers with almost no experience to drive.
This is one reason why we need to upgrade infrastructure. To better ensure supply side economics.
Our Transportation Secretary is busy nursing infant twins, though he's sort of a male; he's not interested in massive truck shortages and goods shortages that are getting worse by the day all over America.

Why is it wrong to want a normal person rather than an obsessed sex pervert as a Secretary of Transportation? Why does Biden have to choose such VERY impaired persons as his Cabinet Secretaries? Why not normal people without a Being Peculiar agenda?
AB5 doesn't prohibit owner operators. It does define the difference between a contractor, and an employee. An employee is paid overtime, and is guaranteed a safe working environment, as well as other advantages of an employee. A contractor is not.

The law codifies and expands the scope of the so-called "ABC test", established in the Dynamex ruling. That test states that a worker must be classified as an employee, and not a contractor, unless the employment meets all of the following conditions: (A) the individual is free from direction and control applicable both under the contract for the performance of service and in fact; (B) the service is performed outside the usual course of business of the employer; and (C) the individual is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or business of the same nature as that involved in the service performed.
This is also not true.

There is a difference between Owner-operators and Independents.

And Owner-operator generally leases his or her equipment to a larger company and run under that companies authority. California Owner-operators, under AB-5, are now considered employees.

Independent Truckers have their own authority to transport. They are not affected by AB-5.
A lot of trucks out there across this nation cannot operate in the state of California thanks to Dimocrats.
Californians however STUPIDLY reaffirmed their affection for idiots by overwhelmingly retaining Gavin Newsome and his radicalized agenda. I would say, "fuck 'em", however their idiotic actions end up affecting all of us.
The left ruins everything it touches. They have wrecked the Golden State. And they are infecting the rest of America.

There are multiple causes, including union rules preventing extra shifts or longer hours to get the ships unloaded, a lack of rail capacity for the extra goods, and not enough truckers to haul everything away.
What if I told you the trucker shortage isn’t just what you’ve been told?
What if I told you that in California, the trucker shortage is a self-inflicted wound?
What if I told you the wound was inflicted by Democrats?
You can’t find your shocked face, can you?
Long term, this nation does have a trucker problem. The average age for truckers is 55, and the industry is having a hard time attracting new workers.
Redwood Logistics explains:

Over the next 10-15 years, a lot of truckers are going to retire, and there aren’t enough replacements in the pipeline.
The immediate problem, the one in Los Angeles, has been caused by the state’s vindictively regulatory state government.
We’ll get to the trucker shortage in just a moment, but California also faces a shortage of trucks for them to drive.
Twitter user Jerry Oakley reminds us that “Carriers domiciled in California with trucks older than 2011 model, or using engines manufactured before 2010, will need to meet the Board’s new Truck and Bus Regulation beginning in 2020.” Otherwise, “Their vehicles will be blocked from registration with the state’s DMV,” according to California law.
“The requirement is to purchase electric trucks which do not exist.”
As a result, trucks aren’t being purchased to replace the ones being regulated out of business.
But even if there were plenty of trucks in California, there wouldn’t be enough truckers to drive them — and it isn’t because the truckers are too old.


Self inflicted, yes. You didn't mention Newsom's AB5.
AB5 doesn't prohibit owner operators. It does define the difference between a contractor, and an employee.
The reason why democrats want owner operators identify as employees is because they are trying to gain union members. Hundreds of trucking companies have had to file for bankruptcy because of ab5, now there is a shortage of truckers.
The electric truck requirement is bullshit. The Democrats need to stop compromising and penalizing the economy when Green Energy is not mature enough to handle capacity that Oil currently has.

I am not in love with Oil and in fact, if the economy can run as good as or bette than Oil using water and air or another economy, I’m all for it. Until then, the Liberals need to stop hurting our economy.
Trump caused the trucker shortage. Trump admin regulations in 2017 forcing 35% of truckers out of service for sleep apnea!
Bullshit! The regulation did not happen until Trump in 2017! Then it ramped up for 4 years hitting just before Biden took office.
That regulation was in affect before Trump.

This is not true.

Well, it is in some places but not many. It's more a restriction by the company you work for than the place you go to. Several trucking companies won't let you be an O/O of a big rig if your truck is too old. Why? Because their name is on that freight and they need it delivered on time, every time. An old truck constantly breaking down and such is a drag on the companies bottom line.

And Trump had nothing to do with the sleep apnea law. That's long been in effect.
Battery operated long haul trucks? What the fuck could possibly go wrong?

Democrat policies are always a disaster.



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