Former BLM activist denounces San Francisco reparations plan as 'gaslighting' black people

I looked into the over 50% in taxes these $5 million lottery winners will pay. An 8.6% San Francisco sales tax, a 37% federal tax and a 12% CA state income tax. They will be left with just over $2 million. This is a scam for government to steal taxpayer money, so that government can get rich.

Clearly, we must demand that this money be tax-free.
I looked into the over 50% in taxes these $5 million lottery winners will pay. An 8.6% San Francisco sales tax, a 37% federal tax and a 12% CA state income tax. They will be left with just over $2 million. This is a scam for government to steal taxpayer money, so that government can get rich.
/——/ Guilt ridden White libs should move to San Fran so they can be taxed to pay for this. It’s only fair,
Wouldn’t all whites just move out of the jurisdiction so as not to be saddled with this? Then you‘ll end up with a city of all blacks, expecting their millions, and nobody to pay for it.
My thought is that blacks in poverty will just have to get out of it the old-fashioned way: complete high school, obey laws, get some career training, don’t make or have babies out-of-wedlock, and then work hard in your chosen field until you move into the middle class.

And Blacks already in the middle class don’t need reparations. The fact that they lead successful lives is proof that the bigotry that existed generations ago hasn’t held them back.
IKR? So obvious.

How are dummies falling for this shit? The only way this robbery could ever happen is if it is attempted nationwide, other than city by city or state by state, and it would be ruled in violation of the Constitution.
The what? We've seen the Constitution twisted into a pretzel over the last century. One determined suicide-bomber assassin, half a dozen Supreme Court vacancies open up .. while Biden is in office .. and we'll be getting rulings affirming that the First Amendment doesn't apply to hate speech (and that hate speech is anything the victim says it is), and that the Second Amendment applies only to black powder mussle-loaders.

Anyway, we're not talking logic here. We want the California legislature to vote for and commit to paying a substantial sum of reparations. It's the Cloward-Piven strategy, turned against the other side. If they try to do it ... we win. If they can't do it, we win as well.

It's a golden opportunity, a Bridge at Remagen moment. Our enemy is making a mistake. Let's not only not interrupt him, but help him.
The what? We've seen the Constitution twisted into a pretzel over the last century. One determined suicide-bomber assassin, half a dozen Supreme Court vacancies open up .. while Biden is in office .. and we'll be getting rulings affirming that the First Amendment doesn't apply to hate speech (and that hate speech is anything the victim says it is), and that the Second Amendment applies only to black powder mussle-loaders.

Anyway, we're not talking logic here. We want the California legislature to vote for and commit to paying a substantial sum of reparations. It's the Cloward-Piven strategy, turned against the other side. If they try to do it ... we win. If they can't do it, we win as well.

It's a golden opportunity, a Bridge at Remagen moment. Our enemy is making a mistake. Let's not only not interrupt him, but help him.
If you’re saying that this is their attempt to cause an economic collapse, I agree. Wasn‘t it Alinsky who said that in order to turn America into a socialist country, you have to collapse the economy?

I believe this is what Biden’s handlers are attempting. Nobody could be this stupid, so it’s got to be intentional. As far as Biden himself, he’s clearly demented and doesn’t have much of a clue. (That’s why they picked him as the figurehead.)
If you’re saying that this is their attempt to cause an economic collapse, I agree. Wasn‘t it Alinsky who said that in order to turn America into a socialist country, you have to collapse the economy?

I believe this is what Biden’s handlers are attempting. Nobody could be this stupid, so it’s got to be intentional. As far as Biden himself, he’s clearly demented and doesn’t have much of a clue. (That’s why they picked him as the figurehead.)
Well ... I don't think any of Biden's handlers want to turn the US into a socialist country, not literally. And I don't think there is some centralized plan to collapse the economy. After all, the multi-billionaires are petty much all Democratic Party supporters now.

The Reparations thing is local politicians, guilty white liberals, maybe being leaned on by Black activists hoping to get their hands in the till. (Back in the 60s, the Black Panthers and a Black nationalist organization called US led by Ron Karenga had a shootout over who was going to get the big bucks available for being The Blacks on UCLA campus. Two Panthers were killed then and two more later: [ US Organization - Wikipedia ].) You won't learn about that during Black History Week.

A lot of Black militants are just hustlers, shaking down gullible or fearful local white governments or corporations, playing on white guilt. Read about this charming man:
[ Maulana Karenga - Wikipedia ]

The 'reparations' thing will be a goldmine for these guys, whatever happens.

As for what's happening to the US overall, its slide downwards ... I wish I understood it.

I haven't read a convincing explanation, although the other day I did read a plausible account of 'wokeness' by, of all people, a leftwing socialist who believes the current 'woke' obsession of the Left is destroying the prospects of a socialist revolution. (Katie Roche, Idiots.)

But the whole ruling class is going along with it, even though anyone can see they're cutting away the foundations of the society they now rule. If you come across a plausible explanation, even a partial one, let me know.

What I am proposing is that WE should do a Cloward-Pivens on the Blue states and cities. Or rather, help the Left commit suicide by bankrupting their economies, if they actually DO try to pay serious reparations, or angering their Black supporters, if they don't. Win Win.
When I was living in San Diego in 78' after the start of the Khmar Rouge Cambodian families would move into a house down the street and 20 people would move in overnight.
They'd all go to night school and the government would give them free classes and great paying jobs.....and us white folks would be stuck making $4/hr. In months they'd be making 4 time as much as us US citizens.
Everyone wants to get in a war with America because we take in all of their homeless and their poor and train them to take American's jobs.
Tell that to the people in Libya after Obama blew the place up and then up and left. The terrorists took over, bet they don't pay even pay $14/hr
Tell that to the people in Libya after Obama blew the place up and then up and left. The terrorists took over, bet they don't pay even pay $14/hr
No.....they relocated all of the displaced Muslims to Wisconsin and Minnesota. Now they run the place.
Mudwhistle makes an important point: the worst possible way to handle immigration, if your immigrants are culturally distinct from the society they're coming into, is to concentrate them all in one or a few areas.

This will work strongly against assimilation, which is the unstated condition that America has always placed on its immigrants: come here, but become Americans, not just American passport holders.

We should amend our immigration laws to make them much more comprehensive: we should require five, or even ten, years residence in a location to be designated by the immigration officer, in addition to passing the various tests now required.

Singapore is run by the Chinese, and always will be. But they have Indian and Malay immigrants. These people are housed in mainly-Chinese areas. The people running Singapore are not going to allow the build-up of non-Chinese ghettos. They're not stupid.
Wouldn’t all whites just move out of the jurisdiction so as not to be saddled with this? Then you‘ll end up with a city of all blacks, expecting their millions, and nobody to pay for it.

Yes, and at the same time every black in this country would move to San Francisco. No one would be there to pay the bills, but hey, there's still a few Walgreens where they could steal stuff.
Yes, and at the same time every black in this country would move to San Francisco. No one would be there to pay the bills, but hey, there's still a few Walgreens where they could steal stuff.
Except Walgreens would move out as well. It would be a wasteland of black millionaires, with nary a store in sight.
Mudwhistle makes an important point: the worst possible way to handle immigration, if your immigrants are culturally distinct from the society they're coming into, is to concentrate them all in one or a few areas.

This will work strongly against assimilation, which is the unstated condition that America has always placed on its immigrants: come here, but become Americans, not just American passport holders.

We should amend our immigration laws to make them much more comprehensive: we should require five, or even ten, years residence in a location to be designated by the immigration officer, in addition to passing the various tests now required.

Singapore is run by the Chinese, and always will be. But they have Indian and Malay immigrants. These people are housed in mainly-Chinese areas. The people running Singapore are not going to allow the build-up of non-Chinese ghettos. They're not stupid.
Agreed. We are a melting pot, bring those parts of your culture and traditions that meld well with and compliment ours, and discard the bits that are antithetical to our way of life here. Don't flee here as refugees from a culturally dysfunctional nation and bring all the destructive elements of your culture with you, to then tear down and pollute our cities and neighborhoods. Some nations and people are always experiencig catastrophic turmoil, conflict, civil war, or other forms of violemce, despotism and strife of one form or another, because it's their culture and traditions which are fundamentally dysfunctional.

Immigrate and assimilate, don't just relocate, and essentially change zip codes, then live as a foreign enclave within our country.
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Im guessing since a black guy is complaining about black people getting free stuff for absolutely nothing it's because he doesn't qualify for it.

I'd imagine if he got a million dollars he wouldn't say they are trying to gaslight him.
Im guessing since a black guy is complaining about black people getting free stuff for absolutely nothing it's because he doesn't qualify for it.

I'd imagine if he got a million dollars he wouldn't say they are trying to gaslight him.
This would also apply to everybody. Even to you.

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