Former BLM activist denounces San Francisco reparations plan as 'gaslighting' black people


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
$5 million? Each? That is obscene, and irresponsible of any government body across this nation.

A former Black Lives Matter activist denounced an ambitious San Francisco reparations plan as "gaslighting" black people.

Xaviaer DuRousseau, who now works for the conservative organization PragerU, bashed the plan, saying that it was trying to make black Americans reliant on "handouts." DuRousseau said that the plan, which aims to give all eligible black residents a one-time cash sum of $5 million, eliminate all personal debt and tax burdens, and sell residents homes for just $1, is not feasible.

This person has obviously been bought off by white racists!

A free home, release from all debts, and five million dollars per slave desendant is easily affordable by California. The state has many beautiful parks that can be auctioned off to Japanese and Chinese real estate developers.

And it doesn't make the recipients of it dependent on handouts: even at 1% interest a year, that will be $50 000 a year income. Of course, we must demand that all desendants of slaves pay no tax.

Everyone who is not a racist must demand ...FIVE MILLION OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!!!
We cannot allow these people to bully their way into getting obscene amounts of taxpayer money!!
We can and we must.
We must demand that all Blue states follow California's example.
Desendants of slaves living in stingy old Red states must be encouraged
to move quickly to a Blue state, so as to be eligible for the five million.
Inhabitants of Blue states who are not happy with the shakedown, I mean
justified reparations for unpaid labor, can leave and come to a Red state.
$5 million? Each? That is obscene, and irresponsible of any government body across this nation.

I agree with your title. It is gaslighting the black population there, and attempting to normalize the stick your hand out for handouts, gimme mentality that has actually kept many of the black population from the need to strive to take personal responsibility for their situation and achieve to get ahead, that sets them apart from successful black people as well as people of every other successful race and culture.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Patriots and conservatives must support this program to the hilt: every Blue State should be committed to AT LEAST $5 000 000, a free home, etc etc.

And the wonderful thing about doing this, is that it's stealing a weapon invented fifty years ago by the Left, called the Cloward-Piven Strategy (which has helped to destroy Black Ameica). It's just this Strategy, focussed on the Blue States.

More about Cloward-Piven here:
[ Cloward–Piven strategy - fundamentally transforming America | CAIRCO Report - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues research ]
Good point but.... One huge difference... these folks were still alive... their children didn't get a dime only the Japanese Americans that were actually interned received any compensation....

And there were plenty who suffered nearly as much as the internees -- people who lost their jobs and company housing, among other things.

When my husband's family visited relatives in camp, they were envious because the internees had a roof over their head and meat and milk on the table.

They got nothing when time came to see who qualified for reparations.

Good point but.... One huge difference... these folks were still alive... their children didn't get a dime only the Japanese Americans that were actually interned received any compensation....

In 1974, as part of the settlement of a class action lawsuit filed by the NAACP on behalf of study participants and their descendants, the U.S. government paid $10 million ($51.8 million in 2019) and agreed to provide free medical treatment to surviving participants and surviving family members infected as a consequence of the study.

Tuskegee Syphilis Study - Wikipedia

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