Former BLM activist denounces San Francisco reparations plan as 'gaslighting' black people

That's California's problem, and they are welcome to it. I doubt it will impact Jackson, or Clarksville.
What they're doing is establishing a precedent.
Next thing we hear they want to do it down in Nashville.

Want to know what helped the banking collapse of 2006 along?
They started letting blacks or people with really poor credit buy homes they couldn't afford in 2003.
When their mortgages switched from fixed to adjustable rates hundreds of thousands of them walked away from the loans leaving the banks in the lurch.
I was a loan originator after I left the military, and I saw tons of people that made the mistake of filing bankruptcy ruining their credit. It didn't matter if they made $6000/mo. They couldn't buy anything on credit.
In 1974, as part of the settlement of a class action lawsuit filed by the NAACP on behalf of study participants and their descendants, the U.S. government paid $10 million ($51.8 million in 2019) and agreed to provide free medical treatment to surviving participants and surviving family members infected as a consequence of the study.

Tuskegee Syphilis Study - Wikipedia
Tuskegee was a criminal act... that makes it different... slavery was legal and so was interning Japanese Americans....
What they're doing is establishing a precedent.
Next thing we hear they want to do it down in Nashville.

Want to know what helped the banking collapse of 2006 along?
They started letting blacks or people with really poor credit buy homes they couldn't afford in 2003.
When their mortgages switched from fixed to adjustable rates hundreds of thousands of them walked away from the loans leaving the banks in the lurch.
I was a loan originator after I left the military, and I saw tons of people that made the mistake of filing bankruptcy ruining their credit. It didn't matter if they made $6000/mo. They couldn't buy anything on credit.
Nah. Remember they wanted to bring the White supremacists to middle TENN for a demonstration after Charlottesville, and the Governor, legislature and local city officials, shut that crap down before it could happen, with the assholes already on the way in. Out west, they were setting up "autononmous zones" and wanted to in downtown Nashville near the state capital, but again the Bill Lee and the Mayor of Nashville, said "Oh, hell no", and the assholes were run out withing 30-45 minutes of when they were trying to move in and set up. You are aware of how other cities and states have reacted to close ranks and stonewall on police violence, yet even Dem run Memphis, didn't follow the model, came out publicly posting the video, firing the officers, working with community leaders and avoided any rioting whatsoever, and you probably weren't aware of any material movements and personnel activation, as it wasn't public. Stonewall and deal with the riots when they happen may be the most common national model of precedent, but that crap doesn't work, so Memphis went the other way, came out up front and at the same time coordinated with state, early and often. I've written here of my experience down there on Operation Firebird, as part of a 1500 personnel fully armed deployment and me being with the 128 man reactionary force, put on the street, not only armed but ammo up, locked and loaded, and that was with a Dem Mayor, and a crooked Dem pardon selling governor, curfews in place, enforce and nothing more than potshot from striking policemen, that went silent when face with gun jeeps with mounted manned M60s. I've lived in TN since 1972. Bad precedents don't affect us much or fly here. We didn't even handle the crooked governor by traditional means, back then. They swore in Lamar as Governor early, to prevent the outgoing asshole from finishing his crooked scheme in his tracks, and worried about prosecuting him (which they successfully did) later. If Tennessee can prevent bullsht instead of dealing with it when it happens, Tennessee will, and we have the history to prove it. Fk precedent. Welcome to the Great State. Even our Dems are conservative by national standards and always have been.
Tuskegee was a criminal act... that makes it different... slavery was legal and so was interning Japanese Americans....

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's always "different". San Fran doesn't have the money to do this but if they did, no court would overturn it.
Nah. Remember they wanted to bring the White supremacists to middle TENN for a demonstration after Charlottesville, and the Governor, legislature and local city officials, shut that crap down before it could happen, with the assholes already on the way in. Out west, they were setting up "autononmous zones" and wanted to in downtown Nashville near the state capital, but again the Bill Lee and the Mayor of Nashville, said "Oh, hell no", and the assholes were run out withing 30-45 minutes of when they were trying to move in and set up. You are aware of how other cities and states have reacted to close ranks and stonewall on police violence, yet even Dem run Memphis, didn't follow the model, came out publicly posting the video, firing the officers, working with community leaders and avoided any rioting whatsoever, and you probably weren't aware of any material movements and personnel activation, as it wasn't public. Stonewall and deal with the riots when they happen may be the most common national model of precedent, but that crap doesn't work, so Memphis went the other way, came out up front and at the same time coordinated with state, early and often. I've written here of my experience down there on Operation Firebird, as part of a 1500 personnel fully armed deployment and me being with the 128 man reactionary force, put on the street, not only armed but ammo up, locked and loaded, and that was with a Dem Mayor, and a crooked Dem pardon selling governor, curfews in place, enforce and nothing more than potshot from striking policemen, that went silent when face with gun jeeps with mounted manned M60s. I've lived in TN since 1972. Bad precedents don't affect us much or fly here. We didn't even handle the crooked governor by traditional means, back then. They swore in Lamar as Governor early, to prevent the outgoing asshole from finishing his crooked scheme in his tracks, and worried about prosecuting him (which they successfully did) later. If Tennessee can prevent bullsht instead of dealing with it when it happens, Tennessee will, and we have the history to prove it. Fk precedent. Welcome to the Great State. Even our Dems are conservative by national standards and always have been.
I agree....things are different in TN. I've lived here since 91'.
But I lived in CA back in the 70s and 80s and it was a conservative state back them.
Times change.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's always "different". San Fran doesn't have the money to do this but if they did, no court would overturn it.
I don't know but I'm sure someone would sue... its unconstitutional... but nothing would surprise me at this point...
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I agree....things are different in TN. I've lived here since 91'.
But I lived in CA back in the 70s and 80s and it was a conservative state back them.
Times change.
Sorry for the history lesson. Thought you moved here after the Army and thought you left the Army sometime, this century.
And...reparations for being black and incarcerated for drug crimes.

Oh boy, screw those whities who were incarcerated for drug crimes.

A new take on the 14th Amendment.
A Dipshits take on the 14th amendment. Pretty much every time we commission a study on the justice system we find disportionate arrests and sentencing of black drug users. What part of equal protection under the law is that?
A Dipshits take on the 14th amendment. Pretty much every time we commission a study on the justice system we find disportionate arrests and sentencing of black drug users. What part of equal protection under the law is that?
We are talking about reparations, right? :rolleyes-41:
Sorry for the history lesson. Thought you moved here after the Army and thought you left the Army sometime, this century.
I was at Ft Campbell KY starting in the 90s...Ft Bragg for the Q Course before that. I've been living in Clarksville ever since.
Born in MT, went to basic in San Diego in 74', Went to A school at NTC Coronado, was stationed at Pearl Harbor in 75', was PCSed to the Kitty Hawk when it was in drydock in Seattle, and the Kitty Hawk was assigned to North Island Naval Air Station in San Diego and ETSed and lived in San Diego in 79'. Joined the Army in 84' and was assigned to Ft Gordon GA till I went to Germany for 2 years in 86'. Went to SF selection in 88' and went to the Q Course in 89'. Graduated in 90' and did Persian Farse school and was assigned to 5th SF Grp at Ft Campbell KY in 90-94' and retired. I've lived in Clarksville working at TRANE and then went civil service in 2003 - 2020 at Ft Campbell where I retired to take care of my wife who has Dementia. I've been living in Clarksville longer than anywhere including my hometown.
$5 million? Each? That is obscene, and irresponsible of any government body across this nation.

Of course it's gaslighting, or at least lying. How could any city do such a thing? They can't even keep the homeless tents off the sidewalks in San Francisco. They have a totally incapable government and they don't HAVE any such monies.

The Board is just saying, "Wouldn't that be nice!"
I was at Ft Campbell KY starting in the 90s...Ft Bragg for the Q Course before that. I've been living in Clarksville ever since.
Born in MT, went to basic in San Diego in 74', Went to A school at NTC Coronado, was stationed at Pearl Harbor in 75', was PCSed to the Kitty Hawk when it was in drydock in Seattle, and the Kitty Hawk was assigned to North Island Naval Air Station in San Diego and ETSed and lived in San Diego in 79'. Joined the Army in 84' and was assigned to Ft Gordon GA till I went to Germany for 2 years in 86'. Went to SF selection in 88' and went to the Q Course in 89'. Graduated in 90' and did Persian Farse school and was assigned to 5th SF Grp at Ft Campbell KY in 90-94' and retired. I've lived in Clarksville working at TRANE and then went civil service in 2003 - 2020 at Ft Campbell where I retired to take care of my wife who has Dementia. I've been living in Clarksville longer than anywhere including my hometown.
/——/ Thank you for your service. I don’t get why one would go from the Navy to the Army.
/——/ Thank you for your service. I don’t get why one would go from the Navy to the Army.
I joined the Navy in 74' when I turned 18 with a buddy of mine. I hated the Navy. Liked seeing the world because I went on two WesPac tours. Became a Shellback during the first tour down around Singapore.
I got out after 5 years and went to college in San Diego...couldn't find a job because of the economy and joined the Army when Reagan was POTUS. I've been thru Jimmy Carter's administration both as a Hole Snipe in the Navy and a civilian....and we're going thru worse today.

It's amazing how fast Biden screwed up the economy.
I liked the Army a lot. Kind of miss it. Don't miss the deployments. They used to pay us separation pay. Some guys would get $8000 when they came back from deployment. I know a guy that bought a new Corvette back when they were $19,000.00 when he came back from Brightstar in Egypt.
They changed all of that in the 90s. Called it TDY and took away our separate rations. Gave us hostile-fire pay instead when I went to Kuwait.
I spent most of 93' in Somalia and Kenya.
I was at Ft Campbell KY starting in the 90s...Ft Bragg for the Q Course before that. I've been living in Clarksville ever since.
Born in MT, went to basic in San Diego in 74', Went to A school at NTC Coronado, was stationed at Pearl Harbor in 75', was PCSed to the Kitty Hawk when it was in drydock in Seattle, and the Kitty Hawk was assigned to North Island Naval Air Station in San Diego and ETSed and lived in San Diego in 79'. Joined the Army in 84' and was assigned to Ft Gordon GA till I went to Germany for 2 years in 86'. Went to SF selection in 88' and went to the Q Course in 89'. Graduated in 90' and did Persian Farse school and was assigned to 5th SF Grp at Ft Campbell KY in 90-94' and retired. I've lived in Clarksville working at TRANE and then went civil service in 2003 - 2020 at Ft Campbell where I retired to take care of my wife who has Dementia. I've been living in Clarksville longer than anywhere including my hometown.
You been around. Nice career.
We are talking about reparations, right? :rolleyes-41:
You're the clown who brought up reparations in terms of drug crime. It's not my fault you were too much of a Dipshit to recognize the disparities of convictions and sentencing. If it can be shown that one set of people were treated more harshly for the same crime why shouldn't that disparity be addressed and compensated for?
Tuskegee was a criminal act... that makes it different... slavery was legal and so was interning Japanese Americans....

What really impressed me about the Americans of Japanese descent was how graciously they forgave the government that incarcerated them for their genetics, took their freedom and all of their worldly goods, and then went on to rebuild their lives and be wonderful American Citizens, not thieving, whoring, murderous hood rats.

My husband and his parents were among some of the most patriotic Americans I ever knew.

And for their loyalty, some of them were repaid a whole $20K.

This person has obviously been bought off by white racists!

A free home, release from all debts, and five million dollars per slave desendant is easily affordable by California. The state has many beautiful parks that can be auctioned off to Japanese and Chinese real estate developers.

And it doesn't make the recipients of it dependent on handouts: even at 1% interest a year, that will be $50 000 a year income. Of course, we must demand that all desendants of slaves pay no tax.

Everyone who is not a racist must demand ...FIVE MILLION OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!!!

Alex, I’ll take consequences for 500

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