Former Bush ethics czar says FBI uncovering evidence of ‘treason’

These snowflake meltdown threads keep getting more and more bizarre.. Nunes cut the last thread to all of the left wing lies. There is no evidence of any collusion. While they conveniently ignore their own who are leaking classified information which violates the US Constitution and our God given rights, which is TREASON..

But continue your melt down, its amusing.
So the little whore knows more than the FBI investigators. I am not surprised since you said long ago that you couldnt care about anything Trump would screw up
Straight to name calling... Nice to see the admission of loosing..
So this guy believes the FBI has evidence of treason when comey just testified under oath that there is no evidence?
No, honey, that is your interpretation of those dots, which rather skews them.
Treason by who...
Well, its Truemp who is being investigated, so connect the dots, Herman
How simple is that article to understand. Rump is in a shitload of trouble

Don't hold your breath waiting for it to happen genius.
Like you have a fucking clue as to what is happening. Treason is a very serious charge.

It's also difficult to prove. More so when you can't articulate what was done to commit it.
There is treason - at the FBI.

The FBI NY office was in building 7. Was it demo-ed, or did it fall on its own from 911 "damage?"

So why should we belief this guy has a better idea about what the FBI has than Comey does? Does he work with the FBI in any way?
Treason? Fafke News Alt Right resposne:

If a former Bush lawyer is us ing the word "treason", its got to be very serious.

Maybe, just maybe, if you keep repeating it over and over, it will magically become true!
The feebs know who and what is what and who, including you, I am sure.

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