Former CIA Director Michael Hayden alarmed by Trump trashing intelligence community


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
He was interviewed on MSNBC by Nicole Wallace tonight. He says that American security agencies and allies who also contribute intelligence may slack off since Trump doesn't seem to value their input. That puts America at much greater risk.
He was interviewed on MSNBC by Nicole Wallace tonight. He says that American security agencies and allies who also contribute intelligence may slack off since Trump doesn't seem to value their input. That puts America at much greater risk.

Funny...I've been saying the same thing here... but no one think it's a legit argument to make.
Trump cannot support the CIA because it would delegitimize his presidency before it begins.

Amen! That is exactly why he can't/won't accept their intelligence as fact - because it contradicts what his EGO must believe. He will be an illegitimate president - and his EGO can't accept that fact.
Clapper is a proven liar. And ditto the CIA. What's Hayden's problem with skepticism?
It is clear that Trump will not publically accept the intelligence reports about Russia's interference in America's presidential election. Perhaps he will come right out with declaring his agreement with the Russians. What a way to start a presidency!
Clapper should have been charged with perjury because he lied under oath.
Trump cannot support the CIA because it would delegitimize his presidency before it begins.

The same CIA that wrote the talking points for Susan Rice to explain that it was a video that caused the debacle at Benghazi?

Who the hell would trust anyone who was involved in that?
Clapper is a proven liar. And ditto the CIA. What's Hayden's problem with skepticism?

Are all the intel chiefs lying? I don't think so.

I've seen no proof or evidence of anyone telling the truth. Skepticism is healthy. Considering these are the same agencies that advised Bush that Saddam had WMD's.

Well, Bush had been planning to invade Iraq long before 9/11 - so WMDs were irrelevant to him.

The Downing Street Memo :: What is it?
Russian officials celebrated Trump win
US officials said the festive reaction by Russian officials — some of whom the US believes knew of the hacking campaign — contributed to the assessent that the cyber breaches were aimed at helping Trump win
US agencies said to identify parties who gave hacked emails to Wikileaks
I guess if Trump does not want to listen to American intelligence agencies he can always get briefed by the military intelligence service of Russia (GRU).
Trump has more loyalty to dictator Putin than he does the men and women serving this country in the CIA. Absolutely pathetic and scary at the same time.
He was interviewed on MSNBC by Nicole Wallace tonight. He says that American security agencies and allies who also contribute intelligence may slack off since Trump doesn't seem to value their input. That puts America at much greater risk.

How can it put the US at much greater risk? The Intelligence Agencies haven't prevented one single terrorist attack. Even when given the names of the Boston Bombers months before the attack happened, they didn't prevent one single attack. They haven't even pulled a Maxwell Smart and prevented one by accident.

Seriously, if you're going to paint gloom and doom scenarios, telling me that the Intel Agencies are going to keep on watching porn instead of doing their jobs isn't exactly a way to tell me how important they are.

Government employees say they're only watching porn at work because they're bored

Oh my, what if they watch less porn, and actually take the names of terrorists they're given, and find the baddies? Oh my lord. What a crazy idea. Strange, usually Liberals are opposed to Porn since it objectifies women and treats them in a degrading manner. I guess that is the old Democratic Liberal way of thinking. Now, we have to make sure there are a lot of Intelligence people watching porn to keep us safe, or something.
Trump cannot support the CIA because it would delegitimize his presidency before it begins.

Amen! That is exactly why he can't/won't accept their intelligence as fact - because it contradicts what his EGO must believe. He will be an illegitimate president - and his EGO can't accept that fact.
Ya this issue is so important to you I bet you voted for Romney.
"Former CIA Director Michael Hayden alarmed by Trump trashing intelligence community"

He ain't the only one.
"Former CIA Director Michael Hayden alarmed by Trump trashing intelligence community"

He ain't the only one.

I agree. Nothing stellar about our intelligence community.

And to support that claim you have access to the body of projects our IC have undertaken over the past "how many" years?

I can't say if the USIC is stellar or not. I'm not privy to enough of what they've done.

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