Former CIA Director Michael Hayden alarmed by Trump trashing intelligence community

He was interviewed on MSNBC by Nicole Wallace tonight. He says that American security agencies and allies who also contribute intelligence may slack off since Trump doesn't seem to value their input. That puts America at much greater risk.
Intelligence community. Funny. Imagine anyone being skeptical of a community of professional liars.

Who do you credit for keeping your NaziCon ass safe?
Trump wants the same CIA that Bush had

Tell them the intelligence you want and keep sending them back until they bring the message you want to hear

If you say so dumbass.

Bush (Cheney really) had a relationship with the CIA where he expected them to provide intelligence that would support his Iraq invasion plans

Initially he wanted the CIA to link Saddam to 9-11
When that failed, he wanted the CIA to back his WMD claims

Trump seems to be headed down the same path. The CIA must provide him with the intelligence to back his agenda. Right now, Russia feeding Wikileaks does not fit his agenda

Not to mention, how much money did Cheney make off of the war himself? He made a shit ton of money with Halliburton.

How much money will Trump make off of Russia?

What I don't understand is, Trump says he wants to get all these better trade deals with all these other countries... but he wants to help build better trade relations with Russia. Shouldn't that set off some alarm signals?

What is there to say? Maybe the deaf dumb and blind Trumpkins play a mean pinball. They can't hear no buzzers and bells, don't see no lights a-flashin'; they just play by sense of smell. Bless their hearts.

Trump's affinity for "all things Russian" smells so bad it'd knock a dog off a gut truck.

That pretty well tells you where to look and what to look for....But that's long been the issue with the Trumpkins. They can't put two ideas in a slingshot and hit the broad side of a barn with 'em.
He was interviewed on MSNBC by Nicole Wallace tonight. He says that American security agencies and allies who also contribute intelligence may slack off since Trump doesn't seem to value their input. That puts America at much greater risk.

Funny...I've been saying the same thing here... but no one think it's a legit argument to make.
Cuz they're acting stupid to make Trump seem reasonable. Don't worry--he's begun to backpedal, and soon they will rejoin the sane.
Trump sane???
Trump cannot support the CIA because it would delegitimize his presidency before it begins.

Trump wants the same CIA that Bush had

Tell them the intelligence you want and keep sending them back until they bring the message you want to hear

If you say so dumbass.

Bush (Cheney really) had a relationship with the CIA where he expected them to provide intelligence that would support his Iraq invasion plans

Initially he wanted the CIA to link Saddam to 9-11
When that failed, he wanted the CIA to back his WMD claims

Trump seems to be headed down the same path. The CIA must provide him with the intelligence to back his agenda. Right now, Russia feeding Wikileaks does not fit his agenda

You kinda sorta forgot the fact that EVERY major intelligence network in the world thought Saddam had WMDs.

As for Trump and the CIA? Its a long stretch by you to think he will browbeat them into anything.

Of course your socialist ass is just hoping Trump does just that so you can justify your horse shit of a post.

Unlike you I hope he succeeds with the things he wants to do and America prospers.
We already know that Trump will not attempt to browbeat the CIA; he simply ignores them.
How can it put the US at much greater risk? The Intelligence Agencies haven't prevented one single terrorist attack. ...

We are privy to what they've failed at. Mainly they've failed to stop one terrorist attack even when they are given the names of the baddies.

Dude, did you write that in a fever? I can't believe you had the nerve to put up your ignorant, ill inspired opinion as though it is fact. That you made the same dumbass remark twice lays bare the profound anti-intellectualism and incuriosity that leaves you bereft of the self respect anyone having so much as one oar in the water might display by at least being embarrassed after having said it the first time.
  • Fifty Terror Plots Foiled Since 9/11: The Homegrown Threat and the Long War on Terrorism
    1. Richard Reid—December 2001
    2. Jose Padilla—May 2002
    3. Lackawanna Six—September 2002
    4. Uzair and Saifullah Paracha—March 2003
    5. Iyman Faris—May 2003
    6. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali—June 2003
    7. Virginia Jihad Network—June 2003
    8. Nuradin M. Abdi—November 2003
    9. Dhiren Barot—August 2004
    10. James Elshafay and Shahawar Matin Siraj—August 2004
    11. Yassin Aref and Mohammad Hossain—August 2004
    12. Hamid Hayat—June 2005
    13. Levar Haley Washington, Gregory Vernon Patterson, Hammad Riaz Samana, and Kevin James—August 2005
    14. Michael C. Reynolds—December 2005
    15. Mohammad Zaki Amawi, Marwan Othman El-Hindi, and Zand Wassim Mazloum—February 2006
    16. Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee—April 2006
    17. Narseal Batiste, Patrick Abraham, Stanley Grant Phanor, Naudimar Herrera, Burson Augustin, Lyglenson Lemorin, and Rotschild Augustine—June 2006
    18. Assem Hammoud—July 2006
    19. Liquid Explosives Plot—August 2006
    20. Derrick Shareef—December 2006
    21. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—March 2007
    22. Fort Dix Plot—May 2007
    23. JFK Airport Plot—June 2007
    24. Hassan Abujihaad—March 2008
    25. Christopher Paul—June 2008
    26. Bryant Neal Vinas—November 2008
    27. Synagogue Terror Plot—May 2009
    28. Raleigh Jihad Group—July 2009
    29. Najibullah Zazi—September 2009
    30. Hosam Maher Husein Smadi —September 2009
    31. Michael Finton —September 2009
    32. Tarek Mehanna and Ahmad Abousamra—October 2009
    33. The Christmas Day Bomber—2009
    34. Raja Lahrasib Khan—March 2010
    35. Faisal Shahzad—May 2010
    36. Paul G. Rockwood, Jr., and Nadia Piroska Maria Rockwood—July 2010
    37. Farooque Ahmed—October 2010
    38. Air Cargo Bomb Plot—October 2010
    39. Mohamed Osman Mohamud—November 2010
    40. Antonio Martinez—December 2010
    41. Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari—February 2011
    42. Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh—May 2011
    43. Yonathan Melaku—June 2011
    44. Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh—June 2011
    45. Emerson Winfield Begolly—August 2011
    46. Rezwan Ferdaus—September 2011
    47. Iranian Terror Plot -October 2011
    48. Jose Pimentel -November 2011
    49. Sami Osmakac—January 2012
    50. Amine El Khalifi—February 2012
And just in case your lazy ass three gallons of stupid in a two gallon bucket needs a damned picture...


The fact of the matter is that the list above is old and has grown to at least 60 since that tabulation was compiled.



So the next time an idea crosses your mind, go get some information about it so it won't die of loneliness.

Thank you for confirming what I said. The CIA and intelligence agencies have stopped none of those. Zero. This isn't even debated anymore. It's an accepted truth, unless you are one of those nutters who thinks that Jason Bourne like agents are out there doing the good job and stopping evil organizations. I know, they stopped one domestic terrorists called "Help America Live Free And Stay Strong". Yes, the notional Jack Ryan type somehow stopped HALFASS from carrying out their evil plan.

Here is one of your thwarted attacks. The FBI was notified when a Synagogue and the KKK called to report the loonies who wanted to have a X-Ray death ray weapon powered by a cigarette lighter in a van kill Obama. FBI Foils Plot to Build X-Ray Weapon

The CIA didn't know jack shit until the FBI called them. The NSA was busy watching porn on those HD screens they have at our expense.

Enhanced Interrogation thwarted jack shit. CIA claims 'torture' techniques stopped 9/11-style attack on London | Daily Mail Online

Sure they've stopped terrorist attacks. You can take their word for it. Of course, the actual information is classified, and you'll just have to trust them. Claim on “Attacks Thwarted” by NSA Spreads Despite Lack of Evidence

Why even the White House admits that they stopped no terrorist attacks. NSA program stopped no terror attacks, says White House panel member - NBC News

A member of the White House review panel on NSA surveillance said he was “absolutely” surprised when he discovered the agency’s lack of evidence that the bulk collection of telephone call records had thwarted any terrorist attacks.

“It was, ‘Huh, hello? What are we doing here?’” said Geoffrey Stone, a University of Chicago law professor, in an interview with NBC News. “The results were very thin.”

While Stone said the mass collection of telephone call records was a “logical program” from the NSA’s perspective, one question the White House panel was seeking to answer was whether it had actually stopped “any [terror attacks] that might have been really big.”

“We found none,” said Stone.

We found none he says. NONE. I guess they didn't read the Heritage Foundation's excellent report with bright colorful graphs and all that sort of thing. Or perhaps he wasn't distracted by the shiny object in the corner.

So observant regular people, and tips called into the FBI are the basis of your faith in the CIA which had diddly squat to do with those.

2010 Times Square car bombing attempt - Wikipedia

Let me guess, the CIA agents were disguised as Street Venders right? Perhaps the NSA arranged for the phone call reporting it to get routed faster. Oh wait, they walked up to a cop and told him. Well the NSA and CIA probably arranged for the street lights to make the meeting more immediate.
How can it put the US at much greater risk? The Intelligence Agencies haven't prevented one single terrorist attack. ...

We are privy to what they've failed at. Mainly they've failed to stop one terrorist attack even when they are given the names of the baddies.

Dude, did you write that in a fever? I can't believe you had the nerve to put up your ignorant, ill inspired opinion as though it is fact. That you made the same dumbass remark twice lays bare the profound anti-intellectualism and incuriosity that leaves you bereft of the self respect anyone having so much as one oar in the water might display by at least being embarrassed after having said it the first time.
  • Fifty Terror Plots Foiled Since 9/11: The Homegrown Threat and the Long War on Terrorism
    1. Richard Reid—December 2001
    2. Jose Padilla—May 2002
    3. Lackawanna Six—September 2002
    4. Uzair and Saifullah Paracha—March 2003
    5. Iyman Faris—May 2003
    6. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali—June 2003
    7. Virginia Jihad Network—June 2003
    8. Nuradin M. Abdi—November 2003
    9. Dhiren Barot—August 2004
    10. James Elshafay and Shahawar Matin Siraj—August 2004
    11. Yassin Aref and Mohammad Hossain—August 2004
    12. Hamid Hayat—June 2005
    13. Levar Haley Washington, Gregory Vernon Patterson, Hammad Riaz Samana, and Kevin James—August 2005
    14. Michael C. Reynolds—December 2005
    15. Mohammad Zaki Amawi, Marwan Othman El-Hindi, and Zand Wassim Mazloum—February 2006
    16. Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee—April 2006
    17. Narseal Batiste, Patrick Abraham, Stanley Grant Phanor, Naudimar Herrera, Burson Augustin, Lyglenson Lemorin, and Rotschild Augustine—June 2006
    18. Assem Hammoud—July 2006
    19. Liquid Explosives Plot—August 2006
    20. Derrick Shareef—December 2006
    21. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—March 2007
    22. Fort Dix Plot—May 2007
    23. JFK Airport Plot—June 2007
    24. Hassan Abujihaad—March 2008
    25. Christopher Paul—June 2008
    26. Bryant Neal Vinas—November 2008
    27. Synagogue Terror Plot—May 2009
    28. Raleigh Jihad Group—July 2009
    29. Najibullah Zazi—September 2009
    30. Hosam Maher Husein Smadi —September 2009
    31. Michael Finton —September 2009
    32. Tarek Mehanna and Ahmad Abousamra—October 2009
    33. The Christmas Day Bomber—2009
    34. Raja Lahrasib Khan—March 2010
    35. Faisal Shahzad—May 2010
    36. Paul G. Rockwood, Jr., and Nadia Piroska Maria Rockwood—July 2010
    37. Farooque Ahmed—October 2010
    38. Air Cargo Bomb Plot—October 2010
    39. Mohamed Osman Mohamud—November 2010
    40. Antonio Martinez—December 2010
    41. Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari—February 2011
    42. Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh—May 2011
    43. Yonathan Melaku—June 2011
    44. Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh—June 2011
    45. Emerson Winfield Begolly—August 2011
    46. Rezwan Ferdaus—September 2011
    47. Iranian Terror Plot -October 2011
    48. Jose Pimentel -November 2011
    49. Sami Osmakac—January 2012
    50. Amine El Khalifi—February 2012
And just in case your lazy ass three gallons of stupid in a two gallon bucket needs a damned picture...


The fact of the matter is that the list above is old and has grown to at least 60 since that tabulation was compiled.



So the next time an idea crosses your mind, go get some information about it so it won't die of loneliness.

Thank you for confirming what I said. The CIA and intelligence agencies have stopped none of those. Zero. ....

Oh, Lawd. You're dumber 'an I thought you were. Please forgive my overestimating you.
How can it put the US at much greater risk? The Intelligence Agencies haven't prevented one single terrorist attack. ...

We are privy to what they've failed at. Mainly they've failed to stop one terrorist attack even when they are given the names of the baddies.

Dude, did you write that in a fever? I can't believe you had the nerve to put up your ignorant, ill inspired opinion as though it is fact. That you made the same dumbass remark twice lays bare the profound anti-intellectualism and incuriosity that leaves you bereft of the self respect anyone having so much as one oar in the water might display by at least being embarrassed after having said it the first time.
  • Fifty Terror Plots Foiled Since 9/11: The Homegrown Threat and the Long War on Terrorism
    1. Richard Reid—December 2001
    2. Jose Padilla—May 2002
    3. Lackawanna Six—September 2002
    4. Uzair and Saifullah Paracha—March 2003
    5. Iyman Faris—May 2003
    6. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali—June 2003
    7. Virginia Jihad Network—June 2003
    8. Nuradin M. Abdi—November 2003
    9. Dhiren Barot—August 2004
    10. James Elshafay and Shahawar Matin Siraj—August 2004
    11. Yassin Aref and Mohammad Hossain—August 2004
    12. Hamid Hayat—June 2005
    13. Levar Haley Washington, Gregory Vernon Patterson, Hammad Riaz Samana, and Kevin James—August 2005
    14. Michael C. Reynolds—December 2005
    15. Mohammad Zaki Amawi, Marwan Othman El-Hindi, and Zand Wassim Mazloum—February 2006
    16. Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee—April 2006
    17. Narseal Batiste, Patrick Abraham, Stanley Grant Phanor, Naudimar Herrera, Burson Augustin, Lyglenson Lemorin, and Rotschild Augustine—June 2006
    18. Assem Hammoud—July 2006
    19. Liquid Explosives Plot—August 2006
    20. Derrick Shareef—December 2006
    21. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—March 2007
    22. Fort Dix Plot—May 2007
    23. JFK Airport Plot—June 2007
    24. Hassan Abujihaad—March 2008
    25. Christopher Paul—June 2008
    26. Bryant Neal Vinas—November 2008
    27. Synagogue Terror Plot—May 2009
    28. Raleigh Jihad Group—July 2009
    29. Najibullah Zazi—September 2009
    30. Hosam Maher Husein Smadi —September 2009
    31. Michael Finton —September 2009
    32. Tarek Mehanna and Ahmad Abousamra—October 2009
    33. The Christmas Day Bomber—2009
    34. Raja Lahrasib Khan—March 2010
    35. Faisal Shahzad—May 2010
    36. Paul G. Rockwood, Jr., and Nadia Piroska Maria Rockwood—July 2010
    37. Farooque Ahmed—October 2010
    38. Air Cargo Bomb Plot—October 2010
    39. Mohamed Osman Mohamud—November 2010
    40. Antonio Martinez—December 2010
    41. Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari—February 2011
    42. Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh—May 2011
    43. Yonathan Melaku—June 2011
    44. Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh—June 2011
    45. Emerson Winfield Begolly—August 2011
    46. Rezwan Ferdaus—September 2011
    47. Iranian Terror Plot -October 2011
    48. Jose Pimentel -November 2011
    49. Sami Osmakac—January 2012
    50. Amine El Khalifi—February 2012
And just in case your lazy ass three gallons of stupid in a two gallon bucket needs a damned picture...


The fact of the matter is that the list above is old and has grown to at least 60 since that tabulation was compiled.



So the next time an idea crosses your mind, go get some information about it so it won't die of loneliness.

Thank you for confirming what I said. The CIA and intelligence agencies have stopped none of those. Zero. ....

Oh, Lawd. You're dumber 'an I thought you were. Please forgive my overestimating you.

If you consider local police as members of an intelligence agency then my statement would be false. However doing so would stretch the definition of intelligence agency to unrecognizable limits don't you think?

The FBI and CIA never once examined the servers that were hacked.

Hmmm: FBI, CIA never examined DNC servers? - Hot Air

Frankly we would be better served to replace the intelligence agencies with a magic 8 ball.

Sent from my iPhone using
How can it put the US at much greater risk? The Intelligence Agencies haven't prevented one single terrorist attack. ...

We are privy to what they've failed at. Mainly they've failed to stop one terrorist attack even when they are given the names of the baddies.

Dude, did you write that in a fever? I can't believe you had the nerve to put up your ignorant, ill inspired opinion as though it is fact. That you made the same dumbass remark twice lays bare the profound anti-intellectualism and incuriosity that leaves you bereft of the self respect anyone having so much as one oar in the water might display by at least being embarrassed after having said it the first time.
  • Fifty Terror Plots Foiled Since 9/11: The Homegrown Threat and the Long War on Terrorism
    1. Richard Reid—December 2001
    2. Jose Padilla—May 2002
    3. Lackawanna Six—September 2002
    4. Uzair and Saifullah Paracha—March 2003
    5. Iyman Faris—May 2003
    6. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali—June 2003
    7. Virginia Jihad Network—June 2003
    8. Nuradin M. Abdi—November 2003
    9. Dhiren Barot—August 2004
    10. James Elshafay and Shahawar Matin Siraj—August 2004
    11. Yassin Aref and Mohammad Hossain—August 2004
    12. Hamid Hayat—June 2005
    13. Levar Haley Washington, Gregory Vernon Patterson, Hammad Riaz Samana, and Kevin James—August 2005
    14. Michael C. Reynolds—December 2005
    15. Mohammad Zaki Amawi, Marwan Othman El-Hindi, and Zand Wassim Mazloum—February 2006
    16. Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee—April 2006
    17. Narseal Batiste, Patrick Abraham, Stanley Grant Phanor, Naudimar Herrera, Burson Augustin, Lyglenson Lemorin, and Rotschild Augustine—June 2006
    18. Assem Hammoud—July 2006
    19. Liquid Explosives Plot—August 2006
    20. Derrick Shareef—December 2006
    21. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—March 2007
    22. Fort Dix Plot—May 2007
    23. JFK Airport Plot—June 2007
    24. Hassan Abujihaad—March 2008
    25. Christopher Paul—June 2008
    26. Bryant Neal Vinas—November 2008
    27. Synagogue Terror Plot—May 2009
    28. Raleigh Jihad Group—July 2009
    29. Najibullah Zazi—September 2009
    30. Hosam Maher Husein Smadi —September 2009
    31. Michael Finton —September 2009
    32. Tarek Mehanna and Ahmad Abousamra—October 2009
    33. The Christmas Day Bomber—2009
    34. Raja Lahrasib Khan—March 2010
    35. Faisal Shahzad—May 2010
    36. Paul G. Rockwood, Jr., and Nadia Piroska Maria Rockwood—July 2010
    37. Farooque Ahmed—October 2010
    38. Air Cargo Bomb Plot—October 2010
    39. Mohamed Osman Mohamud—November 2010
    40. Antonio Martinez—December 2010
    41. Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari—February 2011
    42. Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh—May 2011
    43. Yonathan Melaku—June 2011
    44. Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh—June 2011
    45. Emerson Winfield Begolly—August 2011
    46. Rezwan Ferdaus—September 2011
    47. Iranian Terror Plot -October 2011
    48. Jose Pimentel -November 2011
    49. Sami Osmakac—January 2012
    50. Amine El Khalifi—February 2012
And just in case your lazy ass three gallons of stupid in a two gallon bucket needs a damned picture...


The fact of the matter is that the list above is old and has grown to at least 60 since that tabulation was compiled.



So the next time an idea crosses your mind, go get some information about it so it won't die of loneliness.

Thank you for confirming what I said. The CIA and intelligence agencies have stopped none of those. Zero. ....

Oh, Lawd. You're dumber 'an I thought you were. Please forgive my overestimating you.

If you consider local police as members of an intelligence agency then my statement would be false. However doing so would stretch the definition of intelligence agency to unrecognizable limits don't you think?

The FBI and CIA never once examined the servers that were hacked.

Hmmm: FBI, CIA never examined DNC servers? - Hot Air

Frankly we would be better served to replace the intelligence agencies with a magic 8 ball.

Sent from my iPhone using

Oh, just shut up now while you still have shred of dignity to hold on to.
How can it put the US at much greater risk? The Intelligence Agencies haven't prevented one single terrorist attack. ...

We are privy to what they've failed at. Mainly they've failed to stop one terrorist attack even when they are given the names of the baddies.

Dude, did you write that in a fever? I can't believe you had the nerve to put up your ignorant, ill inspired opinion as though it is fact. That you made the same dumbass remark twice lays bare the profound anti-intellectualism and incuriosity that leaves you bereft of the self respect anyone having so much as one oar in the water might display by at least being embarrassed after having said it the first time.
  • Fifty Terror Plots Foiled Since 9/11: The Homegrown Threat and the Long War on Terrorism
    1. Richard Reid—December 2001
    2. Jose Padilla—May 2002
    3. Lackawanna Six—September 2002
    4. Uzair and Saifullah Paracha—March 2003
    5. Iyman Faris—May 2003
    6. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali—June 2003
    7. Virginia Jihad Network—June 2003
    8. Nuradin M. Abdi—November 2003
    9. Dhiren Barot—August 2004
    10. James Elshafay and Shahawar Matin Siraj—August 2004
    11. Yassin Aref and Mohammad Hossain—August 2004
    12. Hamid Hayat—June 2005
    13. Levar Haley Washington, Gregory Vernon Patterson, Hammad Riaz Samana, and Kevin James—August 2005
    14. Michael C. Reynolds—December 2005
    15. Mohammad Zaki Amawi, Marwan Othman El-Hindi, and Zand Wassim Mazloum—February 2006
    16. Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee—April 2006
    17. Narseal Batiste, Patrick Abraham, Stanley Grant Phanor, Naudimar Herrera, Burson Augustin, Lyglenson Lemorin, and Rotschild Augustine—June 2006
    18. Assem Hammoud—July 2006
    19. Liquid Explosives Plot—August 2006
    20. Derrick Shareef—December 2006
    21. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—March 2007
    22. Fort Dix Plot—May 2007
    23. JFK Airport Plot—June 2007
    24. Hassan Abujihaad—March 2008
    25. Christopher Paul—June 2008
    26. Bryant Neal Vinas—November 2008
    27. Synagogue Terror Plot—May 2009
    28. Raleigh Jihad Group—July 2009
    29. Najibullah Zazi—September 2009
    30. Hosam Maher Husein Smadi —September 2009
    31. Michael Finton —September 2009
    32. Tarek Mehanna and Ahmad Abousamra—October 2009
    33. The Christmas Day Bomber—2009
    34. Raja Lahrasib Khan—March 2010
    35. Faisal Shahzad—May 2010
    36. Paul G. Rockwood, Jr., and Nadia Piroska Maria Rockwood—July 2010
    37. Farooque Ahmed—October 2010
    38. Air Cargo Bomb Plot—October 2010
    39. Mohamed Osman Mohamud—November 2010
    40. Antonio Martinez—December 2010
    41. Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari—February 2011
    42. Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh—May 2011
    43. Yonathan Melaku—June 2011
    44. Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh—June 2011
    45. Emerson Winfield Begolly—August 2011
    46. Rezwan Ferdaus—September 2011
    47. Iranian Terror Plot -October 2011
    48. Jose Pimentel -November 2011
    49. Sami Osmakac—January 2012
    50. Amine El Khalifi—February 2012
And just in case your lazy ass three gallons of stupid in a two gallon bucket needs a damned picture...


The fact of the matter is that the list above is old and has grown to at least 60 since that tabulation was compiled.



So the next time an idea crosses your mind, go get some information about it so it won't die of loneliness.

Thank you for confirming what I said. The CIA and intelligence agencies have stopped none of those. Zero. ....

Oh, Lawd. You're dumber 'an I thought you were. Please forgive my overestimating you.

If you consider local police as members of an intelligence agency then my statement would be false. However doing so would stretch the definition of intelligence agency to unrecognizable limits don't you think?

The FBI and CIA never once examined the servers that were hacked.

Hmmm: FBI, CIA never examined DNC servers? - Hot Air

Frankly we would be better served to replace the intelligence agencies with a magic 8 ball.

Sent from my iPhone using

Oh, just shut up now while you still have shred of dignity to hold on to.

Ok. I've read your report from the Heritage Foundation. Nothing you have posted contradicts my statement that the Intelligence Agencies have not prevented one terrorist attack.

I've posted links which you ignore. I've posted more links and again you ignore them. The vague insinuation that you have the inside scoop is classy. Almost classy anyway.

There is no argument that the Russians told us about the Boston Bombers two full years before they struck. The FBI claims the Russians held back vital information. Apparently the Russians thought the Americans were at least half as effective in reality as they are in cinema.

There is no argument that the X-ray death ray was the result of a tip to the FBI by a Synagogue and other KKK members.

These facts are undeniable. Unless you are person who accepts the claims of the various intelligence agency types at face value.

All your report from the Heritage Foundation does is take these same discredited claims and put some colorful graphs in.

My own experience with intelligence types proves the truth of my earlier joke. Their motto is We bet your life. If I was the President they would deliver their briefings while wearing a clown suit complete with big nose that honked.

So to summarize since I believe that we are at an impasse. You have faith in the CIA and the rest of the so called intelligence types and I have none. Your faith is based upon discredited claims contained in a report. Mine is based upon personal experience and years of watching them screw up royally.

I will close with Robert Selden Lady and wish you a good day. I'd provide links but you wouldn't read them.

Sent from my iPhone using
How can it put the US at much greater risk? The Intelligence Agencies haven't prevented one single terrorist attack. ...

We are privy to what they've failed at. Mainly they've failed to stop one terrorist attack even when they are given the names of the baddies.

Dude, did you write that in a fever? I can't believe you had the nerve to put up your ignorant, ill inspired opinion as though it is fact. That you made the same dumbass remark twice lays bare the profound anti-intellectualism and incuriosity that leaves you bereft of the self respect anyone having so much as one oar in the water might display by at least being embarrassed after having said it the first time.
  • Fifty Terror Plots Foiled Since 9/11: The Homegrown Threat and the Long War on Terrorism
    1. Richard Reid—December 2001
    2. Jose Padilla—May 2002
    3. Lackawanna Six—September 2002
    4. Uzair and Saifullah Paracha—March 2003
    5. Iyman Faris—May 2003
    6. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali—June 2003
    7. Virginia Jihad Network—June 2003
    8. Nuradin M. Abdi—November 2003
    9. Dhiren Barot—August 2004
    10. James Elshafay and Shahawar Matin Siraj—August 2004
    11. Yassin Aref and Mohammad Hossain—August 2004
    12. Hamid Hayat—June 2005
    13. Levar Haley Washington, Gregory Vernon Patterson, Hammad Riaz Samana, and Kevin James—August 2005
    14. Michael C. Reynolds—December 2005
    15. Mohammad Zaki Amawi, Marwan Othman El-Hindi, and Zand Wassim Mazloum—February 2006
    16. Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee—April 2006
    17. Narseal Batiste, Patrick Abraham, Stanley Grant Phanor, Naudimar Herrera, Burson Augustin, Lyglenson Lemorin, and Rotschild Augustine—June 2006
    18. Assem Hammoud—July 2006
    19. Liquid Explosives Plot—August 2006
    20. Derrick Shareef—December 2006
    21. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—March 2007
    22. Fort Dix Plot—May 2007
    23. JFK Airport Plot—June 2007
    24. Hassan Abujihaad—March 2008
    25. Christopher Paul—June 2008
    26. Bryant Neal Vinas—November 2008
    27. Synagogue Terror Plot—May 2009
    28. Raleigh Jihad Group—July 2009
    29. Najibullah Zazi—September 2009
    30. Hosam Maher Husein Smadi —September 2009
    31. Michael Finton —September 2009
    32. Tarek Mehanna and Ahmad Abousamra—October 2009
    33. The Christmas Day Bomber—2009
    34. Raja Lahrasib Khan—March 2010
    35. Faisal Shahzad—May 2010
    36. Paul G. Rockwood, Jr., and Nadia Piroska Maria Rockwood—July 2010
    37. Farooque Ahmed—October 2010
    38. Air Cargo Bomb Plot—October 2010
    39. Mohamed Osman Mohamud—November 2010
    40. Antonio Martinez—December 2010
    41. Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari—February 2011
    42. Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh—May 2011
    43. Yonathan Melaku—June 2011
    44. Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh—June 2011
    45. Emerson Winfield Begolly—August 2011
    46. Rezwan Ferdaus—September 2011
    47. Iranian Terror Plot -October 2011
    48. Jose Pimentel -November 2011
    49. Sami Osmakac—January 2012
    50. Amine El Khalifi—February 2012
And just in case your lazy ass three gallons of stupid in a two gallon bucket needs a damned picture...


The fact of the matter is that the list above is old and has grown to at least 60 since that tabulation was compiled.



So the next time an idea crosses your mind, go get some information about it so it won't die of loneliness.

Thank you for confirming what I said. The CIA and intelligence agencies have stopped none of those. Zero. ....

Oh, Lawd. You're dumber 'an I thought you were. Please forgive my overestimating you.

If you consider local police as members of an intelligence agency then my statement would be false. However doing so would stretch the definition of intelligence agency to unrecognizable limits don't you think?

The FBI and CIA never once examined the servers that were hacked.

Hmmm: FBI, CIA never examined DNC servers? - Hot Air

Frankly we would be better served to replace the intelligence agencies with a magic 8 ball.

Sent from my iPhone using

Oh, just shut up now while you still have shred of dignity to hold on to.

Ok. I've read your report from the Heritage Foundation. Nothing you have posted contradicts my statement that the Intelligence Agencies have not prevented one terrorist attack.

I've posted links which you ignore. I've posted more links and again you ignore them. The vague insinuation that you have the inside scoop is classy. Almost classy anyway.

There is no argument that the Russians told us about the Boston Bombers two full years before they struck. The FBI claims the Russians held back vital information. Apparently the Russians thought the Americans were at least half as effective in reality as they are in cinema.

There is no argument that the X-ray death ray was the result of a tip to the FBI by a Synagogue and other KKK members.

These facts are undeniable. Unless you are person who accepts the claims of the various intelligence agency types at face value.

All your report from the Heritage Foundation does is take these same discredited claims and put some colorful graphs in.

My own experience with intelligence types proves the truth of my earlier joke. Their motto is We bet your life. If I was the President they would deliver their briefings while wearing a clown suit complete with big nose that honked.

So to summarize since I believe that we are at an impasse. You have faith in the CIA and the rest of the so called intelligence types and I have none. Your faith is based upon discredited claims contained in a report. Mine is based upon personal experience and years of watching them screw up royally.

I will close with Robert Selden Lady and wish you a good day. I'd provide links but you wouldn't read them.

Sent from my iPhone using just won't stop. I'll have to take matters into my own hands. Bye.
Dude, did you write that in a fever? I can't believe you had the nerve to put up your ignorant, ill inspired opinion as though it is fact. That you made the same dumbass remark twice lays bare the profound anti-intellectualism and incuriosity that leaves you bereft of the self respect anyone having so much as one oar in the water might display by at least being embarrassed after having said it the first time.
  • Fifty Terror Plots Foiled Since 9/11: The Homegrown Threat and the Long War on Terrorism
    1. Richard Reid—December 2001
    2. Jose Padilla—May 2002
    3. Lackawanna Six—September 2002
    4. Uzair and Saifullah Paracha—March 2003
    5. Iyman Faris—May 2003
    6. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali—June 2003
    7. Virginia Jihad Network—June 2003
    8. Nuradin M. Abdi—November 2003
    9. Dhiren Barot—August 2004
    10. James Elshafay and Shahawar Matin Siraj—August 2004
    11. Yassin Aref and Mohammad Hossain—August 2004
    12. Hamid Hayat—June 2005
    13. Levar Haley Washington, Gregory Vernon Patterson, Hammad Riaz Samana, and Kevin James—August 2005
    14. Michael C. Reynolds—December 2005
    15. Mohammad Zaki Amawi, Marwan Othman El-Hindi, and Zand Wassim Mazloum—February 2006
    16. Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee—April 2006
    17. Narseal Batiste, Patrick Abraham, Stanley Grant Phanor, Naudimar Herrera, Burson Augustin, Lyglenson Lemorin, and Rotschild Augustine—June 2006
    18. Assem Hammoud—July 2006
    19. Liquid Explosives Plot—August 2006
    20. Derrick Shareef—December 2006
    21. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—March 2007
    22. Fort Dix Plot—May 2007
    23. JFK Airport Plot—June 2007
    24. Hassan Abujihaad—March 2008
    25. Christopher Paul—June 2008
    26. Bryant Neal Vinas—November 2008
    27. Synagogue Terror Plot—May 2009
    28. Raleigh Jihad Group—July 2009
    29. Najibullah Zazi—September 2009
    30. Hosam Maher Husein Smadi —September 2009
    31. Michael Finton —September 2009
    32. Tarek Mehanna and Ahmad Abousamra—October 2009
    33. The Christmas Day Bomber—2009
    34. Raja Lahrasib Khan—March 2010
    35. Faisal Shahzad—May 2010
    36. Paul G. Rockwood, Jr., and Nadia Piroska Maria Rockwood—July 2010
    37. Farooque Ahmed—October 2010
    38. Air Cargo Bomb Plot—October 2010
    39. Mohamed Osman Mohamud—November 2010
    40. Antonio Martinez—December 2010
    41. Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari—February 2011
    42. Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh—May 2011
    43. Yonathan Melaku—June 2011
    44. Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh—June 2011
    45. Emerson Winfield Begolly—August 2011
    46. Rezwan Ferdaus—September 2011
    47. Iranian Terror Plot -October 2011
    48. Jose Pimentel -November 2011
    49. Sami Osmakac—January 2012
    50. Amine El Khalifi—February 2012
And just in case your lazy ass three gallons of stupid in a two gallon bucket needs a damned picture...


The fact of the matter is that the list above is old and has grown to at least 60 since that tabulation was compiled.



So the next time an idea crosses your mind, go get some information about it so it won't die of loneliness.

Thank you for confirming what I said. The CIA and intelligence agencies have stopped none of those. Zero. ....

Oh, Lawd. You're dumber 'an I thought you were. Please forgive my overestimating you.

If you consider local police as members of an intelligence agency then my statement would be false. However doing so would stretch the definition of intelligence agency to unrecognizable limits don't you think?

The FBI and CIA never once examined the servers that were hacked.

Hmmm: FBI, CIA never examined DNC servers? - Hot Air

Frankly we would be better served to replace the intelligence agencies with a magic 8 ball.

Sent from my iPhone using

Oh, just shut up now while you still have shred of dignity to hold on to.

Ok. I've read your report from the Heritage Foundation. Nothing you have posted contradicts my statement that the Intelligence Agencies have not prevented one terrorist attack.

I've posted links which you ignore. I've posted more links and again you ignore them. The vague insinuation that you have the inside scoop is classy. Almost classy anyway.

There is no argument that the Russians told us about the Boston Bombers two full years before they struck. The FBI claims the Russians held back vital information. Apparently the Russians thought the Americans were at least half as effective in reality as they are in cinema.

There is no argument that the X-ray death ray was the result of a tip to the FBI by a Synagogue and other KKK members.

These facts are undeniable. Unless you are person who accepts the claims of the various intelligence agency types at face value.

All your report from the Heritage Foundation does is take these same discredited claims and put some colorful graphs in.

My own experience with intelligence types proves the truth of my earlier joke. Their motto is We bet your life. If I was the President they would deliver their briefings while wearing a clown suit complete with big nose that honked.

So to summarize since I believe that we are at an impasse. You have faith in the CIA and the rest of the so called intelligence types and I have none. Your faith is based upon discredited claims contained in a report. Mine is based upon personal experience and years of watching them screw up royally.

I will close with Robert Selden Lady and wish you a good day. I'd provide links but you wouldn't read them.

Sent from my iPhone using just won't stop. I'll have to take matters into my own hands. Bye.

Does this mean you put me on ignore? Awesome. So having no response to any links you ran and put your fingers in your ears and started singing lalalalala.

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