Former Clinton volunteer blasts Navy Seal Ryan's widow on Twitter, gets himself fired

*One awful person says an awful thing to a widower*

Board: All liberals are fascists and degenerates and need to be wiped off of the planet. Not up for debate.

If I had a dollar for every scapegoat that people threw up just so they could bash the left again.

Yes, Grillo is a shitty person. No he doesn't represent the entirety of the left. Chill out.

So you disagree with the tactics of the left to paint all conservatives as racists. That's good to know.

I do disagree with that. I don't paint an entire group as one thing because it's a characteristic of a small minority of said group.

Good. Spread the word to your buddies.

When one is classifying BEN CARSON as a racist homophobic xenophobic transphobic misogynist deplorable, they are on the wrong side.

The extremists on the left are doing just that. Their narrative is that anyone who doesn't ACTIVELY TRY TO DESTROY TRUMP is a racist homophobic xenophobic transphobic misogynist deplorable.

These assholes even attacked Van Jones for saying something positive about Trump's speech.

YOU MUST AGREE 100% with the most extreme views from the left, or you will be personally attacked.
Trump's vulgar display of using that poor woman for political gain was disgusting. Her husband died because of a poorly planned Yemen raid that was planned over dinner by Trump, Bannon, and Kushner. Pitiful.
Well look here! Conservatives wanting someone fired for politically incorrect free speech!!

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