Former FBI boss warns prosecutor might see Trump search warrant tossed out entirely

But the damage has already been done - the FBI, under Biden’s order, stole the Operation Hurricane documents revealing the extent to which the Dems sunk to oust a duly elected Republican president.
How can the government steal documents belonging to the government?

Pretty stupid.
How can the government steal documents belonging to the government?

Pretty stupid.
So the government owns the documents that detail how they committed fraud against the sitting president, and can decide whether the public gets to know the full extent of the corruption?

Regardless, if the warrant was illegal, so was everything that followed. The third-world thuggery the Dems employ is backfiring.
So the government owns the documents that detail how they committed fraud against the sitting president, and can decide whether the public gets to know the full extent of the corruption?

Regardless, if the warrant was illegal, so was everything that followed. The third-world thuggery the Dems employ is backfiring.
Yes, the government owns the documents about the governments activity.

Trump doesn’t own them. Neither do you.

You guys really believe whatever you’re told to believe, don’t you.
They stole enough of his personal property, didn't they?

Who's documents they are will ultimately be up to a judge to decide.
There’s no rational argument that government documents belong to Trump.

They didn’t steal personal property anymore than detaining someone to investigate a crime is kidnapping.

You guys would defend far worse being done to average citizens but god forbid someone treat Trump as a person subject to the laws of the country. You really do act like he’s above the rest of us.
There’s no rational argument that government documents belong to Trump.

They didn’t steal personal property anymore than detaining someone to investigate a crime is kidnapping.

You guys would defend far worse being done to average citizens but god forbid someone treat Trump as a person subject to the laws of the country. You really do act like he’s above the rest of us.

Not at all. Hillary had classified information on her personal server. She emailed some of those classified documents to her aid Ummmma. They were on the same laptop as her husband used to send dirty pictures of himself to strange women all over the world. I don't recall the FBI breaking into her home to take anything.

Yes, they did take Trump's personal belonging: his tax records, his passports, his attorney/client documents, and that's why the court needs to throw this search out of the courts and order the FBI to return every single document back to Trump. It's totally unconstitutional. If they feel Trump is not the rightful owner of those documents, they can get a subpoena for the records they want returned to them. If they don't return everything the court orders, they should hold Wray (or whoever is in charge of this raid) in contempt of court and should be jailed.
Not at all. Hillary had classified information on her personal server. She emailed some of those classified documents to her aid Ummmma. They were on the same laptop as her husband used to send dirty pictures of himself to strange women all over the world. I don't recall the FBI breaking into her home to take anything.

Yes, they did take Trump's personal belonging: his tax records, his passports, his attorney/client documents, and that's why the court needs to throw this search out of the courts and order the FBI to return every single document back to Trump. It's totally unconstitutional. If they feel Trump is not the rightful owner of those documents, they can get a subpoena for the records they want returned to them. If they don't return everything the court orders, they should hold Wray (or whoever is in charge of this raid) in contempt of court and should be jailed.
And the way they conducted the raid was for pure political theater - out of desperation. They had helicopters in the air and boats in the water, just to make it look like they were dealing with a dangerous spy selling secrets to the Ruskies.

People with a modicum of intelligence, and not driven by the hate-fest perpetrated against Trump by the Left, sees this for what it is.
Not at all. Hillary had classified information on her personal server. She emailed some of those classified documents to her aid Ummmma. They were on the same laptop as her husband used to send dirty pictures of himself to strange women all over the world. I don't recall the FBI breaking into her home to take anything.

Yes, they did take Trump's personal belonging: his tax records, his passports, his attorney/client documents, and that's why the court needs to throw this search out of the courts and order the FBI to return every single document back to Trump. It's totally unconstitutional. If they feel Trump is not the rightful owner of those documents, they can get a subpoena for the records they want returned to them. If they don't return everything the court orders, they should hold Wray (or whoever is in charge of this raid) in contempt of court and should be jailed.
There was no evidence to support a raid on Clinton’s or Huma’s homes. There was ample evidence to support a raid on Trump’s home. Obstructing justice will do that. Trump should have just complied. Don’t forget. They did subpoena him. Trump claimed he complied with the subpoena when he really didn’t. He should have complied. Then he wouldn’t have gotten raided.

Government documents belong to the government. They’re government property. The personal property commingled with government property ties Trump to the government property and is therefore evidence of a crime. The government routinely holds personal property that is evidence of a crime. That’s not unconstitutional at all. I don’t know what constitution you’re reading because the one we have allows law enforcement to seize property that is evidence of a crime.
Warns? Why does the former FBI head think that a pending decision based on the 4th Amendment deserves a warning? Sumthin ain't right in the FBI and hasn't been for a couple of years.
Oh he's a clown. Look him up.

Strzok was an "FBI boss" was McCabe.

Do you hold them is high regard?
There are clowns in every large (and not so large) organization.
What evidence do you have that Brock is one?
There was no evidence to support a raid on Clinton’s or Huma’s homes. There was ample evidence to support a raid on Trump’s home. Obstructing justice will do that. Trump should have just complied. Don’t forget. They did subpoena him. Trump claimed he complied with the subpoena when he really didn’t. He should have complied. Then he wouldn’t have gotten raided.

Government documents belong to the government. They’re government property. The personal property commingled with government property ties Trump to the government property and is therefore evidence of a crime. The government routinely holds personal property that is evidence of a crime. That’s not unconstitutional at all. I don’t know what constitution you’re reading because the one we have allows law enforcement to seize property that is evidence of a crime.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
And the way they conducted the raid was for pure political theater - out of desperation. They had helicopters in the air and boats in the water, just to make it look like they were dealing with a dangerous spy selling secrets to the Ruskies.

People with a modicum of intelligence, and not driven by the hate-fest perpetrated against Trump by the Left, sees this for what it is.

I'm watching old reruns of the classic TV show Mannix. It looked like a scene from that show.
I'm watching old reruns of the classic TV show Mannix. It looked like a scene from that show.
So true. All done to convince the gullible idiots (wasn’t that what the architect of Obamacrap called people who believed it would work?) that Trump was selling top secret shit to the Russians, and from the sound of some of these posters, it worked.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Good news. The warrant does exactly that.

Place to be searched is on page 3. Things to be seized is on page 4.

So true. All done to convince the gullible idiots (wasn’t that what the architect of Obamacrap called people who believed it would work?) that Trump was selling top secret shit to the Russians, and from the sound of some of these posters, it worked.
What about the gullible idiots that think he declassified all these documents? What about the gullible idiots that think he was cooperating? What about the gullible idiots who think that it's normal for presidents to have boxes of classified documents in their closets?
What about the gullible idiots that think he declassified all these documents? What about the gullible idiots that think he was cooperating? What about the gullible idiots who think that it's normal for presidents to have boxes of classified documents in their closets?

As a gullible idiot you should know

This, like everything else is a nothing burger

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