Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent: Mueller and McCabe Use Unethical and Coercive Tactics.....

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
.....Destroy Lives for Their Own Agenda!!!!

Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz has asked to post her letter to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in support of her friend and colleague retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who will be sentenced on Dec. 18.

In her letter to Judge Sullivan Special Agent Gritz describes an FBI culture immersed in corruption, bias and fear.

Gritz is also no fan of Andrew McCabe and describes him s vindictive, power-hungry, aggressive and unethical.

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It would seem crucial, seeing as how the corrupt FBI is central to the democrats/deep states unconstitutional control of the government, that any and all agents who are not part of the corruption come forward and blow this story wide open. If that would clean out the traitorous elements, the agency might have a chance to rebuild.
With all due respect........

.....Destroy Lives for Their Own Agenda!!!!

Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz has asked to post her letter to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in support of her friend and colleague retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who will be sentenced on Dec. 18.

In her letter to Judge Sullivan Special Agent Gritz describes an FBI culture immersed in corruption, bias and fear.

Gritz is also no fan of Andrew McCabe and describes him s vindictive, power-hungry, aggressive and unethical.

Read more at ...

It would seem crucial, seeing as how the corrupt FBI is central to the democrats/deep states unconstitutional control of the government, that any and all agents who are not part of the corruption come forward and blow this story wide open. If that would clean out the traitorous elements, the agency might have a chance to rebuild.

Here's a thought, you can't get someone for perjury if they don't lie. I hope he gets prison time.

Michael Flynn's Russia Timeline -
.....Destroy Lives for Their Own Agenda!!!!

Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz has asked to post her letter to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in support of her friend and colleague retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who will be sentenced on Dec. 18.

In her letter to Judge Sullivan Special Agent Gritz describes an FBI culture immersed in corruption, bias and fear.

Gritz is also no fan of Andrew McCabe and describes him s vindictive, power-hungry, aggressive and unethical.

Read more at ...

It would seem crucial, seeing as how the corrupt FBI is central to the democrats/deep states unconstitutional control of the government, that any and all agents who are not part of the corruption come forward and blow this story wide open. If that would clean out the traitorous elements, the agency might have a chance to rebuild.

Here's a thought, you can't get someone for perjury if they don't lie. I hope he gets prison time.

Michael Flynn's Russia Timeline -

Is that why the 2 FBI agents that interviewed him said he didn't lie and his 302 form was DATED only 7 months AFTER his interview, AND Muelhead has stonewalled the judge after requesting his 302 finally sent it REDACTED?....Penny knows what the CommieRATS tell her, no facts!
.....Destroy Lives for Their Own Agenda!!!!

Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz has asked to post her letter to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in support of her friend and colleague retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who will be sentenced on Dec. 18.

In her letter to Judge Sullivan Special Agent Gritz describes an FBI culture immersed in corruption, bias and fear.

Gritz is also no fan of Andrew McCabe and describes him s vindictive, power-hungry, aggressive and unethical.

Read more at ...

It would seem crucial, seeing as how the corrupt FBI is central to the democrats/deep states unconstitutional control of the government, that any and all agents who are not part of the corruption come forward and blow this story wide open. If that would clean out the traitorous elements, the agency might have a chance to rebuild.

Here's a thought, you can't get someone for perjury if they don't lie. I hope he gets prison time.

Michael Flynn's Russia Timeline -

Is that why the 2 FBI agents that interviewed him said he didn't lie and his 302 form was DATED only 7 months AFTER his interview, AND Muelhead has stonewalled the judge after requesting his 302 finally sent it REDACTED?....Penny knows what the CommieRATS tell her, no facts!

Since Flynn was so willing to lock Hillary up without any proof of wrongdoing, and he is guilty as sin, we need to lock him up and his son for alleged acts and lying. Bill Clinton got impeached for lying.
.....Destroy Lives for Their Own Agenda!!!!

Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz has asked to post her letter to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in support of her friend and colleague retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who will be sentenced on Dec. 18.

In her letter to Judge Sullivan Special Agent Gritz describes an FBI culture immersed in corruption, bias and fear.

Gritz is also no fan of Andrew McCabe and describes him s vindictive, power-hungry, aggressive and unethical.

Read more at ...

It would seem crucial, seeing as how the corrupt FBI is central to the democrats/deep states unconstitutional control of the government, that any and all agents who are not part of the corruption come forward and blow this story wide open. If that would clean out the traitorous elements, the agency might have a chance to rebuild.

Here's a thought, you can't get someone for perjury if they don't lie. I hope he gets prison time.

Michael Flynn's Russia Timeline -

Is that why the 2 FBI agents that interviewed him said he didn't lie and his 302 form was DATED only 7 months AFTER his interview, AND Muelhead has stonewalled the judge after requesting his 302 finally sent it REDACTED?....Penny knows what the CommieRATS tell her, no facts!


I know you low IQ ABNORMALS don't know how to use a search engine...

House Intel report: McCabe said agents who interviewed Flynn 'didn't think he was lying'
The Hill

May 4, 2018 · The report says McCabe, in particular, testified that the two agents who ... 2 officials at the FBI, respectively. ... Shortly after Flynn's meeting with the FBI agents, two senior officials from ..
.....Destroy Lives for Their Own Agenda!!!!

Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz has asked to post her letter to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in support of her friend and colleague retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who will be sentenced on Dec. 18.

In her letter to Judge Sullivan Special Agent Gritz describes an FBI culture immersed in corruption, bias and fear.

Gritz is also no fan of Andrew McCabe and describes him s vindictive, power-hungry, aggressive and unethical.

Read more at ...

It would seem crucial, seeing as how the corrupt FBI is central to the democrats/deep states unconstitutional control of the government, that any and all agents who are not part of the corruption come forward and blow this story wide open. If that would clean out the traitorous elements, the agency might have a chance to rebuild.

Attempt to discredit the persons investigating orange twit.

Nothing more, and nothing to see here either.
Since Flynn was so willing to lock Hillary up without any proof of wrongdoing, and he is guilty as sin, we need to lock him up and his son for alleged acts and lying. Bill Clinton got impeached for lying.
Even Comey spelled them out before exhonorating her..
.....Destroy Lives for Their Own Agenda!!!!

Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz has asked to post her letter to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in support of her friend and colleague retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who will be sentenced on Dec. 18.

In her letter to Judge Sullivan Special Agent Gritz describes an FBI culture immersed in corruption, bias and fear.

Gritz is also no fan of Andrew McCabe and describes him s vindictive, power-hungry, aggressive and unethical.

Read more at ...

It would seem crucial, seeing as how the corrupt FBI is central to the democrats/deep states unconstitutional control of the government, that any and all agents who are not part of the corruption come forward and blow this story wide open. If that would clean out the traitorous elements, the agency might have a chance to rebuild.

Here's a thought, you can't get someone for perjury if they don't lie. I hope he gets prison time.

Michael Flynn's Russia Timeline -

Is that why the 2 FBI agents that interviewed him said he didn't lie and his 302 form was DATED only 7 months AFTER his interview, AND Muelhead has stonewalled the judge after requesting his 302 finally sent it REDACTED?....Penny knows what the CommieRATS tell her, no facts!


I know you low IQ ABNORMALS don't know how to use a search engine...

House Intel report: McCabe said agents who interviewed Flynn 'didn't think he was lying'
The Hill

May 4, 2018 · The report says McCabe, in particular, testified that the two agents who ... 2 officials at the FBI, respectively. ... Shortly after Flynn's meeting with the FBI agents, two senior officials from ..

The report notes that Comey testified that "the agents ... discerned no physical indications of deception. They didn't see any change in posture, in tone, in inflection, in eye contact. They saw nothing that indicated to them that he knew he was lying to them."

And that what, makes him a good liar, aren't they trained to lie and pass a polygraph??
.....Destroy Lives for Their Own Agenda!!!!

Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz has asked to post her letter to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in support of her friend and colleague retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who will be sentenced on Dec. 18.

In her letter to Judge Sullivan Special Agent Gritz describes an FBI culture immersed in corruption, bias and fear.

Gritz is also no fan of Andrew McCabe and describes him s vindictive, power-hungry, aggressive and unethical.

Read more at ...

It would seem crucial, seeing as how the corrupt FBI is central to the democrats/deep states unconstitutional control of the government, that any and all agents who are not part of the corruption come forward and blow this story wide open. If that would clean out the traitorous elements, the agency might have a chance to rebuild.

Here's a thought, you can't get someone for perjury if they don't lie. I hope he gets prison time.

Michael Flynn's Russia Timeline -

Is that why the 2 FBI agents that interviewed him said he didn't lie and his 302 form was DATED only 7 months AFTER his interview, AND Muelhead has stonewalled the judge after requesting his 302 finally sent it REDACTED?....Penny knows what the CommieRATS tell her, no facts!


I know you low IQ ABNORMALS don't know how to use a search engine...

House Intel report: McCabe said agents who interviewed Flynn 'didn't think he was lying'
The Hill

May 4, 2018 · The report says McCabe, in particular, testified that the two agents who ... 2 officials at the FBI, respectively. ... Shortly after Flynn's meeting with the FBI agents, two senior officials from ..

The report notes that Comey testified that "the agents ... discerned no physical indications of deception. They didn't see any change in posture, in tone, in inflection, in eye contact. They saw nothing that indicated to them that he knew he was lying to them."

And that what, makes him a good liar, aren't they trained to lie and pass a polygraph??

Mueller and his band of Clinton/Obama shills offer no explanation regarding why they did not produce the original 302 or where it is currently located. They appear to be trying to claim that the original document has mysteriously gone missing. Is that really true?

Let’s think this through: The utterly corrupt FBI agent Peter Strzok and another, more junior, agent – whose name is Joe Pientka, although the fake news media continues to pretend to not know his identity – conduct an entrapment interview of General Flynn on orders from then-FBI Director Jim Comey and then-Acting Attorney General Sally Yates. They tell Flynn that this is just a friendly visit, that he has no need for legal counsel to be present, and then proceed to do their best to entrap him in a process crime.

At the end of the interview, Strzok and Pientka look at one another, shrug their shoulders, and agree that Flynn was not lying, or that if he did misstate anything, it was not intentional. We know this to be the case because James Comey himself has confirmed it multiple times under oath before multiple congressional committees.

So, standing there with their big bag of nothing, the senior agent Strzok looks at junior agent Pientka and says something like “have fun spending the next two hours memorializing this bag of nothing in your 302 form,” and walks down the hall to fill in his boss – the utterly corrupt Andrew McCabe – on the day’s failed entrapment effort. Pientka files an honest 302 report on the meeting, and that’s where it all ended. Well, until May, 2017, when the utterly corrupt Rod Rosenstein appointed the utterly corrupt Robert Mueller to become the Special Counsel who would take on the task of building an impeachment case against President Donald Trump.

Mueller spends a couple of months casting about for some bit, any bit of evidence that someone, anyone in the Trump Campaign had indeed “colluded” with the Russians during the 2016 campaign. By August, he too is holding the same big bag of nothing that agents Strzok and Pientka were holding at the conclusion of their January entrapment meeting with General Flynn.

After a discussion with Strzok – who had been on Mueller’s staff in June and July – the two decide that Flynn, who was intimately involved in the Trump Campaign, holds the keys to their kingdom. Flynn had, after all, had a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart in December 2015 at the behest of then-President-elect Trump. The call was nothing out of the ordinary – a get to know you kind of thing on behalf of an incoming President by that president’s future national security advisor – but it was something. Strzok and Mueller just had to find some hook they could use to start bullying Flynn into saying damaging things about Trump and his campaign.

So they go back to that January 24 meeting and Strzok says something like “hey, maybe that dang Flynn did lie to us after all,” and they call Pietka into the office. When Pietka arrives, Strzok and Mueller try to convince him to alter his original 302 from January.

But here’s the problem: Pietka is the rare non-corrupt FBI agent in the DC office, and he refuses to commit a federal felony by dishonestly altering his original 302 from the meeting. What to do?

Hey, no problem – it’s Peter Strzok to the rescue. Hell, this guy will lie about anything – dummying up a fake 302 form for the purpose of getting rid of President Donald Trump is an act of valor in his demented mind, as we have clearly seen from his thousands of text messages with his mistress, Lisa Page. So, Mueller’s people conduct an interview with Strzok, and voila! – the magic new 302 form from an interview conducted 8 months prior is created.

DB Daily Update ^
.....Destroy Lives for Their Own Agenda!!!!

Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz has asked to post her letter to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in support of her friend and colleague retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who will be sentenced on Dec. 18.

In her letter to Judge Sullivan Special Agent Gritz describes an FBI culture immersed in corruption, bias and fear.

Gritz is also no fan of Andrew McCabe and describes him s vindictive, power-hungry, aggressive and unethical.

Read more at ...

It would seem crucial, seeing as how the corrupt FBI is central to the democrats/deep states unconstitutional control of the government, that any and all agents who are not part of the corruption come forward and blow this story wide open. If that would clean out the traitorous elements, the agency might have a chance to rebuild.

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.....Destroy Lives for Their Own Agenda!!!!

Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz has asked to post her letter to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in support of her friend and colleague retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who will be sentenced on Dec. 18.

In her letter to Judge Sullivan Special Agent Gritz describes an FBI culture immersed in corruption, bias and fear.

Gritz is also no fan of Andrew McCabe and describes him s vindictive, power-hungry, aggressive and unethical.

Read more at ...

It would seem crucial, seeing as how the corrupt FBI is central to the democrats/deep states unconstitutional control of the government, that any and all agents who are not part of the corruption come forward and blow this story wide open. If that would clean out the traitorous elements, the agency might have a chance to rebuild.

Here's a thought, you can't get someone for perjury if they don't lie. I hope he gets prison time.

Michael Flynn's Russia Timeline -

Absolutely! Every BRASS WEARING military person should be sent a message, LOUD AND CLEAR!
.....Destroy Lives for Their Own Agenda!!!!

Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz has asked to post her letter to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in support of her friend and colleague retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who will be sentenced on Dec. 18.

In her letter to Judge Sullivan Special Agent Gritz describes an FBI culture immersed in corruption, bias and fear.

Gritz is also no fan of Andrew McCabe and describes him s vindictive, power-hungry, aggressive and unethical.

Read more at ...

It would seem crucial, seeing as how the corrupt FBI is central to the democrats/deep states unconstitutional control of the government, that any and all agents who are not part of the corruption come forward and blow this story wide open. If that would clean out the traitorous elements, the agency might have a chance to rebuild.

Here's a thought, you can't get someone for perjury if they don't lie. I hope he gets prison time.

Michael Flynn's Russia Timeline -

Is that why the 2 FBI agents that interviewed him said he didn't lie and his 302 form was DATED only 7 months AFTER his interview, AND Muelhead has stonewalled the judge after requesting his 302 finally sent it REDACTED?....Penny knows what the CommieRATS tell her, no facts!


I know you low IQ ABNORMALS don't know how to use a search engine...

House Intel report: McCabe said agents who interviewed Flynn 'didn't think he was lying'
The Hill

May 4, 2018 · The report says McCabe, in particular, testified that the two agents who ... 2 officials at the FBI, respectively. ... Shortly after Flynn's meeting with the FBI agents, two senior officials from ..

Poor little low intelligence Trumpkin(by definition abnormal)

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge abruptly postponed the sentencing of President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Tuesday, saying he could not hide his disgust for Flynn's crime of lying to the FBI and accusing him of selling out his country.

Lawyers for Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who pleaded guilty last year to lying to the agency about his Russia contacts, requested the delay during a stunning hearing in which U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan gave Flynn a blistering rebuke.

"Arguably you sold your country out," Sullivan told Flynn, who was flanked by his attorneys.

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